875 research outputs found

    Evolution of entanglement within classical light states

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    We investigate the evolution of quantum correlations over the lifetime of a multi-photon state. Measurements reveal time-dependent oscillations of the entanglement fidelity for photon pairs created by a single semiconductor quantum dot. The oscillations are attributed to the phase acquired in the intermediate, non-degenerate, exciton-photon state and are consistent with simulations. We conclude that emission of photon pairs by a typical quantum dot with finite polarisation splitting is in fact entangled in a time-evolving state, and not classically correlated as previously regarded

    Improved fidelity of triggered entangled photons from single quantum dots

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    We demonstrate the on-demand emission of polarisation-entangled photon pairs from the biexciton cascade of a single InAs quantum dot embedded in a GaAs/AlAs planar microcavity. Improvements in the sample design blue shifts the wetting layer to reduce the contribution of background light in the measurements. Results presented show that >70% of the detected photon pairs are entangled. The high fidelity of the (|HxxHx>+|VxxVx>)/2^0.5 state that we determine is sufficient to satisfy numerous tests for entanglement. The improved quality of entanglement represents a significant step towards the realisation of a practical quantum dot source compatible with applications in quantum information.Comment: 9 pages. Paper is available free of charge at http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1367-2630/8/2/029/, see also 'A semiconductor source of triggered entangled photon pairs', R. M. Stevenson et al., Nature 439, 179 (2006

    Electrically generated entangled light for optical quantum information applications

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    Les boites quantiques de semiconducteurs représentent une voie attractive pour la réalisation de sources de photon efficaces pour le transfert quantique de l information, avec un fort potentiel de miniaturisation et d intégration. Dans ce travail, les paires de photons intriqués sont générées via le déclin radiatif de bi-excitons, à partir de boite quantiques d InAs auto-assemblées placé dans une jonction p-i-n. Dans une première série d expérience d interférence à deux photons, nous avons démontré des corrélations de polarisation non classiques et la capacité de deux photons à interférer. L intrication a été démontrée avec une fidélité de 0.87+-0.04, et une visibilité des interférences de 0.60+-0.05. Nous avons ensuite réalisé le premier téléporteur injecté électriquement dans un circuit à fibre monomode. Une fidélité moyenne de 0.704+-0.016 a été mesurée pour 6 états distribués symétriquement sur la sphère de Poincaré, ce qui supérieur à la limite classique de 2/3 et prouve la téléportation. Un dispositif modifié de téléportation permettant d injecter des photons à partir d un laser continu indépendant a été développé. L interférence à deux photons entre sources différentes a été démontrée et des battements quantiques observés. La téléportation quantique des états de polarisation portés par les photons a été obtenue avec une fidélité moyenne 0.76+-0.012. Le contrôle du spin des charges confinés dans les nanostructures tels que les boites quantiques requiert une compréhension profonde de la physique des matériaux constituant, y compris au niveau nucléaire. Ainsi, nous avons démontré le contrôle électrique de l interaction hyperfine entre les spins électroniques et nucléaires en utilisant un composant à charge ajustable. La modélisation suggère que le mécanisme est contrôlé par le temps de corrélation hyperfine de l électron et le temps de dépolarisation du noyau.Semiconductor quantum dots offer an attractive route towards efficient and high-quality photon sources for optical quantum information applications, with potential for miniaturization and integration on chip. Here, entangled photon pairs are generated in the biexcitonic radiative cascade resulting from electrical excitation of InAs self-assembled quantum dots placed in a p-i-n diode. In a first set of experiments the non-classical polarisation correlations and the ability to interfere the photons in two-photon interference experiments was verified, finding entanglement fidelities of up to 0.87+-0.04 and interference visibilities up to 0.60+-0.05. Encouraged by the two-photon interference experiments, the first directly electrically driven teleporter was implemented in a single-mode fibre circuit. An average fidelity of 0.704+-0.016 was achieved for six states symmetrically distributed on the Poincaré sphere, beating the classical limit of 2/3 and proving that quantum teleportation is taking place. A modified teleportation setup allowed for the accommodation of input photons from an independent CW laser. Two-photon interference between the dissimilar light sources was demonstrated and quantum beats could be observed. Quantum teleportation of polarisation states carried by laser photons was then performed with average fidelity 0.76+-0.012. Controlling confined charge carriers in nano-scale systems such as quantum dots requires a deep understanding of the underlying material physics, even on the nuclear level. Voltage control of electron-nuclear hyperfine spin interactions was demonstrated using a charge-tuneable device. Modelling suggests that the mechanism is controlled mainly via the electron hyperfine correlation time and the nuclear depolarisation time.CLERMONT FD-Bib.électronique (631139902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A post-mortem study of respiratory disease in small mustelids in south-west England

