567 research outputs found

    Cognitive outcome and gamma noise power unrelated to neuregulin 1 and 3 variation in schizophrenia

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    Background Neuregulins are a family of signalling proteins that orchestrate a broad range of cellular responses. Four genes encoding Neuregulins 1–4 have been identified so far in vertebrates. Among them, Neuregulin 1 and Neuregulin 3 have been reported to contribute to an increased risk for developing schizophrenia. We hypothesized that three specific variants of these genes (rs6994992 and rs3924999 for Neuregulin 1 and rs10748842 for Neuregulin 3) that have been related to this illness may modify information processing capacity in the cortex, which would be reflected in electrophysiological parameters (P3b amplitude or gamma noise power) and/or cognitive performance. Methods We obtained DNA from 31 patients with schizophrenia and 23 healthy controls and analyzed NRG1 rs6994992, NRG1 rs3924999 and NRG3 rs10748842 promoter polymorphisms by allelic discrimination with real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We compared cognitive outcome, P300 amplitude parameters and an electroencephalographic measure of noise power in the gamma band between the groups dichotomized according to genotype. Results Contrary to our hypothesis, we could not detect any significant influence of variation in Neuregulin 1/Neuregulin 3 polymorphisms on cognitive performance or electrophysiological parameters of patients with schizophrenia. Conclusions Despite our findings, we cannot discard that other genetic variants and, more likely, interactions between those variants and with genetic variation related to different pathways may still influence cerebral processing in schizophrenia

    Genetic study in patients operated dentally and anesthetized with articaine-epinephrine

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    Aims: In this study we wanted to figure out if there was a correlation between OPRM1 N40D, TRPV1 I316M, TRPV1 I585V, NOS3 −786T>C and IL6 −174C>G polymorphisms and the response to locally applied articaine-epinephrine anesthetic. Methods: In this observational study, 114 oral cell samples of patients anesthetized with articaine-epinephrine (54 from men 60 from women), were collected from dental centers in Madrid (Spain). High molecular weight DNA was obtained from oral mucosa cells. The analysis of OPRM1 N40D (rs1799971), TRPV1 I316M (rs222747), TRPV1 I585V (rs8065080) and IL6 −174C>G polymorphism was performed through real-time PCR allelic discrimination using TaqMan probes. Polymorphism NOS3 −786T> C (rs2070744) was analyzed using RFLP-PCR. Results: The studied polymorphisms are involved neither in the response to the anesthetic, nor in the intensity of perceived dental pain. However, in a subset of female patients we found that TRPV1 I316M was associated with a delayed onset of anesthesia. Conclusions: There is no association among these polymorphisms and the time elapsed between the application of the anesthetic and the onset of its effect

    Estudio de factores causales de deserción en alumnos de ciencias veterinarias

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    La deserción constituye un problema importante del sistema nacional de educación formal. La Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Veterinarias de la UCASAL (Salta, Argentina) se propuso determinar la tasa de deserción de alumnos de veterinaria y las posibles causas que inciden en ella. Se efectuó la recolección, organización, presentación y análisis de la información, tomando como población las cohortes de los años 2009 a 2013. El análisis de los datos obtenidos estuvo basado en estadísticas descriptivas (tendencia central, dispersión y coeficiente de variación). El porcentaje de deserción resultó del 33%. Se determinaron las causas del abandono y se formularon estrategias para su corrección. Se estima que tales medidas generarán una disminución de la deserción y por ende una mejor calidad educativa

    I Jornada de expertos en ictiosis

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    On June 22, 2012 the First Symposium of Ichthyosis Experts in Spain was held at the Hospital Niño de Jesús in Madrid. It was a one-day symposium for dermatologists, pediatricians, and physicians-in-training interested in this disease, as well as for other health care professionals involved in the care of patients with ichthyosis. The aim of the meeting was to try to structure the care of ichthyosis patients in Spain. As happens in other rare diseases, because of the low prevalence of ichthyosis and the absence of designated referral centers, the number of patients treated in each center is very low and few dermatologists have any real clinical experience with this condition or know how to order diagnostic genetic tests. This article summarizes the presentations given at the symposium and is intended as a reference for anyone interested in the subject.El día 22 de junio de 2012 se celebró en el Hospital Niño Jesús la I Jornada de expertos en ictiosis, una jornada monográfica dirigida a dermatólogos, pediatras y médicos en formación interesados en esta enfermedad, así como al resto de profesionales sanitarios que participan en su atención. El objetivo de la l Jornada de expertos en ictiosis fue intentar estructurar la atención de los pacientes con ictiosis en España. Como ocurre con el resto de las enfermedades raras, su escasa prevalencia y la ausencia de centros de referencia formales diluyen el número de pacientes atendidos en cada centro, y pocos dermatólogos tienen verdadera experiencia clínica o conocen la manera de solicitar diagnóstico genético. En este artículo se resumen las ponencias expuestas en la Jornada para consulta de aquellas personas interesadas en el tema.Pathophysiology of Keratinization Disorders / Ángela Hernández . -- Extracutaneous Manifestations of Ichthyosis / Antonio Torrelo . -- New Clinical Classification of the Ichthyoses / Raúl de Lucas . -- Use of Histologic Diagnosis in Ichthyosis / Fernando Casco . -- Genetic Diagnosis of Ichthyosis / Rogelio González Sarmiento . -- The Multidisciplinary Approach in Ichthyosis: Psychological Care / José Luis Pedreira Massa . -- Collodion Baby and Congenital Erythroderma: Clinical Management and Course / Heiko Traupe . -- Treatment of Ichthyosis / Heiko Traupe . -- Lessons Learned from Experience / Pablo de Unamuno . -- Looking Towards the Future: Humanized Models of Ichthyosis and other Hyperkeratotic Disorders / Fernando Larcher, Marcela del Río . -- What Patients Need / The Leader ship Team of the Spanish Ichthyosis Association . -- Conclusions / Ángela HernándezPublicad

