106 research outputs found

    Paternity assessment in free ranging wild boar (Sus scrofa) - Are littermates full-sibs?

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    Multiple paternity within litters occurs in various groups of mammals exhibiting different mating systems. Using seven genetic markers (i.e., microsatellites) we investigated the paternity of littermates in free ranging wild boar (Sus scrofa) in a Mediterranean habitat. Using the software CERVUS 2.0 we estimated the probability of detecting multiple paternity across all loci (D), the probability of paternity (W) and a statistic ∆ that allows the assignment of paternity to the most likely male with strict and relaxed levels of confidence. Multiple paternity was inferred for one of the nine analysed litters at the 80% confidence level. This suggests that a single male may control the access to receptive adult females and it shows that multiple paternity is not very common in the studied free ranging wild boar population. Despite the possible occurrence of sperm competition and/or female cryptic choice, mate guarding seems to play a significant role in sexual selection. To better understand the wild boar’s mating strategies further studies analysing the reproductive success of both sexes and under different environmental conditions should be conducted

    There is still room for improvement in the completeness of abstract reporting according to the PRISMA-A checklist: a cross-sectional study on systematic reviews in periodontology

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    Background: To evaluate the completeness of reporting abstracts of systematic reviews (SRs) before and after the publication of the PRISMA-A checklist in 2013 and to assess if an association exists between abstract characteristics and the completeness of reporting. / Methods: A systematic search of the literature was conducted in the PubMed and Scopus databases in March 2020. The search focused on the SRs of evaluations of interventions published since 2002 in the field of periodontology. The abstracts of the selected SRs were divided into two groups before and after publication of the PRISMA-A checklist in 2013, and compliance with the 12 items reported in the checklist was evaluated by three calibrated evaluators. / Results: A set of 265 abstracts was included in the study. The total score before (mean score, 53.78%; 95% CI, 51.56–55.90%) and after (mean score, 56.88%; 95% CI, 55.39–58.44%) the publication of the PRISMA-A statement exhibited a statistically significant improvement (P = 0.012*). Nevertheless, only the checklist items included studies and synthesis of the results displayed a statistically significant change after guideline publication. The total PRISMA-A score was higher in the meta-analysis group and in articles authored by more than four authors. / Conclusions: The impact of the PRISMA-A was statistically significant, but the majority of the items did not improve after its introduction. The editors and referees of periodontal journals should promote adherence to the checklist to improve the quality of the reports and provide readers with better insight into the characteristics of published studies

    Necesidades percibidas por las familias acogedoras extensas

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    Los lazos afectivos en la familia extensa contribuyen a afirmar, en los niños y niñas, soportes cualitativos irremplazables por otro tipo de organización social, cuya eficacia se traduce en el compromiso, la inmediatez y la permanencia en el apoyo emocional que necesitan las familias nucleares y, en principio, sería la primera y mejor opción de acogimiento familiar para el menor que necesite de este recurso. En la familia extensa, generalmente ya existen unas relaciones, unos vínculos, que en la familia acogedora ajena (familia educadora) deben construirse desde el principio. El niño en familia extensa, en muchas ocasiones, ya conoce, ya confía en sus miembros, ello le permite al menor sentirse incluido en su entramado familiar y mantener el sentimiento de la preservación familiar y por tanto de la pertenencia. Para optimizar este recurso, entre otras cuestiones, el conocimiento de las necesidades percibidas, se considera uno de los pilares a considerar en la implementación de los programas de intervención social. Para ello, tanto las familias que acogen como los técnicos, por separado, han expresado su percepción acerca de la adecuación de los recursos a las necesidades de las familias acogedoras.Emotional relationships within extended families contribute to provide children with qualitative and irreplaceable support that no other social organization can give.The immediate consequences are commitment and permanence of the emotional support that nuclear families need and, in principle, this would be the first and best option for fostering children in need of this. In extended families there are usually already built-up relationships, connections that in the case of foster families (educating families) need to be built from scratch. In most of the cases, the kid fostered by an extended family already knows and trust his/her relatives and this allows the minor to feel less excluded from the family and preserve the feeling of belonging. To improve such resources it is important to acknowledge perceived needs which would be one of the main columns to implement and sustain social intervention programs. Not only those needs referred by the technicians in charge of the evolution and support of such processes, but also the needs of those families who take care of the minors everyday. For that, both technicians and families have expressed their feelings on the adaptation of the resources to the needs of the fostering families