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    14 páginas, 3 tablas, 11 figuras.--This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.Background: Stoat (Mustela erminea) and weasel (Mustela nivalis) populations in south-west England are declining whilst polecats (Mustela putorius), absent for over a century, are increasing. Little is known about the health status of these species nationally. This study aimed at investigating respiratory disease in specimens found dead in south-west England. Results: Trauma caused by road traffic, predator attack or being trapped was the predominant cause of death in 42 stoats, 31 weasels and 20 polecats; most were in good physical condition. Skrjabingylus nasicola was present in all species (weasels 37 %, polecats 39 %, stoats 41 %) and infected animals showed no evidence of loss of body condition. Even in carcases stored frozen L larvae were frequently alive and highly motile. Angiostrongylus vasorum infection was diagnosed in two stoats and one weasel: in stoats infections were patent and the lung lesions were likely of clinical significance. These are believed to be the first records of A. vasorum in small mustelids. Pleuritis and pyothorax was seen in two polecats, in one case due to a migrating grass awn. Histological examination of lungs showed granulomata in stoats (38 %), weasels (52 %) and polecats (50 %). Spherules consistent with Emmonsia spp. adiaspores were present in the granulomata of stoats (60 %), weasels (36 %) and polecats (29 %). Adiaspore diameter in all three species was similar (means: stoats 39 μm, weasels 30 μm, polecats 36 μm); these are markedly smaller than that normally recorded for E. crescens. Although they lie within the accepted range for spores of Emmonsia parva this arid-zone species is not found in Britain, thus raising a question over the identity of the fungus. Cases showing numerous granulomata but few or no adiaspores were Ziehl-Neelsen-stain negative for acid-fast bacilli and IHC negative for Mycobacterium spp. However, in some cases PCR analyses revealed mycobacteria, including Mycobacterium kumamotonense and Mycobacterium avium Complex. One stoat had numerous unidentified small organisms present centrally within granulomata. Conclusions: Stoats, weasels and polecats in south-west England share several respiratory diseases, often of high prevalence, but the pathology would appear insufficient to impact on the health status of the populations and other ultimate causes of death should be investigated when examining these species.The authors gratefully acknowledge the histological support given by Trevor Whitbread, Judith Hargreaves, Richard Fox, Lucy Oldroyd, Malcolm Silkstone, Sonja Rivers and Michelle Woodman at Abbey Veterinary Services. They also thank Nicholas Davison, Beverley Rule and Philip Booth, AHVLA Truro, Mark Wessels, Finn Pathologists, Luke Roberts and Eric Morgan, Bristol University, Marc Artois, Campus Vétérinaire de Lyon. Becki Lawson, Fieke Molenaar, Tamsyn Stephenson, Zoe Greatorex and Jane Simpson at Wildlife Veterinary Investigation Centre assisted with post-mortem-examinations. David Groves, Kate Stokes, Derek Lord and Cornwall Mammal Group and Cornwall Wildlife Trust members and staff, James Williams, Somerset Otter Group, and David Couper, Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals helped with carcase submissions. Andrew Borman, Mycology Reference Laboratory South West Health Protection Agency kindly commented on draft manuscripts. Eileen Harris and Rodney Bray at Natural History Museum are thanked for advice on parasites. Those parts of this study performed at AHVLA were funded under the Diseases of Wildlife Scheme and those performed at the Moredun Research Institute were funded by the Scottish Government Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division. J. Benavides is supported by a “Ramón y Cajal” contract of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. None of the authors received funding from other outside sources for this work.Peer Reviewe

    Episomal Viral cDNAs Identify a Reservoir That Fuels Viral Rebound after Treatment Interruption and That Contributes to Treatment Failure

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    Viral reservoirs that persist in HIV-1 infected individuals on antiretroviral therapy (ART) are the major obstacle to viral eradication. The identification and definition of viral reservoirs in patients on ART is needed in order to understand viral persistence and achieve the goal of viral eradication. We examined whether analysis of episomal HIV-1 genomes provided the means to characterize virus that persists during ART and whether it could reveal the virus that contributes to treatment failure in patients on ART. For six individuals in which virus replication was highly suppressed for at least 20 months, proviral and episomal genomes present just prior to rebound were phylogenetically compared to RNA genomes of rebounding virus after therapy interruption. Episomal envelope sequences, but not proviral envelope sequences, were highly similar to sequences in rebounding virus. Since episomes are products of recent infections, the phylogenetic relationships support the conclusion that viral rebound originated from a cryptic viral reservoir. To evaluate whether the reservoir revealed by episomal sequence analysis was of clinical relevance, we examined whether episomal sequences define a viral population that contributes to virologic failure in individuals receiving the CCR5 antagonist, Vicriviroc. Episomal envelope sequences at or near baseline predicted treatment failure due to the presence of X4 or D/M (dual/mixed) viral variants. In patients that did not harbor X4 or D/M viruses, the basis for Vicriviroc treatment failure was indeterminate. Although these samples were obtained from viremic patients, the assay would be applicable to a large percentage of aviremic patients, based on previous studies. Summarily, the results support the use of episomal HIV-1 as an additional or alternative approach to traditional assays to characterize virus that is maintained during long-term, suppressive ART