    The Degree and regularity of vanishing ideals of algebraic toric sets over finite fields

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    Let X* be a subset of an affine space A^s, over a finite field K, which is parameterized by the edges of a clutter. Let X and Y be the images of X* under the maps x --> [x] and x --> [(x,1)] respectively, where [x] and [(x,1)] are points in the projective spaces P^{s-1} and P^s respectively. For certain clutters and for connected graphs, we were able to relate the algebraic invariants and properties of the vanishing ideals I(X) and I(Y). In a number of interesting cases, we compute its degree and regularity. For Hamiltonian bipartite graphs, we show the Eisenbud-Goto regularity conjecture. We give optimal bounds for the regularity when the graph is bipartite. It is shown that X* is an affine torus if and only if I(Y) is a complete intersection. We present some applications to coding theory and show some bounds for the minimum distance of parameterized linear codes for connected bipartite graphs

    Association between -T786C NOS3 polymorphism and resistant hypertension: a prospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is estimated that 5% of the hypertensive patients are resistant to conventional antihypertensive therapy. Polymorphisms in the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS3) gene have been associated with high blood pressure levels, but not with resistant hypertension. The aim of the present study was to investigate if the -786T>C and G894T (Glu298Asp) polymorphisms of the NOS3 gene were associated with resistant hypertension.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective case-control observational study was performed. From a series of 950 consecutive patients followed up during 42 months, 48 patients with resistant hypertension were detected. 232 patients with controlled high blood pressure were also included.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No differences were observed in the distribution of G894T (Glu298Asp) NOS3 genotypes between the resistant hypertension group and the controlled hypertension patients. However, genotype -786CC was more frequent in the group of patients with resistant hypertension (33.3%) than in the group of patients with controlled high blood pressure (17.7%) (p 0.03). Furthermore carriers of allele T (-786TC and -786TT) were more frequent in patients with controlled hypertension (82.3%) than those with resistant hypertension (66.7%) (Multivariate analysis; RR 2.09; 95% CI 1.03–4.24; p 0.004).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results indicate that genotype -786CC of the NOS3 gene increase the susceptibility to suffer resistant hypertension, which suggest that resistance to conventional therapy could be determined at the endothelial level.</p

    A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the RASGRF2 Gene Is Associated with Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis in Men

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    Background Genetic polymorphisms in the RAS gene family are associated with different diseases, which may include alcohol-related disorders. Previous studies showed an association of the allelic variant rs26907 in RASGRF2 gene with higher alcohol intake. Additionally, the rs61764370 polymorphism in the KRAS gene is located in a binding site for the let-7 micro-RNA family, which is potentially involved in alcohol-induced inflammation. Therefore, this study was designed to explore the association between these two polymorphisms and susceptibility to alcoholism or alcoholic liver disease (ALD). Methods We enrolled 301 male alcoholic patients and 156 healthy male volunteers in this study. Polymorphisms were genotyped by using TaqMan® PCR assays for allelic discrimination. Allelic and genotypic frequencies were compared between the two groups. Logistic regression analysis was performed to analyze the inheritance model. Results The A allele of the RASGRF2 polymorphism (rs26907) was significantly more prevalent among alcoholic patients with cirrhosis (23.2%) compared to alcoholic patients without ALD (14.2%). This difference remained significant in the group of patients with alcohol dependence (28.8% vs. 14.3%) but not in those with alcohol abuse (15.1% vs. 14.4%). Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that the A allele of this polymorphism (AA or GA genotype) was associated with alcoholic cirrhosis both in the total group of alcoholics (odds ratio [OR]: 2.33, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.32–4.11; P = 0.002) and in the group of patients with alcohol dependence (OR: 3.1, 95% CI: 1.50–6.20; P = 0.001). Allelic distributions of the KRAS polymorphism (rs61764370) did not differ between the groups. Conclusions To our knowledge, this genetic association study represents the first to show an association of the RASGRF2 G>A (rs26907) polymorphism with ALD in men, particularly in the subgroup of patients with AD. The findings suggest the potential relevance of the RAS gene family in alcoholism and ALD

    Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change

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    Trabajo presentado en: 10th International Worskshop Cyclones Tropicales, celebrado del 5 al 9 de diciembre de 2022 en Bali, Indonesia.A substantial number of studies have been published since the IWTC-9 in 2018, improving our understanding of the effect of climate change on tropical cyclones (TCs) and associated hazards and risks. They reinforced the robustness of increases in TC intensity and associated TC hazards and risks due to anthropogenic climate change. New modeling and observational studies suggested the potential influence of anthropogenic climate forcings, including greenhouse gases and aerosols, on global and regional TC activity at the decadal and century time scale. However, there is still substantial uncertainty owing to model uncertainty in simulating historical TC decadal variability in the Atlantic and owing to limitations of observed TC records. The projected future change in the global number of TCs has become more uncertain since IWTC-9 due to projected increases in TC frequency by a few climate models. A new paradigm, TC seeds, has been proposed, and there is currently a debate on whether seeds can help explain the physical mechanism behind the projected changes in global TC frequency. New studies also highlighted the importance of large-scale environmental fields on TC activity, such as snow cover and air-sea interactions. Future projections on TC translation speed and Medicanes are new additional focus topics in our report. Recommendations and future research are proposed relevant to the remaining scientific questions and assisting policymakers