116 research outputs found

    Arctic polar stratospheric cloud measurements by means of a four wavelength depolarization lidar

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    A four wavelength depolarization backscattering lidar has been operated during the European Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Experiment (EASOE) in Sodankyl, in the Finnish Arctic. The lidar performed measurements during the months of December 1991, January, February and March 1992. The Finnish Meteorological Institute during the same period launched regularly three Radiosondes per day, and three Ozone sondes per week. Both Mt. Pinatubo aerosols and Polar Stratospheric Clouds were measured. The use of four wavelengths, respectively at 355 nm, 532 nm , 750 nm, and 850 nm permits an inversion of the lidar data to determine aerosol particle size. The depolarization technique permits the identification of Polar Stratospheric Clouds. Frequent correlation between Ozone minima and peaks in the Mt. Pinatubo aerosol maxima were detected. Measurements were carried out both within and outside the Polar Vortex

    Benchmarks in antimicrobial peptide prediction are biased due to the selection of negative data

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are a heterogeneous group of short polypeptides that target not only microorganisms but also viruses and cancer cells. Due to their lower selection for resistance compared with traditional antibiotics, AMPs have been attracting the ever-growing attention from researchers, including bioinformaticians. Machine learning represents the most cost-effective method for novel AMP discovery and consequently many computational tools for AMP prediction have been recently developed. In this article, we investigate the impact of negative data sampling on model performance and benchmarking. We generated 660 predictive models using 12 machine learning architectures, a single positive data set and 11 negative data sampling methods; the architectures and methods were defined on the basis of published AMP prediction software. Our results clearly indicate that similar training and benchmark data set, i.e. produced by the same or a similar negative data sampling method, positively affect model performance. Consequently, all the benchmark analyses that have been performed for AMP prediction models are significantly biased and, moreover, we do not know which model is the most accurate. To provide researchers with reliable information about the performance of AMP predictors, we also created a web server AMPBenchmark for fair model benchmarking. AMP Benchmark is available at http://BioGenies.info/AMPBenchmark

    A linguistic analysis of lying in negative evaluations: The speech act performance of Chinese learners of Korean

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    이 논문은 중국인 한국어 학습자와 한국어 화자들 사이의 ‘거짓말’ 화행 양상을 언어학적으로 분석한 연구이다. 여기서 말하는 ‘거짓말’이란 요청, 사과, 거절 등과 같은 화행의 일종으로서 ‘부정적 평가’에 속하며 대화 참여자나 상황을 고려한 소위 ‘선의의 거짓말’을 가리키는 것으로 이해할 수 있을 것이다. 우리는 중국인 한국어 학습자 15명과 한국어 화자 15명을 대상으로 담화완성테스트(DCT)와 부연설명질문지(QFE)를 사용하여 피실험자들의 화행을 분석하였다. 피실험자 자신들의 설명과 한국어교육 전문가 다섯 명의 판정을 종합해 ‘거짓말’ 화행을 가려내고 통계 처리를 바탕으로 다음과 같은 결론에 도달했다. 한국어 화자들이 중국인 한국어 학습자들보다 (선의의) 거짓말을 더 많이 수행하는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 두 집단 모두 부정적 평가가 사물에 관련된 경우보다 사람에 관련된 경우에 ‘거짓말’ 화행을 더 많이 사용한다. 그러나 화자와 청자 사이의 친소관계(distance)나 상하관계(power)는 거짓말 사용에 직접적 상관 관계를 보여주지 않았다. 이 연구는 지금까지 화행 연구 중에서 상대적으로 연구가 부진했던 부정평가와 ‘거짓말’ 화행에 대한 분석을 시도했다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 또한 한국어 화자와 중국인 한국어 학습자 사이에 보이는 화행 수행의 차이를 문화인식(cultural awareness)의 관점에서 해석해 볼 수 있는 가능성도 열어 주었다

    Recasting the cancer stem cell hypothesis: Unification using a continuum model of microenvironmental forces

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    Purpose of review Here, we identify shortcomings of standard compartment-based mathematical models of cancer stem-cells, and propose a continuous formalism which includes the tumor microenvironment. Recent findings Stem-cell models of tumor growth have provided explanations for various phenomena in oncology including, metastasis, drug- and radio-resistance, and functional heterogeneity in the face of genetic homogeneity. While some of the newer models allow for plasticity, or de-differentiation, there is no consensus on the mechanisms driving this. Recent experimental evidence suggests that tumor microenvironment factors like hypoxia, acidosis, and nutrient deprivation have causative roles. Summary To settle the dissonance between the mounting experimental evidence surrounding the effects of the microenvironment on tumor stemness, we propose a continuous mathematical model where we model microenvironmental perturbations like forces, which then shape the distribution of stemness within the tumor. We propose methods by which to systematically measure and characterize these forces, and show results of a simple experiment which support our claims

    Correlated topographic analysis: estimating an ordering of correlated components

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    Abstract This paper describes a novel method, which we call correlated topographic analysis (CTA), to estimate non-Gaussian components and their ordering (topography). The method is inspired by a central motivation of recent variants of independent component analysis (ICA), namely, to make use of the residual statistical dependency which ICA cannot remove. We assume that components nearby on the topographic arrangement have both linear and energy correlations, while far-away components are statistically independent. We use these dependencies to fix the ordering of the components. We start by proposing the generative model for the components. Then, we derive an approximation of the likelihood based on the model. Furthermore, since gradient methods tend to get stuck in local optima, we propose a three-step optimization method which dramatically improves topographic estimation. Using simulated data, we show that CTA estimates an ordering of the components and generalizes a previous method in terms of topography estimation. Finally, to demonstrate that CTA is widely applicable, we learn topographic representations for three kinds of real data: natural images, outputs of simulated complex cells and text data

    Теорія та практика менеджменту безпеки

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    У збірнику подано тези доповідей та виступів учасників Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої питанням теорії менеджменту безпеки, безпеки особистості, прикладним аспектам забезпечення соціальної, екологічної, економічної безпеки підприємств, питанням механізму забезпечення соціоекологоекономічної безпеки регіону, проблемам забезпечення національної безпеки

    Social change and the family: Comparative perspectives from the west, China, and South Asia

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    This paper examines the influence of social and economic change on family structure and relationships: How do such economic and social transformations as industrialization, urbanization, demographic change, the expansion of education, and the long-term growth of income influence the family? We take a comparative and historical approach, reviewing the experiences of three major sociocultural regions: the West, China, and South Asia. Many of the changes that have occurred in family life have been remarkably similar in the three settings—the separation of the workplace from the home, increased training of children in nonfamilial institutions, the development of living arrangements outside the family household, increased access of children to financial and other productive resources, and increased participation by children in the selection of a mate. While the similarities of family change in diverse cultural settings are striking, specific aspects of change have varied across settings because of significant pre-existing differences in family structure, residential patterns of marriage, autonomy of children, and the role of marriage within kinship systems.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45661/1/11206_2005_Article_BF01124383.pd