857 research outputs found

    Non-hermitian topology as a unifying framework for the Andreev versus Majorana states controversy

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    Zero-energy Andreev levels in hybrid semiconductor-superconductor nanowires mimic all expected Majorana phenomenology, including 2 e2∕ h conductance quantisation, even where band topology predicts trivial phases. This surprising fact has been used to challenge the interpretation of various transport experiments in terms of Majorana zero modes. Here we show that the Andreev versus Majorana controversy is clarified when framed in the language of non-Hermitian topology, the natural description for quantum systems open to the environment. This change of paradigm allows one to understand topological transitions and the emergence of zero modes in more general systems than can be described by band topology. This is achieved by studying exceptional point bifurcations in the complex spectrum of the system’s non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. Within this broader topological classification, Majoranas from both conventional band topology and a large subset of Andreev levels at zero energy are in fact topologically equivalent, which explains why they cannot be distinguishedWe thank J. Cayao for useful discussions in the early stages of this work. Research supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through Grants PGC2018-097018-B-I00, FIS2015-65706-P, FIS2015-64654-P, FIS2016-80434-P (AEI/FEDER, EU), the FPI programme BES-2016-078122, the Ramón y Cajal programme Grants RYC-2011-09345, RYC-2013-14645, the María de Maeztu Programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (MDM-2014-0377), and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the FETOPEN Grant Agreement No. 828948. We also acknowledge support from CSIC Research Platform on Quantum Technologies PTI-00

    Strain-induced bound states in transition-metal dichalcogenide bubbles

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    This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in 2D Materials. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1583/ab0113We theoretically study the formation of single-particle bound states confined by strain at the center of bubbles in monolayers of transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). Bubbles ubiquitously form in two-dimensional crystals on top of a substrate by the competition between van der Waals forces and the hydrostatic pressure exerted by trapped fluid. This leads to strong strain at the center of the bubble that reduces the bangap locally, creating potential wells for the electrons that confine states inside. We simulate the spectrum versus the bubble radius for the four semiconducting group VI TMDs, MoS2, WSe2, WS2 and MoSe2, and find an overall Fock-Darwin spectrum of bubble bound states, characterised by small deviations compatible with Berry curvature effects. We analyse the density of states, the state degeneracies, orbital structure and optical transition rules. Our results show that elastic bubbles in these materials are remarkably efficient at confining photocarriersWe acknowledge funding from the Graphene Flagship, contract CNECTICT-604391, from the Comunidad de Madrid through Grant MAD2D-CM, S2013/MIT-3007, from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Grants No. RYC-2011-09345, RYC-2016-20663, FIS2015-65706-P, FIS2016-80434-P (AEI/FEDER, EU) and the María de Maeztu Programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (MDM-2014-0377

    Majorana Zero Modes in Graphene

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    A clear demonstration of topological superconductivity (TS) and Majorana zero modes remains one of the major pending goal in the field of topological materials. One common strategy to generate TS is through the coupling of an s-wave superconductor to a helical half-metallic system. Numerous proposals for the latter have been put forward in the literature, most of them based on semiconductors or topological insulators with strong spin-orbit coupling. Here we demonstrate an alternative approach for the creation of TS in graphene/superconductor junctions without the need of spin-orbit coupling. Our prediction stems from the helicity of graphene's zero Landau level edge states in the presence of interactions, and on the possibility, experimentally demonstrated, to tune their magnetic properties with in-plane magnetic fields. We show how canted antiferromagnetic ordering in the graphene bulk close to neutrality induces TS along the junction, and gives rise to isolated, topologically protected Majorana bound states at either end. We also discuss possible strategies to detect their presence in graphene Josephson junctions through Fraunhofer pattern anomalies and Andreev spectroscopy. The latter in particular exhibits strong unambiguous signatures of the presence of the Majorana states in the form of universal zero bias anomalies. Remarkable progress has recently been reported in the fabrication of the proposed type of junctions, which offers a promising outlook for Majorana physics in graphene systems.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Included simulations of Andreev spectroscopy and mor

    Stacking boundaries and transport in bilayer graphene

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    Pristine bilayer graphene behaves in some instances as an insulator with a transport gap of a few meV. This behaviour has been interpreted as the result of an intrinsic electronic instability induced by many-body correlations. Intriguingly, however, some samples of similar mobility exhibit good metallic properties, with a minimal conductivity of the order of 2e2/h2e^2/h. Here we propose an explanation for this dichotomy, which is unrelated to electron interactions and based instead on the reversible formation of boundaries between stacking domains (`solitons'). We argue, using a numerical analysis, that the hallmark features of the previously inferred many-body insulating state can be explained by scattering on boundaries between domains with different stacking order (AB and BA). We furthermore present experimental evidence, reinforcing our interpretation, of reversible switching between a metallic and an insulating regime in suspended bilayers when subjected to thermal cycling or high current annealing.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures. Published version (Nano Letters

    Geometrical spin dephasing in quantum dots

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    We study spin-orbit mediated relaxation and dephasing of electron spins in quantum dots. We show that higher order contributions provide a relaxation mechanism that dominates for low magnetic fields and is of geometrical origin. In the low-field limit relaxation is dominated by coupling to electron-hole excitations and possibly 1/f1/f noise rather than phonons.Comment: Replaced with final published versio

