537 research outputs found

    The superconductivity of certain ternary molybdenum compounds

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    The objectives of this work were to measure the superconductivity and critical fields of (Cu1.5Mo4.5), (SmMo5S6), and (Pb0.9Mo5.1S6) in order to reproduce the published results, and by introduction of magnetic impurities into these semiconductors, observe the compensation effect

    Drug-induced endocrine blood pressure elevation

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    Patients with uncontrolled hypertension are at risk for cardiovascular complications. The majority of them suffers from unidentified forms of hypertension and a fraction has so-called secondary hypertension with an identifiable cause. The patient's medications, its use of certain herbal supplements and over-the-counter agents represent potential causal factors for secondary hypertension that are often overlooked. The current review focuses on drugs that are likely to elevate blood pressure by affecting the human endocrine system at the level of steroid synthesis or metabolism, mineralocorticoid receptor activity, or by affecting the catecholaminergic system. Drugs with known adverse effects but where benefits outweigh their risks, drug candidates and market withdrawals are reviewed. Finally, potential therapeutic strategies are discussed

    Gynecomastia and hypertension in a patient treated with posaconazole

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    Posaconazole therapy may lead to increased serum estradiol levels and development of gynecomastia. Early detection by endocrine hormone measurements may help preventing gynecomastia

    Activity of tribendimidine and praziquantel combination therapy against the liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini in vitro and in vivo

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    Opisthorchiasis, caused by the liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini, a food-borne trematode, is an important public health problem; however, only a single drug, praziquantel is available. We investigated tribendimidine-praziquantel combinations against O. viverrini in vitro and in vivo. The IC50 values of 0.16μg/ml and 0.05μg/ml were determined for praziquantel and tribendimidine, respectively, against adult O. viverrini in vitro. When O. viverrini was exposed to both drugs simultaneously (using a drug ratio based on the IC50 (1:3.2)) a synergistic effect was calculated (combination index (CI) at the IC50=0.7). A similar result was observed when drug addition in vitro was spaced by the respective half-lives of the drugs (a CI of 0.78 at the IC50 for tribendimidine followed by praziquantel and a CI of 0.47 at the IC50 for praziquantel followed by tribendimidine). In vivo median-effect dose (ED50) values of 191mg/kg and 147mg/kg were calculated for praziquantel and tribendimidine, respectively. Low to moderate worm burden reductions (38-62%) were observed in O. viverrini infected hamsters when both drugs were administered simultaneously or on subsequent days, pointing to antagonistic effects in vivo. Further studies are necessary to understand the striking differences between the in vitro and in vivo observations using combinations of praziquantel and tribendimidine on O. viverrin

    Posaconazole-Induced Hypertension Due to Inhibition of 11β-Hydroxylase and 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 2

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    We describe two cases of hypertension and hypokalemia due to mineralocorticoid excess caused by posaconazole treatment of coccidioidomycosis and rhinocerebral mucormycosis infections, respectively. Clinical laboratory evaluations, including a comprehensive analysis of blood and urine steroid profiles, revealed low renin and aldosterone and indicated as the underlying mechanism primarily a block of 11β-hydroxylase activity in patient 1, whereas patient 2 displayed weaker 11β-hydroxylase but more pronounced 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 inhibition. The results show that both previously suggested mechanisms must be considered and emphasize significant interindividual differences in the contribution of each enzyme to the observed mineralocorticoid excess phenotype. The mineralocorticoid symptoms of patient 1 resolved after replacement of posaconazole therapy by isavoconazole, and posaconazole dosage de-escalation ameliorated the effects in patient 2. By providing a thorough analysis of the patients' blood and urine steroid metabolites, this report adds further evidence for two individually pronounced mechanisms of posaconazole-induced hypertension and hypokalemia. The elucidation of the factors responsible for the individual phenotype warrants further research

    Risk profiling and efficacy of albendazole against the hookworms Necator americanus and Ancylostoma ceylanicum in Cambodia to support control programs in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific

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    Background: Hookworm disease is endemic throughout many parts of the Asia Pacific, despite targeted control programs of at-risk populations. The success of these programs has been hindered by the limited efficacy of widely-used mebendazole, rapid re-infection rates linked to persistent reservoirs of untreated people and dogs, and the low sensitivity of conventional coprodiagnostic techniques employed. Methods: Here, we used standard faecal flotation (SFF) and a multiplex qPCR (mqPCR) assay to calculate and compare species-specific cure and egg reduction rates of single dose albendazole (400 mg) against hookworm infections at community level. Data from a cross-sectional survey in 1,232 people from Cambodia were used to inform a generalised linear mixed model to identify risk factors linked to hookworm infection(s) at baseline. Furthermore, we calculated risk factors associated to the probability of being cured after albendazole administration. Findings: Overall, 13.5% of all 1,232 people tested by SFF were positive for hookworm infection(s). Most (80.1%) infected people were >12 years of age, hence above the age targeted by the WHO control program. We estimate that as age increases, the odds of being infected increases at a faster rate for females than for males. We revealed a substantial difference in cure rate of hookworm infection(s) following albendazole treatment using the SFF (81.5%) and mqPCR (46.4%) assays, and provide the first data on the efficacy of this drug against the zoonotic hookworm Ancylostoma ceylanicum. We estimated that as age increases by one year, the odds of being cured decreases by 0.4%-3.7%. Similarly, the odds of being cured for people who boiled drinking water was estimated to be between 1.02 and 6.82. Interpretation: These findings show that the adoption of refined diagnostic techniques is central to monitoring hookworm infection(s) and the success of control strategies, which can ultimately aid in reducing associated morbidity in human populations. The approach taken is likely to be directly applicable to other parts of Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific, where specific epidemiological conditions might hamper the success of targeted treatment programs. Funding: Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences Strategic Research Funds, The University of Melbourne

    Control of Schistosoma mekongi in Cambodia: results of eight years of control activities in the two endemic provinces

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    In Cambodia, schistosomiasis is transmitted in the provinces of Kratie and Stung Treng where approximately 80 000 individuals are estimated to be at risk of infection. The baseline prevalence of infection was estimated to be between 73% and 88%, and cases of severe morbidity (hepatosplenomegaly, puberty retardation) and mortality were very common. In 1994, the Ministry of Health of Cambodia started schistosomiasis control applying universal chemotherapy with praziquantel (40 mg/kg). The coverage of the programme was between 62% and 86% for 8 years. This simple control measure resulted in the control of the disease: no cases were reported in 2004 and only three cases were reported in 2005. In addition, there are no longer reports of cases of severe morbidity due to schistosomiasis. Since the beginning of the control programme, a single dose of mebendazole (500 mg) has been combined with praziquantel during the mass chemotherapy; as a result the prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides and hookworms dropped from 74.5% to 10% and from 86% to 40% respectively. The experience in Cambodia demonstrates that, with political commitment, control of parasitic diseases is achievable even in a situation of minimal resources. The programme represents a successful model for other developing countrie
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