962 research outputs found

    Conectando con el autismo: aplicaciones informáticas en el ámbito de los transtornos del espectro autista II

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    [Resumen] El objetivo principal es explicar cómo a través de varias teorías actuales, podemos elaborar un modelo de cómo funciona la mente de las personas con Trastornos del Espectro del Autismo (TEA) y dar ideas prácticas que se puedan llevar al contexto del aula o al trabajo con adultos, a través de soporte informático. En la primera parte, se da una visión general del funcionamiento de la mente de las personas con TEA, a través de ejemplos lo más visuales posibles (El continuo o espectro autista, Tríada de alteraciones y Comprendiendo el autismo). En la segunda parte se explica el trabajo realizado desde la Asociación a través del programa Intercentros “Disfrutando y aprendiendo con el ordenador”. Utilizando distintos programas informáticos, se presentan ejemplos de adaptaciones de actividades, cuentos,… Por último se hace un repaso de las páginas webs más interesantes en el campo de los TEA y una bibliografía de referencia

    Laser Peening Induced Shock Waves and Cavitation Bubbles in Water Studied by Optical Schlieren Visualization

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    AbstractA temporal and spatial study of the dynamics of generated shock waves and cavitation bubbles in water by laser peening using nanosecond Nd:YAG laser pulses is reported. False schlieren photographs of the zone surrounding the laser spot on the target were recorded by a fast ICCD camera. The developed experimental setup allowed us to obtain a visualization of the different phenomena (hemispherical, cylindrical and plane shock fronts, cavitation bubbles, phase disturbance tracks, plasma formation, etc.) that occur after the arrival of the laser pulse and that contain valuable information about the mechanical processes that take place on the sample

    Preferencias de formación continua entre los Titulados Universitarios en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte en activo en Galicia

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    Lifelong learning is an opportunity to be updated to the rapid changes in the acquisition of skills required by the labor market. However, the supply is often not in line with the needs. This article analyzes the training interests of University Graduates in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and their relationship with the professional fields and exits of the sports sector. An online survey was passed to 80 subjects who currently work in the Autonomous Community of Galicia. The design of the questionnaire was commissioned by a group of experts. In Galicia, University Graduates in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences are more inclined to training in the areas of Physical Activity and Health, Training, and Management of Sport. Likewise, they prefer specific formations of intermediate duration and face to face.La formación continua es una oportunidad de estar actualizado a los rápidos cambios en la adquisición de competencias que requiere el mercado laboral. Sin embargo, muchas veces la oferta no está acorde con las necesidades. Este artículo analiza los intereses formativos que tienen los profesionales Titulados Universitarios en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte, y su relación con los ámbitos y salidas profesionales en el sector del deporte. Se utilizó una encuesta on-line en la que participaron 80 sujetos que actualmente ejercen en la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia. El diseño del cuestionario fu encargado un grupo de expertos. En Galicia los Titulados Universitarios en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte en activo tienen mayor inclinación hacia la formación en los ámbitos de la Actividad Física y Salud, Entrenamiento, y Gestión Deportiva. Así mismo, prefieren formaciones específicas de duración intermedia y de carácter presencial

    Contribución de la innovación deportiva al crecimiento económico europeo

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    The European institutions have recognized the outstanding contribution to the sport sector is having on job creation, local economic development and intersectoral flows, becoming one of the pillars that allow help overcome the current difficulties due to the high resistance which has been shown in the environment of economic crisis we have been dragging. Sport can strengthen the socio-economic impact it has had, and even improve, through innovative services and products, which in any case must attend especially at the regional level, the key to success of any knowledge.Las Instituciones Europeas han reconocido la destacada contribución que el sector del deporte está teniendo en la creación de empleo, el desarrollo económico local y en los flujos intersectoriales, convirtiéndose en uno de los pilares que permitan ayudar a superar las dificultades actuales gracias a la gran resistencia que ha demostrado en el entorno de crisis económica que venimos arrastrando. El deporte puede consolidar el impacto socio-económico que ha alcanzado, e incluso mejorarlo, a través de servicios y productos innovadores, que en cualquier caso deberán atender sobre todo al nivel regional, clave del éxito de cualquier conocimiento

