2,025 research outputs found

    Continuous infusion of an agonist of the tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 in the spinal cord improves recovery after traumatic contusive injury.

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    AimThe activation of the TNFR2 receptor is beneficial in several pathologies of the central nervous system, and this study examines whether it can ameliorate the recovery process following spinal cord injury.MethodsEHD2-sc-mTNFR2 , an agonist specific for TNFR2, was used to treat neurons exposed to high levels of glutamate in vitro. In vivo, it was infused directly to the spinal cord via osmotic pumps immediately after a contusion to the cord at the T9 level. Locomotion behavior was assessed for 6 weeks, and the tissue was analyzed (lesion size, RNA and protein expression, cell death) after injury. Somatosensory evoked potentials were also measured in response to hindlimb stimulation.ResultsThe activation of TNFR2 protected neurons from glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity through the activation of phosphoinositide-3 kinase gamma in vitro and improved the locomotion of animals following spinal cord injury. The extent of the injury was not affected by infusing EHD2-sc-mTNFR2 , but higher levels of neurofilament H and 2', 3'-cyclic-nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase were observed 6 weeks after the injury. Finally, the activation of TNFR2 after injury increased the neural response recorded in the cortex following hindlimb stimulation.ConclusionThe activation of TNFR2 in the spinal cord following contusive injury leads to enhanced locomotion and better cortical responses to hindlimb stimulation

    Evaluación de políticas y planes de salud

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    ResumenLa evaluación de los planes y de las políticas es un elemento clave de su gestión, y ha de hacerse en condiciones reales, las mismas en que se desarrollan los planes o las políticas que se desea evaluar. Como las políticas o los planes suelen incluir un conjunto de componentes que operan simultáneamente, y con frecuencia hay factores ajenos que afectan a los problemas que se quieren abordar con su actuación, su evaluación es compleja. De otro modo, una política efectiva que está reduciendo los efectos de un problema puede ser juzgada como inefectiva (si el problema crece por efecto de otros factores que el programa no pretende abordar), o una política que no consigue modificar el problema que la justifica puede ser juzgada como útil (si la magnitud del problema se reduce independientemente de la política por el efecto de otros factores). Este trabajo aborda la evaluación de políticas, planes o programas complejos de salud, con énfasis en la evaluación de su efectividad, utilizando datos de ejemplos reales. Entre otros aspectos, se revisa la necesidad de identificar los componentes de las políticas y de los planes. Además, se aborda cómo realizar la evaluación del producto o de los resultados del programa mediante indicadores procedentes de otras fuentes. Se valoran aspectos ligados a los plazos e indicadores para la evaluación. Se discute la situación planteada cuando la puesta en marcha de una política o de una intervención se acompaña de un incremento en la magnitud registrada del problema que se pretende abordar, valorando casos en que es atribuible a mejoras en la detección del problema y otros en que se debe a factores ajenos a la intervención. Se comenta la frecuente confusión de efectos entre intervención y otros sucesos, con ejemplos. Finalmente, se cubre también la evaluación de planes que incluyen una amplia variedad de objetivos.AbstractEvaluation of plans and policies is a key element in their administration and must be performed under real conditions. Such evaluation is complex, as plans and policies include a diverse set of components that operate simultaneously. Moreover, external factors frequently influence those same issues that programs attempt to change. Unless plans and policies are evaluated under real conditions, a policy that effectively reduces the effects of a problem may be deemed ineffective (if the problem increases due to the influence of factors the program does not attempt to affect), or a policy that is unable to influence the problem it attempts to solve may be judged useful (if the magnitude of the problem is being reduced through the influence of factors other than the policy). The present article discusses evaluation of health policies, plans or complex programs, with emphasis on effectiveness assessment, using data from real examples. Among other issues, the need to identify the distinct components of policies and plans is reviewed. This article also describes how to evaluate the outcome or results of a program with indicators from other sources. Aspects related to the timing of evaluation and assessment indicators are analyzed. We discuss situations in which the launch of a new policy or intervention is followed by an increase in the reported magnitude of the problem it attempts to solve. These situations are illustrated by cases in which this increase is attributable to improved detection and by others in which the increase is related to factors external to the intervention. The frequent confusion of the effects of the intervention with other events is covered, with data from some examples. Finally, evaluation of plans that include a wide range of objectives is also addressed


