1,456 research outputs found

    Pulling adsorbed polymers from surfaces with the AFM: stick versus slip, peeling versus gliding

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    We consider the response of an adsorbed polymer that is pulled by an AFM within a simple geometric framework. We separately consider the cases of i) fixed polymer-surface contact point, ii) sticky case where the polymer is peeled off from the substrate, and iii) slippery case where the polymer glides over the surface. The resultant behavior depends on the value of the surface friction coefficient and the adsorption strength. Our resultant force profiles in principle allow to extract both from non-equilibrium force-spectroscopic data.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; accepted for publication in Europhys. Lett., http://www.edpsciences.org/journal/index.cfm?edpsname=ep

    Lying Your Way to Better Traffic Engineering

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    To optimize the flow of traffic in IP networks, operators do traffic engineering (TE), i.e., tune routing-protocol parameters in response to traffic demands. TE in IP networks typically involves configuring static link weights and splitting traffic between the resulting shortest-paths via the Equal-Cost-MultiPath (ECMP) mechanism. Unfortunately, ECMP is a notoriously cumbersome and indirect means for optimizing traffic flow, often leading to poor network performance. Also, obtaining accurate knowledge of traffic demands as the input to TE is elusive, and traffic conditions can be highly variable, further complicating TE. We leverage recently proposed schemes for increasing ECMP's expressiveness via carefully disseminated bogus information ("lies") to design COYOTE, a readily deployable TE scheme for robust and efficient network utilization. COYOTE leverages new algorithmic ideas to configure (static) traffic splitting ratios that are optimized with respect to all (even adversarially chosen) traffic scenarios within the operator's "uncertainty bounds". Our experimental analyses show that COYOTE significantly outperforms today's prevalent TE schemes in a manner that is robust to traffic uncertainty and variation. We discuss experiments with a prototype implementation of COYOTE

    Gallium(III)-Promoted Halocyclizations of 1,6-Diynes

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    Adrian Landreth was an REU student, summer 2014Cyclization of 1,6-diynes promoted by stoichiometric Ga(III) halides produces vinyl halides in good to excellent yields. Under acidic conditions, initially formed iodocyclization products undergo in situ Friedel-Crafts cyclizations, giving access to iodo-indenopyridines. The application of the vinyl halides in cross-coupling reactions has been explored, and mechanistic aspects of the cyclization are discussed.HIGMS CMLD Initiative (P50 GM067041) NSF REU - Adrian Landreth support (CHE 1156666) NSF - NMR purchase (CHE 0619339) NSF - HRMS purchase (CHE0443618

    The supercuspidal representations of p-adic classical groups

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    Let G be a unitary, symplectic or special orthogonal group over a locally compact non-archimedean local field of odd residual characteristic. We construct many new supercuspidal representations of G, and Bushnell-Kutzko types for these representations. Moreover, we prove that every irreducible supercuspidal representation of G arises from our constructions.Comment: 55 pages -- minor changes from 1st version (mostly in sections 2.2, 4.2 and 6.2). To appear in Inventiones mathematicae, 2008 (DOI is not yet active as at 12 Nov 2007

    The steady state quantum statistics of a non-Markovian atom laser

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    We present a fully quantum mechanical treatment of a single-mode atomic cavity with a pumping mechanism and an output coupling to a continuum of external modes. This system is a schematic description of an atom laser. In the dilute limit where atom-atom interactions are negligible, we have been able to solve this model without making the Born and Markov approximations. When coupling into free space, it is shown that for reasonable parameters there is a bound state which does not disperse, which means that there is no steady state. This bound state does not exist when gravity is included, and in that case the system reaches a steady state. We develop equations of motion for the two-time correlation in the presence of pumping and gravity in the output modes. We then calculate the steady-state output energy flux from the laser.Comment: 14 pages (twocloumn), 6 figure

    Electrostatics of ions inside the nanopores and trans-membrane channels

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    A model of a finite cylindrical ion channel through a phospholipid membrane of width LL separating two electrolyte reservoirs is studied. Analytical solution of the Poisson equation is obtained for an arbitrary distribution of ions inside the trans-membrane pore. The solution is asymptotically exact in the limit of large ionic strength of electrolyte on the two sides of membrane. However, even for physiological concentrations of electrolyte, the electrostatic barrier sizes found using the theory are in excellent agreement with the numerical solution of the Poisson equation. The analytical solution is used to calculate the electrostatic potential energy profiles for pores containing charged protein residues. Availability of a semi-exact interionic potential should greatly facilitate the study of ionic transport through nanopores and ion channels

    ESO Imaging Survey: infrared observations of CDF-S and HDF-S

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    This paper presents infrared data obtained from observations carried out at the ESO 3.5m New Technology Telescope (NTT) of the Hubble Deep Field South (HDF-S) and the Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S). These data were taken as part of the ESO Imaging Survey (EIS) program, a public survey conducted by ESO to promote follow-up observations with the VLT. In the HDF-S field the infrared observations cover an area of ~53 square arcmin, encompassing the HST WFPC2 and STIS fields, in the JHKs passbands. The seeing measured in the final stacked images ranges from 0.79" to 1.22" and the median limiting magnitudes (AB system, 2" aperture, 5sigma detection limit) are J_AB~23.0, H_AB~22.8 and K_AB~23.0 mag. Less complete data are also available in JKs for the adjacent HST NICMOS field. For CDF-S, the infrared observations cover a total area of \~100 square arcmin, reaching median limiting magnitudes (as defined above) of J_AB~23.6 and K_AB~22.7 mag. For one CDF-S field H-band data are also available. This paper describes the observations and presents the results of new reductions carried out entirely through the un-supervised, high-throughput EIS Data Reduction System and its associated EIS/MVM C++-based image processing library developed, over the past 5 years, by the EIS project and now publicly available. The paper also presents source catalogs extracted from the final co-added images which are used to evaluate the scientific quality of the survey products, and hence the performance of the software. This is done comparing the results obtained in the present work with those obtained by other authors from independent data and/or reductions carried out with different software packages and techniques. The final science-grade catalogs and co-added images are available at CDS.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 13 pages, 12 figures; a full resolution version of the paper is available from http://www.astro.ku.dk/~lisbeth/eisdata/papers/4528.pdf ; related catalogs and images are available through http://www.astro.ku.dk/~lisbeth/eisdata

    Output of a pulsed atom laser

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    We study the output properties of a pulsed atom laser consisting of an interacting Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a magnetic trap and an additional rf field transferring atoms to an untrapped Zeeman sublevel. For weak output coupling we calculate the dynamics of the decaying condensate population, of its chemical potential and the velocity of the output atoms analytically.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX. Full ps file available on http://mpqibmr1.mpq.mpg.de:5000/~man

    Phase dynamics in a binary-collisions atom laser scheme

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    Various aspects of the phase dynamics of an atom laser scheme based on binary collisions are investigated. Analytical estimates of the influence of elastic atom-atom collisions on the laser linewidth are given, and linewidths achievable in a recently proposed atom laser scheme [Phys. Rev. A 56, 2989 (1997)] are evaluated explicitly. The extent to which a relative phase can be established between two interfering atom lasers, as well as the properties of that phase, are also investigated.Comment: Revtex, 10 pages, 6 figure
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