43 research outputs found

    Pesticide Regulation Under NAFTA: Harmonization in Process?

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    Different standards in pesticides and pest protection have often been used as trade barriers, whether real or manufactured. While harmonization is often touted as a means to limit the ability of domestic (protectionist) interests to use standards as a barrier to trade, the process of harmonization itself is subject to rent-seeking. In this paper, we explore the harmonization of standards that affect pesticide use in NAFTA and ask whether the process is benefiting any groups more than others. There is evidence that patented pesticide producers have greater access to the harmonization process and may be using harmonization to raise costs to their rivals while preserving their ability to price discriminate.International Relations/Trade,

    Changes of temperature exotherms and soluble sugars in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) buds during winter

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    Nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC), including water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) are thought to serve an important role in freezing tolerance of many plants. Raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFOs) are α-galactosyl derivatives of sucrose. The most common RFOs are the trisaccharide raffinose, the tetrasaccharide stachyose, and the pentasaccharide verbascose. RFOs are nearly ubiquitous in the plant kingdom and are found in a large variety of seeds from many different families.Severely cold winter temperatures can significantly impact grapevine productivity through tissue and organ destruction caused by freeze injury. Crop loss and the need to retrain vines after bud, cane, and trunk injury mean financial loss, often for one or more years. Buds of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.), grown at the vineyard of the Institute of Fruit Science, Vegetable Science and Viticulture, University of Hohenheim, Germany, were sampled during winter and analyzed for their concentration of soluble sugars (i.e. glucose, fructose, sucrose, raffinose and stachyose) and thermal analysis was performed to determine their freezing points. Freezing of extracellular water was recorded from -5 to -16 °C with a minimum at the beginning of January; freezing of intra-cellular water was recorded from -11 to -24 °C. Apical buds are very important organs as they determine further growth and development of tree species. Bud physiological state, including saccharide metabolism, determines their growth activity. The concentration of soluble sugars was highest by the end of December. Sugar concentrations in basal buds were significant higher than in buds from intermediate and apical shoot sections. A significant correlation could be proofed between sugar concentrations (i.e. raffinose and stachyose) and air temperature before sampling. But there was no correlation between freezing temperature of extra-cellular or intra-cellular water and soluble sugars in bud tissues

    Demodulation of Spatial Carrier Images: Performance Analysis of Several Algorithms Using a Single Image

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    http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11340-013-9741-6#Optical full-field techniques have a great importance in modern experimental mechanics. Even if they are reasonably spread among the university laboratories, their diffusion in industrial companies remains very narrow for several reasons, especially a lack of metrological performance assessment. A full-field measurement can be characterized by its resolution, bias, measuring range, and by a specific quantity, the spatial resolution. The present paper proposes an original procedure to estimate in one single step the resolution, bias and spatial resolution for a given operator (decoding algorithms such as image correlation, low-pass filters, derivation tools ...). This procedure is based on the construction of a particular multi-frequential field, and a Bode diagram representation of the results. This analysis is applied to various phase demodulating algorithms suited to estimate in-plane displacements.GDR CNRS 2519 “Mesures de Champs et Identification en Mécanique des Solide

    On unitarizability in the case of classical p-adic groups

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    In the introduction of this paper we discuss a possible approach to the unitarizability problem for classical p-adic groups. In this paper we give some very limited support that such approach is not without chance. In a forthcoming paper we shall give additional evidence in generalized cuspidal rank (up to) three.Comment: This paper is a merged and revised version of ealier preprints arXiv:1701.07658 and arXiv:1701.07662. The paper is going to appear in the Proceedings of the Simons Symposium on Geometric Aspects of the Trace Formul

    Theorie de Lubin-Tate non-abelienne et representations elliptiques

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    Harris and Taylor proved that the supercuspidal part of the cohomology of the Lubin-Tate tower realizes both the local Langlands and Jacquet-Langlands correspondences, as conjectured by Carayol. Recently, Boyer computed the remaining part of the cohomology and exhibited two defects : first, the representations of GL\_d which appear are of a very particular and restrictive form ; second, the Langlands correspondence is not realized anymore. In this paper, we study the cohomology complex in a suitable equivariant derived category, and show how it encodes Langlands correspondance for all elliptic representations. Then we transfer this result to the Drinfeld tower via an enhancement of a theorem of Faltings due to Fargues. We deduce that Deligne's weight-monodromy conjecture is true for varieties uniformized by Drinfeld's coverings of his symmetric spaces.Comment: 54 page

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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    Pesticide Regulation Under NAFTA: Harmonization in Process?

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    Different standards in pesticides and pest protection have often been used as trade barriers, whether real or manufactured. While harmonization is often touted as a means to limit the ability of domestic (protectionist) interests to use standards as a barrier to trade, the process of harmonization itself is subject to rent-seeking. In this paper, we explore the harmonization of standards that affect pesticide use in NAFTA and ask whether the process is benefiting any groups more than others. There is evidence that patented pesticide producers have greater access to the harmonization process and may be using harmonization to raise costs to their rivals while preserving their ability to price discriminate

    Latest Results in Novel Inertial High Strain Rate Tests

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