3,385 research outputs found

    The Applegate mechanism in Post-Common-Envelope Binaries: Investigating the role of rotation

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    Eclipsing time variations (ETVs) are observed in many close binary systems. In particular, for several post-common-envelope binaries (PCEBs) that consist of a white dwarf and a main sequence star, the O-C diagram suggests that real or apparent orbital period variations are driven by Jupiter-mass planets or as a result of magnetic activity, the so-called Applegate mechanism. The latter explains orbital period variations as a result of changes in the stellar quadrupole moment due to magnetic activity. We explore the feasibility of driving ETVs via the Applegate mechanism for a sample of PCEB systems, including a range of different rotations. Using the MESA code we evolve 12 stars with different masses and rotation rates. We apply a simple dynamo model to their radial profiles to investigate on which scale the predicted activity cycle matches the observed modulation period, and quantify the uncertainty, and further calculate the required energies to drive que Applegate mechanism. We show that the Applegate mechanism is energetically feasible in 5 PCEB systems, and note that these are the systems with the highest rotation rate compared to the critical rotation rate of the main-sequence star. The results suggest that the ratio of physical to critical rotation in the main sequence star is an important indicator for the feasibility of Applegate's mechanism, but exploring larger samples will be necessary to probe this hypothesis.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Floquet theory for temporal correlations and spectra in time-periodic open quantum systems: Application to squeezed parametric oscillation beyond the rotating-wave approximation

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    Open quantum systems can display periodic dynamics at the classical level either due to external periodic modulations or to self-pulsing phenomena typically following a Hopf bifurcation. In both cases, the quantum fluctuations around classical solutions do not reach a quantum-statistical stationary state, which prevents adopting the simple and reliable methods used for stationary quantum systems. Here we put forward a general and efficient method to compute two-time correlations and corresponding spectral densities of time-periodic open quantum systems within the usual linearized (Gaussian) approximation for their dynamics. Using Floquet theory we show how the quantum Langevin equations for the fluctuations can be efficiently integrated by partitioning the time domain into one-period duration intervals, and relating the properties of each period to the first one. Spectral densities, like squeezing spectra, are computed similarly, now in a two-dimensional temporal domain that is treated as a chessboard with one-period x one-period cells. This technique avoids cumulative numerical errors as well as efficiently saves computational time. As an illustration of the method, we analyze the quantum fluctuations of a damped parametrically-driven oscillator (degenerate parametric oscillator) below threshold and far away from rotating-wave approximation conditions, which is a relevant scenario for modern low-frequency quantum oscillators. Our method reveals that the squeezing properties of such devices are quite robust against the amplitude of the modulation or the low quality of the oscillator, although optimal squeezing can appear for parameters that are far from the ones predicted within the rotating-wave approximation.Comment: Comments and constructive criticism are welcom

    Constitutional courts and citizens' perceptions of judicial systems in Europe

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    In recent decades, constitutional courts have become essential institutions in the political systems of many European countries. At the legal level, constitutional courts are designed as organs intended to protect and enforce the normative constitution. At the political level, they are also expected to play a role in the protection of democratic systems of government and human rights. However, the stability of a democracy does not only depend on efficient institutional designs, but also on acceptable levels of public support for democratic institutions. Using data from the European Social Survey, this article shows that constitutional courts have negative effects on public views of the court system in at least two dimensions: perceptions of judicial independence and perceptions of judicial fairness. These effects, however, decrease with the age of the democratic system. Given the core role that diffuse support for the judiciary plays in the stability of the rule of law in a country, our findings suggest that, paradoxically, constitutional courts might have detrimental effects to the very goal that justifies their existence: the protection of democratic systems of government

    Bulge RR Lyrae stars in the VVV tile b201\textit{b201}

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    The VISTA Variables in the V\'ia L\'actea (VVV) Survey is one of the six ESO public surveys currently ongoing at the VISTA telescope on Cerro Paranal, Chile. VVV uses near-IR (ZYJHKsZYJHK_{\rm s}) filters that at present provide photometry to a depth of Ks17.0K_{\rm s} \sim 17.0 mag in up to 36 epochs spanning over four years, and aim at discovering more than 106^6 variable sources as well as trace the structure of the Galactic bulge and part of the southern disk. A variability search was performed to find RR Lyrae variable stars. The low stellar density of the VVV tile b201\textit{b201}, which is centered at (,b\ell, b) \sim (9,9-9^\circ, -9^\circ), makes it suitable to search for variable stars. Previous studies have identified some RR Lyrae stars using optical bands that served to test our search procedure. The main goal is to measure the reddening, interstellar extinction, and distances of the RR Lyrae stars and to study their distribution on the Milky Way bulge. A total of 1.5 sq deg were analyzed, and we found 39 RR Lyrae stars, 27 of which belong to the ab-type and 12 to the c-type. Our analysis recovers all the previously identified RR Lyrae variables in the field and discovers 29 new RR Lyrae stars. The reddening and extinction toward all the RRab stars in this tile were derived, and distance estimations were obtained through the period--luminosity relation. Despite the limited amount of RR Lyrae stars studied, our results are consistent with a spheroidal or central distribution around 8.1\sim 8.1 and 8.5\sim 8.5 kpc. for either the Cardelli or Nishiyama extinction law.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Comparison of the Methods for the Background Reduction of Thick Targets in Routine PIXE Analysis