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    An ensemble approach to assess hydrological models’ contribution to uncertainties in the analysis of climate change impact on water resources

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    Over the recent years, several research efforts investigated the impact of climate change on water resources for different regions of the world. The projection of future river flows is affected by different sources of uncertainty in the hydro-climatic modelling chain. One of the aims of the QBic3 5 project (Que´bec-Bavarian International Collaboration on Climate Change) is to assess the contribution to uncertainty of hydrological models by using an ensemble of hydrological models presenting a diversity of structural complexity (i.e. lumped, semi distributed and distributed models). The study investigates two humid, mid-latitude catchments with natural flow conditions; one located in 10 Southern Que´bec (Canada) and one in Southern Bavaria (Germany). Daily flow is simulated with four different hydrological models, forced by outputs from regional climate models driven by a given number of GCMs’ members over a reference (1971–2000) and a future (2041–2070) periods. The results show that the choice of the hydrological model does strongly affect the climate change response of selected hydrological indicators, especially those related to low flows. Indicators related to high flows seem less sensitive on the choice of the hydrological model. Therefore, the computationally less demanding models (usually simple, lumped and conceptual) give a significant level of trust for high and overall mean flows

    On the need for bias correction in regional climate scenarios to assess climate change impacts on river runoff

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    In climate change impact research, the assessment of future river runoff as well as the catchment scale water balance is impeded by different sources of modeling uncertainty. Some research has already been done in order to quantify the uncertainty of climate 5 projections originating from the climate models and the downscaling techniques as well as from the internal variability evaluated from climate model member ensembles. Yet, the use of hydrological models adds another layer of incertitude. Within the QBic3 project (Qu´ebec-Bavaria International Collaboration on Climate Change) the relative contributions to the overall uncertainty from the whole model chain (from global climate 10 models to water management models) are investigated using an ensemble of multiple climate and hydrological models. Although there are many options to downscale global climate projections to the regional scale, recent impact studies tend to use Regional Climate Models (RCMs). One reason for that is that the physical coherence between atmospheric and land-surface 15 variables is preserved. The coherence between temperature and precipitation is of particular interest in hydrology. However, the regional climate model outputs often are biased compared to the observed climatology of a given region. Therefore, biases in those outputs are often corrected to reproduce historic runoff conditions from hydrological models using them, even if those corrections alter the relationship between temperature and precipitation. So, as bias correction may affect the consistency between RCM output variables, the use of correction techniques and even the use of (biased) climate model data itself is sometimes disputed among scientists. For those reasons, the effect of bias correction on simulated runoff regimes and the relative change in selected runoff indicators is explored. If it affects the conclusion of climate change analysis in 25 hydrology, we should consider it as a source of uncertainty. If not, the application of bias correction methods is either unnecessary in hydro-climatic projections, or safe to use as it does not alter the change signal of river runoff. The results of the present paper highlight the analysis of daily runoff simulated with four different hydrological models in two natural-flow catchments, driven by different regional climate models for a reference and a future period. As expected, bias correction of climate model outputs is important for the reproduction of the runoff regime of the 5 past regardless of the hydrological model used. Then again, its impact on the relative change of flow indicators between reference and future period is weak for most indicators with the exception of the timing of the spring flood peak. Still, our results indicate that the impact of bias correction on runoff indicators increases with bias in the climate simulations

