657 research outputs found

    Diversity and distribution of polyphagan water beetles (Coleoptera) in the Lake St Lucia system, South Africa

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    Water beetles belonging to the suborder Polyphaga vary greatly in larval and adult ecologies, and fulfil important functional roles in shallow-water ecosystems by processing plant material, scavenging and through predation. This study investigates the species richness and composition of aquatic polyphagan assemblages in and around the St Lucia estuarine lake (South Africa), within the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A total of 32 sites were sampled over three consecutive collection trips between 2013 and 2015. The sites encompassed a broad range of aquatic habitats, being representative of the variety of freshwater and estuarine environments present on the St Lucia coastal plain. Thirty-seven polyphagan taxa were recorded during the dedicated surveys of this study, in addition to seven species-level records from historical collections. Most beetles recorded are relatively widespread Afrotropical species and only three are endemic to South Africa. Samples were dominated by members of the Hydrophilidae (27 taxa), one of which was new to science (Hydrobiomorpha perissinottoi Bilton, 2016). Despite the fauna being dominated by relatively widespread taxa, five represent new records for South Africa, highlighting the poor state of knowledge on water beetle distribution patterns in the region. Wetlands within the dense woodland characterising the False Bay region of St Lucia supported a distinct assemblage of polyphagan beetles, whilst sites occurring on the Eastern and Western Shores of Lake St Lucia were very similar in their beetle composition. In line with the Afrotropical region as a whole, the aquatic Polyphaga of St Lucia appear to be less diverse than the Hydradephaga, for which 68 species were recorded during the same period. However, the results of the present study, in conjunction with those for Hydradephaga, show that the iSimangaliso Wetland Park contains a high beetle diversity. The ongoing and future ecological protection of not only the estuarine lake itself, but also surrounding freshwater wetlands, is imperative and should be taken into consideration during future management planning for the park

    Predaceous water beetles (Coleoptera, Hydradephaga) of the Lake St Lucia system, South Africa: biodiversity, community ecology and conservation implications

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    Water beetles are one of the dominant macroinvertebrate groups in inland waters and are excellent ecological indicators, reflecting both the diversity and composition of the wider aquatic community. The predaceous water beetles (Hydradephaga) make up around one-third of known aquatic Coleoptera and, as predators, are a key group in the functioning of many aquatic habitats. Despite being relatively well-known taxonomically, ecological studies of these insects in tropical and subtropical systems remain rare. A dedicated survey of the hydradephagan beetles of the Lake St Lucia wetlands (South Africa) was undertaken between 2013 and 2015, providing the first biodiversity census for this important aquatic group in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site within the Maputaland biodiversity hotspot. A total of 32 sites covering the entire spectrum of waterbody types were sampled over the course of three collecting trips. The Lake St Lucia wetlands support at least 68 species of Hydradephaga, a very high level of diversity comparing favourably with other hotspots on the African continent and elsewhere in the world and a number of taxa are reported for South Africa for the first time. This beetle assemblage is dominated by relatively widespread Afrotropical taxa, with few locally endemic species, supporting earlier observations that hotspots of species richness and centres of endemism are not always coincident. Although there was no significant difference in the number of species supported by the various waterbody types sampled, sites with the highest species richness were mostly temporary depression wetlands. This contrasts markedly with the distribution of other taxa in the same system, such as molluscs and dragonflies, which are most diverse in permanent waters. Our study is the first to highlight the importance of temporary depression wetlands and emphasises the need to maintain a variety of wetland habitats for aquatic conservation in this biodiverse region

    Manageable creativity

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    This article notes a perception in mainstream management theory and practice that creativity has shifted from being disruptive or destructive to 'manageable'. This concept of manageable creativity in business is reflected in a similar rhetoric in cultural policy, especially towards the creative industries. The article argues that the idea of 'manageable creativity' can be traced back to a 'heroic' and a 'structural' model of creativity. It is argued that the 'heroic' model of creativity is being subsumed within a 'structural' model which emphasises the systems and infrastructure around individual creativity rather than focusing on raw talent and pure content. Yet this structured approach carries problems of its own, in particular a tendency to overlook the unpredictability of creative processes, people and products. Ironically, it may be that some confusion in our policies towards creativity is inevitable, reflecting the paradoxes and transitions which characterise the creative process

    The exotic weevil Stenopelmus rufinasus Gyllenhal, 1835 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) across a "host-free" pond network

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    The presence of the exotic weevil Stenopelmus rufinasus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is closely related to the occurrence of the exotic red water fern, Azolla filiculoides. In this paper, we present the first records of S. rufinasus in Doñana National Park (SW Spain), based on sampling of macroinvertebrates in 91 temporary ponds, including monthly samples of 22 ponds, during two successive years (2005-2007). The exotic weevil was present in 21% of the sampled ponds where the host plant, A. filiculiodes, was not detectable. Because A. filiculoides can reach high densities in an adjacent area of marsh, we suggest that the occurrence of the exotic weevil in these ponds is a consequence of dispersal from nearby marshes. Our study demonstrates that S. rufinasus adults can occur at relatively high densities in ponds where the host plant is not present, suggesting that such apparently “host-free” sites may act as stepping stones for the spread of this speciesLa presencia de la especie de gorgojo exĂłtico Stenopelmus rufinasus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) estĂĄ Ă­ntimamente rela- cionada con la planta acuĂĄtica exĂłtica Azolla filiculoides. En este estudio se registrĂł por primera vez la presencia de S. rufinasus en el Parque Nacional de Doñana (SO España) tras realizar un muestreo de macroinvertebrados en 91 lagunas que incluye muestreos mensuales de 22 de las mismas durante dos años consecutivos (2005-2007). El gorgojo exĂłtico estuvo presente en el 21% de las lagunas muestreadas a pesar de que su supuesto hospedador, A. filiculiodes, no fue detectado. Dado que A. filiculiodes puede alcanzar grandes densidades en la marisma adyacente, sugerimos que la presencia del gor- gojo exĂłtico en las lagunas temporales se debe a su dispersiĂłn desde la marisma. Este estudio demuestra que individuos adultos de S. rufinasus pueden aparecer con densidades relativamente altas en lagunas donde su hospedador potencial no estĂĄ presente, lo que sugiere que estos sitios libres de hospedador podrĂ­an actuar como zonas de paso para la dispersiĂłn de la especiePeer reviewe

