189 research outputs found

    Caso de estudio CCNA2.

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    Una subred es un conjunto de direcciones IP y con ella podemos hacer dos cosas: asignar direcciones IP a los equipos o dividirlo nuevamente en subredes más pequeñas. En cada división, las subredes primera y última no se usan (actualmente, la mayoría del hardware ya soporta el poder trabajar con ambas, primera y última, aunque se deberá de comprobar antes de hacer uso de estas). Este tipo tiene una aplicación parecida al direccionamiento IP donde la primera identificaba la red y la última es de broadcast - en este caso, la primera identificaba la subred y la última se aplicaba al broadcast de subred. Cabe aclarar que no se usan para asignar direcciones IP a los equipos, pero sí se pueden usar para dividirlas en subredes más pequeñas.A subnet is a set of IP addresses and with it we can do two things: assign IP addresses to computers or divide it back into subnets more little. In each division, the first and last subnets are not used (currently, the Most hardware already supports working with both, first and last, although you should check before using these). This guy has an application similar to the IP address where the first one identified the network and the last one is from broadcast - in this case, the first one identified the subnet and the last one was applied to the subnet broadcast It should be noted that they are not used to assign IP addresses to computers, but they can be used to divide them into smaller subnets

    Host preference of Culicidae (Diptera) collected in central Argentina

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    In order to study the host preference of female mosquitoes, samples were taken fortnightly in Cordoba and Cosquin (Argentina), during October-April of two consecutive years. Four different vertebrates were used in baited-can traps: frogs, chickens, rabbits and turtles. The genus Culex acounted for 92.9% of the specimens collected, Aedes for 7.0% and Psorophora ciliata 0.02%. The highest proportion of females were collected in chicken traps (68.7%), followed by rabbit traps (29.9%), turtles (0.8%) and frogs (0.5%), thus the majority of the mosquitoes were collected in traps with homeotermous hosts. Only Culex dolosus fed on all the hosts. Culex acharistus, Cx. chidesteri and Cx. quinquefasciatus fed on chickens, rabbits and turtles. Aedes albifasciatus, Ae. scapularis, Cx. bidens and Cx. coronator fed on both homeotermous hosts. Culex apicinus, Cx. maxi, Cx. saltanensis and Cx. spinosus fed only on chickens and Ps. ciliata only on rabbits.Con el propósito de estudiar la preferencia de hospedadores vertebrados por mosquitos hembras, durante 2 períodos octubre-abril (primavera-verano), se realizaron muestreos cada 15 días en Córdoba y Cosquín (Argentina). Se utilizaron trampas de latón con cebo animal: anfibios (sapos), aves (pollos), mamíferos (conejos) y reptiles (tortugas). El 92,9% de los especímenes recolectados pertenecen al género Culex, mientras que un 7,0% corresponde a Aedes y el 0,02% restante a Psorophora ciliata, única especie que se capturó de ese género. En trampas con pollo se recolectó el mayor número de hembras (68,7%), siguiendo en orden las trampas con conejos (29,9%), con tortugas (0,8%) y con sapos (0,5%), por lo tanto, la mayoría de los mosquitos entraron en las trampas con hospedadores homeotermos. Culex dolosus se alimentó sobre todos los cebos, mientras que Cx. acharistus, Cx. chidesteri y Cx. quinquefasciatus se alimentaron sobre pollos, conejos y tortugas; Ae. albifasciatus, Ae. scapularis, Cx. bidens y Cx. coronator lo hicieron sobre ambos hospedadores homeotermos; Cx. apicinus, Cx. maxi, Cx. saltanensis y Cx. spinosus se alimentaron solamente sobre pollos y Ps. ciliata sobre conejos.Com o propósito de estudar a preferência de mosquitos fêmeas por hospedeiros vertebrados, realizaram-se amostragens quinzenais nas cidades de Córdoba e Cosquín (Argentina), durante o período de outubro a abril (primavera-verão), por dois anos consecutivos. Utilizaram-se armadilhas com iscas animais: anfíbios, aves, mamíferos e répteis. Dos espécimes coletados, 92,9% pertenciam ao gênero Culex, 7,0% a Aedes e 0,02% a Psorophora ciliata, única espécie coletada desse gênero. A maior proporçãoo de fêmeas (68,7%) foi capturada em armadilhas iscadas com galinhas, seguindo-se em ordem as armadilhas com coelhos (29,9%), com tartarugas (0,8%) e com anfíbios (0,05%). Assim, a maioria dos mosquitos foi coletada em armadilhas com hospedeiros homeotermos. Culex dolosus alimentou-se em todas as iscas, enquanto que Cx. acharistus, Cx. chidesteri e Cx. quinquefasciatus em galinhas, coelhos e tartarugas; Ae. albifasciatus, Ae. scapularis, Cx. bidens e Cx. coronator fizeram-no em ambos hospedeiros homeotermos; Cx. apicinus, Cx. maxi, Cx. saltanensis e Cx. spinosus alimentaram-se apenas em galinhas e Ps. ciliata em coelhos

