258 research outputs found

    Precursors To and Pathways Through Conversion: Catalytic Experiences of Born Again Christian College Students

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    Born again Christians are a significant religious population in the United States, and throughout the world. The process by which a born again identity is assumed is not clearly described in the research literature. Therefore, we asked 18 born again Christian college students a series of questions designed to uncover what led to their identity of being born again. Responses fell into three overarching themes. First, participants described exposure within relationships to God’s principles. Second, participants noted the influence of introspection and reflection on their lives apart from the influence of God. Third, participants had an active response in which they reported such things as recognizing conviction by the Holy Spirit, that they decided to act on that conviction, and that they took action to follow Jesus. Findings are discussed within the framework of Cohen and Hill’s (2007) theory of religion as culture

    Effects of Sorority Members’ Pornography Use on Bystander Intervention in a Sexual Assault Situation and Rape Myth Acceptance

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    College women’s exposure to pornography is growing nationwide. A limited amount of research exists documenting the negative effects of pornography on women’s attitudes and behavior related to sexual assault. The present study surveyed sorority members at a Midwestern public university on their pornography use, rape myth acceptance, bystander efficacy, and bystander willingness to help in potential sexual assault situations. Results showed that women who view pornography are significantly less likely to intervene as a bystander and are more likely to believe rape myths. Implications for women’s personal safety and for the advisability of consuming pornography are discussed

    Alpha-buckets in High Energy Electron Storage Rings (Review of Existing Experiments and Feasibility Studies for Future Developments) Review

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    Electron storage rings operating at high energies have proven to be invaluable source of synchrotron radiation. Two and even three simultaneous beams of particles have been observed at different light source facilities worldwide. So called alpha-buckets were studied at Metrological Light Source (MLS) in Berlin (Germany), SOLEIL facility in France, DIAMOND light source in UK, NSLS ring in Brookhaven (USA). It is widely recognized that alpha buckets are general phenomena which is not restricted to a certain storage ring. However, earlier measurements showed essential limitations on parameters of alpha-buckets, strong dependence on high order (sextupole and octupoles) magnetic field imperfections and associated fast decay of electron current as well as reduced life time. Also a rising relevance of high order non-linear longitudinal beam dynamics is associated with new generation of diffraction limited light sources (DLSR) approaches, which all suffer nonlinear momentum compaction factor. A large variety of future generation electron synchrotrons require a comprehensive investigation of the physical processes involved into the operation of such rings. In this paper, we present review of high order non-linear longitudinal beam dynamics based on the longitudinal equations of motion and Hamiltonian expanded to a high order of the momentum compaction factor. Roots of the third order equation with a free term are derived in a form suitable for analytical estimations. The momentum independent term of orbit lengthening due to particle transverse excursions is estimated and taken into account. The results from simulations were benchmarked against existing experiments at the Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA), SOLEIL and MLS rings. Parameters of three simultaneous beams and alpha buckets at MLS and SOLEIL have been reproduced with high accuracy. General conditions for stable operation of alpha buckets are presented. Based on analytical formulas and computer simulations, studies of longitudinal motion at KARA have been performed with an objective to estimate feasibility of filling and storing of beam in α-buckets. A Computer model was used to describe the behavior and dynamics of simultaneous beams in the KARA storage ring

    Beam Dynamics Observations at Negative Momentum Compaction Factors at KARA

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    For the development of future synchrotron light sources new operation modes often have to be considered. One such mode is the operation with a negative momentum compaction factor to provide the possibility of increased dynamic aperture. For successful application in future light sources, the influence of this mode has to be investigated. At the KIT storage ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator), operation with negative momentum compaction has been implemented and the dynamics can now be investigated. Using a variety of high-performance beam diagnostics devices it is possible to observe the beam dynamics under negative momentum compaction conditions. This contribution presents different aspects of the results of these investigations in the longitudinal and transversal plane

