202 research outputs found

    Anisotropy along a N-S profile of mica rich lithologies in the western Tauern Window (Eastern Alps, Austria)

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    Anatomy and internal structure of the Alpine orogens are difficult to decipher as structural information is usually limited to surface and seismic data. Seismic results very much depend on the elastic wave velocity model of the rocks. Simple velocity models depend strongly on the rock composition. Seismic properties are directionally dependent. Anisotropy can be subdivided into intrinsic (CPO of minerals and alignment in rock/texture) and extrinsic (compositional layering or fractures) anisotropy. In the investigated rock samples, phyllosilicates are by far most decisive for the elastic anisotropy due to their platy shape. We present here the first results of fabric analysis in a N-S profile of phyllosilicate-rich samples (mainly Innsbruck quartzphyllite and Bündner schist) from the Brenner Base Tunnel Project in order to obtain a refined anisotropy and velocity model. Phyllosilicate-rich sections were selected from borehole and tunnel samples, from which 1.5 – 3.5 mm wide columns were drilled out from layers of different composition and structure. The CPO of phyllosilicates and graphite was measured using high energy X-ray diffraction at German Electron Synchrotron (DESY) and European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). Pole figure data were directly extracted using single peak evaluation and compared to the optical microstructure and compositional distributions using µXRF measurements. Texture strength is variable along the section with peak values at the transition from the Innsbruck quartzphyllite to the upper Bündner schist. The texture strength correlates positively with the content and distribution of phyllosilicates and graphite. By measuring the smallest representative volume element, we estimate the upper bound of expected intrinsic velocity anisotropies. The effect of (micro)structure-based upscaling on these anisotropies will be discussed

    Hubungan Kelincahan dengan Keterampilan Menggiring Bola pada Siswa Kelas V.e Sdn 006 Pangkalankerinci Kab. Pelalawan

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    Based on the researcher\u27s observation of students in class V,E of SDN 006 Pangkalan Kerinci Pelalawan District. Researcher found many student have deficiency of dribbling, visible when the student dribble imperfect, as the ball away from the feet, so that the ball easily captured opponent. It is influenced by physical conditions that agility. The purpose of this research is to see the correlation between agility with ball dribbling skills of Student class V.E of SDN 006 Pangkalan Kerinci Pelalawan District. Population in this research is all Student in class V of SDN 006 Pangkalan Kerinci Pelalawan District amount 22 people. Based on population that is not so large and within the limits the researchers set the whole population is used as a sample. The research sample as many as 22 people. Research instrument used suttle run test to agility and dribbling ball test. Data were analyzed by product moment correlation. Based on research results, it can be concluded as follows : that is result obtained from Student in class V.E of SDN 006 Pangkalan Kerinci Pelalawan District. Shows that there is correlation of the agility (X) with dribbling (Y) , which shows correlation rhitung = 0,462>rtabel = 0,43

    Impact of Janus Kinase Inhibition with Tofacitinib on Fundamental Processes of Bone Healing

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    Both inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and anti-inflammatory treatment of RA with glucocorticoids (GCs) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) negatively influence bone metabolism and fracture healing. Janus kinase (JAK) inhibition with tofacitinib has been demonstrated to act as a potent anti-inflammatory therapeutic agent in the treatment of RA, but its impact on the fundamental processes of bone regeneration is currently controversially discussed and at least in part elusive. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to examine the effects of tofacitinib on processes of bone healing focusing on recruitment of human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs) into the inflammatory microenvironment of the fracture gap, chondrogenesis, osteogenesis and osteoclastogenesis. We performed our analyses under conditions of reduced oxygen availability in order to mimic the in vivo situation of the fracture gap most optimal. We demonstrate that tofacitinib dose-dependently promotes the recruitment of hMSCs under hypoxia but inhibits recruitment of hMSCs under normoxia. With regard to the chondrogenic differentiation of hMSCs, we demonstrate that tofacitinib does not inhibit survival at therapeutically relevant doses of 10-100 nM. Moreover, tofacitinib dose-dependently enhances osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs and reduces osteoclast differentiation and activity. We conclude from our data that tofacitinib may influence bone healing by promotion of hMSC recruitment into the hypoxic microenvironment of the fracture gap but does not interfere with the cartilaginous phase of the soft callus phase of fracture healing process. We assume that tofacitinib may promote bone formation and reduce bone resorption, which could in part explain the positive impact of tofacitinib on bone erosions in RA. Thus, we hypothesize that it will be unnecessary to stop this medication in case of fracture and suggest that positive effects on osteoporosis are likely

