150 research outputs found

    Feasibility of SiC composite structures for 1644 deg gas turbine seal applications

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    The feasibility of silicon carbide composite structures was evaluated for 1644 K gas turbine seal applications. The silicon carbide composites evaluated consisted of Si/SiC Silcomp (Trademark) - and sintered silicon carbide as substrates, both with attached surface layers containing BN as an additive. A total of twenty-eight candidates with variations in substrate type and density, and layer chemistry, density, microstructure, and thickness were evaluated for abradability, cold particle erosion resistance, static oxidation resistance, ballistic impact resistance, and fabricability. The BN-free layers with variations in density and pore size were later added for evaluation. The most promising candidates were evaluated for Mach 1.0 gas oxidation/erosion resistance from 1477 K to 1644 K. The as-fabricated rub layers did not perform satisfactorily in the gas oxidation/erosion tests. However, preoxidation was found to be beneficial in improving the hot gas erosion resistance. Overall, the laboratory and rig test evaluations show that material properties are suitable for 1477 K gas turbine seal applications

    Crystallography of the NiHfSi Phase in a NiAl (0.5 Hf) Single-Crystal Alloy

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    Small additions of Hf to conventionally processed NiAl single crystals result in the precipitation of a high density of cuboidal G-phase along with a newly identified silicide phase. Both of these phases form in the presence of Si which is not an intentional alloying addition but is a contaminant resulting from contact with the ceramic shell molds during directional solidification of the single-crystal ingots. The morphology, crystal structure and Orientation Relationship (OR) of the silicide phase in a NiAl (0.5 at.%Hf) single-crystal alloy have been determined using transmission electron microscopy, electron microdiffraction and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Qualitative elemental analysis and indexing of the electron microdiffraction patterns from the new phase indicate that it is an orthorhombic NiHfSi phase with unit cell parameters, a = 0.639 nm, b = 0.389 nm and c = 0.72 nm, and space group Pnma. The NiHfSi phase forms as thin rectangular plates on NiAl/111/ planes with an OR that is given by NiHfSi(100))(parallel) NiAl(111) and NiHfSi zone axes(010) (parallel) NiAl zone axes (101). Twelve variants of the NiHfSi phase were observed in the alloy and the number of variants and rectangular morphology of NiHfSi plates are consistent with symmetry requirements. Quenching experiments indicate that nucleation of the NiHfSi phase in NiAI(Hf) alloys is aided by the formation of NiAl group of zone axes (111) vacancy loops that form on the NiAl /111/ planes

    Effect of Hf-Rich Particles on the Creep Life of a High-strength Nial Single Crystal Alloy

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    Additions of small amounts of Hf and Si to NiAl single crystals significantly improve their high-temperature strength and creep properties. However, if large Hf-rich dendritic particles formed during casting of the alloyed single crystals are not dissolved completely during homogenization heat treatment, a large variation in creep rupture life can occur. This behavior, observed in five samples of a Hf containing NiAl single crystal alloy tested at 1144 K under an initial stress of 241.4 MPa, is described in detail highlighting the role of interdendritic Hf-rich particles in limiting creep rupture life

