738 research outputs found


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    The (DFNB) 1, 2 Dichloro-4-fluoro-5- Nitrobenzene structured to density functional theorystudies using B3LYP/6-31+G (d,p) method. Characterization was done by FT-IR ,FT Raman andNMR spectroscopy techniques. Molecular electrostatic potential study was also determined

    Check - list of estuarine and marine fishes of Parangipettai (Porto Novo) coastal waters.

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    A classified list of 410 species of fishes recorded from the coastal (neritic and estuarine) waters of Porto Novo is given. The marine fishes Dumber 215 while the estuarine ones are 125 in number. The list also includes 6 species reported for the first time from Indian waters

    Length-weight relationship and condition factor of Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Meretrix meretrix (Linnaeus, 1758) from Mumbai waters

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    Length weight relationship of the two commercially important molluscs P. viridis and M. meretrix was found to be W=-0.40263L super(2.044719) & W=-0.04359L super(2.2315498) respectively. Condition factor was recorded to be less than 1.0 for most part of the year in P. viridis and for M. meretrix it ranged from 0.39 to 4.61. The present study reveals that there was allometric growth in both the species and the growth was not satisfactory since it showed lower K-value during most part of the year

    sessment of ground water contamination in Erode District, Tamilnadu

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    A systematic study has been carried out to assess the water contamination and the effect of the tanneries and dyeing industries effluents on Erode District, Tamil Nadu. Ten (10) sampling locations were selected in and around industries. The water samples were collected from the selected sampling points. The samples were analyzed for major chemical water quality parameters like pH, EC, Ca, Mg, Cl, SO4, Na, CO3 and HCO3. The present investigation shows a constant variation in different parameters in different locations. So it is highly important to take periodical monitoring of the ground water quality in this region for future sustainability.Key words: Erode district, Tamilnadu, contamination assessment, tanneries and dyeing industries

    Influence of Chloride Ion on the Toxicity of Heavy Metal Mercury upon Vibrio parahaemolyticus

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    Heavy metal pollutants released into the coastal region certainly influence the bacterial population leading to the formation of metal resistant forms. The toxicity of mercury to different species of bacteria also vary. Among bacteria Vibrio parahaemolyticus play an important role in the disease of marine animals and human beings as pathogens. Hence the present study was aimed to understand the effect of mercury on the survival of two V. parahaemolyticus strains isolated from polluted uppanar estuary at different concentrations. (0, 1, 10, 25, 50 and 100 ppm) in the absence and presence of Nacl (1.75 and 3.5%) was carried out. Toxicity of mercury showed that  V. parahaemolyticus gradually decreased upto 1 ppm mercury and then there was a decline at higher concentration of mercury


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    The oxazole ring in the title compound, C20H23NO3, adopts an envelope conformation while the 12-membered ring is in a chair conformation. The dihedral angle between the benzene rings is 37.8 (1)°. The crystal structure displays inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonding

    Ascertaining the Extent of Contribution of Various Traits to Terminal Drought Tolerance in Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.)

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    Chickpea cropping system is largely rainfed and terminal drought is a major constraint to its productivity. Breeding for drought tolerance requires knowledge of the type and intensity of drought and the various traits and mechanisms employed by the plant to overcome the drought effects. The number of traits that are associated with terminal drought tolerance is overwhelmingly large and needs to be\ud prioritized and ranked for their strength of contribution to drought adaptation and to incorporate in breeding programs. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to understand the relative value of various putative traits that confer yield advantages under terminal drought stress in chickpea, and the traits that are amenable for high throughput and their association with molecular markers. Twelve chickpea genotypes, selected for contrast in root and shoot strength, field-based drought tolerance and canopy temperature differences were grown in terminal drought stressed and optimally irrigated environments. Root, shoot, soil water, physiological and analytical yield components were measured at periodical intervals and these related traits were associated with grain yield through correlations, regressions and path analysis. Path coefficient analysis revealed that root traits, RLD and RDW, were associated with grain yield and these relations were explained well if the active soil water mining zone roots were considered against yield. Roots of all the depths were associated closely with the total soil water uptake of the plants except at the surface and ultimate depths at any given stage. This close relationship..

