598 research outputs found

    Studies in Mixed Adsorbent Systems: Adsorption of Water Vapours on Carbogels

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    Patterns and predictors of stranger rape locations

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    This paper examines the spatial, environmental, and temporal patterns of 10,488 stranger rapes committed over a 15-year period in Greater London, UK. We distinguished between two types of stranger rapes according to perpetrator method of approach, i.e. absent/fleeting interaction with victim on approach (S1) or extended interaction with victim on approach (S2). There were a range of locational settings in which perpetrators both encountered their victims and where the offence took place, and these differed by method of approach. The highest number of S1 offences occurred outdoors, with 74% of approaches and 55% of offences located recorded as outside. For S2 rapes, there was more variety in approach locations with only 32% outside. The level of locational correspondence between approach and offence location was 71% for S1 rapes and 28% for S2 rapes. A series of negative binomial regression models identified variables predictive of stranger rape offence location. There were significant associations with transport connections and the night-time economy for both S1 and S2 rapes. Other significant predictors were deprivation score, the percentage of one person properties, and the percentage of private rented properties in a location. The percentage of green space was a significant predictor for S1 rapes only. The current findings challenge the popular narrative that stranger rape occurs in a specific setting (i.e. outside in a secluded location at night) and have implications for place-based crime prevention policy

    Comparing Behavioural Models Using Data from Experimental Centipede Games

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    The centipede game posits one of the most well-known paradoxes of backward induction in the literature of experimental game theory. Given that deviations from the unique subgame perfect Nash equilibrium generates a Pareto improvement, several theoretical models have been employed in order to rationalize this kind of behavior in this social dilemma. The available explanations range from social preferences including fairness, altruism or cooperation motives, errors in playing, inability to perform backward induction or different depths of reasoning. In the present study, we use the Blavatskyy's theoretical contribution, and relax the assumptions of Expected Utility maximization and risk-neutral attitudes, to test an alternative explanation. We compare various probabilistic decision theory models in terms of their descriptive (in-sample) and predictive (out-of-sample fit) performance, using data from experimental centipede games. We find that introducing non-Expected Utility preferences to the Quantal Response Equilibrium model, along with a nonlinear utility function, provides a better explanation compared to alternative specifications such as the Level-k or the Quantal Response Equilibrium model with altruistic motives. (JEL C72, C92, D81, D82)

    Understanding the enablers and barriers to appropriate infants and young child feeding practices in India: A systematic review

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    Despite efforts to promote infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices, there is no collective review of evidence on IYCF enablers and barriers in India. This review was conducted using 2015 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta‐Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Six computerized bibliographic databases, Scopus, PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Embase, and Ovid MEDLINE, were searched for published studies on factors associated with IYCF practices in India from 1 January 1993, to 30 April 2020. IYCF practices examined were early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, continued breastfeeding at one year, introduction to solid semi‐solid or soft foods, minimum dietary diversity, minimum meal frequency, minimum acceptable diet, continued breastfeeding at two years, predominant breastfeeding, and bottle feeding. In total, 6968 articles were retrieved, and 46 studies met the inclusion criteria. The common enablers of IYCF were higher maternal socioeconomic status (SES) and more frequent antenatal care visits (ANC) (≥3). Common barriers to IYCF practices were low SES and less frequent ANC. The review showed that the factors associated with IYCF practices in India are largely modifiable and multi‐factorial. Improving IYCF practices would require the adoption of both facilities‐ and community‐based policy interventions at the subnational and national levels in India

    Modelling of a Regenerative Liquid Propellant Gun

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    In the development of liquid propellant guns (LPG), there are numerous interdependent parameters which affect the performance of the gun. There are some difficulties in arriving at the dimensions of its various components. To help in this task, computer simulation was undertaken to predict the performance of a conceptual gun. This is a sensitivity study aimed at exploring the relationship between the interdependent parameters. The parameters which have a direct bearing on the performance of the gun, like areas of cross-section of vents, differential piston dimensions liquid propellant mass, and the combustion and reservoir chamber dimensions have been studied. The expected pressures and other parameters could be studied with the help of this model is thus helpful in the optimization of the design of LPGs

    Student’s perceptions and feedback about teaching-learning pharmacology in Nepalgunj Medical College of Chisapani, Nepal

