497 research outputs found

    On the accumulation of deleterious mutations during range expansions

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    We investigate the effect of spatial range expansions on the evolution of fitness when beneficial and deleterious mutations co-segregate. We perform individual-based simulations of a uniform linear habitat and complement them with analytical approximations for the evolution of mean fitness at the edge of the expansion. We find that deleterious mutations accumulate steadily on the wave front during range expansions, thus creating an expansion load. Reduced fitness due to the expansion load is not restricted to the wave front but occurs over a large proportion of newly colonized habitats. The expansion load can persist and represent a major fraction of the total mutation load thousands of generations after the expansion. Our results extend qualitatively and quantitatively to two-dimensional expansions. The phenomenon of expansion load may explain growing evidence that populations that have recently expanded, including humans, show an excess of deleterious mutations. To test the predictions of our model, we analyze patterns of neutral and non-neutral genetic diversity in humans and find an excellent fit between theory and data

    Methane emissions from the 2015 Aliso Canyon blowout in Los Angeles, CA.

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    Single-point failures of natural gas infrastructure can hamper methane emission control strategies designed to mitigate climate change. The 23 October 2015 blowout of a well connected to the Aliso Canyon underground storage facility in California resulted in a massive release of natural gas. Analysis of methane and ethane data from dozens of plume transects, collected during 13 research-aircraft flights between 7 November 2015 and 13 February 2016, shows atmospheric leak rates of up to 60 metric tons of methane and 4.5 metric tons of ethane per hour. At its peak, this blowout effectively doubled the methane emission rate of the entire Los Angeles basin and, in total, released 97,100 metric tons of methane to the atmosphere

    Demographic history and genomic consequences of 10,000 generations of isolation in a wild mammal.

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    Increased human activities caused the isolation of populations in many species-often associated with genetic depletion and negative fitness effects. The effects of isolation are predicted by theory, but long-term data from natural populations are scarce. We show, with full genome sequences, that common voles (Microtus arvalis) in the Orkney archipelago have remained genetically isolated from conspecifics in continental Europe since their introduction by humans over 5,000 years ago. Modern Orkney vole populations are genetically highly differentiated from continental conspecifics as a result of genetic drift processes. Colonization likely started on the biggest Orkney island and vole populations on smaller islands were gradually split off, without signs of secondary admixture. Despite having large modern population sizes, Orkney voles are genetically depauperate and successive introductions to smaller islands resulted in further reduction of genetic diversity. We detected high levels of fixation of predicted deleterious variation compared with continental populations, particularly on smaller islands, yet the fitness effects realized in nature are unknown. Simulations showed that predominantly mildly deleterious mutations were fixed in populations, while highly deleterious mutations were purged early in the history of the Orkney population. Relaxation of selection overall due to benign environmental conditions on the islands and the effects of soft selection may have contributed to the repeated, successful establishment of Orkney voles despite potential fitness loss. Furthermore, the specific life history of these small mammals, resulting in relatively large population sizes, has probably been important for their long-term persistence in full isolation

    The impact of genetic surfing on neutral genomic diversity.

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    Range expansions have been common in the history of most species. Serial founder effects and subsequent population growth at expansion fronts typically lead to loss of genomic diversity along the expansion axis. A frequent consequence is the phenomenon of "gene surfing", where variants located near the expanding front can reach high frequencies or even fix in newly colonized territories. Although gene surfing events have been characterized thoroughly for a specific locus, their effects on linked genomic regions and on the overall patterns of genomic diversity have been little investigated. In this study, we simulated the evolution of whole genomes during several types of 1D and 2D range expansions differing by the extent of migration, founder events and recombination rates. We focused on the characterization of local dips of diversity, or "troughs", taken as a proxy for surfing events. We find that, for a given recombination rate, once we consider the amount of diversity lost since the beginning of the expansion, it is possible to predict the initial evolution of trough density and their average width irrespectively of the expansion condition. Furthermore, when recombination rates vary across the genome, we find that troughs are over-represented in regions of low recombination. Therefore, range expansions can leave local and global genomic signatures often interpreted as evidence of past selective events. Given the generality of our results, they could be used as a null model for species having gone through recent expansions, and thus be helpful to correctly interpret many evolutionary biology studies

