258 research outputs found

    The influence of weight and fat on lamb prices revisited

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    Previous research has found inconsistencies in the valuation of weight and fat characteristics of lamb carcasses between the saleyard and wholesale markets. In this paper, recent New South Wales saleyard and wholesale price data on different classes of lamb are analysed using hedonic methods to determine the relative influence of weight and fat on prices received. Fat score 2 lambs are heavily discounted relative to fat score 3 lambs, and there are significant seasonal price differentials, but there are no significant premiums or discounts for weight or other fat characteristics. These results hold for both the saleyard and wholesale markets. The implication is that the efficiency of price discovery in the Australian lamb market has improved a little in recent years in the sense that premiums and discounts are now consistent across market levels. However consumers’ stated preferences for large lean lambs are not being reflected in price incentives generated in the live lamb and lamb carcass markets.lamb, marketing, hedonic models, carcass characteristics, Demand and Price Analysis, Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing,

    Development and application of cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 as a protein scaffold for the generation of novel binding ligands

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    AbstractWe have explored the possibilities of using human cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) as a single immunoglobulin fold-based scaffold for the generation of novel binding ligands. To obtain a suitable protein library selection system, the extracellular domain of CTLA-4 was first displayed on the surface of a filamentous phage as a fusion product of the phage coat protein p3. CTLA-4 was shown to be functionally intact by binding to its natural ligands B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2 (CD86) both in vitro and in situ. Secondly, the complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3) loop of the CTLA-4 extracellular domain was evaluated as a permissive site. We replaced the nine amino acid CDR3-like loop of CTLA-4 with the sequence XXX-RGD-XXX (where X represents any amino acid). Using phage display we selected several CTLA-4-based variants capable of binding to human αvβ3 integrin, one of which showed binding to integrins in situ. To explore the construction of bispecific molecules we also evaluated one other potential permissive site diametrically opposite the natural CDR-like loops, which was found to be tolerant of peptide insertion. Our data suggest that CTLA-4 is a suitable human scaffold for engineering single-domain molecules with one or possibly more binding specificities

    Gonad shielding in paediatric pelvic radiography: disadvantages prevail over benefit

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    Objective To re-evaluate gonad shielding in paediatric pelvic radiography in terms of attainable radiation risk reduction and associated loss of diagnostic information. Methods A study on patient dose and the quality of gonad shielding was performed retrospectively using 500 pelvic radiographs of children from 0 to 15 years old. In a subsequent study, 195 radiographs without gonad shielding were included. Patient doses and detriment adjusted risks for heritable disease and cancer were calculated with and without gonad shielding. Results For girls, gonad shields were placed incorrectly in 91% of the radiographs; for boys, in 66%. Without gonad shielding, the hereditary detriment adjusted risk for girls ranged between 0.1?×?10?6 and 1.3?×?10?6 and for boys between 0.3?×?10?6 and 3.9?×?10?6, dependent on age. With shielding, the reduction in hereditary risk for girls was on average 6?±?3% of the total risk of the radiograph, for boys 24?±?6%. Without gonad shielding, the effective dose ranged from 0.008 to 0.098 mSv. Conclusions With modern optimised X-ray systems, the reduction of the detriment adjusted risk by gonad shielding is negligibly small. Given the potential consequences of loss of diagnostic information, of retakes, and of shielding of automatic exposure-control chambers, gonad shielding might better be discontinued.Support TNWApplied Science

    Expanding the Versatility of Phage Display I: Efficient Display of Peptide-Tags on Protein VII of the Filamentous Phage

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    Background: Phage display is a platform for selection of specific binding molecules and this is a clear-cut motivation for increasing its performance. Polypeptides are normally displayed as fusions to the major coat protein VIII (pVIII), or the minor coat protein III (pIII). Display on other coat proteins such as pVII allows for display of heterologous peptide sequences on the virions in addition to those displayed on pIII and pVIII. In addition, pVII display is an alternative to pIII or pVIII display. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we demonstrate how standard pIII or pVIII display phagemids are complemented with a helper phage which supports production of virions that are tagged with octa FLAG, HIS6 or AviTag on pVII. The periplasmic signal sequence required for pIII and pVIII display, and which has been added to pVII in earlier studies, is omitted altogether. Conclusions/Significance: Tagging on pVII is an important and very useful add-on feature to standard pIII and pVII display. Any phagemid bearing a protein of interest on either pIII or pVIII can be tagged with any of the tags depending simply on choice of helper phage. We show in this paper how such tags may be utilized for immobilization and separation as well as purification and detection of monoclonal and polyclonal phage populations. © 2011 Wälchli et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Highly conserved elements discovered in vertebrates are present in non-syntenic loci of tunicates, act as enhancers and can be transcribed during development

