713 research outputs found

    Background level of heavy-metals soil concentrations in an industrial area of Basilicata Region (Southern Italy)

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    In the framework of Basilicata region air quality monitoring, we are investigating the industrial area of Melfi town. This area has been chosen as test site to evaluate the environmental impact of anthropic activities on a rather unpolluted agricultural area. In this paper we discuss the procedure to characterize the background level of heavy-metals soil concentrations. The topsoil bioavailable fraction of eight elements (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) has been collected in two annual surveys (1993 and 1994) on a georeferenced grid, translated in GIS informative layer. Statistical analysis of spatial and temporal patterns is shown in detail

    Background level of heavy-metals soil concentrations in an industrial area of Basilicata Region (Southern Italy)

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    In the framework of Basilicata region air quality monitoring, we are investigating the industrial area of Melfi town. This area has been chosen as test site to evaluate the environmental impact of anthropic activities on a rather unpolluted agricultural area. In this paper we discuss the procedure to characterize the background level of heavy-metals soil concentrations. The topsoil bioavailable fraction of eight elements (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) has been collected in two annual surveys (1993 and 1994) on a georeferenced grid, translated in GIS informative layer. Statistical analysis of spatial and temporal patterns is shown in detail

    advanced sensor signal feature extraction and pattern recognition for wire edm process monitoring

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    Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is investigated in the perspective of zero-defect manufacturing with the scope to detect anomalous process conditions leading to typical defects generated during WEDM, i.e. the occurrence of lines and marks on the resulting workpiece surface. A multiple sensor monitoring system is employed to acquire high sampling rate sensorial data relative to signals of voltage and current in the gap between workpiece and wire electrode. An advanced signal processing methodology is implemented to extract and select the most relevant features useful to identify the undesired process conditions through a cognitive pattern recognition paradigm. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Study on thrust force and torque sensor signals in drilling of Al/CFRP stacks for aeronautical applications

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    Abstract Multi-material stack products made of carbon fibre reinforce polymers (CFRP) and light-weight metal alloys, such as aluminium alloys, are becoming increasingly employed for aerospace applications. When composite laminates are stacked with metal alloy sheets, the drilling process becomes more complex due to the diverse properties of the stacked materials which involve different wear mechanisms and different drilling parameters. In this framework, the aim of this paper is to investigate the drilling process of Al/CFRP stacks for aeronautical applications through an experimental testing campaign under different drilling conditions. In order to study the thrust force and torque generated during the drilling process, a multiple sensor system is employed for data acquisition, and an advanced methodology for sensor signal processing in the time and frequency domain is developed

    Cloud-based platform for intelligent healthcare monitoring and risk prevention in hazardous manufacturing contexts

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    This paper presents an intelligent cloud-based platform for workers healthcare monitoring and risk prevention in potentially hazardous manufacturing contexts. The platform is structured according to sequential modules dedicated to data acquisition, processing and decision-making support. Several sensors and data sources, including smart wearables, machine tool embedded sensors and environmental sensors, are employed for data collection, comprising information on offline clinical background, operational and environmental data. The cloud data processing module is responsible for extracting relevant features from the acquired data in order to feed a machine learning-based decision-making support system. The latter provides a classification of workers’ health status so that a prompt intervention can be performed in particularly challenging scenarios

    Experimental and statistical investigations on atmospheric heavy metals concentrations in an industrial area of Southern Italy

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    In this paper we present experimental protocol and statistical proceduresfor evaluating atmospheric concentrationsof TSP and heavy metals(Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in the area of Tito Scalo (PZ, Southern Italy), a small industrial site, far from urban areas and surrounded by agricultural and naturalistic sites. In order to characterise the concentrations level and the temporal pattern of each pollutant, we have analysed data collected in two field surveys (April-December 1997, April-December 1998) with univariate and multivariate statistical methods. Furthermore we have investigated the relationships between pollutants concentrationsand meteoclimatic parameters(temp erature and rainfalls)