    La formación de formadores en educación sexual básica

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    Introduction: The training of future sexual educators requires not only a high degree of specialization, but also the mastery of a series of skills and competences since it requires a constant adaptation to the characteristics of the target group. The training of these educators, beyond fulfilling the objective of providing specific knowledge, must ensure the perceived mastery of the skills to carry out different intervention formats according to the size and characteristics of the target group as well as the time and the objectives pursued. In order to achieve these objectives, a work proposal has been devised that provides varied experiences, maximizing the teaching time. Method: In this experiment 25 students enrolled in the subject “Prevention of unsafe sex practices” of the official master’s degree in Psychological Intervention in the Social Area of the University of Valencia, who were administered both at the beginning and at the end of the course An instrument developed ad hoc that evaluated the degree of knowledge, self-efficacy and perception of competence in the field of affective-sexual education. Results: The proposal has been positively valued not only in terms of increasing knowledge and skills, but also and especially in terms of perception of self-efficacy and competence of future educators. Thus, the percentage of those who after the course considered that they had enough knowledge to design an autonomous program of affective-sexual education and that had strategies for their implementation was 72% and 60% respectively (compared to 0 % and the initial 12%). Conclusions: This methodological proposal of training of trainers has proved effective in increasing not only the theoretical knowledge about the design of programs of affective-sexual intervention, but also the perception of self-efficacy in its implementation in any group and context.Introducción: La formación de los futuros educadores sexuales requiere no solo de un elevado grado de especialización, sino también del dominio de una serie de habilidades y competencias ya que precisa de una constante adaptación a las características del colectivo al que se dirige. La formación de estos educadores, más allá de cumplir el objetivo de proporcionar conocimientos específicos, debe asegurar el dominio percibido de las destrezas para llevar a cabo distintos formatos de intervención según el tamaño y características del colectivo diana así como del tiempo y los objetivos perseguidos. Para lograr estos objetivos, se ha ideado una propuesta de trabajo que proporciona experiencias variadas rentabilizando al máximo el tiempo lectivo. Método: En esta experiencia participaron 25 estudiantes matriculados en la asignatura “Prevención de prácticas de sexo inseguras” del máster oficial en Intervención Psicológica en el Ámbito Social de la Universitat de València, a los que se les administró tanto al inicio como al final del curso un instrumento elaborado ad hoc que evaluaba el grado de conocimientos, autoeficacia y percepción de competencia en el ámbito de la educación afectivo-sexual. Resultados: La propuesta ha sido valorada positivamente no solo en términos de incremento de conocimientos y habilidades, sino también y sobre todo en cuanto a percepción de autoeficacia y competencia de los futuros educadores. Así, el porcentaje de los que tras el curso consideraban que contaban con conocimientos suficientes como para diseñar de forma autónoma un programa de educación afectivo-sexual y que contaban con estrategias para su implementación fue del 72% y el 60% respectivamente (frente al 0% y el 12% inicial). Conclusiones: Esta propuesta metodológica de formación de formadores se ha mostrado eficaz a la hora de incrementar no sólo los conocimientos teóricos acerca del diseño de programas de intervención afectivo-sexuales, sino también la percepción de autoeficacia en su implementación en cualquier colectivo y contexto

    La evaluación del abuso sexual en personas con discapacidad intelectual: proceso de construcción y validación de un instrumento de autoinforme

