76 research outputs found

    ElonCam : instrumentation et analyse d'images pour le suivi automatisé individualisé du développement de semences et de plantules

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    Le système ElonCam est en cours de développement dans le cadre d\u27une collaboration entre le LARIS, le GEVES-SNES et l\u27INRA d\u27Angers - IRHS. Il s’agit d’un système de vision, constitué d’un système d’acquisition d’images piloté par ordinateur, et d’un logiciel de traitement et d\u27analyse d\u27images couleur RVB, qui permet de réaliser des mesures automatisées sur les semences et les plantules au cours de leur développement. Le système d’acquisition peut incorporer différentes modalités d\u27imagerie, et il est actuellement employé en imagerie visible (voir Fig. 1). L\u27acquisition des images est effectuée en lumière verte inactinique (censée simuler l\u27obscurité et ne pas influencer le développement des plantules). Afin de minimiser l\u27apport d\u27énergie lumineuse l\u27éclairage intermittent est synchronisé avec la prise de vue. Les graines sont semées dans une boîte de Pétri contenant de la gélose (milieu de culture transparent) placée à la verticale afin de respecter le géotropisme. Le logiciel de traitement d\u27images détecte, isole, labellise puis mesure les semences et les plantules. L\u27analyse numérique des images permet d\u27aboutir à la mesure individuelle automatisée des semences au cours de la germination puis des plantules et de leurs organes d\u27intérêt en fonction du temps, selon les conditions de la croissance. Afin de gérer les croisements de plantules, un algorithme de suivi de structures arborescentes a été développé. Le système de vision vise à contribuer au phénotypage automatisé haut-débit des semences et plantules, afin de tester la capacité à germer et la vitesse de croissance pour différentes espèces et différents génotypes, et en vue d\u27améliorer leurs propriétés et rendement. Le système a été testé pour la caractérisation de différentes espèces comme Medicago truncatula, colza, blé, tournesol, et également la betterave dans le cadre du programme ANR Investissements d\u27Avenir AKER où les coauteurs sont impliqués et qui concerne l\u27amélioration de la betterave sucrière pour laquelle la France est l\u27un des premiers producteurs mondiaux. Ce travail a bénéficié d\u27une aide de l\u27État gérée par l\u27Agence Nationale de la Recherche au titre du programme "Investissements d\u27Avenir" portant la référence ANR-11-BTBR-0007 (programme AKER)

    SOI-based micro-mechanical terahertz detector operating at room-temperature

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    We present a micro-mechanical terahertz (THz) detector fabricated on a silicon on insulator (SOI) substrate and operating at room-temperature. The device is based on a U-shaped cantilever of micrometric size, on top of which two aluminum half-wave dipole antennas are deposited. This produces an absorption extending over the 23.5\sim 2-3.5THz frequency range. Due to the different thermal expansion coefficients of silicon and aluminum, the absorbed radiation induces a deformation of the cantilever, which is read out optically using a 1.5μ1.5\mum laser diode. By illuminating the detector with an amplitude modulated, 2.5 THz quantum cascade laser, we obtain, at room-temperature and atmospheric pressure, a responsivity of 1.5×108\sim 1.5 \times 10^{8}pm/W for the fundamental mechanical bending mode of the cantilever. This yields an noise-equivalent-power of 20 nW/Hz1/2^{1/2} at 2.5THz. Finally, the low mechanical quality factor of the mode grants a broad frequency response of approximately 150kHz bandwidth, with a response time of 2.5μ\sim 2.5\mus

    THz packaging solution for low cost si-based 40 Gb/s wireless link system

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    This paper presents an innovative low-cost transmitter solution aimed at improving telecommunication networks capacities in order to support the massive data traffic growth. Sub-THz frequencies > 200 GHz are considered to target at least 40 Gb/s. The proposed transmitter consists of a Silicon Photonic integrated sub-THz source and an industrial antenna integrated in HDI organic packaging substrate. As these components were experimentally evaluated, a real-time error free wireless data transmission of 10 Gb/s was successfully achieved and an antenna gain of 5.5 dBi was measured in the broadside direction from 220 GHz to 240 GHz (8.7% relative bandwidth). With the addition of a low-cost dielectric lens, a gain of 17 dBi was reached.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Implementing statically typed object-oriented programming languages

