2,524 research outputs found

    New product pricing strategy and product performance assessment in fast moving consumer goods

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    Purpose: This article combines the two perspectives of management interests, namely marketing and finance regarding Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). The aim is to uncover the marketing environment on pricing strategies in a competitive market environment, product and financial performance as well as assessing product success based on price strategies. Design/methodology/approach: Qualitative research methods are used by the design of a combination of grounded theory and phenomenology, as well as constructive approaches. Findings: The results identify that the marketing environment in terms of price is a consideration of buyer’ decisions and is related to the product marketing environment, and the environment of market competition, namely price activities, antecedents and price outcomes. The marketing environment of price is created based on the marketing environment of product and consumer market competition, while the product performance is determined by the environment of business and consumer market competition. These findings contribute to the conception of business buyer behavior and the marketing mix. Practical implications: The results implications refer to the practice of corporate management on financial management of working capital, and marketing management in general. Originality/value: The originality of this paper comes from the exploration of pricing strategies in an effort to determine the relevance between product performance and finance, and the success of new "FMCG" products.peer-reviewe

    Penambahan Limbah Organik dalam Pakan untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Telur Burung Puyuh: Literature Review

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    Feed is a very important success factor in quail farming. Appropriate feeding can increase the production of quail eggs which are useful for meeting the protein consumption of today's society. Many researchers have tested the use of ratios combined with various kinds of existing organic waste. It aims to find alternative ratios that are useful to reduce the cost of expensive feeds but still produce quail that is productive in terms of laying eggs. This researcher aims to find alternative food in the ratio in the form of organic waste that is useful for increasing the production of quail eggs. This research article uses searches with certain keywords in the last 10 years. The results obtained from 8 articles related to the addition of organic waste in feeds to increase the production of quail eggs. The results of the literature review showed that from 8 articles showed that there was no effect of adding organic waste in the feed to increase quail egg production. Recommendations from the literature review can be used as a reference for future research to find other alternatives in feed to increase quail egg production.Pakan merupakan faktor penentu keberhasilan yang sangat penting dalam usaha peternakan burung puyuh. Pemberian pakan yang sesuai dapat meningkatkan produksi dari telur burung puyuh yang berguna untuk pemenuhan konsumsi protein masyarakat saat ini. Telah banyak peneliti melakukan uji coba pemanfaatan ransum yang dipadukan dengan berbagai macam limbah organik yang ada. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mencari alternatif ransum yang berguna untuk menekan biaya pakan yang mahal tetapi tetap menghasilkan burung puyuh yang produktif dalam hal bertelur. Peneliti ini bertujuan untuk mencari pangan alternatif dalam ransum berupa limbah organik yang berguna untuk meningkatkan produksi telur burung puyuh. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelusuran artikel dengan kata kunci tertentu dalam rentang waktu 10 tahun terakhir. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 8 artikel yang berkaitan dengan penambahan limbah organik dalam pakan untuk meningkatkan produksi telur burung puyuh. Hasil literatur review menunjukkan dari 8 artikel menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh dari penambahan limbah organik dalam pakan untuk meningkatkan produksi telur burung puyuh.  Rekomendari dari literatur review dapat dijadikan sebagai acuaan dari penelitian beriktnya untuk mencari alternatif lainnya dalam pakan untuk meningkatkan produksi telur burung puyuh

    Grammatical deviation in President Jokowi’s speech to the APEC CEO summit

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    Grammar constitutes not only part of one’s knowledge but also a central component of verbal communication for people who are using language. When speakers use language without using grammar (i.e. the rules regarding how words alter their form and combine with other words to create sentences), it can cause a muddle and also possibly, problems in communication such as grammatical deviation. This present study examines a speech at the APEC CEO Summit in 2014 by President Joko Widodo, from the perspective of grammatical deviation with two foci, via: to find out the types of grammatical deviation spoken by the speaker by employing Leech’s views (1969)and to identify the speaker’s social status by employing the theory of Trudgill (2004). The result from this study shows that some of President Joko Widodo’s speech deviated from the rules, although based on Fromkin et al. (2011)when a person knows a language; he knows the sounds, words and the rules of their combination.

