279 research outputs found

    Verification and Validation of Semantic Annotations

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    In this paper, we propose a framework to perform verification and validation of semantically annotated data. The annotations, extracted from websites, are verified against the schema.org vocabulary and Domain Specifications to ensure the syntactic correctness and completeness of the annotations. The Domain Specifications allow checking the compliance of annotations against corresponding domain-specific constraints. The validation mechanism will detect errors and inconsistencies between the content of the analyzed schema.org annotations and the content of the web pages where the annotations were found.Comment: Accepted for the A.P. Ershov Informatics Conference 2019(the PSI Conference Series, 12th edition) proceedin

    A Dialectical Study of English Language Teaching Methods

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    19. yüzyılda ilk kez Dilbilgisi-Çeviri Yöntemiyle birlikte ortaya çıkan ‘yöntem' kavramı, 1990'lara gelindiginde yöntembilimciler tarafından reddedilmis ve yöntem sonrası çag baslamıstır. Yüzyıllık bu süreçte bes yöntem yabancı dil ögretimine damgasını vururken; tek bir bilim adamının tasarım ürünü olanlar ise modaları geçtikten sonra bir ögretim teknigine indirgenmistir. Bu nedenle, bu çalısmada yöntembilim tarihi Heraklit'in eytisimsel yaklasımına göre incelenmis, yabancı dil ögretimi alanında yöntembilimsel gelismenin ardıl yöntemlerin öncellerine karsıt savlar sürmesiyle saglandıgı görülmüstür. Eytisimsel yöntemle yapılan çözümlemede, altı temel yöntembilimsel çatısma kaynagı saptanmıstır: dilbilgisi ögretiminde tümdengelimcilik/tümevarımcılık, dil becerilerinin ögretiminde ayrılıkçılık/birlestiricilik, dil ögrenme kuramında davranısçılık/bilisselcilik, dil üretiminde dogruluk/akıcılık, dil kuramında yapısalcılık/islevselcilik, dil kavramlastırmasında tekdillilige karsı ikidillilik. The ‘method' concept, which first appeared in the name of the Grammar-Translation Method, was already rejected by the methodologists in the late 1990's and the post-method era started. In that centennial period, four methods made an impact while the products of a sole designer were reduced to a teaching technique after becoming outdated. For this reason, in this study, the history of methodology is analyzed according to Heraclitus's dialectic method, and it is observed that the methodological development in the field of foreign language teaching owes much to the counterarguments between the predecessor and successor methods. The results of the dialectical analysis indicate that there are six sources of methodological opposition: deductive/inductive grammar, separatism/integrativisim in language skills, behaviourism/cognitivism in language learning, accuracy/fluency in language production, structuralism/functionalism in the theory of language, monolingualism/bilingualism in the conceptualization of language

    A search on the Nikiforov-Uvarov formalism

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    An alternative treatment is proposed for the calculations carried out within the frame of Nikiforov-Uvarov method, which removes a drawback in the original theory and by pass some difficulties in solving the Schrodinger equation. The present procedure is illustrated with the example of orthogonal polynomials. The relativistic extension of the formalism is discussed.Comment: 10 page

    Exponential Type Complex and non-Hermitian Potentials in PT-Symmetric Quantum Mechanics

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    Using the NU method [A.F.Nikiforov, V.B.Uvarov, Special Functions of Mathematical Physics, Birkhauser,Basel,1988], we investigated the real eigenvalues of the complex and/or PTPT- symmetric, non-Hermitian and the exponential type systems, such as Poschl-Teller and Morse potentials.Comment: 14 pages, Late

    Generation of ultra-small InN nanocrystals by pulsed laser ablation of suspension in organic solution

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    Nanostructures of InN have been extensively investigated since nano-size provides a number of advantages allowing applications in nanoscale electronic and optoelectronic devices. It is quite important to obtain pure InN nanocrystals (InN-NCs) to reveal the characteristic features, which gain interest in the literature. Here, we proposed a new approach for the synthesis of ultra-small hexagonal InN-NCs by using suspension of micron-sized InN powder in ethanol with pulsed laser ablation method. The liquid environment, laser energy and ablation time were optimized and a post-synthesis treatment, centrifugation, was performed to achieve InN-NCs with the smallest size. Besides, the micron-sized InN powder suspension, as a starting material, enabled us to obtain InN-NCs having diameters smaller than 5 nm. We also presented a detailed characterization of InN-NCs and demonstrated that the formation mechanism mainly depends on the fragmentation due to laser irradiation of the suspension. © 2017, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Use of Intuitive Tools to Enhance Student Learning and User Experience

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    Most user interfaces today present system functions by use of verbal or iconic symbols on static 2D menu pages organized in a hierarchical system. This is unnatural to all human beings and must be learned, thus being a barrier between the full use and understanding of computer systems. With this problem in mind we set out to build a website and collaborative application for International Children's Center (ICC) which could be used not only across languages but across ages as well. This effort was tested on a daily basis by a multinational team consisting of students from the United States and Turkey as well as children from the respective countries. This attention to usability will not only lead to an intuitive tool for the client but also teach the students in the course how to build intuitive user interfaces

    Exact solutions of the Schrodinger equation with non central potential by Nikiforov Uvarov method

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    The general solutions of Schrodinger equation for non central potential are obtained by using Nikiforov Uvarov method. The Schrodinger equation with general non central potential is separated into radial and angular parts and energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for these potentials are derived analytically. Non central potential is reduced to Coulomb and Hartmann potential by making special selections, and the obtained solutions are compared with the solutions of Coulomb and Hartmann ring shaped potentials given in literature.Comment: 12 pages. submitted to Journal of Physics A: Math. and Ge

    Diffuse-interface two-phase flow models with different densities: a new quasi-incompressible form and a linear energy-stable method

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    While various phase-field models have recently appeared for two-phase fluids with different densities, only some are known to be thermodynamically consistent, and practical stable schemes for their numerical simulation are lacking. In this paper, we derive a new form of thermodynamically-consistent quasi-incompressible diffuse-interface Navier–Stokes–Cahn–Hilliard model for a two-phase flow of incompressible fluids with different densities. The derivation is based on mixture theory by invoking the second law of thermodynamics and Coleman–Noll procedure. We also demonstrate that our model and some of the existing models are equivalent and we provide a unification between them. In addition, we develop a linear and energy-stable time-integration scheme for the derived model. Such a linearly-implicit scheme is nontrivial, because it has to suitably deal with all nonlinear terms, in particular those involving the density. Our proposed scheme is the first linear method for quasi-incompressible two-phase flows with non-solenoidal velocity that satisfies discrete energy dissipation independent of the time-step size, provided that the mixture density remains positive. The scheme also preserves mass. Numerical experiments verify the suitability of the scheme for two-phase flow applications with high density ratios using large time steps by considering the coalescence and breakup dynamics of droplets including pinching due to gravity