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    A paraîtreInternational audienceObject-oriented programming languages represent an original implementation issue due to the mechanism known as late binding, aka message sending. The underlying principle is that the address of the actually called procedure is not statically determined, at compile-time, but depends on the dynamic type of a distinguished parameter known as the receiver. In statically typed languages, the point is that the receiver's dynamic type may be a subtype of its static type. A similar issue arises with attributes, because their position in the object layout may depends on the object's dynamic type. Furthermore, subtyping introduces another original feature, i.e. subtype checks. All three mechanisms need specific implementations, data structures and algorithms. In statically typed languages, late binding is generally implemented with tables, called virtual function tables in C++ jargon. These tables reduce method calls to pointers to functions, through a small fixed number of extra indirections. It follows that object-oriented programming yields some overhead, as compared to usual procedural languages. The different techniques and their resulting overhead depend on several parameters. Firstly, inheritance and subtyping may be single or multiple and a mixing is even possible, as in JAVA, which presents single inheritance for classes and multiple subtyping for interfaces. Multiple inheritance is a well known complication. Secondly, the production of executable programs may involve various schemes, from global compilation frameworks, where the whole program is known at compile time, to separate compilation and dynamic loading, where each program unit---usually a class in an object-oriented context---is compiled and loaded independently of any usage. Global compilation is well known to facilitate optimization. In this paper, we review the various implementation schemes available in the context of static typing and in the three cases of single inheritance, multiple inheritance, and single inheritance but with multiple subtyping, e.g. JAVA. The survey focuses on separate compilation and dynamic loading, as it is the most commonly used framework and the most demanding. However, many works have been recently undertaken in the global compilation framework, mostly for dynamically typed languages but also applied to the EIFFEL language in the SMARTEIFFEL compiler. Hence, we examine global techniques and how they can improve implementation efficiency. Finally, a mixed framework is considered, where separate compilation is followed by a global step, similar to linking, which uses global techniques, as well for implementation, with coloring, as for optimization, with type analysis. An application to dynamic loading is sketched

    Strategy for the management of diabetic macular edema: the European Vitreo-Retinal Society macular edema study

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    Objective. To compare the efficacy of different therapies in the treatment of diabetic macular edema (DME). Design. Nonrandomized, multicenter clinical study. Participants. 86 retina specialists from 29 countries provided clinical information on 2,603 patients with macular edema including 870 patients with DME. Methods. Reported data included the type and number of treatment(s) performed, the pre-and posttreatment visual acuities, and other clinical findings.The results were analyzed by the French INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies). Main Outcome Measures. Mean change of visual acuity and mean number of treatments performed. Results.The change in visual acuity over time in response to each treatment was plotted in second order polynomial regression trend lines. Intravitreal triamcinolone monotherapy resulted in some improvement in vision. Treatmentwith threshold or subthreshold grid laser also resulted in minimal vision gain. Anti-VEGF therapy resulted in more significant visual improvement. Treatment with pars plana vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling alone resulted in an improvement in vision greater than that observed with anti-VEGF injection alone. In our DME study, treatment with vitrectomy and ILM peeling alone resulted in the better visual improvement compared to other therapies

    Bronchiectasis Rheumatoid overlap syndrome is an independent risk factor for mortality in patients with bronchiectasis: A multicenter cohort study

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    International audienceObject-oriented languages involve a trade-off between three aspects, namely multiple inheritance, runtime efficiency and open world assumption (OWA), i.e. dynamic loading. The runtime efficiency of object-oriented programs is conditioned by the underlying implementation technique and compilation scheme. The former is concerned by the precise data structures that support basic object-oriented mechanisms (namely method invocation, attribute access and subtype testing). The latter consists of the production line of an executable program from the source code files, including compilers, linkers, loaders, virtual machines and so on. Many implementation techniques have been proposed and several compilation schemes can be considered from fully global compilation, under the closed-world assumption, to fully separate compilation, with dynamic loading, under the OWA, with midway solutions that involve separate compilation and global linking. In this article, we review a significant subset of all possible combinations and present a systematic empirical comparison of their respective efficiency with all other things being equal. The testbed consists of the Prm compiler that has been designed to implement various alternative techniques, in different compilation schemes. The considered techniques include C++ subobjects, coloring, perfect hashing and binary tree dispatch. A variety of processors have been considered. Qualitatively, these first results confirm the intuitive or theoretical abstract assessments of the tested approaches---as expected, efficiency increases as CWA strengthens. From a quantitative standpoint, the results are the first to precisely compare the efficiency of techniques that are closely associated with languages, e.g. C++ and Eiffel. They also confirm that perfect hashing should be used for implementing Java interfaces