    Mathematical models of frequency-dependent selection with dominance

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    In dieser Dissertation präsentiere ich Teile meiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeit über mathematische Modelle in der Populationsgenetik. Die Dissertation besteht aus zwei Teilen welche sich beide mit frequenzabhängiger Selektion und Dominanz beschäftigen. Im ersten Teil betrachte ich ein Modell mit innerspezifischer Kompetition und assortativer Paarung. Dieser Teil besteht aus zwei eng miteinander verbundenen Kapiteln. Im ersten Kapitel wird die Evolution von Dominanz unter assortativer Paarung analysiert. Kapitel Zwei behandelt die Evolution von assortativer Paarung mit einem konstanten Grad von Dominanz. Diese Arbeit baut auf meiner Diplomarbeit auf in welcher ich die Evolution von Dominanz unter frequenzabhängiger Selektion in einer sich zufällig paarenden Population studiert habe. Teil zwei der Dissertation besteht aus einem einzelnen Kapitel und behandelt eine andere Form von frequenzabhängiger Selektion. In diesem Kapitel analysiere ich den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Grad von Dominanz und der Anzahl der Allele die durch Selektion und Migration in zwei verschiedenen Lebensräumen erhalten werden können. Dieses Kapitel wurde durch einen kürzlich erschienenen Artikel von Professor Thomas Nagylaki motiviert.In this thesis, I present part of my work in my main research area, namely mathematical population genetics. The work presented here manifests two lines of research of mathematical models of frequency-dependent selection. Dominance and its effect on the maintenance of genetic variation and speciation spans the arch between the two parts. In the first part, we study a model of intraspecific competition and assortative mating. Part I consists of two articles that are closely linked to each other. In Chapter 1, we study the evolution of dominance in an assortatively mating population under frequency-dependent intraspecific competition. In Chapter 2, we keep dominance fixed and let assortment evolve. The initial motivation of the work presented in Part I is rooted in my master thesis, in which I studied the evolution of dominance under frequency-dependent selection in a randomly mating population. In the second part, a different class of models is studied. Part II consists of a single chapter in which we study the relationship between the degree of dominance and the number of alleles that can be maintained at a stable equilibrium in two demes. This work was motivated by a recent paper of Professor Thomas Nagylaki

    Ozone and alkyl nitrate formation from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill atmospheric emissions

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    Ozone (O3), alkyl nitrates (RONO2), and other photochemical products were formed in the atmosphere downwind from the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill by photochemical reactions of evaporating hydrocarbons with NOx (=NO+NO2) emissions from spill response activities. Reactive nitrogen species and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured from an instrumented aircraft during daytime flights in the marine boundary layer downwind from the area of surfacing oil. A unique VOC mixture, where alkanes dominated the hydroxyl radical (OH) loss rate, was emitted into a clean marine environment, enabling a focused examination of O3 and RONO 2 formation processes. In the atmospheric plume from DWH, the OH loss rate, an indicator of potential O3 formation, was large and dominated by alkanes with between 5 and 10 carbons per molecule (C 5-C10). Observations showed that NOx was oxidized very rapidly with a 0.8h lifetime, producing primarily C6-C10 RONO2 that accounted for 78% of the reactive nitrogen enhancements in the atmospheric plume 2.5h downwind from DWH. Both observations and calculations of RONO2 and O3 production rates show that alkane oxidation dominated O3 formation chemistry in the plume. Rapid and nearly complete oxidation of NOx to RONO2 effectively terminated O3 production, with O3 formation yields of 6.0±0.5 ppbv O3 per ppbv of NOx oxidized. VOC mixing ratios were in large excess of NOx, and additional NOx would have formed additional O3 in this plume. Analysis of measurements of VOCs, O3, and reactive nitrogen species and calculations of O3 and RONO2 production rates demonstrate that NOx-VOC chemistry in the DWH plume is explained by known mechanisms. Copyright 2012 by the American Geophysical Union

    Bromine measurements in ozone depleted air over the Arctic Ocean

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    In situ measurements of ozone, photochemically active bromine compounds, and other trace gases over the Arctic Ocean in April 2008 are used to examine the chemistry and geographical extent of ozone depletion in the arctic marine boundary layer (MBL). Data were obtained from the NOAA WP-3D aircraft during the Aerosol, Radiation, and Cloud Processes affecting Arctic Climate (ARCPAC) study and the NASA DC-8 aircraft during the Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites (ARCTAS) study. Fast (1 s) and sensitive (detection limits at the low pptv level) measurements of BrCl and BrO were obtained from three different chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS) instruments, and soluble bromide was measured with a mist chamber. The CIMS instruments also detected Br2. Subsequent laboratory studies showed that HOBr rapidly converts to Br2 on the Teflon instrument inlets. This detected Br2 is identified as active bromine and represents a lower limit of the sum HOBr + Br2. The measured active bromine is shown to likely be HOBr during daytime flights in the arctic. In the MBL over the Arctic Ocean, soluble bromide and active bromine were consistently elevated and ozone was depleted. Ozone depletion and active bromine enhancement were confined to the MBL that was capped by a temperature inversion at 200–500 m altitude. In ozone-depleted air, BrO rarely exceeded 10 pptv and was always substantially lower than soluble bromide that was as high as 40 pptv. BrCl was rarely enhanced above the 2 pptv detection limit, either in the MBL, over Alaska, or in the arctic free troposphere