    ¿Creare est unire? Esbozo de la metafísica de la unión de Teilhard de Chardin

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    Como hilo conductor subyacente en toda su obra, Teilhard de Chardin desarrolla la relación entre espíritu y materia. La materia (multiplicidad) y el espíritu (unidad) están relacionados así: la centricidad (unidad) depende de la complejidad (multiplicidad). Para Teilhard, no hay en el universo más que espíritu en estados o grados diversos de organización o de pluralidad. Si se la define como una cosa sin rastro de conciencia, la materia no existe. El Espíritu surge novedosamente por síntesis sucesivas, por lo que él llama ley de centro-complejidad. A partir de la centro-complejidad, presentamos aquí cómo Teilhard distingue tres zonas en el universo: la pre-viviente, la viviente y la del pensamiento (noosfera); y a la vez, exponemos cómo basa su filosofía de la creación en un monismo no materialista y en una especie de pansiquismo, para evitar un dualismo radical entre espíritu y materia, que le permite explicar en qué sentido el espíritu surge desde la unión de la materia. Basándose en su espiritualidad, Teilhard quiere integrar fe y ciencia para hacer una interpretación cristiana del mundo.As underlying leitmotiv throughout all his work, Teilhard de Chardin develops the relationship between spirit and matter. Matter (multiplicity) and spirit (unity) are related as follows: centricity (unity) depends on the complexity (multiplicity). Nothing in the universe exists but spirit in different states or degrees of organization or plurality for Teilhard. If it is defined as a thing without a trace of consciousness, matter does not exist. The Spirit comes innovatively by successive synthesis, by what he calls law of central- complexity. From the central-complexity, we present here how Teilhard identifies three areas in the universe: the pre-living, the living and thinking (noosphere); and yet, we expose how he bases its philosophy of creation in a non-materialistic monism and a kind of panpsychism, to avoid a radical dualism between spirit and matter, which enables him to explain in what sense the spirit emerges from the union of matter. Hence based on its spirituality, Teilhard wants to integrate Science and Faith for a Christian worldview

    Un sujeto inmenso. Refotografía, tiempo y ciudad

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    This study shows how through Rephotography is possible to reveal the changes in the dermis of the city, and above all, in the uses of the landscape, where the observer and his gaze are living. The project analyzes the work of Ricard Martinez and other authors using Rephotography for their projects. This methodology allows the creation of complex images, in which different photographs, or earlier views, taken over years, and centuries, are connected in the same place. The outcome are dense and intense images, capable of sustaining urban studies, art works or institucional and city symbols. They are gazes over time, preserved in our archives, and reconnected in an intergenerational collective mission.El presente estudio muestra como a través de la Refotografia es posible vislumbrar los cambios producidos en la dermis de una ciudad. Pero, especialmente, en los usos del paisaje, por donde el observador y su mirada transitan. El proyecto analiza el trabajo personal de Ricard Martínez, así como de otros autores que utilizan la Refotografia para sus proyectos. Esta metodología propicia la creación de imágenes complejas, donde se conectan diversas fotografías, o vistas anteriores a la invención fotográfica, tomadas a lo largo de años, incluso siglos, en un mismo lugar. El resultado son imágenes densas e intensas, capaces de sostener estudios urbanísticos, trabajos de autor o símbolos de instituciones y ciudades. Son miradas fijadas a lo largo del tiempo, custodiadas en nuestros archivos, y reconectadas en una misión colectiva intergeneracional

    Exploring the randomness of Directed Acyclic Networks

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    The feed-forward relationship naturally observed in time-dependent processes and in a diverse number of real systems -such as some food-webs and electronic and neural wiring- can be described in terms of so-called directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). An important ingredient of the analysis of such networks is a proper comparison of their observed architecture against an ensemble of randomized graphs, thereby quantifying the {\em randomness} of the real systems with respect to suitable null models. This approximation is particularly relevant when the finite size and/or large connectivity of real systems make inadequate a comparison with the predictions obtained from the so-called {\em configuration model}. In this paper we analyze four methods of DAG randomization as defined by the desired combination of topological invariants (directed and undirected degree sequence and component distributions) aimed to be preserved. A highly ordered DAG, called \textit{snake}-graph and a Erd\:os-R\'enyi DAG were used to validate the performance of the algorithms. Finally, three real case studies, namely, the \textit{C. elegans} cell lineage network, a PhD student-advisor network and the Milgram's citation network were analyzed using each randomization method. Results show how the interpretation of degree-degree relations in DAGs respect to their randomized ensembles depend on the topological invariants imposed. In general, real DAGs provide disordered values, lower than the expected by chance when the directedness of the links is not preserved in the randomization process. Conversely, if the direction of the links is conserved throughout the randomization process, disorder indicators are close to the obtained from the null-model ensemble, although some deviations are observed.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures and 5 table