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    開始ページ、終了ページ: 冊子体のページ付

    Spontaneous symmetry breaking as a resource for noncritically squeezed light

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    In the last years we have proposed the use of the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking with the purpose of generating perfect quadrature squeezing. Here we review previous work dealing with spatial (translational and rotational) symmetries, both on optical parametric oscillators and four-wave mixing cavities, as well as present new results. We then extend the phenomenon to the polarization state of the signal field, hence introducing spontaneous polarization symmetry breaking. Finally we propose a Jaynes-Cummings model in which the phenomenon can be investigated at the single-photon-pair level in a non-dissipative case, with the purpose of understanding it from a most fundamental point of view.Comment: Review for the proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe. 11 pages, 5 figures

    Sedimentary heterogeneity and petrophysical characterization of Barremian tsunami and barrier island/inlet deposits: The Aliaga outcrop as a reservoir analogue (Galve sub-basin, eastern Spain)

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    The present study examined two sandstone deposits in the Aliaga outcrop as a reservoir analogue over a distance of 200-m-long and attempted to establish a correlation between sand facies and the petrophysical properties of the sandstones in order to investigate the reservoir heterogeneity. The Aliaga reservoir analogue represents the upper part of Camarillas Fm., deposited during the Barremian synrift phase of the Galve sub-basin (Iberian Basin, Spain). It is characterized by a transitional sedimentary interval from sandy-dominant deposits to carbonate-dominant deposits, which were deposited under the same palaeoenvironmental conditions (in relation to systems of back-barrier sedimentation). The description of the Aliaga outcrop provided here consists of lithological descriptions of two sandstone deposits: a tsunami and a barrier island/inlet, at both mesoscopic (decimetres to tens of metres) and microscopic scales (millimetres to centimetres). Both deposits recognized at the basin scale were described in terms of sand grain size, sand sorting and cementation; further cores were drilled along outcrop to collect samples for porosity and permeability measurements. Both sandstone reservoirs are the result of different sedimentary processes that determined facies characteristics, as the different petrophysical properties observed in these deposits. Consequently, the sedimentary process controls the heterogeneity of the sandstones facies and thus, the sand heterogeneity controls the distribution of the petrophysical properties. The classification of sand facies in terms of sand sorting seems to be more appropriate for describing sand heterogeneity; accordingly, petrophysical parameters in both deposits were also influenced by sand sorting. The sand facies and petrophysics heterogeneity of the described deposits can be hierarchically ordered. First-order heterogeneity is related to the basin scale, second-order heterogeneity is related to genesis and the conditions of sediment deposition, and third-order heterogeneity is related to synsedimentary faults and/or post-sedimentation events.This research is a contribution to the project: Análisis de Cuencas Sedimentarias Continentales, of the Gobierno de Aragón, the Análisis de Cuencas Sedimentarias Group of the UCM-CAM, and the projects CGL2011-23717 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of the Spanish Government and FEDER) and UZ2015-CIE-10 (University of Zaragoza). Additional financial support was provided by a Cnpq (Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Tecnologico, Brasil) Research Grant (200147/2011-0) and an IAS Schema 1st session 2014 Postgraduate Grant to F. Veloso.Peer reviewe

    Implementacion y validacion de la medicion de fagocitosis por reduccion del azul de nitrotetrazolium en el laboratorio central del Hospital Clinico Regional, Concepcion

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    58 p.Los neutrófilos son los leucocitos mas abundantes en sangre periférica de un adulto, cumpliendo un rol fundamental en el proceso de adaptación inmunológica, dentro del fenómeno inflamatorio como es la fagocitosis. Proceso que es activado por partículas opsonizadas, desencadenando la activación de un complejo multicomponente de membrana denominado Fagocito Oxidasa (NADPH Oxidasa), generador de radicales libres de oxfgeno que son metabolizados a peroxido de hidrogeno (H2O2) y posteriormente en haluros y radicales hidroxilo altamente reactivos con membranas biológicas; el proceso de formación de H2O2 se denomina "estallido respiratorio" , fenómeno fundamental en la destrucción de los microorganismos fagocitados. Los defectos fagocíticos constituyen en conjunto un numero no despreciable de inmunodeficiencias primarias y secundarias, es pertinente la implementación de la medición del estallido respiratorio evento central de la fagocitosis; por medio de la reducción del Azul de Nitrotetrazolium (NBT). Para ello, se diseñó un protocolo con niños controles entre 0 - 10 anos (33 en total), que no presentaban alteraciones inmunohematologicas, observándose que solo existía diferencia estadísticamente significativa (ANOVA p<0.05), cuando a los neutrófilos se les agrega un estimulante de fagocitosis (beads opsonizadas con C3B), y tal medición no era influenciada por ninguno de los parámetros estudiados, tales como edad, sexo, recuento leucocitario, de neutrófilos. Además se estudio pacientes con sospecha clínica de inmunodeficiencias fagocíticas, uno de los cuales evidencio un defecto fagocítico. Estos resultados, avalan la importancia de mantener disponible metodologías para la medición del estallido respiratorio fagocítico, en el Hospital Clínico Regional de Concepción