136 research outputs found

    Sedentary behaviour among elite professional footballers: Health and performance implications

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    Background: Elite athletes should have little concern about meeting recommended guidelines on physical activity. However, sedentary behaviour is considered a health risk independent of physical activity, and is recognised in public health guidelines advising against prolonged sedentary time. There has been very little research on athletes’ physical activity behaviour outside elite sport. Methods: Given health and performance links, we investigated in-season post-training activity levels in 28 elite professional footballers during the English Premiership season. Players volunteered to wear a triaxial wrist accelerometer for 1 week, removing it only for training and matches. In total, 25 players met the inclusion criteria for analysis. Players recorded on average 632.6 min wear time p/day during the post-training period (SD±52.9) for a mean of 3.8 days (SD±1.5). Results: On average, players recorded 76.2 min p/day (SD±28.8) of moderate or vigorous activity post-training. The majority (79%) of post-training time was spent in sedentary activities (500.6 min per day±59.0). Conclusions: Professional footballers are alarmingly sedentary in their leisure time, and comparatively more so than non-athletic groups of a similar age and older. This raises questions over optimum recovery and performance, as well as long-term health and cardiovascular risk. Worryingly, retirement from elite sport is likely to further imbalance activity and sedentary behaviour. Promoting regular periodic light to moderate leisure time activity could be beneficial. Further research and provision of education and support for players is required in this area

    Physical Activity Levels in Children with Sensory problems: Cross-sectional Analyses from the Millennium Cohort Study

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    Background: Hearing and vision impairments/problems are associated with increased risk of premature mortality in adulthood. One potential pathway explaining this association is reduced levels of physical activity. Reductions in activity levels due to sensory impairments may commence earlier in life; however, associations between sensory impairments/problems and activity levels in childhood are not well understood. Objective: The objective of this study was to examine associations between hearing and vision problems and objectively measured activity levels in a representative sample of British children. Methods: Data were drawn from sweep 4 of the Millennium Cohort Study, a prospective cohort study among children aged 7. Child hearing and vision problems were reported by parents in a postal survey. Children were also invited to have their physical activity measured objectively via accelerometry. A total of 6410 children had valid accelerometry data accompanied by complete survey data on the variables of interest. The main outcomes were objectively measured moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, steps and sedentary time. Adjusted linear regression was used to examine associations between vision and hearing problems and objectively measured activity levels. Results: In this sample of 7-year old children, 16.7% (n = 1068) had a reported vision problem and 11.6% (n = 745) had a hearing problem. Reported vision problems in both eyes, but not one eye, was associated with 2 fewer minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per day (B = −2.1 95% Confidence Intervals [CI] −3.9 to −0.4) and almost 200 fewer steps per day (B = −198.4 95% CI, −398.4 to 1.6). Hearing problems were not associated with activity levels in either one or both ears. Conclusion: Children with visual problems affecting both eyes, but not one eye, are likely to have lower levels of physical activity. Strategies to promote physical activity in children with visual problems are warranted

    Investigation of faecal volatile organic compounds as biomarkers for the diagnosis of necrotising enterocolitis

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    Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is the most prevalent and harmful illness in the neonatal intensive care unit. It primarily affects premature babies, with higher incidence in low birthweight patients. NEC usually occurs in the early days of life and may develop rapidly. Its diagnosis is based on medical observation because no early diagnostic tool is currently available. Over the last two decades, developments in analytical chemistry have allowed scientists to perform untargeted investigation of biological samples. Biomarkers are being sought, for a range of disorders, by investigating volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in bio-fluids. For the analysis of gas samples, solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) is a suitable technique to preconcentrate volatile compounds prior to analysis using devices such as gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Recently, much attention has been directed towards the development of sensors and electronic noses to be used as diagnostic tools in hospitals, as they are generally more compact than a GC-MS and do not require specialised personnel. The work presented here is based on the hypothesis that faeces from patients suffering from necrotising enterocolitis show a specific pattern of volatile organic compounds in the days prior to diagnosis when compared with faeces from healthy patients. The objectives of this work were to develop two methods for the analysis of premature faeces using headspace–SPME–GC–MS and headspace – gas chromatography – sensor (HS–GC–Sensor), to analyse samples from healthy premature infants and premature infants affected by NEC using both instruments and to analyse the data collected. Methods were developed individually for each analytical technique. Two pipelines were applied for mass spectrometric data analysis while classification models were exclusively built using sensor data. Results obtained from HS–SPME–GC–MS data showed that the age at sampling had an influence on the number of compounds identified and on their intensities or relative abundance. Heptanal, 2-E-pentenal, hexanal and 2-methylbutanoic acid were identified as relevant compounds. Classifiers were built at days 1 to 6 prior to diagnosis. Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of up to 74%, 62% and 79%, respectively, were obtained one day prior to diagnosis based on mass spectrometric data, while accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of 100% were obtained based on sensor data at two days prior to diagnosis. Therefore, classification of samples based on headspace analysis of faeces might have potential for the early diagnosis of necrotising enterocolitis

