1,603 research outputs found

    The Hot Bang state of massless fermions

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    In 2002, a method has been proposed by Buchholz et al. in the context of Local Quantum Physics, to characterize states that are locally in thermodynamic equilibrium. It could be shown for the model of massless bosons that these states exhibit quite interesting properties. The mean phase-space density satisfies a transport equation, and many of these states break time reversal symmetry. Moreover, an explicit example of such a state, called the Hot Bang state, could be found, which models the future of a temperature singularity. However, although the general results carry over to the fermionic case easily, the proof of existence of an analogue of the Hot Bang state is not quite that straightforward. The proof will be given in this paper. Moreover, we will discuss some of the mathematical subtleties which arise in the fermionic case.Comment: 17 page

    Climatic, edaphic, and biotic controls over storage and turnover of carbon in soils

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    Soil carbon, a major component of the global carbon inventory, has significant potential for change with changing climate and human land use. We applied the Century ecosystem model to a series of forest and grassland sites distributed globally to examine large-scale controls over soil carbon. Key site-specific parameters influencing soil carbon dynamics are soil texture and foliar lignin content; accordingly, we perturbed these variables at each site to establish a range of carbon concentrations and turnover times. We examined the simulated soil carbon stores, turnover times, and C:N ratios for correlations with patterns of independent variables. Results showed that soil carbon is related linearly to soil texture, increasing as clay content increases, that soil carbon stores and turnover time are related to mean annual temperature by negative exponential functions, and that heterotrophic respiration originates from recent detritus (∌50%), microbial turnover (∌30%), and soil organic matter (∌20%) with modest variations between forest and grassland ecosystems. The effect of changing temperature on soil organic carbon (SOC) estimated by Century is dSOC/dT= 183e−0.034T. Global extrapolation of this relationship leads to an estimated sensitivity of soil C storage to a temperature of −11.1 Pg° C−1, excluding extreme arid and organic soils. In Century, net primary production (NPP) and soil carbon are closely coupled through the N cycle, so that as temperatures increase, accelerated N release first results in fertilization responses, increasing C inputs. The Century-predicted effect of temperature on carbon storage is modified by as much as 100% by the N cycle feedback. Century-estimated soil C sensitivity (−11.1 Pg° C−1) is similar to losses predicted with a simple data-based calculation (−14.1 Pg° C−1). Inclusion of the N cycle is important for even first-order predictions of terrestrial carbon balance. If the NPP-SOC feedback is disrupted by land use or other disturbances, then SOC sensitivity can greatly exceed that estimated in our simulations. Century results further suggest that if climate change results in drying of organic soils (peats), soil carbon loss rates can be high

    Evaluating Sensitivities of Economic Factors through Coupled Economics-ALMANAC Model System

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    Using crop models to simulate crop growth and productivity at a regional scale is a complex process designed to represent the observed impact of individual farmer decision-making on the agricultural landscape. Typically, during agricultural simulation efforts, the planting acreages have largely been based on a set of predetermined, static scenarios. In this study, we developed a system to dynamically enhance the Agricultural Land Management Alternative with Numerical Assessment Criteria (ALMANAC) crop simulation model through a two-way linkage with an economics land-use model. This coupled model approach integrated farmers’ land-use choices based on relative economic returns and produced dynamic land-use probabilities for ALMANAC simulations through a feedback loop. The coupled model approach was intercompared with static crop modeling through a historic acreage approach, and comparable accuracies were found from both modeling efforts for the 2014 growing season. Furthermore, as a proof-of-concept effort, the method was applied to evaluate the impact of two scenarios on crop simulations: major crops (maize, soybean, and wheat) intensification through price increases (e.g., market change) and incentivized grassland conservation (e.g., policy change). The results of this sensitivity study suggest that the coupled system has the capability to integrate economic factors into traditional crop simulation, allowing for insight into the impacts of changes in markets and policies on agricultural landscapes and crop yields

    Climate and nitrogen controls on the geography and timescales of terrestrial biogeochemical cycling

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    We used the terrestrial ecosystem model “Century” to evaluate the relative roles of water and nitrogen limitation of net primary productivity, spatially and in response to climate variability. Within ecology, there has been considerable confusion and controversy over the large-scale significance of limitation of net primary production (NPP) by nutrients versus biophysical quantities (e.g., heat, water, and sunlight) with considerable evidence supporting both views. The Century model, run to a quasi-steady state condition, predicts “equilibration” of water with nutrient limitation, because carbon fixation and nitrogen fluxes (inputs and losses) are controlled by water fluxes, and the capture of nitrogen into organic matter is governed by carbon fixation. Patterns in the coupled water, nitrogen, and carbon cycles are modified substantially by ecosystem type or species-specific controls over resource use efficiency (water and nitrogen used per unit NPP), detrital chemistry, and soil water holding capacity. We also examined the coupling between water and nutrients during several temperature perturbation experiments. Model experiments forced by satellite-observed temperatures suggest that climate anomalies can result in significant changes to terrestrial carbon dynamics. The cooling associated with the Mount Pinatubo eruption aerosol injection may have transiently increased terrestrial carbon storage. However, because processes in the water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles have different response times, model behavior during the return to steady state following perturbation was complex and extended for decades after 1- to 5-year perturbations. Thus consequences of climate anomalies are influenced by the climatic conditions of the preceding years, and climate-carbon correlations may not be simple to interpret