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    People with functional diversity have certain limitations in the functioning of their daily life, which makes them dependent on their primary caregivers, leaving their bodies exposed to them. In addition, they have fewer resources to detect and defend themselves against abuse. These factors, among others, make them a group vulnerable to sexual abuse. But in the detection of potential victims, we find limitations in comprehension and literacy, which makes questioning the reliability of the information obtained. The objective of this study is the development of a reliable and valid instrument adapted to the characteristics of people with functional diversity and allows the detection of cases of sexual abuse. In order to do so, the construction-validation process of the scale has been carried out in two phases, generating, in each of them, different versions that have been applied to two groups of participants. It details the analysis that the group of experts has made from the two pilot applications and the consequent modifications derived from these analyzes. In the first phase the version applies to 20 participants and in the second to 150. The final version has a reliability of .91. The study has shown the complexity of developing an instrument for assessing sexual abuse for people with intellectual disabilities because of the limitations of understanding inherent in the collective, stressing the importance of having the contributions of professionals who work daily with them.Las personas con diversidad funcional presentan ciertas limitaciones en el funcionamiento desu día a día, lo que les convierten en dependientes de sus cuidadores principales, quedando su cuerpo expuesto a ellos. Además, presentan menos recursos para detectar y defenderse ante situaciones de abuso. Estos factores, entre otros, hacen que se conviertan en un colectivo vulnerable al abuso sexual. Pero en la detección de las víctimas potenciales, nos encontramos con limitaciones en comprensión y lectoescritura, lo que hace cuestionar la fiabilidad de la información obtenida. El objetivo de este estudio, es la elaboración de un instrumento fiable y válido que se adapte a las características de las personas con diversidad funcional, y posibilite la detección de casos de abuso sexual. Para ello, el proceso de construcción-validación de la escala se ha realizado en dos fases generándose, en cada una de ellas, diferentes versiones que se han aplicado a dos grupos de participantes.Se detalla el análisis que el grupo de expertos ha realizado a partir de las dos aplicacionespiloto y las consecuentes modificaciones derivadas de dichos análisis. En la primera fase la versión se aplica a 20 participantes y en la segunda a 150. La versión final cuenta con una fiabilidad de .91.El estudio ha mostrado la complejidad que supone elaborar un instrumento de evaluación del abuso sexual para personas con discapacidad intelectual por las limitaciones de comprensión inherentes al colectivo, remarcando la importancia de contar con las aportaciones de profesionales que trabajan diariamente con ellos

    Motivaciones para el ejercicio físico y su relación con la salud mental y física: un análisis desde el género

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    Physical exercise is a planned and structured physical activity with a final objective that constitutes a non-communicable diseases preventive tool and a physical and mental health protective factor. Likewise, the motivations for doing exercise are essential and it can be influenced by gender. The purpose of this study is to consider the differences about the motivations of doing exercise based on gender and to analyse the relationship between physical exercise and perceived physical and mental health. To achieve this objective, a sample of 600 young university students (50% men and 50% women), completed the online questionnaire about Lifestyle and Health (Giménez-García and Ballester-Arnal, 2017). The analysis showed significant differences in the regular physical exercise between men (61.7%) and women (45.3%) (Chi 2=16.01; p≤.001). Moreover, gender differences in motivations for doing exercise were observed in all motivations, except for the motivation about “to be thinner” (Chi 2=1.00; p= .317), being men who exceed women for all of them. In relation to the motivations for not doing exercise, there are differences for the motivations “lack of time” (Chi 2=7.72; p= .005), “being short of time” (Chi 2=5.40; p= .020) and “Lack of force of will” (Chi 2=8.26; p= .004), being more relevant for women. Moreover, people who practiceexercisereport better perceived physical (t=7.87; p≤.001)and mental (t=2.31; p= .021) health.Therefore, gender differences about frequency and motivations for doing exercise exist and are related to gender stereotypes. Additionally, people who do greater levels of physical exercise, have a better physical and mental health perception.El ejercicio físico es una actividad física planificada y estructurada con un objetivo final, constituyendo una herramienta preventiva de las enfermedades no transmisibles y un factor protector de la salud física y mental.Asimismo, las motivaciones para realizarlo son fundamentales y pueden verse influidas por el género. El objetivo del estudio es analizar las diferentes motivaciones para hacer ejercicio en función del género, así como observar la relación entre la realización de ejercicio físico y la percepción de salud física y mental. Para ello, una muestra compuesta por un total de 600 jóvenes universitarios (50% hombres y 50% mujeres), cumplimentó el cuestionario online de Estilos de Vida y Salud (Giménez-García y Ballester-Arnal, 2017). Los análisis mostraron diferencias significativas en la realización habitual de ejercicio entre hombres (61.7%) y mujeres (45.3%) (Chi 2=16.01; p≤.001). Asimismo, se observaron diferencias según género en todas las motivaciones para realizar ejercicio, exceptuando el motivo relativo a “estar más delgado/a” (Chi 2=1.00; p= .317), siendo los hombres los que mostraron mayor prevalencia en todos los casos. En relación con las motivaciones para no realizar ejercicio, se observan diferencias en los motivos relativos a la “falta de tiempo” (Chi 2=7.72; p= .005), los “horarios restringidos” (Chi 2=5.40; p= .020) y la “falta de voluntad” (Chi 2=8.26; p= .004), que parece ser más importante en las mujeres, si bien la primera fue la más frecuente en ambos géneros. Además, las personas que practican ejercicio físico muestran una mejor percepción de la salud física (t=7.87; p≤.001) y mental (t=2.31; p=.021). Se concluye que existen diferencias en la frecuencia y motivaciones para realizar ejercicio en función del género, relacionadas con los estereotipos de género. Además, las personas que realizan niveles mayores niveles de ejercicio físico perciben una mejor salud física y mental