    Fractal-like hierarchical organization of bone begins at the nanoscale

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    INTRODUCTION: The components of bone assemble hierarchically to provide stiffness and toughness. Deciphering the specific organization and relationship between bone’s principal components—mineral and collagen—requires answers to three main questions: whether the association of the mineral phase with collagen follows an intrafibrillar or extrafibrillar pattern, whether the morphology of the mineral building blocks is needle- or platelet-shaped, and how the mineral phase maintains continuity across an extensive network of cross-linked collagen fibrils. To address these questions, a nanoscale level of three-dimensional (3D) structural characterization is essential and has now been performed. RATIONALE: Because bone has multiple levels of 3D structural hierarchy, 2D imaging methods that do not detail the structural context of a sample are prone to interpretation bias. Site-specific focused ion beam preparation of lamellar bone with known orientation of the analyzed sample regions allowed us to obtain imaging data by 2D high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and to identify individual crystal orientations. We studied higher-level bone mineral organization within the extracellular matrix by means of scanning TEM (STEM) tomography imaging and 3D reconstruction, as well as electron diffraction to determine crystal morphology and orientation patterns. Tomographic data allowed 3D visualization of the mineral phase as individual crystallites and/or aggregates that were correlated with atomic-resolution TEM images and corresponding diffraction patterns. Integration of STEM tomography with HRTEM and crystallographic data resulted in a model of 3D mineral morphology and its association with the organic matrix. RESULTS: To visualize and characterize the crystallites within the extracellular matrix, we recorded imaging data of the bone mineral in two orthogonal projections with respect to the arrays of mineralized collagen fibrils. Three motifs of mineral organization were observed: “filamentous” (longitudinal or in-plane) and “lacy” (out-of-plane) motifs, which have been reported previously, and a third “rosette” motif comprising hexagonal crystals. Tomographic reconstructions showed that these three motifs were projections of the same 3D assembly. Our data revealed that needle-shaped, curved nanocrystals merge laterally to form platelets, which further organize into stacks of roughly parallel platelets separated by gaps of approximately 2 nanometers. These stacks of platelets, single platelets, and single acicular crystals coalesce into larger polycrystalline aggregates exceeding the lateral dimensions of the collagen fibrils, and the aggregates span adjacent fibrils as continuous, cross-fibrillar mineralization. CONCLUSION: Our findings can be described by a model of mineral and collagen assembly in which the mineral organization is hierarchical at the nanoscale. First, the data reveal that mineral particles are neither exclusively needle- nor platelet-shaped, but indeed are a combination of both, because curved acicular elements merge laterally to form slightly twisted plates. This can only be detected when the organic extracellular matrix is preserved in the sample. Second, the mineral particles are neither exclusively intrafibrillar nor extrafibrillar, but rather form a continuous cross-fibrillar phase where curved and merging crystals splay beyond the typical dimensions of a single collagen fibril. Third, in the organization of the mineral phase of bone, a helical pattern can be identified. This 3D observation, integrated with previous studies of bone hierarchy and structure, illustrates that bone (as a material, as a tissue, and as an organ) follows a fractal-like organization that is self-affine. The assembly of bone components into nested, helix-like patterns helps to explain the paradoxical combination of enhanced stiffness and toughness of bone and results in an expansion of the previously known hierarchical structure of bone to at least 12 levels

    Results from an online survey of adults with cystic fibrosis: Accessing and using life expectancy information

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the one of the most common inherited diseases. It affects around 10,000 people in the UK, and the median survival age is 47. Recent developments making use of longitudinal patient registry data are producing more detailed and relevant information about predicted life expectancy in CF based on current age and clinical measurements. The objective of this study was to conduct an online survey of adults with CF living in the UK using a web-based questionnaire to investigate: (i) if and how they access information on life expectancy; (ii) what they use it for; (iii) if they want more personalised information on life expectancy or the time until other milestones. The survey was advertised through the Cystic Fibrosis Trust using social media. There were 85 respondents, covering men (39%) and women (61%) aged 16–65. 75% had received information on life expectancy either from their CF care team (34%) or other sources (71%), the most common being the Cystic Fibrosis Trust website and research literature. Most people who received information found it to be beneficial and reported using it in a variety of ways, including to plan strategies for maintaining as best health as possible and to psychologically manage current health status. 82% of respondents were interested in more personalised information about their life expectancy, and participants also noted interest in other outcomes, including time to needing transplant or reaching a low level of lung function. Themes arising in text responses included the importance of good communication of information, the difficulty of relating general information to one’s own circumstances, and a desire for increased information on factors that impact on survival in CF. As an outcome from this work, research is underway to establish how information on life expectancy can be presented to people with CF in an accessible way

    Seeking structural repetitivity in systems with interaction interference: crystal engineering in the gem-alkynol family

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    Synthon repetitivity has been demonstrated in a pair of gem-alkynols, despite the high degree of interaction interference typical of this family of compounds