    On fermionic tilde conjugation rules and thermal bosonization. Hot and cold thermofields

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    A generalization of Ojima tilde conjugation rules is suggested, which reveals the coherent state properties of thermal vacuum state and is useful for the thermofield bosonization. The notion of hot and cold thermofields is introduced to distinguish different thermofield representations giving the correct normal form of thermofield solution for finite temperature Thirring model with correct renormalization and anticommutation properties.Comment: 13 page

    QED symmetries in real-time thermal field theory

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    We study the discrete and gauge symmetries of Quantum Electrodynamics at finite temperature within the real-time formalism. The gauge invariance of the complete generating functional leads to the finite temperature Ward identities. These Ward identities relate the eight vertex functions to the elements of the self-energy matrix. Combining the relations obtained from the Z2Z_2 and the gauge symmetries of the theory we find that only one out of eight longitudinal vertex functions is independent. As a consequence of the Ward identities it is shown that some elements of the vertex function are singular when the photon momentum goes to zero.Comment: New version as it will appear in Phys RevD 19 pages, RevTex, 1figur

    Quadratic programming model in the analysis of the logistical movement and marketing of Brazilian soybean

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    The purpose of this work was to analyze the logistical distribution of Brazilian soybean by applying a quadratic programming to a spatial equilibrium model. The soybean transportation system is an important part of the soybean complex in Brazil, since the major part of the costs of this commodity derives from the transportation costs. Therefore, the optimization of this part of the process is essential to a better competitiveness of the Brazilian soybean in the international market. The Brazilian soybean complex have been increasing its agricultural share in the total of the exportation value in the last ten years, but due to other countries' investments the Brazilian exportations cannot be only focused on increasing its production but it still have to be more efficient. This way, a model was reached which can project new frames by switching the transportation costs and conduce the policy makers to new investments in the sector.A proposta deste trabalho Ă© analisar a distribuição logĂ­stica da soja brasileira aplicando-se modelo de equilĂ­brio espacial de programação quadrĂĄtica. O sistema de transporte da soja Ă© um ponto importante na cadeia produtiva, pois a maior parte dos custos dessa commodity Ă© dada pelos custos de transporte. Nesse sentido, a otimização desse segmento Ă© essencial para aumentar a competitividade da soja brasileira no mercado internacional. O complexo soja brasileiro tem aumentado a sua participação nas exportaçÔes dos produtos agrĂ­colas nos Ășltimos dez anos, mas os investimentos de outros paĂ­ses faz com que as exportaçÔes brasileiras nĂŁo fiquem focadas apenas no crescimento da produção, mas, sim, na eficiĂȘncia de toda a cadeia produtiva. Dessa maneira, com a aplicação de um modelo de equilĂ­brio espacial de programação quadrĂĄtica, pode-se projetar novos cenĂĄrios alterando-se os custos de transporte dos diferentes modais, conduzindo polĂ­ticas para novos investimentos no setor de transportes.55256

    A note on the Landauer principle in quantum statistical mechanics

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    The Landauer principle asserts that the energy cost of erasure of one bit of information by the action of a thermal reservoir in equilibrium at temperature T is never less than kTlog2kTlog 2. We discuss Landauer's principle for quantum statistical models describing a finite level quantum system S coupled to an infinitely extended thermal reservoir R. Using Araki's perturbation theory of KMS states and the Avron-Elgart adiabatic theorem we prove, under a natural ergodicity assumption on the joint system S+R, that Landauer's bound saturates for adiabatically switched interactions. The recent work of Reeb and Wolf on the subject is discussed and compared

    Form Factors, Thermal States and Modular Structures

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    Form factor sequences of an integrable QFT can be defined axiomatically as solutions of a system of recursive functional equations, known as ``form factor equations''. We show that their solution can be replaced with the study of the representation theory of a novel algebra F(S). It is associated with a given two-particle S-matrix and has the following features: (i) It contains a double TTS algebra as a subalgebra. (ii) Form factors arise as thermal vector states over F(S) of temperature 1/2\pi. The thermal ground states are in correspondence to the local operators of the QFT. (iii) The underlying `finite temperature structure' is indirectly related to the ``Unruh effect'' in Rindler spacetime. In F(S) it is manifest through modular structures (j,\delta) in the sense of algebraic QFT, which can be implemented explicitly in terms of the TTS generators.Comment: 40 pages, Latex. Simplification of the algebra and updat

    Thermal Bogoliubov transformation in nuclear structure theory

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    Thermal Bogoliubov transformation is an essential ingredient of the thermo field dynamics -- the real time formalism in quantum field and many-body theories at finite temperatures developed by H. Umezawa and coworkers. The approach to study properties of hot nuclei which is based on the extension of the well-known Quasiparticle-Phonon Model to finite temperatures employing the TFD formalism is presented. A distinctive feature of the QPM-TFD combination is a possibility to go beyond the standard approximations like the thermal Hartree-Fock or the thermal RPA ones.Comment: 8 pages, Proceedings of the International Bogolyubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", August 23 -- 27, 2009, Dubna, Russi
