495 research outputs found

    Dynamical structure of the inner 100 AU of the deeply embedded protostar IRAS 16293-2422

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    A fundamental question about the early evolution of low-mass protostars is when circumstellar disks may form. High angular resolution observations of molecular transitions in the (sub)millimeter wavelength windows make it possible to investigate the kinematics of the gas around newly-formed stars, for example to identify the presence of rotation and infall. IRAS 16293-2422 was observed with the extended Submillimeter Array (eSMA) resulting in subarcsecond resolution (0.46" x 0.29", i.e. \sim 55 ×\times 35~AU) images of compact emission from the C17^{17}O (3-2) and C34^{34}S (7-6) transitions at 337~GHz (0.89~mm). To recover the more extended emission we have combined the eSMA data with SMA observations of the same molecules. The emission of C17^{17}O (3-2) and C34^{34}S (7-6) both show a velocity gradient oriented along a northeast-southwest direction with respect to the continuum marking the location of one of the components of the binary, IRAS16293A. Our combined eSMA and SMA observations show that the velocity field on the 50--400~AU scales is consistent with a rotating structure. It cannot be explained by simple Keplerian rotation around a single point mass but rather needs to take into account the enclosed envelope mass at the radii where the observed lines are excited. We suggest that IRAS 16293-2422 could be among the best candidates to observe a pseudo-disk with future high angular resolution observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 18 pages, 10 figure

    Structure of evolved cluster-forming regions

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    Context. An approach towards understanding the formation of massive stars and star clusters is to study the structure of their hot core phase, an evolutionary stage where dust has been heated, but molecules have not yet been destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. These hot molecular cores are very line-rich, but the interpretation of line surveys is also hampered by poor knowledge of the physical and chemical structure. Aims. To constrain the radial structure of high-mass star-forming regions containing hot cores, we attempt to reproduce by radiative transfer modeling both the intensity and shape of a variety of molecular lines. Methods. We observed 12 hot cores with the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) in lines of HCN, HCO+, CO, and their isotopologues, including high-J lines and vibrationally excited HCN. We investigate how well the sources can be modeled as centrally heated spheres with a power-law density gradient, making use of the radiative transfer code RATRAN and the radial profile of the submm continuum emission, taken from the APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the GALaxy (ATLASGAL). Results. Most of the observed lines have complicated shapes that incorporate self-absorption, asymmetries, and line wings. Vibrationally excited HCN is detected in all sources, and vibrationally excited H13CN in half of the sources. We are able to successfully model most features seen in the APEX data, such as the ratio of the isotopologue lines (very high optical depths), self-absorption (temperature gradient), blue asymmetries (moderate infall), vibrationally excited HCN (high inner temperatures), and H13CN (high HCN abundance under dense and hot conditions). Other features could not be reproduced, such as an occasional lack of self-absorption, the emission from high-J lines in the outer pixels of the CHAMP+ receiver (15′′−20′′ from the center), the outflow wings, and the red asymmetric profiles. Conclusions. The amount of molecular gas, in particular of HCN, at very high temperatures is larger than previously thought. A complex interplay between infall and outflow motions is present. Our basic model assumptions of pure central heating and a power-law radial density distribution can serve as approximations for most sources, but are too simple to explain all observed lines. In particular, taking into account clumpiness, multiplicity of heating sources and a more complex velocity field seems to be necessary to more closely match model calculations to observations. This would require three-dimensional radiative transfer modeling of high-resolution interferometric data

    Demographically explicit scans for barriers to gene flow using gIMble

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    Identifying regions of the genome that act as barriers to gene flow between recently diverged taxa has remained challenging given the many evolutionary forces that generate variation in genetic diversity and divergence along the genome, and the stochastic nature of this variation. Progress has been impeded by a conceptual and methodological divide between analyses that infer the demographic history of speciation and genome scans aimed at identifying locally maladaptive alleles i.e. genomic barriers to gene flow. Here we implement genomewide IM blockwise likelihood estimation (), a composite likelihood approach for the quantification of barriers, that bridges this divide. This analytic framework captures background selection and selection against barriers in a model of isolation with migration (IM) as heterogeneity in effective population size (Ne_{e}) and effective migration rate (me_{e}), respectively. Variation in both effective demographic parameters is estimated in sliding windows via pre-computed likelihood grids. includes modules for pre-processing/filtering of genomic data and performing parametric bootstraps using coalescent simulations. To demonstrate the new approach, we analyse data from a well-studied pair of sister species of tropical butterflies with a known history of post-divergence gene flow: Heliconius melpomene and H. cydno. Our analyses uncover both large-effect barrier loci (including well-known wing-pattern genes) and a genome-wide signal of a polygenic barrier architecture

