2,863 research outputs found

    Anomalies in electrostatic calibrations for the measurement of the Casimir force in a sphere-plane geometry

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    We have performed precision electrostatic calibrations in the sphere-plane geometry and observed anomalous behavior. Namely, the scaling exponent of the electrostatic signal with distance was found to be smaller than expected on the basis of the pure Coulombian contribution and the residual potential found to be distance dependent. We argue that these findings affect the accuracy of the electrostatic calibrations and invite reanalysis of previous determinations of the Casimir force.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spin polarized neutron matter within the Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach

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    The relation between energy and density (known as the nuclear equation of state) plays a major role in a variety of nuclear and astrophysical systems. Spin and isospin asymmetries can have a dramatic impact on the equation of state and possibly alter its stability conditions. An example is the possible manifestation of ferromagnetic instabilities, which would indicate the existence, at a certain density, of a spin-polarized state with lower energy than the unpolarized one. This issue is being discussed extensively in the literature and the conclusions are presently very model dependent. We will report and discuss our recent progress in the study of spin-polarized neutron matter. The approach we take is microscopic and relativistic. The calculated neutron matter properties are derived from realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions. This makes it possible to understand the nature of the EOS properties in terms of specific features of the nuclear force model.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figures, revised/extended calculation

    Detectability of dissipative motion in quantum vacuum via superradiance

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    We propose an experiment for generating and detecting vacuum-induced dissipative motion. A high frequency mechanical resonator driven in resonance is expected to dissipate energy in quantum vacuum via photon emission. The photons are stored in a high quality electromagnetic cavity and detected through their interaction with ultracold alkali-metal atoms prepared in an inverted population of hyperfine states. Superradiant amplification of the generated photons results in a detectable radio-frequency signal temporally distinguishable from the expected background.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Thermal and dissipative effects in Casimir physics

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    We report on current efforts to detect the thermal and dissipative contributions to the Casimir force. For the thermal component, two experiments are in progress at Dartmouth and at the Institute Laue Langevin in Grenoble. The first experiment will seek to detect the Casimir force at the largest explorable distance using a cylinder-plane geometry which offers various advantages with respect to both sphere-plane and parallel-plane geometries. In the second experiment, the Casimir force in the parallel-plane configuration is measured with a dedicated torsional balance, up to 10 micrometers. Parallelism of large surfaces, critical in this configuration, is maintained through the use of inclinometer technology already implemented at Grenoble for the study of gravitationally bound states of ultracold neutrons, For the dissipative component of the Casimir force, we discuss detection techniques based upon the use of hyperfine spectroscopy of ultracold atoms and Rydberg atoms. Although quite challenging, this triad of experimental efforts, if successful, will give us a better knowledge of the interplay between quantum and thermal fluctuations of the electromagnetic field and of the nature of dissipation induced by the motion of objects in a quantum vacuum.Comment: Contribution to QFEXT'06, appeared in special issue of Journal of Physics

    An Assessment of Four Promising Methods

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    The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decisionmaking through research and analysis. This electronic document was made available from www.rand.org as a public service of the RAND Corporation

    A zeta function approach to the relation between the numbers of symmetry planes and axes of a polytope

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    A derivation of the Ces\`aro-Fedorov relation from the Selberg trace formula on an orbifolded 2-sphere is elaborated and extended to higher dimensions using the known heat-kernel coefficients for manifolds with piecewise-linear boundaries. Several results are obtained that relate the coefficients, bib_i, in the Shephard-Todd polynomial to the geometry of the fundamental domain. For the 3-sphere we show that b4b_4 is given by the ratio of the volume of the fundamental tetrahedron to its Schl\"afli reciprocal.Comment: Plain TeX, 26 pages (eqn. (86) corrected

    Preparation for a comprehensive assessment of North Pacific sei whales.

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    The last assessment of North Pacific sei whales was performed by Tillman (1977), and seems to have been accepted by the Scientific Committee in 1974 (Gambell, 1974). The exploitable stock (440ft) is estimated to have declined from 42,000 in 1963 to 8,600 in 1974, during a period of intensive pelagic whaling
