2,941 research outputs found

    The thermal model on the verge of the ultimate test: particle production in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC

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    We investigate the production of hadrons in nuclear collisions within the framework of the thermal (or statistical hadronization) model. We discuss both the ligh-quark hadrons as well as charmonium and provide predictions for the LHC energy. Even as its exact magnitude is dependent on the charm production cross section, not yet measured in Pb-Pb collisions, we can confidently predict that at the LHC the nuclear modification factor of charmonium as a function of centrality is larger than that observed at RHIC and compare the experimental results to these predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; proceedings of QM201

    The chemical equilibration volume: measuring the degree of thermalization

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    We address the issue of the degree of equilibrium achieved in a high energy heavy-ion collision. Specifically, we explore the consequences of incomplete strangeness chemical equilibrium. This is achieved over a volume V of the order of the strangeness correlation length and is assumed to be smaller than the freeze-out volume. Probability distributions of strange hadrons emanating from the system are computed for varying sizes of V and simple experimental observables based on these are proposed. Measurements of such observables may be used to estimate V and as a result the degree of strangeness chemical equilibration achieved. This sets a lower bound on the degree of kinetic equilibrium. We also point out that a determination of two-body correlations or second moments of the distributions are not sufficient for this estimation.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, revtex

    Formation of charmonium states in heavy ion collisions and thermalization of charm

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    We examine the possibility to utilize in-medium charmonium formation in heavy ion interactions at collider energy as a probe of the properties of the medium. This is possible because the formation process involves recombination of charm quarks which imprints a signal on the resulting normalized transverse momentum distribution containing information about the momentum distribution of the quarks. We have contrasted the transverse momentum spectra of J/Psi, characterized by , which result from the formation process in which the charm quark distributions are taken at opposite limits with regard to thermalization in the medium. The first uses charm quark distributions unchanged from their initial production in a pQCD process, appropriate if their interaction with the medium is negligible. The second uses charm quark distributions which are in complete thermal equilibrium with the transversely expanding medium, appropriate if a very strong interaction between charm quarks and medium exists. We find that the resulting of the formed J/Psi should allow one to differentiate between these extremes, and that this differentiation is not sensitive to variations in the detailed dynamics of in-medium formation. We include a comparison of predictions of this model with preliminary PHENIX measurements, which indicates compatibility with a substantial fraction of in-medium formation.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, based on presentation at the Workshop on Quark-Gluon-Plasma Thermalization (QGPTH05), Vienna, Austria, August 10-12, 2005. To be published in the proceedings. Two figures and 3 references update

    Strange Particle Production from SIS to LHC

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    >1A review of meson emission in heavy ion collisions at incident energies from SIS up to collider energies is presented. A statistical model assuming chemical equilibrium and local strangeness conservation (i.e. strangeness conservation per collision) explains most of the observed features. Emphasis is put onto the study of K+K^+ and K−K^- emission at low incident energies. In the framework of this statistical model it is shown that the experimentally observed equality of K+K^+ and K−K^- rates at ``threshold-corrected'' energies s−sth\sqrt{s} - \sqrt{s_{th}} is due to a crossing of two excitation functions. Furthermore, the independence of the K+K^+ to K−K^- ratio on the number of participating nucleons observed between SIS and RHIC is consistent with this model. It is demonstrated that the K−K^- production at SIS energies occurs predominantly via strangeness exchange and this channel is approaching chemical equilibrium. The observed maximum in the K+/π+K^+/\pi^+ excitation function is also seen in the ratio of strange to non-strange particle production. The appearance of this maximum around 30 A⋅A\cdotGeV is due to the energy dependence of the chemical freeze-out parameters TT and ÎŒB\mu_B.Comment: Presented at the International Workshop "On the Physics of the Quark-Gluon Plasma", Palaiseau, France, September 2001. 10 pages, 8 figure

    Heavy quark(onium) at LHC: the statistical hadronization case

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    We discuss the production of charmonium in nuclear collisions within the framework of the statistical hadronization model. We demonstrate that the model reproduces very well the availble data at RHIC. We provide predictions for the LHC energy where, dependently on the charm production cross section, a dramatically different behaviour of charmonium production as a function of centrality might be expected. We discuss also the case in elementary collisions, where clearly the statistical model does not reproduce the measurements.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; proceeding of SQM09, Buzios, Brazil, to be published in J. Phys.