    Impacts of forestry planting on primary production in upland lakes from north-west Ireland

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    Planted forests are increasing in many upland regions world-wide, but knowledge about their potential effects on algal communities of catchment lakes is relatively unknown. Here the effects of afforestation were investigated using palaeolimnology at six upland lake sites in the north-west of Ireland subject to different extents of forest plantation cover (4-64% of catchment area). 210Pb dated sediment cores were analysed for carotenoid pigments from algae, stable isotopes of bulk carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N), and C/N ratios. In lakes with >50% of their catchment area covered by plantations, there were two- to six-fold increases in pigments from cryptophytes (alloxanthin) and significant but lower increases (39-116%) in those from colonial cyanobacteria (canthaxanthin), but no response from biomarkers of total algal abundance (β-carotene). In contrast, lakes in catchments with <20% afforestation exhibited no consistent response to forestry practices, although all lakes exhibited fluctuations in pigments and geochemical variables due to peat cutting and upland grazing prior to forest plantation. Taken together, patterns suggest that increases in cyanobacteria and cryptophyte abundance reflect a combination of mineral and nutrient enrichment associated with forest fertilisation and organic matter influx which may have facilitated growth of mixotrophic taxa. This study demonstrates that planted forests can alter the abundance and community structure of algae in upland humic lakes of Ireland and Northern Ireland, despite long histories of prior catchment disturbance

    Episomal Viral cDNAs Identify a Reservoir That Fuels Viral Rebound after Treatment Interruption and That Contributes to Treatment Failure

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    Viral reservoirs that persist in HIV-1 infected individuals on antiretroviral therapy (ART) are the major obstacle to viral eradication. The identification and definition of viral reservoirs in patients on ART is needed in order to understand viral persistence and achieve the goal of viral eradication. We examined whether analysis of episomal HIV-1 genomes provided the means to characterize virus that persists during ART and whether it could reveal the virus that contributes to treatment failure in patients on ART. For six individuals in which virus replication was highly suppressed for at least 20 months, proviral and episomal genomes present just prior to rebound were phylogenetically compared to RNA genomes of rebounding virus after therapy interruption. Episomal envelope sequences, but not proviral envelope sequences, were highly similar to sequences in rebounding virus. Since episomes are products of recent infections, the phylogenetic relationships support the conclusion that viral rebound originated from a cryptic viral reservoir. To evaluate whether the reservoir revealed by episomal sequence analysis was of clinical relevance, we examined whether episomal sequences define a viral population that contributes to virologic failure in individuals receiving the CCR5 antagonist, Vicriviroc. Episomal envelope sequences at or near baseline predicted treatment failure due to the presence of X4 or D/M (dual/mixed) viral variants. In patients that did not harbor X4 or D/M viruses, the basis for Vicriviroc treatment failure was indeterminate. Although these samples were obtained from viremic patients, the assay would be applicable to a large percentage of aviremic patients, based on previous studies. Summarily, the results support the use of episomal HIV-1 as an additional or alternative approach to traditional assays to characterize virus that is maintained during long-term, suppressive ART

    Supply chain resilience: definition, review and theoretical foundations for further study

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    There has been considerable academic interest in recent years in supply chain resilience (SCRES). This paper presents a timely review of the available literature on SCRES based on a three-stage systematic search that identified 91 articles/sources. We provide a comprehensive definition of SCRES before strategies proposed for improving resilience are identified and the contributions to the literature are critiqued, e.g. in terms of research method and use of theory. We take stock of the field and identify the most important future research directions. A wide range of strategies for improving resilience are identified, but most attention has been on increasing flexibility, creating redundancy, forming collaborative supply chain relationships and improving supply chain agility. We also find that only limited research has been conducted into choosing and implementing an appropriate set of strategies for improving SCRES. Much of the literature is conceptual, theoretical and normative; the few available empirical studies are mainly cross-sectional and confined to a large firm, developed country context; and, there has been limited use of theory frames to improve understanding. We propose Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) theory as an appropriate lens for studying SCRES. We demonstrate that SCRES mirrors many characteristics of a CAS – including adaptation and coevolution, non-linearity, self-organisation and emergence – with implications for the direction of both future research and practice
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