343 research outputs found

    The phase diagram of the square lattice bilayer Hubbard model: a variational Monte Carlo study

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    We investigate the phase diagram of the square lattice bilayer Hubbard model at half-filling with the variational Monte Carlo method for both the magnetic and the paramagnetic case as a function of the interlayer hopping t\u3c4 and on-site Coulomb repulsion U. With this study we resolve some discrepancies in previous calculations based on the dynamical mean-field theory, and we are able to determine the nature of the phase transitions between metal, Mott insulator and band insulator. In the magnetic case we find only two phases: an antiferromagnetic Mott insulator at small t\u3c4 for any value of U and a band insulator at large t\u3c4 . At large U values we approach the Heisenberg limit. The paramagnetic phase diagram shows at small t\u3c4 a metal to Mott insulator transition at moderate U values and a Mott to band insulator transition at larger U values. We also observe a re-entrant Mott insulator to metal transition and metal to band insulator transition for increasing t\u3c4 in the range of 5.5t < U < 7.5t. Finally, we discuss the phase diagrams obtained in relation to findings from previous studies based on different many-body approaches.\ua9 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft

    Ultra-high–strength Bainitic Steels

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    Novel bainitic microstructures, consisting of slender ferrite plates (tens of nm) in a matrix of retained austenite, have reported maximum yield strength of 1.4 GPa, ultimate tensile strength of 2.2 GPa, 30% ductility and respectable levels of fracture toughness (∼51 MPa m0.5). The unusual combination of properties is attributed to the fine bainitic plates and the presence of retained austenite in the microstructure.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia for the financial support in the form of Ramón y Cajal contracts (RyC 2002 and 2004 respectively). Some of this work was carried out under the auspices of an EPSRC/MOD sponsored project on bainitic steels at the University of Cambridge; we are extremely grateful for this support over a period of three years. The authors are extremely grateful to Prof. H. K. D.Peer reviewe

    Structure-Based Screening of Tetrazolylhydrazide Inhibitors versus KDM4 Histone Demethylases

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    Human histone demethylases are known to play an important role in the development of several tumor types. Consequently, they have emerged as important medical targets for the treatment of human cancer. Herein, structural studies on tetrazolylhydrazide inhibitors as a new scaffold for a certain class of histone demethylases, the JmjC proteins, are reported. A series of compounds are structurally described and their respective binding modes to the KDM4D protein, which serves as a high-resolution model to represent the KDM4 subfamily in crystallographic studies, are examined. Similar to previously reported inhibitors, the compounds described herein are competitors for the natural KDM4 cofactor, 2-oxoglutarate. The tetrazolylhydrazide scaffold fills an important gap in KDM4 inhibition and newly described, detailed interactions of inhibitor moieties pave the way to the development of compounds with high target-binding affinity and increased membrane permeability, at the same time

    Demographic trade-offs predict tropical forest dynamics

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    Understanding tropical forest dynamics and planning for their sustainable management require efficient, yet accurate, predictions of the joint dynamics of hundreds of tree species. With increasing information on tropical tree life histories, our predictive understanding is no longer limited by species data but by the ability of existing models to make use of it. Using a demographic forest model, we show that the basal area and compositional changes during forest succession in a neotropical forest can be accurately predicted by representing tropical tree diversity (hundreds of species) with only five functional groups spanning two essential trade-offs—the growth-survival and stature-recruitment trade-offs. This data-driven modeling framework substantially improves our ability to predict consequences of anthropogenic impacts on tropical forests

    Growth Strategies of Tropical Tree Species: Disentangling Light and Size Effects

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    An understanding of the drivers of tree growth at the species level is required to predict likely changes of carbon stocks and biodiversity when environmental conditions change. Especially in species-rich tropical forests, it is largely unknown how species differ in their response of growth to resource availability and individual size. We use a hierarchical Bayesian approach to quantify the impact of light availability and tree diameter on growth of 274 woody species in a 50-ha long-term forest census plot in Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Light reaching each individual tree was estimated from yearly vertical censuses of canopy density. The hierarchical Bayesian approach allowed accounting for different sources of error, such as negative growth observations, and including rare species correctly weighted by their abundance. All species grew faster at higher light. Exponents of a power function relating growth to light were mostly between 0 and 1. This indicates that nearly all species exhibit a decelerating increase of growth with light. In contrast, estimated growth rates at standardized conditions (5 cm dbh, 5% light) varied over a 9-fold range and reflect strong growth-strategy differentiation between the species. As a consequence, growth rankings of the species at low (2%) and high light (20%) were highly correlated. Rare species tended to grow faster and showed a greater sensitivity to light than abundant species. Overall, tree size was less important for growth than light and about half the species were predicted to grow faster in diameter when bigger or smaller, respectively. Together light availability and tree diameter only explained on average 12% of the variation in growth rates. Thus, other factors such as soil characteristics, herbivory, or pathogens may contribute considerably to shaping tree growth in the tropics

    Greater temperature sensitivity of plant phenology at colder sites: implications for convergence across northern latitudes

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    Warmer temperatures are accelerating the phenology of organisms around the world. Temperature sensitivity of phenology might be greater in colder, higher latitude sites than in warmer regions, in part because small changes in temperature constitute greater relative changes in thermal balance at colder sites. To test this hypothesis, we examined up to 20 years of phenology data for 47 tundra plant species at 18 high-latitude sites along a climatic gradient. Across all species, the timing of leaf emergence and flowering was more sensitive to a given increase in summer temperature at colder than warmer high-latitude locations. A similar pattern was seen over time for the flowering phenology of a widespread species, Cassiope tetragona. These are among the first results highlighting differential phenological responses of plants across a climatic gradient and suggest the possibility of convergence in flowering times and therefore an increase in gene flow across latitudes as the climate warms

    Diversity of thiosulfate-oxidizing bacteria from marine sediments and hydrothermal vents

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    Author Posting. © American Society for Microbiology, 2000. This article is posted here by permission of American Society for Microbiology for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66 (2000): 3125-3133, doi:10.1128/AEM.66.8.3125-3133.2000.Species diversity, phylogenetic affiliations, and environmental occurrence patterns of thiosulfate-oxidizing marine bacteria were investigated by using new isolates from serially diluted continental slope and deep-sea abyssal plain sediments collected off the coast of New England and strains cultured previously from Galapagos hydrothermal vent samples. The most frequently obtained new isolates, mostly from 103- and 104-fold dilutions of the continental slope sediment, oxidized thiosulfate to sulfate and fell into a distinct phylogenetic cluster of marine alpha-Proteobacteria. Phylogenetically and physiologically, these sediment strains resembled the sulfate-producing thiosulfate oxidizers from the Galapagos hydrothermal vents while showing habitat-related differences in growth temperature, rate and extent of thiosulfate utilization, and carbon substrate patterns. The abyssal deep-sea sediments yielded predominantly base-producing thiosulfate-oxidizing isolates related to Antarctic marine Psychroflexus species and other cold-water marine strains of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides phylum, in addition to gamma-proteobacterial isolates of the genera Pseudoalteromonas and Halomonas-Deleya. Bacterial thiosulfate oxidation is found in a wide phylogenetic spectrum of Flavobacteria and Proteobacteria.Andreas Teske was supported by DFG postdoctoral fellowship 262-1/1 and a subsequent WHOI postdoctoral fellowship