497 research outputs found

    Beam Test Results of the BTeV Silicon Pixel Detector

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    The results of the BTeV silicon pixel detector beam test carried out at Fermilab in 1999-2000 are reported. The pixel detector spatial resolution has been studied as a function of track inclination, sensor bias, and readout threshold.Comment: 8 pages of text, 8 figures, Proceedings paper of Pixel 2000: International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel Detectors for Particles and X-Rays, Genova, June 5-8, 200

    Performance of prototype BTeV silicon pixel detectors in a high energy pion beam

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    The silicon pixel vertex detector is a key element of the BTeV spectrometer. Sensors bump-bonded to prototype front-end devices were tested in a high energy pion beam at Fermilab. The spatial resolution and occupancies as a function of the pion incident angle were measured for various sensor-readout combinations. The data are compared with predictions from our Monte Carlo simulation and very good agreement is found.Comment: 24 pages, 20 figure

    Beam Test of BTeV Pixel Detectors

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    The silicon pixel vertex detector is one of the key elements of the BTeV spectrometer. Detector prototypes were tested in a beam at Fermilab. We report here on the measured spatial resolution as a function of the incident angles for different sensor-readout electronics combinations. We compare the results with predictions from our Monte Carlo simulation.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Invited talk given by J.C. Wang at "Vertex 2000, 9th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors", Michigan, Sept 10-15, 2000. To be published in NIM

    Expansion of elevational range in a forest pest: Can parasitoids track their hosts?

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    We are thankful to Karim Senhadji and Ramon Ruiz-Puche for their help during the field work, and to Sara Garcia Morato for her contribution to quantifying rates of parasitism in PPM clutches at the laboratory. Two anonymous referees contributed to improve the manuscript. This study was supported by projects PROPINOL (PN22/2008), GESBOME (P06-RNM-1890) from Junta de Andalucia, REMEDINAL TE-CM (S2018/EMT-4338) from Comunidad de Madrid, ADAPTAMED (LIFE14 CCA/ES/000612) from LIFE program, and GILES (PCIN-2016-150) from the ERANET-LAC H2020 Programme.Gradients in elevation impose changes in environmental conditions, which in turn modulate species distribution and abundance as well as the interactions they maintain. Along the gradient, interacting species (e.g., predators, parasitoids) can respond to changes in different ways. This study aims to investigate how egg parasitism of a forest pest, the pine processionary moth (PPM), Thaumetopoea pityocampa, vary along an elevational gradient (190-2000 m.a.s.l.) in a mountain range of SE Spain, including areas of recent elevational expansion, for a seven years period (2008-2014). We used generalized linear mixed models to ascertain the effect of both elevation and the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index (a proxy of interannual climatic conditions) on the rate of parasitism, and the occurrence probabilities of two parasitoid species: a PPM specialist and a generalist species. Since four pine species are stratified along the elevational gradient, we repeated all the analyses separately for lowlands (190-1300 m. a.s.l.) and uplands (1350-2000 m. a.s.l.). Results showed a decrease in both parasitism rate and probability of occurrence of the two main parasitoid species with elevation, although decline was more severe for the specialist species. The effect of elevation was more conspicuous and intense in uplands than in lowlands. Positive NAO winter values, associated with cold and dry winters, reduced the rate of parasitism and the probability of occurrence of the two main parasitoid species-but particularly for the generalist species-as elevation increases. In a context of climate warming, it is crucial to mitigate PPM elevational and latitudinal expansion. Increasing tree diversity at the PPM expansion areas may favor the establishment of parasitoids, which could contribute to synchronizing host- parasitoid interactions and minimize the risk of PPM outbreaks.Junta de Andalucia PN22/2008REMEDINAL TE-CM from Comunidad de Madrid S2018/EMT-4338ADAPTAMED from LIFE program LIFE14 CCA/ES/000612GILES from the ERANET-LAC H2020 Programme PCIN-2016-150Junta de Andalucia P06-RNM-189

    EvaluaciĂłn de modelos de crecimiento en diferentes condiciones de cultivo de pejerrey (Odontesthes bonariensis)