    An annotated checklist of trees and relatives in tropical montane forests from southeast Peru: the importance of continue collecting

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    Los Andes están considerados como los puntos calientes más diversos de los trópicos, dentro de estos se encuentra el Parque Nacional del Manu, cuyas complejas condiciones climáticas y fisiográficas albergan una mega-diversidad y endemismo. En el presente trabajo se presenta una lista anotada de especies arbóreas y afines a lo largo de un gradiente de elevación desde los bosques submontanos a 800 m hasta la línea de bosque a 3625 m en la Reserva de Biosfera del Manu. En base a una red de 21 parcelas permanentes de una hectárea y exploraciones botánicas se sistematiza la información florística por rangos de elevación, distribución geográfica y endemismo. Estos resultados preliminares se traducen en 1108 especies de las cuales el 39.7% son morfoespecies, el 43% de las especies determinadas son registros nuevos para la región del Cusco, 15 especies son nuevos registros para la flora peruana, 40 especies son endémicas para Perú y 30 son potenciales especies nuevas para la ciencia. Adicionalmente, se resalta la expansión del rango altitudinal para el 45.2% de las especies determinadas (302 especies). Estos resultados son una muestra de la alta diversidad arbórea y afines en estos ecosistemas montañosos registrados en tan solo ~20 km de distancia geográfica, además muestra lo escasamente colectados y poco estudiados que se encuentran. Mas colecciones botánicas son necesarias - estos estudios básicos de florística son imperativos para un mejor entendimiento de la distribución de especies y la función del ecosistemas, además ayudará a responder una de las grandes preguntas en la ecología global moderna, ¿Cómo responderán los bosques tropicales al cambio climático global?The tropical Andes and adjacent Amazon are Earth’s highest biodiversity hotspot. Manu National Park in southeastern Peru encompasses an entire watershed, ranging from Andean highlands to Amazonian lowlands, and is a megadiverse landscape on the Andes to Amazon transition. Here we present an annotated checklist of trees and related species is along an elevation gradient in the Manu Biosphere Reserve that runs from sub-montane forests at 800 m elevation up to the tree line at 3625 m. Based on a network of 21 1-hectare permanent tree plots and botanical explorations, the floristic information is systematized by elevation ranges, geographical distribution and endemism. These preliminary results show 1108 species. Of these, 43% are new records for the region of Cusco, 15 species are new records for the Peruvian flora, 40 species are endemics for Peru, and 30 are potential new species for science. Another 39.7% are identified to genus or family level and remain morphospecies. Additionally, we show altitudinal range expansion for 45.2% of identified species (302 species). These results were found in a transect of plots spanning only 20 km of geographic distance, and are a sample of the high tree diversity in these mountainous ecosystems. The data show how poorly collected and understudied these ecosystems are. Basic floristic studies and collections are imperative for a better understanding of species distribution and function of ecosystems, and the basic biodiversity of the tropical Andes. They will also help to answer a major, unresolved question in modern global ecology of how tropical forests will respond to global climate change

    Breastfeeding media coverage and beliefs during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico: implications for breastfeeding equity