    Irritable bowel syndrome and active inflammatory bowel disease diagnosed by faecal gas analysis

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    © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Background: Inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome may present in a similar manner. Measuring faecal calprotectin concentration is often recommended to rule out inflammatory bowel disease, however, there are no tests to positively diagnose irritable bowel syndrome and invasive tests are still used to rule out other pathologies. Aim: To investigate a platform technology for diagnosing inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome based on faecal gas. Methods: The platform technology is composed of a gas chromatography column coupled to a metal oxide gas sensor (OdoReader) and a computer algorithm. The OdoReader separates the volatile compounds from faecal gas and the computer algorithm identifies resistance patterns associated with specific medical conditions and builds classification models. This platform was applied to faecal samples from 152 patients: 33 patients with active inflammatory bowel disease; 50 patients with inactive inflammatory bowel disease; 28 patients with irritable bowel syndrome and 41 healthy donors (Control). Results: The platform classified samples with accuracies from 75% to 100% using rigorous validation schemes: namely leave-one-out cross-validation, 10-fold cross-validation, double cross-validation and their Monte Carlo variations. The most clinically important findings, after double cross-validation, were the accuracy of active Crohn's disease vs. irritable bowel syndrome (87%; CI 84–89%) and irritable bowel syndrome vs. controls (78%; CI 76–80%). These schemes provide an estimate of out-of-sample predictive accuracy for similar populations. Conclusions: This is the first description of an investigation for the positive diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome, and for diagnosing inflammatory bowel disease

    Sistema on-line de predicción de emergencia de malezas

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    Con el objetivo de poner a disposición de productores y asesores agronómicos la información proporcionada por distintos modelos en tiempo real y de una manera amigable, se desarrolló una aplicación web que automatiza el cálculo de la emergencia empleando los pronósticos del tiempo de la región y presenta de manera gráfica las estimaciones en forma diaria y acumulada.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Winter is coming:Hibernation reverses the outcome of sperm competition in a fly

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Sperm commonly compete within females to fertilize ova, but research has focused on short-term sperm storage: sperm that are maintained in a female for only a few days or weeks before use. In nature, females of many species store sperm for months or years, often during periods of environmental stress, such as cold winters. Here we examine the outcome of sperm competition in the fruit fly Drosophila pseudoobscura, simulating the conditions in which females survive winter. We mated females to two males and then stored the female for up to 120 days at 4°C. We found that the outcome of sperm competition was consistent when sperm from two males was stored for 0, 1 or 30 days, with the last male to mate fathering most of the offspring. However, when females were stored in the cold for 120 days, the last male to mate fathered less than 5% of the offspring. Moreover, when sperm were stored long term the first male fathered almost all offspring even when he carried a meiotic driving sex chromosome that drastically reduces sperm competitive success under short-term storage conditions. This suggests that long-term sperm storage can radically alter the outcome of sperm competition.This work was funded by NERC (grants NE/H015604/1 to TP and NE/I0277/11/1 to NW and TP), and a Genetics Society (a Genes and Development Summer Studentship to AC and TP). We thank Rudi Verspoor and Chloe Heys for laboratory assistance. We would also like to thank our reviewers for their excellent and insightful suggestions, which improved this manuscript

    Sistema on-line de predicción de emergencia de malezas

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    Con el objetivo de poner a disposición de productores y asesores agronómicos la información proporcionada por distintos modelos en tiempo real y de una manera amigable, se desarrolló una aplicación web que automatiza el cálculo de la emergencia empleando los pronósticos del tiempo de la región y presenta de manera gráfica las estimaciones en forma diaria y acumulada.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Patient preferences for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma treatment: a multicountry stated preference study

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    The present study aimed to explore patient preferences for attributes of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) treatments. A stated preference survey was completed by 150 patients with HCC living in Europe. Overall survival (OS) was the most important attribute, closely followed by risk of diarrhea and hypertension, and other adverse event (AE) risks. Patients were willing to trade OS to reduce AE risks. While less important than OS and AEs, patients also preferred shorter waiting times, and one-off administration of selective internal radiation therapy and oral tablets over intravenous infusions. Although patients placed the most value on extending OS, they were willing to forego OS to avoid risk of treatment-related AEs, to maintain their quality of life
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