    Demes:A standard format for demographic models

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    Understanding the demographic history of populations is a key goal in population genetics, and with improving methods and data, ever more complex models are being proposed and tested. Demographic models of current interest typically consist of a set of discrete populations, their sizes and growth rates, and continuous and pulse migrations between those populations over a number of epochs, which can require dozens of parameters to fully describe. There is currently no standard format to define such models, significantly hampering progress in the field. In particular, the important task of translating the model descriptions in published work into input suitable for population genetic simulators is labor intensive and error prone. We propose the Demes data model and file format, built on widely used technologies, to alleviate these issues. Demes provide a well-defined and unambiguous model of populations and their properties that is straightforward to implement in software, and a text file format that is designed for simplicity and clarity. We provide thoroughly tested implementations of Demes parsers in multiple languages including Python and C, and showcase initial support in several simulators and inference methods. An introduction to the file format and a detailed specification are available at https://popsim-consortium.github.io/demes-spec-docs/

    The abundance of C18O and HDO in the envelope and hot core of the intermediate mass protostar NGC 7129 FIRS 2

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    NGC 7129 FIRS 2 is a young intermediate-mass (IM) protostar, which is associated with two energetic bipolar outflows and displays clear signs of the presence of a hot core. It has been extensively observed with ground based telescopes and within the WISH Guaranteed Time Herschel Key Program. We present new observations of the C18O 3-2 and the HDO 3_{12}-2_{21} lines towards NGC 7129 FIRS 2. Combining these observations with Herschel data and modeling their emissions, we constrain the C18O and HDO abundance profiles across the protostellar envelope. In particular, we derive the abundance of C18O and HDO in the hot core. The intensities of the C18O lines are well reproduced assuming that the C18O abundance decreases through the protostellar envelope from the outer edge towards the centre until the point where the gas and dust reach the CO evaporation temperature (~20-25 K) where the C18O is released back to the gas phase. Once the C18O is released to the gas phase, the modelled C18O abundance is found to be ~1.6x10^{-8}, which is a factor of 10 lower than the reference abundance. This result is supported by the non-detection of C18O 9-8, which proves that even in the hot core (T_k>100 K) the CO abundance must be 10 times lower than the reference value. Several scenarios are discussed to explain this C18O deficiency. One possible explanation is that during the pre-stellar and protostellar phase, the CO is removed from the grain mantles by reactions to form more complex molecules. Our HDO modeling shows that the emission of HDO 3_{12}-2_{21} line is maser and comes from the hot core (T_k>100 K). Assuming the physical structure derived by Crimier et al. (2010), we determine a HDO abundance of ~0.4 - 1x10^{-7} in the hot core of this IM protostar, similar to that found in the hot corinos NGC 1333 IRAS 2A and IRAS 16293-2422.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Het betere werk. Economische effecten van een nieuw gevechtsvliegtuig

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    Deelname aan de Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) brengt voor Nederland tientallen miljarden euro’s omzet met zich mee. De JSF maakt de Nederlandse vliegtuigindustrie innovatiever waardoor additionele spin-offs optreden. Het programma leidt tot verschuiving van werknemers vanuit andere banen; daarbij worden de werknemers productiever. Het werkgelegenheidseffect is op korte termijn positief maar op lange termijn nul. Omzet en werkgelegenheid Met de JSF is voor Nederland een omzet gemoeid van 24 à 38 miljard euro. Het leidt opgeteld over de periode 2013-2064 tot een verschuiving van circa 75.000 arbeidsjaren, vanuit andere banen. Per jaar zijn dat gemiddeld 1.400 banen die verschuiven. Bij deze verschuiving worden de werknemers 2,5 tot 10 procent productiever. Het netto werkgelegenheidseffect van deelnemen aan het F-35 programma is maximaal 1.350 arbeidsjaren (270 banen) tot en met 2017; op lange termijn is het werkgelegenheidseffect nul. Het F-35 programma levert dus vooral hoogwaardiger en productiever werk op, mede door het creëren van kennis en innovaties. Als Nederland stopt met deelnemen en een ander toestel koopt, worden de omzet en toegevoegde waarde ongeveer gehalveerd. Als Nederland uit de testfase stapt, gaat 15 tot 20 procent verloren. Circa twee derde van de productie- en werkgelegenheidseffecten komt voort uit onderhoud van de F-35 of een alternatief toestel. De productiefase betreft circa een derde van de effecten. Kennis en innovatie Participatie in een internationaal programma biedt voor Nederlandse bedrijven de mogelijkheid om op internationale schaal nieuwe marktinzichten, contacten en vaardigheden op te doen. Dit leidt tot marktgerelateerde spin-offs en spillovers, hetgeen zich uit in nieuwe economische activiteiten en extra rendement. De economische meerwaarde van kennisontwikkeling, innovatie, spin-offs en spillovers is echter niet kwantitatief te duiden. Stoppen met de JSF heeft naar verwachting een negatief effect op spin-offs en spillovers vergeleken met doorgaan. De gevolgen van uitstappen uit de testfase zijn lastiger in te schatten. Het effect is negatief maar mogelijk beperkt als Nederland zich stevig blijft committeren aan de andere delen van het JSF programma