    Development of an Electro-Optical Longitudinal Bunch Profile Monitor at KARA Towards a Beam Diagnostics Tool for FCC-ee

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    The Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA) at KIT features an electro-optical (EO) near-field diagnostics setup to conduct turn-by-turn longitudinal bunch profile measurements in the storage ring using electro-optical spectral decoding (EOSD). Within the Future Circular Collider Innovation Study (FCCIS) an EO monitor using the same technique is being conceived to measure the longitudinal profile and center-of-charge of the bunches in the future electron-positron collider FCC-ee. This contribution provides an overview of the EO near-field diagnostics at KARA and discusses the development and its challenges towards an effective beam diagnostics concept for the FCC-ee

    Polyneuropathie bei Behandlung der chronischen Hepatitis B mit Vidarabin

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    Zwei Patientinnen mit chronischer Hepatitis B wurden 8 bzw. 12 Wochen lang mit Vidarabin in Dosen von 1000 bzw. 700 mg/d behandelt. Am Ende der Therapie litten beide distal an den Beinen unter schweren sensiblen Reizerscheinungen; klinisch war die sensible Wahrnehmung für alle Qualitäten distal an den Beinen eingeschränkt. Drei Jahre später bestanden die Störungen weiterhin, wenn auch in milderer Form. Während kurz nach Beginn der Beschwerden die sensiblen Leitgeschwindigkeiten an den unteren Extremitäten noch nicht sicher verlangsamt waren, fand sich bei beiden Patientinnen nach einem halben Jahr eine deutliche Reduktion auf Werte unter 40 m/s für den N. suralis, die auch nach einem Jahr fortbestand. In beiden Fällen war 3 Jahre nach der Erstuntersuchung eine leichte Besserung, aber noch keine Normalisierung des elektrischen Befundes eingetreten. Der objektiv nachgewiesene lange Verlauf und die erhebliche subjektive Beeinträchtigung bei diesen Polyneuropathien sollten Anlaß zu einer sehr zurückhaltenden Indikation der Therapie mit Vidarabin sein

    Generalisation and specialisation in hoverfly (Syrphidae) grassland pollen transport networks revealed by DNA metabarcoding

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    1. Pollination by insects is a key ecosystem service, and important to wider ecosystem function. Most species-level pollination networks studied have a generalised structure, with plants having several potential pollinators, and pollinators in turn visiting a number of different plant species. This is in apparent contrast to a plant?s need for efficient conspecific pollen transfer. 2. The aim of this study was to investigate the structure of pollen transport networks at three levels of biological hierarchy: community, species, and individual. We did this using hoverflies in the genus Eristalis, a key group of non-Hymenopteran pollinators. 3. We constructed pollen transport networks using DNA metabarcoding to identify pollen. We captured hoverflies in conservation grasslands in west Wales, UK, removed external pollen loads, sequenced the pollen DNA on the Illumina MiSeq platform using the standard plant barcode rbcL, and matched sequences using a pre-existing plant DNA barcode reference library. 4. We found that Eristalis hoverflies transport pollen from 65 plant taxa, more than previously appreciated. Networks were generalised at the site and species level, suggesting some degree of functional redundancy, and were more generalised in late summer compared to early summer. In contrast, pollen transport at the individual level showed some degree of specialisation. Hoverflies defined as ?single-plant visitors? varied from 40% of those captured in early summer to 24% in late summer. Individual hoverflies became more generalised in late summer, possibly in response to an increase in floral resources. Rubus fruticosus agg. and Succisa pratensis were key plant species for hoverflies at our sites 5. Our results contribute to resolving the apparent paradox of how generalised pollinator networks can provide efficient pollination to plant species. Generalised hoverfly pollen transport networks may result from a varied range of short-term specialised feeding bouts by individual insects. The generalisation and functional redundancy of Eristalis pollen transport networks may increase the stability of the pollination service they deliver.publishersversionPeer reviewe
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