667 research outputs found

    Ab initio Wannier-function-based many-body approach to Born charge of crystalline insulators

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    In this paper we present an approach aimed at performing many-body calculations of Born-effective charges of crystalline insulators, by including the electron-correlation effects. The scheme is implemented entirely in the real space, using Wannier-functions as single-particle orbitals. Correlation effects are computed by including virtual excitations from the Hartree-Fock mean field, and the excitations are organized as per a Bethe-Goldstone-like many-body hierarchy. The results of our calculations suggest that the approach presented here is promising.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. B. (Rapid Comm., Dec 15, 2004

    Ab initio Wannier-function-based correlated calculations of Born effective charges of crystalline Li2_{2}O and LiCl

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    In this paper we have used our recently developed ab initio Wannier-function-based methodology to perform extensive Hartree-Fock and correlated calculations on Li2_{2}O and LiCl to compute their Born effective charges. Results thus obtained are in very good agreement with the experiments. In particular, for the case of Li2_{2}O, we resolve a controversy originating in the experiment of Osaka and Shindo {[}Solid State Commun. 51 (1984) 421] who had predicted the effective charge of Li ions to be in the range 0.58--0.61, a value much smaller compared to its nominal value of unity, thereby, suggesting that the bonding in the material could be partially covalent. We demonstrate that effective charge computed by Osaka and Shindo is the Szigeti charge, and once the Born charge is computed, it is in excellent agreement with our computed value. Mulliken population analysis of Li2_{2}O also confirms ionic nature of the bonding in the substance.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure. To appear in Phys. Rev. B (Feb 2008

    Antiferromagnetic Exchange Interaction between Electrons on Degenerate LUMOs in Benzene Dianion

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    We discuss the ground state of Benzene dianion (Bz2^{2-}) on the basis of the numerical diagonalization method of an effective model of π\pi orbitals. It is found that the ground state can be the spin singlet state, and the exchange coupling between LUMOs can be antiferromagnetic.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 2 pages, 3 figure

    Closed-form expressions for correlated density matrices: application to dispersive interactions and example of (He)2

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    Empirically correlated density matrices of N-electron systems are investigated. Exact closed-form expressions are derived for the one- and two-electron reduced density matrices from a general pairwise correlated wave function. Approximate expressions are proposed which reflect dispersive interactions between closed-shell centro-symmetric subsystems. Said expressions clearly illustrate the consequences of second-order correlation effects on the reduced density matrices. Application is made to a simple example: the (He)2 system. Reduced density matrices are explicitly calculated, correct to second order in correlation, and compared with approximations of independent electrons and independent electron pairs. The models proposed allow for variational calculations of interaction energies and equilibrium distance as well as a clear interpretation of dispersive effects on electron distributions. Both exchange and second order correlation effects are shown to play a critical role on the quality of the results.Comment: 22 page

    The Bravyi-Kitaev transformation for quantum computation of electronic structure

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    Quantum simulation is an important application of future quantum computers with applications in quantum chemistry, condensed matter, and beyond. Quantum simulation of fermionic systems presents a specific challenge. The Jordan-Wigner transformation allows for representation of a fermionic operator by O(n) qubit operations. Here we develop an alternative method of simulating fermions with qubits, first proposed by Bravyi and Kitaev [S. B. Bravyi, A.Yu. Kitaev, Annals of Physics 298, 210-226 (2002)], that reduces the simulation cost to O(log n) qubit operations for one fermionic operation. We apply this new Bravyi-Kitaev transformation to the task of simulating quantum chemical Hamiltonians, and give a detailed example for the simplest possible case of molecular hydrogen in a minimal basis. We show that the quantum circuit for simulating a single Trotter time-step of the Bravyi-Kitaev derived Hamiltonian for H2 requires fewer gate applications than the equivalent circuit derived from the Jordan-Wigner transformation. Since the scaling of the Bravyi-Kitaev method is asymptotically better than the Jordan-Wigner method, this result for molecular hydrogen in a minimal basis demonstrates the superior efficiency of the Bravyi-Kitaev method for all quantum computations of electronic structure

    A priori Wannier functions from modified Hartree-Fock and Kohn-Sham equations

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    The Hartree-Fock equations are modified to directly yield Wannier functions following a proposal of Shukla et al. [Chem. Phys. Lett. 262, 213-218 (1996)]. This approach circumvents the a posteriori application of the Wannier transformation to Bloch functions. I give a novel and rigorous derivation of the relevant equations by introducing an orthogonalizing potential to ensure the orthogonality among the resulting functions. The properties of these, so-called a priori Wannier functions, are analyzed and the relation of the modified Hartree-Fock equations to the conventional, Bloch-function-based equations is elucidated. It is pointed out that the modified equations offer a different route to maximally localized Wannier functions. Their computational solution is found to involve an effort that is comparable to the effort for the solution of the conventional equations. Above all, I show how a priori Wannier functions can be obtained by a modification of the Kohn-Sham equations of density-functional theory.Comment: 7 pages, RevTeX4, revise

    Range-separated density-functional theory with random phase approximation: detailed formalism and illustrative applications

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    Using Green-function many-body theory, we present the details of a formally exact adiabatic-connection fluctuation-dissipation density-functional theory based on range separation, which was sketched in Toulouse, Gerber, Jansen, Savin and Angyan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 096404 (2009). Range-separated density-functional theory approaches combining short-range density functional approximations with long-range random phase approximations (RPA) are then obtained as well-identified approximations on the long-range Green-function self-energy. Range-separated RPA-type schemes with or without long-range Hartree-Fock exchange response kernel are assessed on rare-gas and alkaline-earth dimers, and compared to range-separated second-order perturbation theory and range-separated coupled-cluster theory.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Analytic nuclear forces and molecular properties from full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo

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    Unbiased stochastic sampling of the one- and two-body reduced density matrices is achieved in full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo with the introduction of a second, "replica" ensemble of walkers, whose population evolves in imaginary time independently from the first, and which entails only modest additional computational overheads. The matrices obtained from this approach are shown to be representative of full configuration-interaction quality, and hence provide a realistic opportunity to achieve high-quality results for a range of properties whose operators do not necessarily commute with the hamiltonian. A density-matrix formulated quasi-variational energy estimator having been already proposed and investigated, the present work extends the scope of the theory to take in studies of analytic nuclear forces, molecular dipole moments and polarisabilities, with extensive comparison to exact results where possible. These new results confirm the suitability of the sampling technique and, where sufficiently large basis sets are available, achieve close agreement with experimental values, expanding the scope of the method to new areas of investigation.Comment: 11 page

    Order-N Density-Matrix Electronic-Structure Method for General Potentials

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    A new order-N method for calculating the electronic structure of general (non-tight-binding) potentials is presented. The method uses a combination of the ``purification''-based approaches used by Li, Nunes and Vanderbilt, and Daw, and a representation of the density matrix based on ``travelling basis orbitals''. The method is applied to several one-dimensional examples, including the free electron gas, the ``Morse'' bound-state potential, a discontinuous potential that mimics an interface, and an oscillatory potential that mimics a semiconductor. The method is found to contain Friedel oscillations, quantization of charge in bound states, and band gap formation. Quantitatively accurate agreement with exact results is found in most cases. Possible advantages with regard to treating electron-electron interactions and arbitrary boundary conditions are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, REVTEX, 7 postscript figures (not quite perfect