28,272 research outputs found


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    The author reviews the progress of materials handling techniques over the past quarter century and projects today's concepts against the requirements of the future, concluding with his evaluations of the changes that will take place in the years ahead.Industrial Organization,

    A New Marine Ascomycete from Australia

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    Most marine pyrenomycetes are lignicolous, but some are epiphytic on marine phanerogims and algae. Meyers (1957) listed 30 species of algae known to be attacked by these fungi. A number of reports dealing with marine ascomycetes on algal hosts appeared before 1900, the most noteworthy being those of Winter (1887), and Jones (1898). Cotton (1908) described a pyrenomycete on Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol. and summarized previous reports of ascomycetes found on algae. Reed (1902) collected two species, and Sutherland, in a series of papers (1914-1916), reported several alga-infesting pyrenomycetes. More recently, a number of ascomycetes occurring on algae have been noted (Feldmann, 1957, 1958; Cribb & Herbert, 1954; Cribb & Cribb, 1955, 1960a, b; Wilson & Knoyle, 1961; Kohlmeyer, 1963). This report describes a heretofore unreported pyrenomycete collected from the marine alga, Ballia callitricha Ag. The material was obtained from Warrnambool, Victoria, in waters off southern Australia

    The reduced order model problem in distributed parameter systems adaptive identification and control

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    The basic assumption that a large space structure can be decoupled preceding the application of reduced order active control was considered and alternative solutions to the control of such structures (in contrast to the strict modal control) were investigated. The transfer function matrix from the actuators to the sensors was deemed to be a reasonable candidate. More refined models from multivariable systems theory were studied and recent results in the multivariable control field were compared with respect to theoretical deficiencies and likely problems in application to large space structures

    Evaluation of dispersion strengthened nickel-base alloy heat shields for space shuttle application

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    The results obtained in a program to evaluate dispersion-strengthened nickel-base alloys for use in a metallic radiative thermal protection system operating at surface temperatures to 1477 K for the space shuttle were presented. Vehicle environments having critical effects on the thermal protection system are defined; TD Ni-20Cr characteristics of material used in the current study are compared with previous results; cyclic load, temperature, and pressure effects on sheet material residual strength are investigated; the effects of braze reinforcement in improving the efficiency of spotwelded joints are evaluated; parametric studies of metallic radiative thermal protection systems are reported; and the design, instrumentation, and testing of full scale subsize heat shield panels in two configurations are described. Initial tests of full scale subsize panels included simulated meteoroid impact tests, simulated entry flight aerodynamic heating, programmed differential pressure loads and temperatures simulating mission conditions, and acoustic tests simulating sound levels experienced during boost flight

    Design of an inert fluid injection system, phase 3 Final report

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    Research, development, and design of velocity trim system for third stage of Delta launch vehicl

    Remote sensing operations (multispectral scanner and photographic) in the New York Bight, 22 September 1975

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    Ocean dumping of waste materials is a significant environmental concern in the New York Bight. One of these waste materials, sewage sludge, was monitored in an experiment conducted in the New York Bight on September 22, 1975. Remote sensing over controlled sewage sludge dumping included an 11-band multispectral scanner, fiver multispectral cameras and one mapping camera. Concurrent in situ water samples were taken and acoustical measurements were made of the sewage sludge plumes. Data were obtained for sewage sludge plumes resulting from line (moving barge) and spot (stationary barge) dumps. Multiple aircraft overpasses were made to evaluate temporal effects on the plume signature

    Results of buffet tests in a cryogenic wind tunnel

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    Buffet tests on two semispan wing models with different leading edge sweep show that it is feasibile to use the standard dynamic wing root bending moment technique in a cryogenic wind tunnel. One model was a slender 65 deg swept delta wing with sharp leading edges. The other model was an unswept wing of aspect ratio 1.5 with a British NPL 9510 airfoil section. The results for the 65 deg swept delta wing indicate the importance of matching the reduced frequency parameter in model tests for planforms which are sensitive to reduced frequency parameter if quantitative buffet measurements are required. The unique ability of a pressurized cryogenic wind tunnel to separate the effects of Reynolds number and of static aeroelastic distortion by variations in the tunnel stagnation temperature and pressure were demonstrated

    Effects of wing-leading-edge modifications on a full-scale, low-wing general aviation airplane: Wind-tunnel investigation of high-angle-of-attack aerodynamic characteristics

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    Wing-leading-edge modifications included leading-edge droop and slat configurations having full-span, partial-span, or segmented arrangements. Other devices included wing-chord extensions, fences, and leading-edge stall strips. Good correlation was apparent between the results of wind-tunnel data and the results of flight tests, on the basis of autorotational stability criterion, for a wide range of wing-leading-edge modifications

    A Monte Carlo investigation of thrust imbalance of solid rocket motor pairs

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    A technique is described for theoretical, statistical evaluation of the thrust imbalance of pairs of solid-propellant rocket motors (SRMs) firing in parallel. Sets of the significant variables, determined as a part of the research, are selected using a random sampling technique and the imbalance calculated for a large number of motor pairs. The performance model is upgraded to include the effects of statistical variations in the ovality and alignment of the motor case and mandrel. Effects of cross-correlations of variables are minimized by selecting for the most part completely independent input variables, over forty in number. The imbalance is evaluated in terms of six time - varying parameters as well as eleven single valued ones which themselves are subject to statistical analysis. A sample study of the thrust imbalance of 50 pairs of 146 in. dia. SRMs of the type to be used on the space shuttle is presented. The FORTRAN IV computer program of the analysis and complete instructions for its use are included. Performance computation time for one pair of SRMs is approximately 35 seconds on the IBM 370/155 using the FORTRAN H compiler

    The reduced order model problem in distributed parameter systems adaptive identification and control

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    The reduced order model problem in distributed parameter systems adaptive identification and control is investigated. A comprehensive examination of real-time centralized adaptive control options for flexible spacecraft is provided