    The Existence of Equilibrium Asset Price Under Diverse Information

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    We investigate the effects of diverse information on the price of risky assets in rational expectation model. The expected cash flows innovation is considered as private information where informed trader knows it. It is assumed that the high informed trader has smaller variance error regarding the cash flows innovation than the low informed trader and uninformed traders. We found that the cash flow innovation influences the demand of informed trader. The market depth is a linear function of the demand of uninformed trader and weighted average of total variance error of information. Our finding supports previous research done by Spiegel and Subrahmanyam (1992).Our model shows that the more diverse the information, the higher the lambda coefficient which means the market becomes less liquid. The models consistent with Miller (1977) who found that the bigger the gap of private information is, the less liquid the market will be. If both informed traders have the same information they will demand the same amount of risky asset and it turns out to be similar as in the Kyle (1985) model


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    This research models trading behavior and examines the impact of heterogeneous expectations on asset prices. We extend Kyle’s (1985) one-period model to two-period model. The model shows that the informed trader takes into account not only the private information but also the pricing function. The price is an increasing function of the volatility of the asset value and decreasing in the volatility of uninformed traders’ demand. The costly information acquisition has an impact on the optimum demand but it has no direct impact on the price.We find the market depth is a linear function of the volatility of the uninformed traders and a weighted average of the total error variance of information. The depth is also decreasing in the volatility of the cash flow innovations. This argument is in line with the second finding, when the volatility of cash flow innovations increases, the value of risky asset becomes more volatile, and as a result the bigger are the advantages of having private information. Our research raises some questions for further investigation. We indirectly assume that the informed traders make a profit at the expense on the uninformed traders. The question is why the uninformed traders willing to face losses? What happen if there are n informed traders who have diverse information


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    The purpose of this study seeks to uncover the meaning of Law No. 19 of 2003 and Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, and identify the essence of the roles and functions of SOEs in implementing the economic constitution. The study of SOEs in the realm of constitutional economics is seen as very important as a reflection of the rapid change in national and global economic development. The findings of the study lead to the philosophical understanding of economic constitution for the Republic of Indonesia by the role of state companies in national economic development. The theoretical description of the results of this study contributes to the knowledge of political economy and political democracy. The benefits practically have implications for the practice of public management about the governance of state enterprises, as well as corporate management for SOEs or other state-owned companies

    Urgensi Maintainability Software E-SPT dan Faktor-faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Alokasi Penerimaan Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Pasal 25 Badan di KPP Madya Malang – Jawa Timur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui urgensi maintainability software e-SPT dan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap alokasi penerimaan Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Pasal 25 Badan, dasar pemilihan Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Pasal 25 Badan karena total penerimaan pajak tertinggi dari semua kompenen pajak berasal dari penghasilan (PPh) dan ditemukan bahwa pemasukan dari penerimaan PPh Pasal 25 Badan merupakan jenis pajak penghasilan yang tertinggi diantara pajak penghasilan lainnya, selain itu untuk memaintenance sumber pemasukan tersebut maka Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (Dirjen Pajak) sebagai salah satu institusi pemerintah menerapkan sistem informasi perpajakan untuk kemudahan dan efektivitas kelancaran aktivitas penerimaan negara dari sektor pajak khususnya Pajak Penghasilan (PPh). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Urgensi Maintainability Software e-SPT, Surat Ketetapan Pajak, dan Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak berpengaruh secara positif dan mampu meningkatkan Penerimaan PPh Pasal 25 di KPP Madya Malang – Jawa Timur, sedangkan  Jumlah Wajib Pajak berdampak negatif terhadap kenaikan Penerimaan PPh Pasal 25 di KPP Madya Malang – Jawa Timur
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