6,023 research outputs found

    Mean field study of structural changes in Pt isotopes with the Gogny interaction

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    The evolution of the nuclear shapes along the triaxial landscape is studied in the Pt isotopic chain using the selfconsistent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation based on the Gogny interaction. In addition to the parametrization D1S, the new incarnations D1N and D1M of this force are also included in our analysis to asses to which extent the predictions are independent of details of the effective interaction. The considered range of neutron numbers 88<N<26 includes prolate, triaxial, oblate and spherical ground state shapes and serves for a detailed comparison of the predictions obtained with the new sets D1N and D1M against the ones provided by the standard parametrization Gogny-D1S in a region of the nuclear landscape for which experimental and theoretical fingerprints of shape transitions have been found. Structural evolution along the Pt chain is discussed in terms of the deformation dependence of single particle energies.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The redshift and broad band spectral energy distribution of NRAO 150

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    Context. NRAO 150 is one of the brightest radio and mm AGN sources on the northern sky. It has been revealed as an interesting source where to study extreme relativistic jet phenomena. However, its cosmological distance has not been reported so far, because of its optical faintness produced by strong Galactic extinction. Aims. Aiming at measuring the redshift of NRAO 150, and hence to start making possible quantitative studies from the source. Methods. We have conducted spectroscopic and photometric observations of the source in the near-IR, as well as in the optical. Results. All such observations have been successful in detecting the source. The near-IR spectroscopic observations reveal strong Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta emission lines from which the cosmological redshift of NRAO 150 (z=1.517±0.002z=1.517\pm0.002) has been determined for the first time. We classify the source as a flat-spectrum radio-loud quasar, for which we estimate a large super-massive black-hole mass 5×109M\sim5\times 10^{9} \mathrm{M_\odot}. After extinction correction, the new near-IR and optical data have revealed a high-luminosity continuum-emission excess in the optical (peaking at 2000\sim2000\,\AA, rest frame) that we attribute to thermal emission from the accretion disk for which we estimate a high accretion rate, 30\sim30\,% of the Eddington limit. Conclusions. Comparison of these source properties, and its broad-band spectral-energy distribution, with those of Fermi blazars allow us to predict that NRAO 150 is among the most powerful blazars, and hence a high luminosity -although not detected yet- γ\gamma-ray emitter.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Real time phase-slopes calculations by correlations using FPGAs

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    J. Trujillo Sevilla ; M. R. Valido ; L. F. Rodríguez Ramos ; E. Boemo ; F. Rosa ; J. M. Rodríguez Ramos, “Real time phase-slopes calculations by correlations using FPGAs,” Proc. SPIE 7015, Adaptive Optics Systems, 70153B (July 11, 2008), Norbert Hubin; Claire E. Max; Peter L. Wizinowich , 7015 (Issue) 70153B, (2008). Copyright © 2008 SPIE Society of Photo‑Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.ELT laser guide star wavefront sensors are planned to handle an expected amount of data to be overwhelmingly large (1600x1600 pixels at 700 fps). According to the calculations involved, the solutions must consider to run on specialized hardware as Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) or Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), among others. In the case of a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor is finally selected, the wavefront slopes can be computed using centroid or correlation algorithms. Most of the developments are designed using centroid algorithms, but precision ought to be taken in account too, and then correlation algorithms are really competitive. This paper presents an FPGA-based wavefront slope implementation, capable of handling the sensor output stream in a massively parallel approach, using a correlation algorithm previously tested and compared to the centroid algorithm. Time processing results are shown, and they demonstrate the ability of the FPGA integer arithmetic in the resolution of AO problems. The selected architecture is based in today’s commercially available FPGAs which have a very limited amount of internal memory. This limits the dimensions used in our implementation, but this also means that there is a lot of margin to move real-time algorithms from the conventionalThis work has been partially supported by “Programa Nacional de Diseño y Producción Industrial" (Project DPI 2006- 07906) of the “Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia" of the Spanish Government, and by “European Regional Development Fund" (ERDF)

    Quadrupole-octupole coupling and the onset of octupole deformation in actinides

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    The evolution of quadrupole and octupole collectivity and their coupling is investigated in a series of even-even isotopes of the actinide Ra, Th, U, Pu, Cm, and Cf with neutron number in the interval 130N150130\leqslant N\leqslant 150. The Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation, based on the parametrization D1M of the Gogny energy density functional, is employed to generate potential energy surfaces depending upon the axially-symmetric quadrupole and octupole shape degrees of freedom. The mean-field energy surface is then mapped onto the expectation value of the sdfsdf interacting-boson-model Hamiltonian in the boson condensate state as to determine the strength parameters of the boson Hamiltonian. Spectroscopic properties related to the octupole degree of freedom are produced by diagonalizing the mapped Hamiltonian. Calculated low-energy negative-parity spectra, B(E3;3101+)B(E3;3^{-}_{1}\to 0^{+}_{1}) reduced transition rates, and effective octupole deformation suggest that the transition from nearly spherical to stable octupole-deformed, and to octupole vibrational states occurs systematically in the actinide region.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Herbage Mass and \u3cem\u3ein Situ\u3c/em\u3e Dry Matter Ruminal Degradation Kinetics of \u3cem\u3eBrachiaria\u3c/em\u3e spp