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    Background: Because breastfeeding offers short- and long- term health benefits to mothers and children, breastfeeding promotion and support is a public health priority. Evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2 is not likely to be transmitted via breastmilk. Moreover, antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 are thought to be contained in breastmilk of mothers with history of COVID-19 infection or vaccination. WHO recommends direct breastfeeding as the preferred infant feeding option during the COVID-19 pandemic, even among women with COVID-19; but conflicting practices have been adopted, which could widen existing inequities in breastfeeding. This study aims to describe how information about breastfeeding was communicated in Mexican media during the pandemic and assess Mexican adults’ beliefs regarding breastfeeding among mothers infected with COVID-19. Methods: We conducted a retrospective content analysis of media coverage on breastfeeding in Mexico between March 1 and September 24, 2020, excluding advertisements. For the content analysis, we performed both a sentiment analysis and an analysis based on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) for breastfeeding promotion. Additionally, we conducted a descriptive analysis of nationally representative data on adults’ beliefs about breastfeeding from the July 2020 round of the ENCOVID-19 survey in Mexico and stratified the results by gender, age, and socioeconomic status. Results: A total of 1014 publications on breastfeeding were identified on the internet and television and in newspapers and magazines. Most information was published during World Breastfeeding Week, celebrated in August. The sentiment analysis showed that 57.2% of all information was classified as positive. The SWOT analysis indicated that most information focused on current actions, messages, policies, or programs that enable breastfeeding (i.e., strengths) or those not currently in place but that may enable breastfeeding (i.e., opportunities) for breastfeeding promotion. However, ENCOVID-19 survey results showed that 67.3% of adults living in households with children under 3 years of age believe that mothers with COVID-19 should not breastfeed, and 19.8% do not know whether these mothers should breastfeed. These beliefs showed differences both by gender and by socioeconomic status. Conclusions: While the Mexican government endorsed the recommendation on breastfeeding during the COVID-19 pandemic, communication was sporadic, inconstant and unequal across types of media. There was a widespread notion that mothers with COVID-19 should not breastfeed and due to differences on beliefs by socioeconomic status, health inequities could be exacerbated by increasing the risk of poorer breastfeeding practices and preventing vulnerable groups from reaping the short and long-term benefits of breastfeeding

    Magnetic Drag and 3-D Effects in Theoretical High-Resolution Emission Spectra of Ultrahot Jupiters: the Case of WASP-76b

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    Ultrahot Jupiters are ideal candidates to explore with high-resolution emission spectra. Detailed theoretical studies are necessary to investigate the range of spectra we can expect to see from these objects throughout their orbit, because of the extreme temperature and chemical longitudinal gradients that exist across day and nightside regions. Using previously published 3D GCM models of WASP-76b with different treatments of magnetic drag, we post-process the 3D atmospheres to generate high-resolution emission spectra for two wavelength ranges and throughout the planet's orbit. We find that the high-resolution emission spectra vary strongly as a function of phase, at times showing emission features, absorption features, or both, which are a direct result of the 3D structure of the planet. At phases exhibiting both emission and absorption features, the Doppler shift differs in direction between the two spectral features, making them differentiable instead of canceling each other out. Through the use of cross-correlation, we find different patterns in net Doppler shift for models with different treatments of drag: the nightside spectra show opposite signs in their Doppler shift, while the dayside phases have a reversal in the trend of net shift with phase. Finally, we caution researchers from using a single spectral template throughout the planet's orbit; this can bias the corresponding net Doppler shift returned, as it can pick up on a bright region on the edge of the planet disk that is highly red- or blue-shifted.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures (including one animated figure), Accepted to AJ; Link to animated figure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnghwJdZxH

    I Seminario y Workshop de Refotografía y Arquitectura en el Mediterráneo

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    Compilación de resumenes de los conferenciantes del I Seminario Refotografía y Arquitectura en el Mediterráneo, así como de las fotografías realizadas por los participantes en el Workshop sobre el mismo tema, celebrados ambos entre el 30 de septiembre y el 5 de octubre del año 2021. El seminario integra y desarrolla tres líneas de trabajo relacionadas con el hecho de la refotografía. La primera se realiza mediante la incorporación de un tema de suma importancia en estas investigaciones, como es el estudio y puesta en valor del patrimonio fotográfico existente, las colecciones y archivos fotográficos, tan necesarios en la actualidad para la construcción de la identidad y la memoria colectiva de cualquier pueblo, con las tensiones y conflictos propios de estos escenarios. La segunda línea de trabajo se realiza por medio de investigaciones en Arquitectura, y en los que la refotografía es usada como metodología. La tercera y última aproximacion pretende, mediante la enseñanza de la metodología refotográfica en titulaciones regladas de diferentes niveles educativos, hacer partícipes del potencial de esta actividad e integrar en ella al diferente alumnado involucrado en nuestras enseñanzas