    Creep Properties of NiAl-1Hf Single Crystals Re-Investigated

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    NiAl-1Hf single crystals have been shown to be quite strong at 1027 C, with strength levels approaching those of advanced Ni-based superalloys. Initial testing, however, indicated that the properties might not be reproducible. Study of the 1027 C creep behavior of four different NiAl-1Hf single-crystal ingots subjected to several different heat treatments indicated that strength lies in a narrow band. Thus, we concluded that the mechanical properties are reproducible. Recent investigations of the intermetallic NiAl have confirmed that minor alloying additions combined with single-crystal growth technology can produce elevated temperature strength levels approaching those of Ni-based superalloys. For example, General Electric alloy AFN 12 {Ni-48.5(at.%) Al-0.5Hf-1Ti-0.05Ga} has a creep rupture strength equivalent to Rene 80 combined with a approximately 30-percent lower density, a fourfold improvement in thermal conductivity, and the ability to form a self-protective alumina scale in aggressive environments. Although the compositions of strong NiAl single crystals are relatively simple, the microstructures are complex and vary with the heat treatment and with small ingot-toingot variations in the alloy chemistry. In addition, initial testing suggested a strong dependence between microstructure and creep strength. If these observations were true, the ability to utilize NiAl single-crystal rotating components in turbine machinery could be severely limited. To investigate the possible limitations in the creep response of high-strength NiAl single crystals, the NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field initiated an in depth investigation of the effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and subsequent 1027 C creep behavior of [001]-oriented NiAl-1Hf with a nominal chemistry of Ni-47.5Al-1Hf-0.5Si. This alloy was selected since four ingots, grown over a number of years and possessing slightly different compositions, were available for study. Specimens taken from the ingots were subjected to several heat treatment schedules, examined by transmission electron microscopy, and tested in both compression and tension. An example of the microstructure found in a [001]-oriented NiAl-1Hf specimen after a solution treatment at 1317 C for 50 hr followed by air cooling is illustrated in the image on the left, where the NiAl matrix contains a uniform distribution of nanometer-scale Gphase (Ni16Hf6Si7) precipitates. Other heat treating schedules produced microstructures with nanometer-sized G-phase cubes and plates or, in an extreme case, produced a microstructure with all the G-phase converted to Heusler (Ni2AlHf) particles. The results of 1027 C creep strength and strain rate testing are illustrated which summarizes data from tensile and compressive testing of samples cut from all four NiAl-1Hf ingots and subjected to a variety of heat treatment schedules. With one exception, all the strength values lie in a narrow band that spans six orders of magnitude in strain rate. The only factor that produced results outside of this band was the heat treatment schedule that dissolved all the G-phase and replaced it with Heusler precipitates. The results portrayed in this figure lead to the important practical conclusion that the elevated-temperature creep properties of NiAl-1Hf single crystals are reproducible and are not affected by small variations in alloy chemistry from ingot to ingot or by different initial distributions of G-phase in the heat-treated alloy. The only variable in this study that produced a significant and delerious effect on mechanical strength was a post-solution heat treatment that lead to the complete disappearance of the G-phase in favor of Heusler precipitates

    Microstructure and Phase Stability of Single Crystal NiAl Alloyed with Hf and Zr

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    Six near stoichiometric, NiAl single-crystal alloys, with 0.05-1.5 at.% of Hf and Zr additions plus Si impurities, were microstructurally analyzed in the as-cast, homogenized, and aged conditions. Hafnium-rich interdendritic regions, containing the Heusler phase (Ni2AlHf), were found in all the as-cast alloys containing Hf. Homogenization heat treatments partially reduced these interdendritic segregated regions. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations of the as-cast and homogenized microstructures revealed the presence of a high density of fine Hf (or Zr) and Si-rich precipitates. These were identified as G-phase, Nil6X6Si7, or as an orthorhombic NiXSi phase, where X is Hf or Zr. Under these conditions the expected Heusler phase (beta') was almost completely absent. The Si responsible for the formation of the G and NiHfSi phases is the result of molten metal reacting with the Si-containing crucible used during the casting process. Varying the cooling rates after homogenization resulted in the refinement or complete suppression of the G and NiHfSi phases. In some of the alloys studied, long-term aging heat treatments resulted in the formation of Heusler precipitates, which were more stable at the aging temperature and coarsened at the expense of the G-phase. In other alloys, long-term aging resulted in the formation of the NiXSi phase. The stability of the Heusler or NiXSi phases can be traced to the reactive element (Hf or Zr) to silicon ratio. If the ratio is high, then the Heusler phase appears stable after long time aging. If the ratio is low, then the NiHfSi phase appears to be the stable phase

    Oxygen impurities in NiAl: Relaxation effects

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    We have used a full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method to calculate the effects of oxygen impurities on the electronic structure of NiAl. Using the supercell method with a 16-atom supercell we have investigated the cases where an oxygen atom is substitutionally placed at either a nickel or an aluminum site. Full relaxation of the atoms within the supercell was allowed. We found that oxygen prefers to occupy a nickel site over an aluminum site with a site selection energy of 138 mRy (21,370 K). An oxygen atom placed at an aluminum site is found to cause a substantial relaxation of its nickel neighbors away from it. In contrast, this steric repulsion is hardly present when the oxygen atom occupies the nickel site and is surrounded by aluminum neighbors. We comment on the possible relation of this effect to the pesting degradation phenomenon (essentially spontaneous disintegration in air) in nickel aluminides.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. B (Aug. 15, 2001