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    Background: Pharmacology, being both basic and applied science, forms the backbone of rational therapeutics in medical field. Understanding of current perceptions and opinions of medical students is important for the betterment of teaching-learning methodologies in pharmacology subject. This study done with the objective to determine the perception and feedback of teaching learning pharmacology.Methods: Descriptive cross sectional questionnaire based study was conducted in Nepalgunj Medical College Chisapani, Banke Nepal, among second year MBBS students in September 2017. A questionnaire distributed in class and then collected. Data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).Results: Total 119 students, 78 male and 41 females participated in this study. The percentage average of agreed responses for 15 questions (58.92±19.53) was significant (p <0.05) when compared with the percentage average of the disagreed (5.42± 5.17). Seventy three (61.3%) students agreed that pharmacology is a favourite subject but the preferences for pharmacology as a subject in post-graduation was low (18.5%). High proportion of students wanted the faculty members to make more use of Audio-Visual aids 93.3%, case based learning 96.6%, more clinical pharmacology, 97.5%, group discussions, 88.2%, integration to clinical sciences 92.4% and 82.4% prefer MCQs to be introduced in the curriculum for effective learning.Conclusions: Introduction of integrated teaching, MCQs, case based, and group based discussion with clinical pharmacology and audio-visual aids was favoured by majority of the students. Regular reviewing perception and feedback of the students help teachers to plan the curriculum and improve the teaching methodologies

    How do defendants choose their trial court? Evidence for a heuristic processing account

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    In jurisdictions with two or more tiers of criminal courts, some defendants can choose the type of trial court to be tried in. This may involve a trade-off between the probability of acquittal/conviction and the estimated severity of sentence if convicted. For instance, in England and Wales, the lower courts have a higher conviction rate but limited sentencing powers, whereas the higher courts have a higher acquittal rate but greater sentencing powers. We examined 255 offenders’ choice of trial court type using a hypothetical scenario where innocence and guilt was manipulated. Participants’ choices were better predicted by a lexicographic than utility maximization model. A greater proportion of “guilty” participants chose the lower court compared to their “innocent” counterparts, and estimated sentence length was more important to the former than latter group. The present findings provide further support for heuristic decision-making in the criminal justice domain, and have implications for legal policy-making

    A survey of intelligence analysts’ strategies for solving analytic tasks

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    Analytic performance may be assessed by the nature of the process applied to intelligence tasks and analysts are expected to use a 'critical' or deliberative mindset. However, there is little research on how analysts do their work. We report the findings of a quantitative survey of 113 intelligence analysts who were asked to report how often they would apply strategies involving more or less critical thinking when performing representative tasks along the analytic workflow. Analysts reported using ‘deliberative’ strategies significantly more often than ‘intuitive’ ones when capturing customer requirements, processing data, and communicating conclusions. Years of experience working in the intelligence community, skill level, analytic thinking training, and time spent working collaboratively (opposed to individually) were largely unrelated to reported strategy use. We discuss the implications of these findings for both improving intelligence analysis and developing an evidence-based approach to policy and practice in this domain

    Life cycle assessment of biocement: An emerging sustainable solution?

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    Microbially Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (MICP) is a natural biocementation that takes place in corals, stromatolites and beach rocks. In recent years, researchers have explored the emulation of this process as a sustainable alternative of engineered cement. Although the natural process is undoubtedly sustainable, its engineered variant deviates substantially from the natural process. In this paper, we investigate the environmental and economic performance of the engineered biocementation process vis-à-vis present manufacturing of calcium carbonate. SimaPro 8.0 software and the Ecoinvent V2.2 database were used for materials inputs and AUSLCI along with Cumulative Energy Demand 2.01 software were used for carbon footprint and eutrophication potential. Our results show that different metabolic pathways of MICP have considerably varying environmental impact. We observe that nature performs MICP sustainably at ambient conditions and geological time scales utilizing naturally occurring sources of carbon and calcium at micromoles concentrations. Due to the mandate on duration of construction projects, highly purified reactants in a high concentration are used in the engineered process. This has a negative environmental impact. We conclude that the sustainability of engineered MICP is directly impacted by the metabolic pathway of bacteria as well as the purity of the input chemicals. A few biotic processes are superior to the present industrial process for manufacturing calcium carbonate if ingredients of laboratory grade purity are replaced by industrial grade products. A bigger dividend can be obtained by introducing industry by-products as nutrients. The results of this study help to direct future research for developing sustainable biocement for the construction industry