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    The pejerrey is one of the most important temperate native freshwater species of Argentina. Its culture is mainly done intensively and in recent years is being developed in floating cages in several Pampean lakes under semi-intensive and extensive conditions. To evaluate the growth of fish under different culture methodologies several models are used, most of which are based on the specific growth rate (SGR). The objective of this study is to compare how the SGR of pejerrey responds under different culture methods and generate a theoretical model to predict the growth that the species can reach. To carry out the models a data base was made with the available data of intensive, extensive and semi-intensive culture, to which an exponential and polynomial models were adjusted by the method of least squares and then the expected growth was simulated using the model that better fits. From the results it was observed that the polynomial model presented the best fit to different methods of culture. In all cases the models reflected the seasonality in the growth rates exhibited by the species, where SGR was lowest in winter and highest in spring. The growth simulation models also show that the semi-intensive culture could produce greater weight than other methods. Under these conditions, fish obtain zooplankton from the environment incorporating essential elements from its natural food source. This suggests that it is possible to improve the sizes of fish by using techniques that also incorporate natural food or its equivalent in the composition of the artificial diets.El pejerrey es una de las especies nativas de agua dulce templadas mĂĄs importantes de Argentina. Su cultivo se realiza principalmente de forma intensiva y en los Ășltimos años se estĂĄ desarrollando en jaulas flotantes en varios lagunas pampeanas en condiciones semi-intensivas y extensivas. Para evaluar el crecimiento de peces bajo diferentes metodologĂ­as de cultivo, se utilizan varios modelos, la mayorĂ­a de los cuales se basan en la tasa de crecimiento especĂ­fica (SGR). El objetivo de este estudio es comparar cĂłmo responde la SGR de pejerrey bajo diferentes mĂ©todos de cultivo y generar un modelo teĂłrico para predecir el crecimiento que la especie puede alcanzar. Para llevar a cabo los modelos se realizĂł una base de datos con los datos disponibles de cultivo intensivo, extenso y semi-intensivo, a los que se ajustaron los modelos exponencial y polinomial mediante el mĂ©todo de mĂ­nimos cuadrados y luego se simulĂł el crecimiento esperado utilizando el modelo que se ajusta mejor De los resultados se observĂł que el modelo polinomial presentaba el mejor ajuste para diferentes mĂ©todos de cultivo. En todos los casos, los modelos reflejaron la estacionalidad en las tasas de crecimiento exhibidas por la especie, donde SGR fue mĂĄs baja en invierno y mĂĄs alta en primavera. Los modelos de simulaciĂłn de crecimiento tambiĂ©n muestran que el cultivo semi-intensivo podrĂ­a producir mayor peso que otros mĂ©todos. En estas condiciones, los peces obtienen zooplancton del ambiente incorporando elementos esenciales de su fuente de alimento natural. Esto sugiere que es posible mejorar el tamaño de los peces mediante el uso de tĂ©cnicas que tambiĂ©n incorporan alimentos naturales o su equivalente en la composiciĂłn de las dietas artificiales

    Nucleon-nucleon elastic scattering analysis to 2.5 GeV

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    A partial-wave analysis of NN elastic scattering data has been completed. This analysis covers an expanded energy range, from threshold to a laboratory kinetic energy of 2.5 GeV, in order to include recent elastic pp scattering data from the EDDA collaboration. The results of both single-energy and energy-dependent analyses are described.Comment: 23 pages of text. Postscript files for the figures are available from ftp://clsaid.phys.vt.edu/pub/said/n

    Standing genetic diversity and selection at functional gene loci are associated with differential invasion success in two non‐native fish species

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    Invasive species are expected to experience a unique combination of high genetic drift due to demographic factors while also experiencing strong selective pressures. The paradigm that reduced genetic diversity should limit the evolutionary potential of invasive species and thus their potential for range expansion has received little empirical support, possibly due to the choice of genetic markers. Our goal was to test for effects of genetic drift and selection at functional genetic markers as they relate to the invasion success of two paired invasive goby species, one widespread (successful) and one with limited range expansion (less successful). We genotyped fish using two marker types: single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in known-function, protein-coding genes and microsatellites to contrast the effects of neutral genetic processes. We identified reduced allelic variation in the invaded range for the less-successful tubenose goby. SNPs putatively under selection were responsible for the observed differences in population structure between marker types for round goby (successful) but not tubenose goby (less successful). A higher proportion of functional loci experienced divergent selection for round goby, suggesting increased evolutionary potential in invaded ranges may be associated with round goby’s greater invasion success. Genes involved in thermal tolerance were divergent for round goby populations but not tubenose goby, consistent with the hypothesis that invasion success for fish in temperate regions is influenced by capacity for thermal tolerance. Our results highlight the need to incorporate functional genetic markers in studies to better assess evolutionary potential for the improved conservation and management of species

    A continuous integration and web framework in support of the ATLAS publication process

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    The ATLAS collaboration defines methods, establishes procedures, and organises advisory groups to manage the publication processes of scientific papers, conference papers, and public notes. All stages are managed through web systems, computing programs, and tools that are designed and developed by the collaboration. A framework called FENCE is integrated into the CERN GitLab software repository, to automatically configure workspaces where each analysis can be documented by the analysis team and managed by the relevant coordinators. Continuous integration is used to guide the writers in applying consistent and correct formatting when preparing papers to be submitted to scientific journals. Additional software assures the correctness of other aspects of each paper, such as the lists of collaboration authors, funding agencies, and foundations. The framework and the workflow therein provide automatic and easy support to the researchers and facilitates each phase of the publication process, allowing authors to focus on the article contents. The framework and its integration with the most up to date and efficient tools has consequently provided a more professional and efficient automatized work environment to the whole collaboration.ATLAS Collaboration for the support provided to achieve the results described in this paper. We are grateful to ATLAS collaborators who provided invaluable comments and input to the paper and the framework it presents. Special acknowledgements go to Marzio Nessi for helping initiate the Glance project in ATLAS and for supporting its development, and to Kathy– 20 –Pommes for supervising the Glance team at CERNinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
