713 research outputs found

    Descriptive profile of scapulothoracic position, strength and flexibility variables in adolescent elite tennis players

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    Study design Descriptive study, cross-sectional design. Background Tennis requires repetitive overhead movement patterns that can lead to upper extremity injury. The scapula plays a vital role in injury-free playing. Scapular dysfunction has been associated with shoulder injury in the overhead athlete. Objectives The purpose of this study was to describe variables regarding scapular position, muscle strength and flexibility in young elite tennis players. Methods Thirty-five adolescent Swedish elite tennis players (19 boys, aged 13.6 (+/-1.4) years, 16 girls, aged 12.6 (+/-1.3) years), selected on the basis of their national ranking, underwent a clinical screening protocol consisting of: scapular upward rotation at several angles of arm elevation; isometric scapular muscle strength; and anthropometric measurement of pectoralis minor (PM) length. Results The players showed significantly more scapular upward rotation on their dominant side (p<0.001). For both genders, upper trapezius (p=0.003) and serratus anterior (p=0.01) strength was significantly greater on the dominant side, whereas middle and lower trapezius strength showed no side differences. PM was shorter on the dominant side (p<0.001), and in the female players (p=0.006) compared with the boys. Conclusion These results indicate some sports-related adaptations of young tennis players on their dominant side at the scapulothoracic level to exposure to their sport. These data may assist the clinician in the prevention and rehabilitation of sport-specific injuries in adolescent tennis players

    On some singularities of the correlation functions that determine neutrino opacities

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    Certain perturbation graphs in the calculation of the effects of the medium on neutrino scattering in supernova matter have a nonintegrable singularity in a physical region. A number of papers have addressed the apparent pathology through an ansatz that invokes higher order (rescattering) effects. Taking the Gamow-Teller terms as an example, we display an expression for the spin-spin correlation function that determines the cross-sections. It is clear from the form that there are no pathologies in the order by order perturbation expansion. Explicit formulae are given for a simple case, leading to an answer that is very different from one given by other authors.Comment: 8 page

    2BALANCE : a cognitive-motor dual-task protocol for individuals with vestibular dysfunction

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    INTRODUCTION: Aside from primary vestibular symptoms such as vertigo and dizziness, persons with vestibular dysfunction frequently express cognitive and motor problems. These symptoms have mainly been assessed in single-task setting, which might not represent activities of daily living accurately. Therefore, a dual-task protocol, consisting of the simultaneous performance of cognitive and motor tasks, was developed. This protocol assesses cognitive and motor performance in general, as well as cognitive-motor interference in specific. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The motor component of the 2BALANCE protocol consists of a static and dynamic postural task. These motor tasks are combined with different cognitive tasks assessing visuospatial cognition, processing speed, working memory and response inhibition. First, test-retest reliability will be assessed with an interval of 2 weeks in a group of young adults. Second, the 2BALANCE protocol will be validated in persons with bilateral vestibulopathy. Finally, the protocol will be implemented in persons with unilateral vestibular loss. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The 2BALANCE project aims to elucidate the impact of vestibular dysfunction on cognitive and motor performance in dual-task setting. This protocol represents everyday situations better than single-task protocols, as dual-tasks such as reading street signs while walking are often encountered during daily activities. Ultimately, this project could enable individualised and holistic clinical care in these patients, taking into account single as well as dual-task performance. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The current study was approved by the ethics committee of Ghent University Hospital on 5 July 2019 with registration number B670201940465. All research findings will be disseminated in peer-reviewed journals and presented at vestibular as well as multidisciplinary international conferences and meetings. TRIALS REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT04126798, pre-results phase

    γδ T cells affect IL-4 production and B-cell tolerance

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    γδ T cells can influence specific antibody responses. Here, we report that mice deficient in individual γδ T-cell subsets have altered levels of serum antibodies, including all major subclasses, sometimes regardless of the presence of αβ T cells. One strain with a partial γδ deficiency that increases IgE antibodies also displayed increases in IL-4–producing T cells (both residual γδ T cells and αβ T cells) and in systemic IL-4 levels. Its B cells expressed IL-4–regulated inhibitory receptors (CD5, CD22, and CD32) at diminished levels, whereas IL-4–inducible IL-4 receptor α and MHCII were increased. They also showed signs of activation and spontaneously formed germinal centers. These mice displayed IgE-dependent features found in hyper-IgE syndrome and developed antichromatin, antinuclear, and anticytoplasmic autoantibodies. In contrast, mice deficient in all γδ T cells had nearly unchanged Ig levels and did not develop autoantibodies. Removing IL-4 abrogated the increases in IgE, antichromatin antibodies, and autoantibodies in the partially γδ-deficient mice. Our data suggest that γδ T cells, controlled by their own cross-talk, affect IL-4 production, B-cell activation, and B-cell tolerance

    Percolation properties of the 2D Heisenberg model

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    We analyze the percolation properties of certain clusters defined on configurations of the 2--dimensional Heisenberg model. We find that, given any direction \vec{n} in O(3) space, the spins almost perpendicular to \vec{n} form a percolating cluster. This result gives indications of how the model can avoid a previously conjectured Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition at finite temperature T.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures. Revised version (more clear abstract, some new references

    Susceptibility and Percolation in 2D Random Field Ising Magnets

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    The ground state structure of the two-dimensional random field Ising magnet is studied using exact numerical calculations. First we show that the ferromagnetism, which exists for small system sizes, vanishes with a large excitation at a random field strength dependent length scale. This {\it break-up length scale} LbL_b scales exponentially with the squared random field, exp(A/Δ2)\exp(A/\Delta^2). By adding an external field HH we then study the susceptibility in the ground state. If L>LbL>L_b, domains melt continuously and the magnetization has a smooth behavior, independent of system size, and the susceptibility decays as L2L^{-2}. We define a random field strength dependent critical external field value ±Hc(Δ)\pm H_c(\Delta), for the up and down spins to form a percolation type of spanning cluster. The percolation transition is in the standard short-range correlated percolation universality class. The mass of the spanning cluster increases with decreasing Δ\Delta and the critical external field approaches zero for vanishing random field strength, implying the critical field scaling (for Gaussian disorder) Hc(ΔΔc)δH_c \sim (\Delta -\Delta_c)^\delta, where Δc=1.65±0.05\Delta_c = 1.65 \pm 0.05 and δ=2.05±0.10\delta=2.05\pm 0.10. Below Δc\Delta_c the systems should percolate even when H=0. This implies that even for H=0 above LbL_b the domains can be fractal at low random fields, such that the largest domain spans the system at low random field strength values and its mass has the fractal dimension of standard percolation Df=91/48D_f = 91/48. The structure of the spanning clusters is studied by defining {\it red clusters}, in analogy to the ``red sites'' of ordinary site-percolation. The size of red clusters defines an extra length scale, independent of LL.Comment: 17 pages, 28 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.