    Majorana oscillations and parity crossings in semiconductor-nanowire-based transmon qubits

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    We show that the microwave (MW) spectra in semiconductor-nanowire-based transmon qubits provide a strong signature of the presence of Majorana bound states in the junction. This occurs as an external magnetic field tunes the wire into the topological regime and the energy splitting of the emergent Majorana modes oscillates around zero energy owing to their wave function spatial overlap in finite-length wires. In particular, we discuss how these Majorana oscillations, and the concomitant fermion parity switches in the ground state of the junction, result in distinct spectroscopic features --in the form of an intermitent visibility of absorption lines-- that strongly deviate from standard transmon behavior. In contrast, non-oscillating zero modes, such as topologically trivial Andreev bound states resulting from sufficiently smooth potentials, exhibit an overall standard transmon response. These differences in the MW response could help determine whether the junction contains topological Majoranas or not.Comment: 6 pages, 3 Figures. Includes a new discussion about quasiMajoranas in smooth junctions. Published version. See also accompanying paper arXiv:2003.0285

    Nonlocality of Majorana modes in hybrid nanowires

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    Spatial separation of Majorana zero modes distinguishes trivial from topological midgap states and is key to topological protection in quantum computing applications. Although signatures of Majorana zero modes in tunneling spectroscopy have been reported in numerous studies, a quantitative measure of the degree of separation, or nonlocality, of the emergent zero modes has not been reported. Here, we present results of an experimental study of nonlocality of emergent zero modes in superconductor-semiconductor hybrid nanowire devices. The approach takes advantage of recent theory showing that nonlocality can be measured from splitting due to hybridization of the zero mode in resonance with a quantum dot state at one end of the nanowire. From these splittings as well as anticrossing of the dot states, measured for even and odd occupied quantum dot states, we extract both the degree of nonlocality of the emergent zero mode, as well as the spin canting angles of the nonlocal zero mode. Depending on the device measured, we obtain either a moderate degree of nonlocality, suggesting a partially separated Andreev subgap state, or a highly nonlocal state consistent with a well-developed Majorana modeThis research was supported by Microsoft, the Danish National Research Foundation, the European Commission, and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Grants No. FIS2015-65706-P, No. FIS2015-64654-P, and No. FIS2016-80434-P (AEI/FEDER, EU), the Ramón y Cajal programme Grant No. RYC-2011-09345, and the María de Maeztu Programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (Grant No. MDM-2014-0377). C.M.M. acknowledges support from the Villum Foundation. M.-T.D. acknowledges support from State Key Laboratory of High Performance Computing, Chin

    Hall-effect and resistivity measurements in CdTe and ZnTe at high pressure: Electronic structure of impurities in the zincblende phase and the semi-metallic or metallic character of the high-pressure phases

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    We carried out high-pressure resistivity and Hall-effect measurements in single crystals of CdTe and ZnTe up to 12 GPa. Slight changes of transport parameters in the zincblende phase of CdTe are consitent with the shallow character of donor impurities. Drastic changes in all the transport parameters of CdTe were found around 4 GPa, i.e. close to the onset of the cinnabar to rock-salt transition. In particular, the carrier concentration increases by more than five orders of magnitude. Additionally, an abrupt decrease of the resistivity was detected around 10 GPa. These results are discussed in comparison with optical, thermoelectric, and x-ray diffraction experiments. The metallic character of the Cmcm phase of CdTe is confirmed and a semi-metallic character is determined for the rock-salt phase. In zincblende ZnTe, the increase of the hole concentration by more than two orders of magnitude is proposed to be due to a deep-to-shallow transformation of the acceptor levels. Between 9 and 11 GPa, transport parameters are consistent with the semiconducting character of cinnabar ZnTe. A two orders of magnitude decrease of the resistivity and a carrier-type inversion occurs at 11 GPa, in agreement with the onset of the transition to the Cmcm phase of ZnTe. A metallic character for this phase is deduced.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Incorporating bio-physical sciences into a decision support tool for sustainable urban planning

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    Deciding upon optimum planning actions in terms of sustainable urban planning involves the consideration of multiple environmental and socio-economic criteria. The transformation of natural landscapes to urban areas affects energy and material fluxes. An important aspect of the urban environment is the urban metabolism, and changes in such metabolism need to be considered for sustainable planning decisions. A spatial Decision Support System (DSS) prototyped within the European FP7-funded project BRIDGE (sustainaBle uRban plannIng Decision support accountinG for urban mEtabolism), enables accounting for the urban metabolism of planning actions, by exploiting the current knowledge and technology of biophysical sciences. The main aim of the BRIDGE project was to bridge the knowledge and communication gap between urban planners and environmental scientists and to illustrate the advantages of considering detailed environmental information in urban planning processes. The developed DSS prototype integrates biophysical observations and simulation techniques with socio-economic aspects in fiveEuropean cities, selected as case studies for the pilot application of the tool. This paper describes the design and implementation of the BRIDGE DSS prototype, illustrates some examples of use, and highlights the need for further research and development in the field
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