    Precipitable water column retrieval from GOME data

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    We investigate the retrieval of terrestrial precipitable water columns using a new spectral fitting method applied to Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) data. The method is an optical absorption spectroscopy technique and employs a new approach to the opacity sampling of absorption line spectra which we apply to a little-studied visible band between 585 and 600 nm. The GOME-retrieved columns are compared with data from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts for different orbits and show good agreement. The new retrieval algorithm is sensitive to the temperature and pressure dependence of absorption lines in general and may be easily applied to spectra of trace gases other than water vapor

    Large-Scale Biotechnological Production of the Antileukemic Marine Natural Product Sorbicillactone A

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    In the search for novel bioactive compounds from sponge-derived microorganisms, we have recently identified two structurally and biosynthetically unprecedented fungal metabolites, the novel-type alkaloids sorbicillactone A and sorbicillactone B. Sorbicillactone A is active against leukemia cells without showing notable cytotoxicity. Therefore, we have developed an efficient process for its biotechnological production and isolation on a large scale supplying sufficient material for the ongoing preclinical investigations and structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies

    Prospective Multicenter Trial of Cervical Arthroplasty With the ROTAIO® Cervical Disc Prosthesis

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    Objective Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Arthroplasty (ACDA) is an established treatment for degenerative cervical disc disease and seems to be an alternative to fusion in minimizing the risk of Adjacent Segment Disease (ASD). The ROTAIO® cervical disc prosthesis is a novel unconstrained implant with a variable center of rotation aiming at physiological motion. The objective of this multicenter prospective trial was to evaluate clinical outcome and complications within 2 years. Material and Methods 120 patients (72 females and 48 males with a median age of 43.0 years; range: 23 to 60 years) underwent ACDA (ROTAIO®, SIGNUS Medical, Alzenau, Germany) and were prospectively followed for 24 months. Preoperative complaints were mainly associated with radiculopathy (n=104) or myelopathy (n=16). There were 108 monosegmental and 12 bisegmental procedures including 6 hybrid constructs. Clinical outcome was evaluated at 3, 12 and 24 months by the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for head, neck and arm pain, the Neck Disability Index (NDI), the Work Limitation Questionnaire (WL-26), the Patient`s Satisfaction Index (PSI) and a Quality of Life Questionnaire (SF-36). The Nurick Score, the Modified Japanese Orthopaedic Association Score (mJOA) plus a Composite Success Rate have been additionally applied. Finally, complications, the patient`s overall satisfaction and the amount of analgesics were assessed. Results Highly significant clinical improvements were observed according to NDI and VAS (p<0.0001 (arm); p<0.001 (neck); p=0.002 (head)) at all postoperative time points. Analgetic medication could be reduced after 3 months in 91.3%, after 12 months in 87.1% and after 24 months in 95.2% of patients. Doctor`s visits for cervical spine problems have been reduced in 93.8% after 24 months. Patient`s overall satisfaction was high after 3, 12 and 24 months with 83.5%, 78.4% and 79.1% of patients, while 4.1%, 6.8% and 7.0% respectively were not satisfied. The composite success rate was 77.5% after 12 months and 76.9% after 24 months. There were no major complications in this series. Slight subsidence of the prosthesis was observed in 2 patients and 3 patients demonstrated fusion after 24 months. 2 patients developed symptomatic foraminal stenosis, so that implant removal and fusion was performed. Conclusion The ROTAIO® cervical disc prosthesis is a safe and efficient treatment option for symptomatic degenerative disc disease demonstrating excellent clinical results at 2 years. Outcome proves to be stable over time with very low revision rates

    Medienethik: Werte neu denken. – Gibt es Massstäbe im Informationszeitalter?

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    Im Übergang von der Informations- zur Wissensgesellschaft erweist sich die Frage nach pädagogischen Massstäben als besonders relevant. Zwar entstehen mit der Entwicklung zur Globalisierung durch die neuen Medien neue Handlungsmöglichkeiten, zugleich aber auch Pluralität und Unübersichtlichkeit bei den Wertorientierungen. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit medienethischen Fragen muss deshalb auf Überlegungen zielen, Werte neu zu denken. Die fogenden Beiträge sind auf dem Hintergrund der Frühjahrstagung der Kommission Medienpädagogik 2001 in Mainz entstanden. In Form von Thesen haben sich die Autoren aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven mit den ethischen Herausforderungen durch die alten und neuen Medien auseinandergesetzt. Auf diesem Hintergrund ist ein facettenreicher Beitrag zur Medienethik entstanden
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