    Systematic first-principles study of impurity hybridization in NiAl

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    We have performed a systematic first-principles computational study of the effects of impurity atoms (boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, silicon, phosporus, and sulfur) on the orbital hybridization and bonding properties in the intermetallic alloy NiAl using a full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method. The matrix elements in momentum space were used to calculate real-space properties: onsite parameters, partial densities of states, and local charges. In impurity atoms that are empirically known to be embrittler (N and O) we found that the 2s orbital is bound to the impurity and therefore does not participate in the covalent bonding. In contrast, the corresponding 2s orbital is found to be delocalized in the cohesion enhancers (B and C). Each of these impurity atoms is found to acquire a net negative local charge in NiAl irrespective of whether they sit in the Ni or Al site. The embrittler therefore reduces the total number of electrons available for covalent bonding by removing some of the electrons from the neighboring Ni or Al atoms and localizing them at the impurity site. We show that these correlations also hold for silicon, phosporus, and sulfur.Comment: Revtex, 8 pages, 7 eps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Influence of Cr and W alloying on the fiber-matrix interfacial shear strength in cast and directionally solidified sapphire NiAl composites

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    Sapphire-reinforced NiAl matrix composites with chromium or tungsten as alloying additions were synthesized using casting and zone directional solidification (DS) techniques and characterized by a fiber pushout test as well as by microhardness measurements. The sapphire-NiAl(Cr) specimens exhibited an interlayer of Cr rich eutectic at the fiber-matrix interface and a higher interfacial shear strength compared to unalloyed sapphire-NiAl specimens processed under identical conditions. In contrast, the sapphire-NiAl(W) specimens did not show interfacial excess of tungsten rich phases, although the interfacial shear strength was high and comparable to that of sapphire-NiAl(Cr). The postdebond sliding stress was higher in sapphire-NiAl(Cr) than in sapphire-NiAl(W) due to interface enrichment with chromium particles. The matrix microhardness progressively decreased with increasing distance from the interface in both DS NiAl and NiAl(Cr) specimens. The study highlights the potential of casting and DS techniques to improve the toughness and strength of NiAl by designing dual-phase microstructures in NiAl alloys reinforced with sapphire fibers

    Income-Tested College Financial Aid and Labor Disincentives

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    Working has become commonplace among college students; however, this activity can have unexpected financial consequences. Federal formulas implicitly tax the amount of financial aid students are eligible to receive by as much as 50 cents for each marginal dollar of income. This tax creates an incentive for college students to reduce income, though abstruse formulas and the timing of financial aid receipt are likely to limit responses. Using data from a national sample of financially independent college students in the United States, I do not find that students bunch below earnings protection thresholds in a manner that would indicate attempts to avoid reductions in financial aid in total or grants specifically. Moreover, I do not find evidence that implicit income taxes predict lower earnings in a manner that suggests that students meaningfully reduce earnings in response to the tax. Therefore, while economically efficient, the reduction in aid has the potential to burden low-income students who need to both work and receive financial aid in order to afford college expenses

    An overview of using small punch testing for mechanical characterization of MCrAlY bond coats

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    Considerable work has been carried out on overlay bond coats in the past several decades because of its excellent oxidation resistance and good adhesion between the top coat and superalloy substrate in the thermal barrier coating systems. Previous studies mainly focus on oxidation and diffusion behavior of these coatings. However, the mechanical behavior and the dominant fracture and deformation mechanisms of the overlay bond coats at different temperatures are still under investigation. Direct comparison between individual studies has not yet been achieved due to the fragmentary data on deposition processes, microstructure and, more apparently, the difficulty in accurately measuring the mechanical properties of thin coatings. One of the miniaturized specimen testing methods, small punch testing, appears to have the potential to provide such mechanical property measurements for thin coatings. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of using small punch testing to evaluate material properties and to summarize the available mechanical properties that include the ductile-to-brittle transition and creep of MCrAlY bond coat alloys, in an attempt to understand the mechanical behavior of MCrAlY coatings over a broad temperature range