    Stabilizing Hadron Resonance Gas Models against Future Discoveries

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    We examine the stability of hadron resonance gas models by extending them to take care of undiscovered resonances through the Hagedorn formula. We find that the influence of unknown resonances on thermodynamics is large but bounded. Hadron resonance gases are internally consistent up to a temperature higher than the cross over temperature in QCD; but by examining quark number susceptibilities we find that their region of applicability seems to end even below the QCD cross over. We model the decays of resonances and investigate the ratios of particle yields in heavy-ion collisions. We find that observables such as hydrodynamics and hadron yield ratios change little upon extending the model. As a result, heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC are insensitive to a possible exponential rise in the hadronic density of states, thus increasing the stability of the predictions of hadron resonance gas models

    Hadro-Chemistry and Evolution of (Anti-) Baryon Densities at RHIC

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    The consequences of hadro-chemical freezeout for the subsequent hadron gas evolution in central heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC energies are discussed with special emphasis on effects due to antibaryons. Contrary to naive expectations, their individual conservation, as implied by experimental data, has significant impact on the chemical off-equilibrium composition of hadronic matter at collider energies. This may reflect on a variety of observables including source sizes and dilepton spectra.Comment: 4 pages ReVTeX incl. 3 ps-figs, submitted to PR

    Recombination of Shower Partons at High pTp_T in Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    A formalism for hadron production at high \pt in heavy-ion collisions has been developed such that all partons hadronize by recombination. The fragmentation of a hard parton is accounted for by the recombination of shower partons that it creates. Such shower partons can also recombine with the thermal partons to form particles that dominate over all other possible modes of hadronization in the 3<pT<83<p_T<8 GeV range. The results for the high \pt spectra of pion, kaon, and proton agree well with experiments. Energy loss of partons in the dense medium is taken into account on the average by an effective parameter by fitting data, and is found to be universal independent of the type of particles produced, as it should. Due to the recombination of thermal and shower partons, the structure of jets produced in nuclear collisions is different from that in pppp collisions. The consequence on same-side correlations is discussed.Comment: This revised version contains minor changes and a new figure

    Charmonium Suppression and Regeneration from SPS to RHIC

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    The production of charmonia is investigated for heavy-ion collisions from SPS to RHIC energies. Our approach incorporates two sources of J/ΚJ/\Psi yield: (i) a direct contribution arising from early (hard) parton-parton collisions, subject to subsequent nuclear absorption, quark-gluon plasma and hadronic dissociation, and (ii) statistical production at the hadronization transition by coalescence of cc and cˉ\bar{c} quarks. Within an expanding thermal fireball framework, the model reproduces J/ΚJ/\Psi centrality dependencies observed at the SPS in Pb-Pb and S-U collisions reasonably well. The study of the Κâ€Č/Κ\Psi'/\Psi ratio at SPS points at the importance of the hadronic phase for Κâ€Č\Psi' interactions, possibly related to effects of chiral symmetry restoration. Predictions are given for the centrality dependence of the NJ/Κ/NccˉN_{J/\Psi}/N_{c\bar{c}} ratio at full RHIC energy. We also calculate the excitation function of this ratio. The latter exhibits a characteristic minimum structure signalling the transition from the standard J/ΚJ/\Psi suppression scenario prevailing at SPS to dominantly thermal regeneration at collider energies.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figure

    Quark Coalescence for Charmed Mesons in Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    We investigate effects of charm-quark interactions in a Quark-Gluon Plasma on the production of DD and J/ψJ/\psi mesons in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Employing a previously constructed coalescence model that successfully reproduces the transverse momentum (pTp_T) spectra and elliptic flow (v2(pT)v_2(p_T)) of light hadrons at RHIC from underlying light-quark distributions at the phase transition temperature TcT_c, DD-meson and J/ψJ/\psi pTp_T spectra are evaluated. For the charm-quark distributions, we consider two limiting scenarios: (i) {\em no} rescattering, corresponding to perturbative QCD spectra and (ii) {\em complete} thermalization including transverse expansion. With the DD-meson spectra acquiring a minimal v2v_2 inherited from their light-quark content, the corresponding semileptonic decay spectra of single electrons are found to practically preserve the v2v_2 of the parent particles, exhibiting marked differences between the pQCD and thermal scenarios for pT≄1p_T\ge 1 GeV. Likewise, the pTp_T-spectra and yields of J/ψJ/\psi's differ appreciably in the two scenarios.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, version published in PLB with updated figure