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    Co-option of cis-regulatory modules has been suggested as a mechanism for the evolution of expression sites during development. However, the extent and mechanisms involved in mobilization of cisregulatory modules remains elusive. To trace the history of non-coding elements, which may represent candidate ancestral cis-regulatory modules affirmed during chordate evolution, we have searched for conserved elements in tunicate and vertebrate (Olfactores) genomes. We identified, for the first time, 183 non-coding sequences that are highly conserved between the two groups. Our results show that all but one element are conserved in non-syntenic regions between vertebrate and tunicate genomes, while being syntenic among vertebrates. Nevertheless, in all the groups, they are significantly associated with transcription factors showing specific functions fundamental to animal development, such as multicellular organism development and sequence-specific DNA binding. The majority of these regions map onto ultraconserved elements and we demonstrate that they can act as functional enhancers within the organism of origin, as well as in cross-transgenesis experiments, and that they are transcribed in extant species of Olfactores. We refer to the elements as 'Olfactores conserved non-coding elements'. \uc2\ua9 The Author(s) 2013. Published by Oxford University Press

    Multiple Chromosomal Rearrangements Structured the Ancestral Vertebrate Hox-Bearing Protochromosomes

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    While the proposal that large-scale genome expansions occurred early in vertebrate evolution is widely accepted, the exact mechanisms of the expansion—such as a single or multiple rounds of whole genome duplication, bloc chromosome duplications, large-scale individual gene duplications, or some combination of these—is unclear. Gene families with a single invertebrate member but four vertebrate members, such as the Hox clusters, provided early support for Ohno's hypothesis that two rounds of genome duplication (the 2R-model) occurred in the stem lineage of extant vertebrates. However, despite extensive study, the duplication history of the Hox clusters has remained unclear, calling into question its usefulness in resolving the role of large-scale gene or genome duplications in early vertebrates. Here, we present a phylogenetic analysis of the vertebrate Hox clusters and several linked genes (the Hox “paralogon”) and show that different phylogenies are obtained for Dlx and Col genes than for Hox and ErbB genes. We show that these results are robust to errors in phylogenetic inference and suggest that these competing phylogenies can be resolved if two chromosomal crossover events occurred in the ancestral vertebrate. These results resolve conflicting data on the order of Hox gene duplications and the role of genome duplication in vertebrate evolution and suggest that a period of genome reorganization occurred after genome duplications in early vertebrates

    Pediatric interventional radiography equipment: safety considerations

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    This paper discusses pediatric image quality and radiation dose considerations in state-of-the-art fluoroscopic imaging equipment. Although most fluoroscopes are capable of automatically providing good image quality on infants, toddlers, and small children, excessive radiation dose levels can result from design deficiencies of the imaging device or inappropriate configuration of the equipment’s capabilities when imaging small body parts. Important design features and setup choices at installation and during the clinical use of the imaging device can improve image quality and reduce radiation exposure levels in pediatric patients. Pediatric radiologists and cardiologists, with the help of medical physicists, need to understand the issues involved in creating good image quality at reasonable pediatric patient doses. The control of radiographic technique factors by the generator of the imaging device must provide a large dynamic range of mAs values per exposure pulse during both fluoroscopy and image recording as a function of patient girth, which is the thickness of the patient in the posterior–anterior projection at the umbilicus (less than 10 cm to greater than 30 cm). The range of pulse widths must be limited to less than 10 ms in children to properly freeze patient motion. Variable rate pulsed fluoroscopy can be leveraged to reduce radiation dose to the patient and improve image quality. Three focal spots with nominal sizes of 0.3 mm to 1 mm are necessary on the pediatric unit. A second, lateral imaging plane might be necessary because of the child’s limited tolerance of contrast medium. Spectral and spatial beam shaping can improve image quality while reducing the radiation dose. Finally, the level of entrance exposure to the image receptor of the fluoroscope as a function of operator choices, of added filter thickness, of selected pulse rate, of the selected field-of-view and of the patient girth all must be addressed at installation