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    In Puerto Rico, Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk has been promoted as a potential forage for acid soils and humid areas, but with limited success. Recently, B. brizantha cv. Marandú and a hybrid (B. brizantha x B. Ruziziensis) cv. Mulato were introduced for evaluation on acid soils and as a potential replacement for cv. Basilisk, but little information is available on yield performance under grazing or nutritive value. The objective of this study was to assess herbage mass and nutritive value of grazed pastures consisting of Basilisk, Marandú, and Mulato and determine the rate of in situ dry matter degradation

    Octupole correlations in light actinides from the interacting boson model based on the Gogny energy density functional

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    The quadrupole-octupole coupling and the related spectroscopic properties have been studied for the even-even light actinides 218238^{218-238}Ra and 220240^{220-240}Th. The Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation, based on the Gogny-D1M energy density functional, has been employed as a microscopic input, i.e., to obtain (axially symmetric) mean-field potential energy surfaces as functions of the quadrupole and octupole deformation parameters. The mean-field potential energy surfaces have been mapped onto the corresponding bosonic potential energy surfaces using the expectation value of the sdfsdf Interacting Boson Model (IBM) Hamiltonian in the boson condensate state. The strength parameters of the sdfsdf-IBM Hamiltonian have been determined via this mapping procedure. The diagonalization of the mapped IBM Hamiltonian provides energies for positive- and negative-parity states as well as wave functions which are employed to obtain transitional strengths. The results of the calculations compare well with available data from Coulomb excitation experiments and point towards a pronounced octupole collectivity around 224^{224}Ra and 226^{226}Th.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, 1 tabl

    Sobre arqueologías de liberación en una “colonia postcolonial” (Puerto Rico).

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    This paper analyzes some historical and recent issues of the archaeological practices that are taking place in Puerto Rico and other eccentric contexts in order to expose the multiple vectors of colonialism that are embedded today in the structure and praxis of the discipline. Some of the recent manifestations of postcolonial thought (and its respective critiques) are used to contextualize the atypical socio-political situation of Puerto Rico, which has been recently characterized as a “postcolonial colony.” We suggest that the socio political context in which the archaeology of Puerto Rico was created and developed influenced enormously the structure of the discipline in the island, which has led to a colonized production of knowledge, narratives, and representations of our ancient history. We propose, as an alternative against the naturalization of colonialism in the practice of archaeology in the island and other eccentric territories, the articulation of a new moral and ethical order within the discipline that we have named “archaeologies of liberation”.Este artículo analiza algunos elementos históricos y recientes de la práctica arqueológica mundial y de Puerto Rico, con la finalidad de exponer los múltiples vectores de colonialismo existentes en la praxis y narrativa de la disciplina, tanto a nivel local como global. El eje central del presente análisis se fundamenta en algunas de las recientes manifestaciones del pensamiento postcolonial mundial (y las críticas hechas a éste) para situar a Puerto Rico en el atípico escenario sociopolítico en el que se encuentra. Se plantea que el contexto sociopolítico en el cual se creó y desarrolló la arqueología de Puerto Rico influyó enormemente en la estructura de esta disciplina, provocando que la producción de conocimientos sobre nuestra historia antigua haya estado (y siga estando) condicionada a prácticas, narrativas y representaciones culturales de carácter colonial. Proponemos, como alternativa en contra de la naturalización del colonialismo en la arqueología de la Isla y de otros territorios excéntricos, el surgimiento y desarrollo de un nuevo orden moral y ético al interior de la disciplina, el cual hemos denominado “arqueologías de liberación”

    High spatial resolution optical imaging of the multiple T Tauri system LkH{\alpha} 262/LkH{\alpha} 263

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    We report high spatial resolution i' band imaging of the multiple T Tauri system LkHα\alpha 262/LkHα\alpha 263 obtained during the first commissioning period of the Adaptive Optics Lucky Imager (AOLI) at the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope, using its Lucky Imaging mode. AOLI images have provided photometry for each of the two components LkHα\alpha 263 A and B (0.41 arcsec separation) and marginal evidence for an unresolved binary or a disc in LkHα\alpha 262. The AOLI data combined with previously available and newly obtained optical and infrared imaging show that the three components of LkHα\alpha 263 are co-moving, that there is orbital motion in the AB pair, and, remarkably, that LkHα\alpha 262-263 is a common proper motion system with less than 1 mas/yr relative motion. We argue that this is a likely five-component gravitationally bounded system. According to BT-settl models the mass of each of the five components is close to 0.4 M_{\odot} and the age is in the range 1-2 Myr. The presence of discs in some of the components offers an interesting opportunity to investigate the formation and evolution of discs in the early stages of multiple very low-mass systems. In particular, we provide tentative evidence that the disc in 263C could be coplanar with the orbit of 263AB.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, Accepted 2016 May