674 research outputs found

    Transistor servo system including a unique differential amplifier circuit Patent

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    Electric motor control system with pulse width modulation for providing automatic null seeking serv

    Induction motor control system with voltage controlled oscillator circuit

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    A voltage controlled oscillator circuit is reported in which there are employed first and second differential amplifiers. The first differential amplifier, being employed as an integrator, develops equal and opposite slopes proportional to an input voltage, and the second differential amplifier functions as a comparator to detect equal amplitude positive and negative selected limits and provides switching signals which gate a transistor switch. The integrating differential amplifier is switched between charging and discharging modes to provide an output of the first differential amplifier which upon the application of wave shaping provides a substantially sinusoidal output signal. A two phased version with a second integrator provides a second 90 deg phase shifted output for induction motor control

    Effect of Regularly Scheduled Class Meetings on the Self Concept of Emotionally Disturbed Adolescent Males

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    The effect of regularly scheduled class meetings on the self concept and academic performance of emotionally disturbed adolescent males was investigated. Twelve boys, ranging in age from twelve to fifteen participated in the study. The Tennessee Self Concept Scale was administered to the subjects in the control group (n=6) and the experimental group (n=6) at the beginning and again at the end of a six month treatment period. During the treatment period, the experimental group participated in bi-weekly class meetings held for the following purposes: 1) to compliment each other, 2) to help each other, 3) to solve problems, and 4) to plan events (Nelsen, 1987). The subjects in the control group did not participate in class meetings. Scores obtained by each subject on midterm and final exams in English were compared to determine change in academic performance. Results indicated no significant change in self concept or academic performance (p \u3e .05). However, when comparing the total decrease in the scores of the control group with the total increase in the scores of the experimental group on English exams, a significant difference was found (p \u3c .01). Minutes were recorded during all class meetings. Positive changes such as an increase in self control, cooperation and enthusiasm were noted by the investigator

    Influence of vicarious reinforcement on an observer\u27s speed of conflict resolution

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    Conflict, expressed parsimoniously yet meaningfully, result from competition between incompatible responses (miller 1944). Conflict identified in this manner must be distinguished from a psychoanalytic definition invoking internal dynamic states and forces as explanatory concepts. In the interest of working with behaviors that are more readily observable and measurable, this paper will focus on conflict as defined in the first sense. Lewin (1931), in particular, was instrumental in launching a concept of conflict based psychological field forces. Field forces, which were considered to be acquired, were said to have valences which had a point of application, strength, and direction. Valences could be positive in that they elicited approach responses, or negative in that they evoked avoidant or withdrawal behavior. Further, the organism\u27s actions with respect to valences could be described as impulsive in nature, voluntary, \u27appropriate \u27 or \u27inappropriate\u27

    Housing Affordability in Lexington, Kentucky

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    Excerpt from the executive summary: The rapid rise in housing prices that occurred between 1990 and 2006 led many communities, including Lexington, Kentucky, to become concerned about whether individuals who hold “typical” jobs—such as teachers and police officers—could continue to live in the communities where they worked. Unfortunately, given the lack of recent detailed studies examining the affordability of housing in Fayette County (which contains Lexington), it is hard to know whether concerns about affordable housing are justified. In response to this lack of information, the Home Builders Association of Lexington and the Lexington-Bluegrass Association of Realtors (LBAR) requested that the Center for Business and Economic Researcher (CBER) at the University of Kentucky examine the issue of housing affordability in Fayette County. This report contains the results of our investigation

    Analisis Life Cycle Cost PAda Rumah Bersubsidi (Studi Kasus : Perumahan Sukajaya Asri Desa Tarai Bangun Kabupaten Kampar)

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    Pada saat ini pemerintah Indonesia sedang melaksanakan program subsidi sejuta rumah untuk masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah (MBR) agar terciptanya keseimbangan antara kebutuhan dan penyediaan tempat tinggal. Pembangunan rumah bersubsidi pada umumnya menggunakan bahan bangunan standar artinya terjadi pemilihan bahan bangunan dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau bertujuan untuk menurunkan biaya awal bangunan. Pembangunan dengan kualitas bahan bangunan yang kurang tepat dapat mengakibatkan bangunan cepat mengalami kerusakan. Frekuensi pergantian dan perbaikan akan semakin sering dilakukan selama umur rencana sehingga menyebabkan biaya pemeliharaan yang tinggi dan biaya keseluruhan siklus proyek juga akan tinggi. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis nilai ekonomis pada Rumah Bersubsidi, Perumahan Sukajaya Asri Desa Tarai Bangun adalah Analisis Life Cycle Cost (LCC). LCC meliputi biaya awal yaitu perencanaan dan pembangunan, biaya pemeliharaan yaitu perawatan rutin dan perbaikan, serta biaya perobohan dan daur ulang bahan – bahan yang tidak digunakan, ini dilakukan ketika bangunan sudah tidak berfungsi lagi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh hasil Analisis LCC Aktual dan mengetahui bobot dan biaya pemeliharaan terbesar pada komponen arsitektural rumah bersubsidi tersebut. Berdasarkan Analisis Life Cycle Cost (LCC) pada Rumah Bersubsidi, Perumahan Sukajaya Asri Desa Tarai Bangun Kabupaten Kampar, maka dihasilkan total biaya pemeliharaan komponen arsitektural pada rumah bersubsidi tersebut selama 20 tahun adalah Rp. 186.305.425,51 dengan rincian yaitu bobot pemeliharaan atap 18,05% dengan biaya Rp. 33.630.587,33, bobot pemeliharaan plafond 10,09% dengan biaya Rp. 18.795.037,03, bobot pemeliharaan cat dinding 7,04% dengan biaya Rp. 13.123.585,99, bobot pemeliharaan pelapis lantai 2,61% dengan biaya Rp. 4.867.001,61 dan bobot pemeliharaan pintu dan jendela 62,20% dengan biaya Rp. 115.889.213,55. Biaya pemeliharaan terbesar ada pada pemeliharaan pintu dan jendela dengan bobot 62,20%. Kata kunci : Life Cycle Cost, siklus proyek, arsitektural, biaya pemeliharaan, rumah bersubsid