    Males and Females Contribute Unequally to Offspring Genetic Diversity in the Polygynandrous Mating System of Wild Boar

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    The maintenance of genetic diversity across generations depends on both the number of reproducing males and females. Variance in reproductive success, multiple paternity and litter size can all affect the relative contributions of male and female parents to genetic variation of progeny. The mating system of the wild boar (Sus scrofa) has been described as polygynous, although evidence of multiple paternity in litters has been found. Using 14 microsatellite markers, we evaluated the contribution of males and females to genetic variation in the next generation in independent wild boar populations from the Iberian Peninsula and Hungary. Genetic contributions of males and females were obtained by distinguishing the paternal and maternal genetic component inherited by the progeny. We found that the paternally inherited genetic component of progeny was more diverse than the maternally inherited component. Simulations showed that this finding might be due to a sampling bias. However, after controlling for the bias by fitting both the genetic diversity in the adult population and the number of reproductive individuals in the models, paternally inherited genotypes remained more diverse than those inherited maternally. Our results suggest new insights into how promiscuous mating systems can help maintain genetic variation

    Recorded dispersal of wild boar (sus scrofa) in northeast Spain : implications for disease-monitoring programs

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    The wild boar population in Spain has increased in recent decades due to a number of factors, including increased food availability, the abandonment of crops, as well as through hybridization with the domestic pig. Studying dispersal is useful for understanding the ecology of a species and the spread of diseases in wildlife. In the case of the wild boar (Sus scrofa), its dispersal depends on environmental changes, food availability, population density, and hunting pressure. The goal of this study was to describe the dispersal of wild boars captured with cage-traps, anesthetized and marked with ear tags between 2008 and 2012 in Catalonia (northeast Spain). Six of 40 wild boars (16 males and 24 females) were recaptured at a mean linear distance of 45.8 km (min. 30, max. 89.8) from their origin. Surprisingly, females dispersed more than males, 57.7 km on average, a distance 1.7 times greater than females in other parts of the world. These dispersal patterns can be partially explained by the need for new territories. This mammal has experienced a huge increase in both distribution range and status throughout the Iberian Peninsula, probably due to an increase in vegetation cover and a lack of predators. Hence, any information about its dispersal patterns is of special interest to specific management plans. Despite to our moderate sample size, it is clear that the impressive dispersal ability of wild boar should be taken into account in the design of health surveillance programs of wildlife diseases

    Sexual Relationships in Hispanic Countries: a Literature Review

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    This is a pre-print of an article published in Current Sexual Health Reports. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11930-020-00272-6Purpose of Review: Sexuality is a complex dimension for which culture seems to play an important role, particularly in countries that are more traditional. This review summarizes the knowledge about sexual relationships in Hispanic countries, considering sexual debut, attitudes, behaviors, and satisfaction. Recent Findings: In line with the literature reviewed, the sexual double standard seems to be continuing to influence sexual relationships. Some countries show more open expressions of sexuality based on the level of gender inequality or sexualized context, and within countries, variables such as religious commitment, family characteristics, and access to resources may play important roles in sexuality. Summary: Future research, policies, and interventions should consider these specific characteristics, including these forms of expression of sexuality, in the adjustment of cross-cultural and cross-national strategies