    Particle decay branching ratios for states of astrophysical importance in 19Ne

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    We have measured proton and alpha-particle branching ratios of excited states in 19Ne formed using the 19F(3He,t) reaction at a beam energy of 25 MeV. These ratios have a large impact on the astrophysical reaction rates of 15O(alpha,gamma), 18F(p,gamma) and 18F(p,alpha), which are of interest in understanding energy generation in x-ray bursts and in interpreting anticipated gamma-ray observations of novae. We detect decay protons and alpha-particles using a silicon detector array in coincidence with tritons measured in the focal plane detector of our Enge split-pole spectrograph. The silicon array consists of five strip detectors of the type used in the Louvain-Edinburgh Detector Array, subtending angles from 130 degrees to 165 degrees with approximately 14% lab efficiency. The correlation angular distributions give additional confidence in some prior spin-parity assignments that were based on gamma branchings. We measure Gamma_p/Gamma=0.387+-0.016 for the 665 keV proton resonance, which agrees well with the direct measurement of Bardayan et al.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables. Prepared using RevTex 4 and BibTex. Further minor revisions, incl. fig. 1 font size increase, 1 table removal, and minor changes to the tex

    El emprendedor desde el enfoque de la psicologĂ­a positiva

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    En el presente trabajo se pretende analizar la conexión entre la psicología positiva y el comportamiento emprendedor. Desde sus orígenes y hasta hace no tanto tiempo atrás, la psicología sólo se centraba en la patología, en la debilidad y en el sufrimiento. Actualmente, el acento se pone sobre el bienestar mental o la calidad de vida para que el ser humano pueda, además de vivir saludablemente, salir fortalecido ante las adversidades o crisis que puedan presentársele. Conceptos propios de la psicología positiva como son resiliencia, motivación o felicidad, son cualidades propias del emprendedor, el cual tiene una sensibilidad especial para detectar oportunidades, movilizar recursos, interconectar información o tener ideas innovadoras. En definitiva, para hallar oportunidades donde otros no las ven o convertir en hechos lo pensado. Tener espíritu emprendedor es hacer las cosas, levantarse con más fuerza cada vez que se cae y ser capaz de convivir con la incertidumbre manteniéndose optimista. Por consiguiente, el estudio del comportamiento y el éxito emprendedor no puede ser correctamente entendido si no se aborda desde la óptica de la psicología positiva.In this paper, we expect to analyse the relationship between Positive Psychology and entrepreneur behaviour. Originally and since no some much time ago, psychology only concentrated in the pathology, weakness and suffering. Nowadays the emphasis is on the mental welfare or quality of life, so that the human being could, in addition of living healthy, get stronger in adversity or crisis that could experience. Typical concepts of Positive Psychology as resilience, motivation and happiness, are qualities of the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur has an special feeling to detect opportunities, mobilize resources, link information or has innovative ideas. In short, to find opportunities where other people don´t see it or make thoughts real. Having entrepreneur´s nature is to do things, to get up with more strength when you have fallen and to be optimist living with uncertainty. Therefore, the study of entrepreneur´s behaviour and sucess can´t be understood if we don´t take the point of view of Positive Psychology

    Smoking Cessation on Periodontal and Peri-Implant Health Status: A Systematic Review

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    Since smoking is considered among the main risk factors for the onset and progression of periodontitis and peri-implantitis, the present systematic review aimed to evaluate the effect of smoking cessation on clinical, radiographic, and gingival crevicular periodontal parameters around natural teeth and dental implants in ex-smokers compared to current and non-smokers. The study protocol was developed based on the PRISMA guidelines, the research question was formulated according to the PICO model, and the literature search was conducted through PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane library, and BioMed Central databases. From the 916 title/abstracts initially identified, seven articles were included in the present systematic review and assessed for quality through the ROBINS-I tool. Reported findings on clinical and crevicular periodontal parameters around natural teeth were contrasting when comparing ex-smokers to current and non-smokers; thus, individualized recommendations for previous smoker periodontal patients are currently lacking. No data on radiographic parameters were retrieved. Similarly, data on periodontal parameters around dental implants were not available, highlighting the need for focused investigations assessing the role of both smoking habit and cessation on peri-implant health status and responsiveness to treatment
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