    The impact of a wireless audio system on communication in robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery: A prospective controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Robotic surgery presents a challenge to effective teamwork and communication in the operating theatre (OR). Our objective was to evaluate the effect of using a wireless audio headset device on communication, efficiency and patient outcome in robotic surgery. METHODS AND FINDINGS: A prospective controlled trial of team members participating in gynecologic and urologic robotic procedures between January and March 2015. In the first phase, all surgeries were performed without headsets (control), followed by the intervention phase where all team members used the wireless headsets. Noise levels were measured during both phases. After each case, all team members evaluated the quality of communication, performance, teamwork and mental load using a validated 14-point questionnaire graded on a 1-10 scale. Higher overall scores indicated better communication and efficiency. Clinical and surgical data of all patients in the study were retrieved, analyzed and correlated with the survey results. The study included 137 procedures, yielding 843 questionnaires with an overall response rate of 89% (843/943). Self-reported communication quality was better in cases where headsets were used (113.0 ± 1.6 vs. 101.4 ± 1.6; p \u3c .001). Use of headsets reduced the percentage of time with a noise level above 70 dB at the console (8.2% ± 0.6 vs. 5.3% ± 0.6, p \u3c .001), but had no significant effect on length of surgery nor postoperative complications. CONCLUSIONS: The use of wireless headset devices improved quality of communication between team members and reduced the peak noise level in the robotic OR

    Genocide and Ecocide In Four Colombian Indigenous Communities: The Erosion of A Way of Life and Memory

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    Generally, the traditional Indigenous ways of ‘knowing and seeing’ the natural world lead to more protective behaviours than the dominating economic approach that represents the interests of the global North. Indigenous ways of living and remembering are however, currently threatened with erosion by several global dynamics. While many of the most powerful forces involved in the extinguishment of Indigenous peoples and their cultures are visible and direct forms of violence, there are also structural, systemic and invisible factors at play. In this article, based on original primary data collected within communities of four Colombian Indigenous peoples, we identify the four main silent dynamics producing the extinction of Indigenous cultures in Colombia. We refer to the operation of these forces as a form of genocide and connect them to the simultaneous occurrence of an ecocide

    Novel opsin gene variation in large-bodied, diurnal lemurs

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    Some primate populations include both trichromatic and dichromatic (red-green colour blind) individuals due to allelic variation at the X-linked opsin locus. This polymorphic trichromacy is well described in day-active New World monkeys. Less is known about colour vision in Malagasy lemurs, but, unlike New World monkeys, only some day-active lemurs are polymorphic, while others are dichromatic. The evolutionary pressures underlying these differences in lemurs are unknown, but aspects of species ecology, including variation in activity pattern, are hypothesized to play a role. Limited data on X-linked opsin variation in lemurs make such hypotheses difficult to evaluate. We provide the first detailed examination of X-linked opsin variation across a lemur clade (Indriidae). We sequenced the X-linked opsin in the most strictly diurnal and largest extant lemur, Indri indri, and nine species of smaller, generally diurnal indriids (Propithecus). Although nocturnal Avahi (sister taxon to Propithecus) lacks a polymorphism, at least eight species of diurnal indriids have two or more X-linked opsin alleles. Four rainforest-living taxa-I. indri and the three largest Propithecus species-have alleles not previously documented in lemurs. Moreover, we identified at least three opsin alleles in Indri with peak spectral sensitivities similar to some New World monkeys

    The loss of a fellow service member: Complicated grief in postâ 9/11 service members and veterans with combatâ related posttraumatic stress disorder

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    Bereavement is a potent and highly prevalent stressor among service members and veterans. However, the psychological consequences of bereavement, including complicated grief (CG), have been minimally examined. Loss was assessed in 204 postâ 9/11, when service members and veterans with combatâ related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) took part in a multicenter treatment study. Those who reported the loss of an important person completed the inventory of complicated grief (ICG; nâ =â 160). Over three quarters (79.41%) of the sample reported an important lifetime loss, with close to half (47.06%) reporting the loss of a fellow service member (FSM). The prevalence of CG was 24.75% overall, and nearly one third (31.25%) among the bereaved. CG was more prevalent among veterans who lost a fellow service member (FSM) (41.05%, nâ =â 39) compared to those bereaved who did not (16.92%, nâ =â 11; ORâ =â 3.41, 95% CI: 1.59, 7.36). CG was associated with significantly greater PTSD severity, functional impairment, traumaâ related guilt, and lifetime suicide attempts. Complicated grief was prevalent and associated with adverse psychosocial outcomes in veterans and service members with combatâ related PTSD. Clinicians working with this population should inquire about bereavement, including loss of a FSM, and screen for CG. Additional research examining CG in this population is needed.The loss of a fellow service member occurs commonly and is associated with complicated grief (CG) amongst service members and veterans with combatâ related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The presence of CG in this study was associated with more severe PTSD, guilt, and lifetime suicide attempts, as well as poorer functioning.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/139942/1/jnr24094_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/139942/2/jnr24094.pd