    Psychological wellbeing in physical education and school sports: A systematic review

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    Mental health in children and adolescents has become an increasingly important topic in recent years. It is against this backdrop that physical education and school sports play an important role in promoting psychological wellbeing. The aim of this review was to analyse interventions for improving psychological wellbeing in this area. To this end, a literature review was conducted using four databases (WOS, SPORTDiscus, SCOPUS and ERIC) and the following keywords: psychological wellbeing, physical education, and school sports. Twenty-one articles met the inclusion criteria. The results showed that interventions varied greatly in terms of duration and used a wide range of strategies (conventional and non-conventional sports, physical activity, games, etc.) for promoting psychological wellbeing, primarily among secondary school students. There was a lack of consensus as to the conceptualisation of the construct of psychological wellbeing, resulting in a variety of tools and methods for assessing it. Some studies also suggested a link between psychological wellbeing and other variables, such as basic psychological needs and self-determination. Finally, this study provides a definition of psychological wellbeing through physical activity based on our findings

    Biomechanical analysis of the penalty-corner drag-flick of elite male and female hockey players

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the kinematic sequencing in the penalty-corner drag-flicks of elite male and female field hockey players of international calibre. Thirteen participants (one skilled male drag-flicker and six male and six female elite players) participated in the study. An optoelectronic motion analysis system was used to capture the drag-flicks with six cameras, sampling at 250 Hz. Select ground reaction force parameters were obtained from a force platform which registered the last support of the front foot. Twenty trials were captured from each subject. Both player groups showed significantly (p < 0.05) smaller ball velocity at release, peak angular velocity of the pelvis, and negative and positive peak angular velocities of the stick than the skilled subject. Normalised ground reaction forces of the gender groups were also smaller than that of the skilled drag-flicker. By comparing these players we established that the cues of the skill level are a wide stance, a whipping action (rapid back lift) of the stick followed by an explosive sequential movement of the pelvis, upper trunk and stick

    Ab initio study of the influence of nanoscale doping inhomogeneities in the phase separated state of La1x_{1-x}Cax_{x}MnO3_3

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    The chemical influence in the phase separation phenomenon that occurs in perovskite manganites is discussed by means of ab initio calculations. Supercells have been used to simulate a phase separated state, that occurs at Ca concentrations close to the localized to itinerant crossover. We have first considered a model with two types of magnetic ordering coexisting within the same compound. This is not stable. However, a non-isotropic distribution of chemical dopants is found to be the ground state. This leads to regions in the system with different effective concentrations, that would always accompany the magnetic phase separation at the same nanometric scale, with hole-rich regions being more ferromagnetic in character and hole-poor regions being in the antiferromagnetic region of the phase diagram, as long as the system is close to a phase crossover.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl


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    Kelps are foundation species that provide important ecosystem services in temperate rocky shores worldwide. Similarly to terrestrial forests, healthy kelp forests are structurally complex as they are often arranged as patches composed by a multi-layered understorey of algae aggregations with different canopy adaptations. Over the last decades, several studies have reported a global kelp forest degradation, turning seascapes dominated by complex forest into structurally simpler mats of low-laying seaweeds. In NW Spain, golden kelp (Laminaria ochroleuca) canopy forests have recently receded within the limits of a MPA. This paradoxical loss inside a MPA allowed us to investigate the consequences of kelp forest collapse for other members of the biotic community, using nearby healthy kelp forest outside the MPA as a control. To assess these changes, four degraded sites within the MPA and four healthy kelp forest in nearby areas were sampled year round to assess the seasonal dynamics of understorey algae. Healthy and degraded kelp reefs had significantly different understorey assemblage compositions. However, unlike our expectations, these differences had little to none impact on the richness and diversity of the understorey assemblage. Moreover, understory differences were only perceptible when the assemblages were compared at the lowest taxonomic resolution (species). Unlike other studies, comparisons based on functional groups (canopy, sub-canopy, turf and crust) failed to detect any significant difference between healthy and degraded kelp forest