    Efektivitas Pengelolaan Modal Kerja Dalam Meningkatkan Profitabilitas Dan Menjaga Tingkat Likuiditas (Studi Penelitian Pada Kud “Karya Bhakti” Jombang Tahun 2011-2015)

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    The use of net working capital, or working capital is very important for the analyzer internally and externally, in addition to the problem of working capital is closely related to the company\u27s daily operations also indicates the level of security or margin of savety creditors mainly short-term creditors. The purpose of this study was to determine the effective management of working capital at KUD “Karya Bhakti” towards increased profitability and maintain liquidity. Type of research include descriptive using a case study approach. The research location KUD "Karya Bhakti". The data used are primary data and secondary data. Results found indicate that conditions profitability ratio increased cooperation in 2011-2016, showed that KUD "Karya Bhakti" improve the effectiveness of an increase in the use of assets in generating profits. The level of liquidity can be maintained so that KUD "Karya Bhakti" can be said to be good. It is important for the cooperative to streamline the amount of cash, in order to draw up budget cash management were really appropriate for the cooperative in accordance with well finance. It requires management policy in order to manage accounts receivable turnover increased and the number of cooperatives soon paid off at maturity

    Stand and coarse woody debris dynamics in subalpine Norway spruce forests withdrawn from regular management

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    We studied structural characteristics, amount and quality of coarse woody debris (CWD), intensity of competition and mortality in two subalpine Norway spruce stands withdrawn from regular management. The stands, that we measured twice (in 1993 and 2005), have similar age and structure, but a different time has elapsed since the last silvicultural treatments (respectively 22 and about 55 y). The main purposes were to analyze the current stage of development as compared to the old-growth one and to highlight the legacies of past management. Although relatively old, the first plot (Valbona 1) was at the end of the pole stage. CWD was low in volume and was mainly of man-made origin (stumps). A recent thinning from below has reduced density-dependent competition and delayed the development of old-growth characteristics. The second plot (Valbona 2a) was at the beginning of the transition stage, with density-dependent and allogenic mortality both active at the same time. CWD volume was higher in plot Valbona 2a than in Valbona 1, but neither was comparable yet to the reference old-growth sites from Central Europe, both in quantity and in quality (e.g., decay rate continuity). The effects of the past management were: (1) reducing the quality and quantity of the CWD, (2) alleviating competition, (3) increasing resistance to minor disturbances and, as a consequence, (4) delaying the development processes. In mature or overmature subalpine Norway spruce stands withdrawn from regular management many decades are necessary to develop old-growth characteristics and a longer period of time is necessary to reach a true old-growth stage

    Development and psychometric evaluation of the nurse caring patient scale

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    Thesis advisor: Dorothy A. JonesA metasynthesis of 90 published qualitative studies was conducted on the nurses’, students’, and patients’ perception of nurse caring. A mid-range theory of Nurse Caring emerged from the data, including three attributes: Presence, Concern for the Other, Knowledgeable, Competent Care, and Respect for the Person. The Nurse Caring Patient Scale (NCPS) was developed from patient descriptors within the metasynthesis. NCPS was tested to establish the psychometric properties of the instrument with 341 adult acute in-patients of a northeastern United States metropolitan teaching medical center. Initial reliability for total NCPS was .92. Factor analysis using principal components analysis with varimax rotation resulted in a parsimonious three factor solution that accounted for 50.49 % of the total variance. The final NCPS was 23 items with an alpha of .91. Component 1 (Presence, Concern for the Other) was comprised of 11 items with an alpha of .89. Component 2 (Knowledgeable, Competent Care) contained five items with an alpha of .77. Component 3 (Respect for the Person) had seven items and an alpha of .73. Participants were asked to write about an experience with a nurse. Components of caring and uncaring experiences described by participants did not add to the body of data from the metasynthesis or to the items of the NCPS. This study was limited by sample population, and the items of NCPS may be applicable only to those included in the synthesized qualitative studies. The metasynthesis of qualitative studies and mid-range theory of Nurse Caring add to the theoretical concept of caring by including the patients’ perceptions of the nurse-patient encounter. Components of Nurse Caring add competency, and respect to presence with the patient for a comprehensive definition of caring. NCPS offers nurses and administrators a valid reliable measure for patient perceptions of quality of care and satisfaction that were until now unseen and unmeasured. The theory of Nurse Caring provides nurse educators with a framework for nursing curricula, since the theory incorporates all aspects of nursing practice within its definition.Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2008.Submitted to: Boston College. Connell School of Nursing.Discipline: Nursing
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