    A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Interactive Video Information on Preoperative Anxiety among Patients undergoing Elective Abdominal Surgery in a Selected Hospital at Tirupur

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    A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Interactive Video Information on Preoperative Anxiety among Patients undergoing Elective Abdominal Surgery in a Selected Hospital at Tirupur. The aim of the study was to determine whether preoperative interactive video information made any significant difference on anxiety level of the patients in a selected hospital. The conceptual frame work used in this study was based on modified Titler,et al. Effectiveness model. (2004). A quasi experimental pre and post intervention two groups design was used to determine the effectiveness of interactive video information on preoperative anxiety. The samples consisted of 15 subjects in experimental and 15 subjects in control group selected by convenient sampling technique. The data from the preoperative patients were collected using self rating anxiety scale one day before surgery for the both the groups. After the data collection samples in the experimental group were shown the video clipping one by one, after each video clipping samples were encouraged to ask questions and clarify their doubts and samples were also given additional information on the particular clipping. On the day of surgery before the administration of premedication the level of anxiety was assessed by self rating anxiety scale for both the groups. For the control group doubts were clarified after assessing the anxiety level on the day of surgery. The anxiety was assessed in different areas namely state anxiety, Anxiety on pain, preoperative preparation, anesthesia, surgery, impact of daily living. In the experimental group significant mean score difference was seen between one day before and on the day of surgery. Significant difference is seen in all the areas, in state anxiety (t=5.16, df=14, P<0.05), anxiety on pain (t=3.07, df=14, P<0.05), preoperative preparation (t=2.96, df=14, P<0.05), anesthesia (t=5.84, df=14, P<0.05), surgery (t=5.03, df=14, P<0.05), anxiety on daily living (5.63, df=14, P<0.05). iii In the control group there was no statistically significant difference was seen in all the areas of anxiety. The results showed a significant reduction in the mean anxiety score of the experimental group (pre M=104.20 and post M=87.60) (t=2.9, df=14, p<0.05). But there was no significant reduction in the mean anxiety score among the control group. Majority of the patients in experimental group was reported that, the interactive video information was useful, felt very interesting and no difficulty in participating in interactive video information session. The study concludes that interactive video information was cost effective nursing intervention to reduce the anxiety level and promote comfort of the patients

    Association of PPARα Intron 7 Polymorphism with Coronary Artery Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    The allelic variants of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) can influence the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) by virtue of its effect on lipid metabolism. However, the role of PPARα intronic polymorphism with CAD has received little attention. The association of allelic variants G/C at intron 7 of the PPAR-alpha gene with CAD was examined in a hospital-based Indian population. PPAR genotyping was performed in 110 male patients with CAD and 120 age and ethnically matched healthy males by PCR amplification of the gene followed by restriction digestion. Presence of C allele showed a positive association with CAD (OR = 2.9; 95% CI [1.65–4.145]; P = .009) and also with dyslipidaemia (OR = 2.95, 95% CI (1.5–4.39); P < .05). Impaired lipid metabolism in carriers of the PPARα Intron 7C allele is possibly responsible for the predilection to CAD

    Task-based agricultural mobile robots in arable farming: A review

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    In agriculture (in the context of this paper, the terms “agriculture” and “farming” refer to only the farming of crops and exclude the farming of animals), smart farming and automated agricultural technology have emerged as promising methodologies for increasing the crop productivity without sacrificing produce quality. The emergence of various robotics technologies has facilitated the application of these techniques in agricultural processes. However, incorporating this technology in farms has proven to be challenging because of the large variations in shape, size, rate and type of growth, type of produce, and environmental requirements for different types of crops. Agricultural processes are chains of systematic, repetitive, and time-dependent tasks. However, some agricultural processes differ based on the type of farming, namely permanent crop farming and arable farming. Permanent crop farming includes permanent crops or woody plants such as orchards and vineyards whereas arable farming includes temporary crops such as wheat and rice. Major operations in open arable farming include tilling, soil analysis, seeding, transplanting, crop scouting, pest control, weed removal and harvesting where robots can assist in performing all of these tasks. Each specific operation requires axillary devices and sensors with specific functions. This article reviews the latest advances in the application of mobile robots in these agricultural operations for open arable farming and provide an overview of the systems and techniques that are used. This article also discusses various challenges for future improvements in using reliable mobile robots for arable farmin