486 research outputs found

    A conceptual look at instructional questioning and its use in teaching mathematics.

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    Master's thesis in Didactics of mathematics for primary schoolEven in today’s society with electronic devices abundantly available to most western world learners to aid their learning, classroom instruction and discussions still are the most common practices of teachers everywhere. There have been many reports and studies on the instructional aspect of teaching. Mathematical discourse is one of these aspects and questions definitely are an integral part of discourse. Some researchers have identified several tasks that are common for the work of teaching mathematics. Fewer have contributed with a conceptual view on the nature of instructional questioning in the teaching of mathematics. The purpose of this thesis was to show a relationship between questions and the Mathematical tasks of teaching and to point out why elucidating this could be beneficial. To achieve this some segments from a teacher’s plenary questions were analyzed. As part of this analysis they were coded using the Mathematical discourse of instruction framework and selected Mathematical tasks of teaching. By coding in this manner an irrefutable connection was found between many of the Mathematical tasks of teaching and instructional questions. Establishing such a close relation enables questions to be viewed as an integral part of teaching and a core practice that deserves to be paid more attention to in research, in teacher education and in the work of teaching. It was further shown that different types of questions indeed do influence learners’ responses

    Beyond the English Classroom: A Study of Upper Secondary School Students’ Extramural English in Norway

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    FormÄlet med dette studiet har vore Ä undersÞka norske elevar sin bruk av extramural English (EE) (engelsk utanfor klasserommet), til Ä identifisera ulikskapar mellom kjÞnn og for Ä sjÄ samanhengen mellom elevar sin EE og resultat i engelskfaget pÄ skulen. Dette studiet tar for seg to TAF vidaregÄande klasser pÄ VG1. Klassane bestod til saman av 42 elevar (19 gutar og 23 jenter). Dataa frÄ studiet vart samla gjennom spÞrjeundersÞking, vokabulartestar og skuleoppgÄver. MÄlet med spÞrsmÄla i spÞrjeundersÞkinga var Ä samla bakgrunnsinformasjon, informasjon om elevane sin bruk av engelsk utanfor klasserommet, og elevane sitt syn pÄ eigen bruk av engelsk i og utanfor skulen. I tillegg vart to smÄ grupper bedne om Ä skrive dagbok i minst ein veke om korleis dei brukar engelsk utanfor skulen. Resultata visar at elevane brukar mange forskjellige type EE og omfanget av elevanes bruk av engelsk utanfor klasserommet varierer frÄ elev til elev. I tillegg brukar dei lite engelsk pÄ jobb. Ein stor del av eksponeringa av det engelske sprÄket elevane registrerte, kan gjenspeglast i elevanes bruk av engelsk i klasserommet, bÄde gjennom resultata pÄ vokabularprÞvane og elevanes antyding til at dei opplever skriftleg og munnleg engelsk pÄ skulen som vanskeleg. Det latar til at elevane brukar det som essensielt er eit L2-sprÄk, i sosiale situasjonar, og svÊrt fÄ av dei er skeptiske til eksponeringa dei er utsette for. Dei er motiverte til Ä betra ferdigheitene sine i engelsk. KjÞnn har lite Ä si for omfanget av engelsk utanfor klasserommet, men gutane brukar meir tid pÄ YouTube og gaming. Forskjellane mellom jenter og gutar er stÞrre nÄr det kjem til korleis elevane presterer i faget pÄ skulen. Jentene fekk gjennomsnittleg betre resultat enn gutane, noko som reflekterer europeiske trendar. Det er ogsÄ tydeleg i denne studiegruppa at det er manglande samanheng mellom location of learning (lÊringsstad) og locus of control (kontrollplassering) nÄr det kjem til den engelske sprÄkutviklinga. Desse resultata har didaktiske implikasjonar nÄr det gjeld elevar i norsk vidaregÄande skule og deira bruk av engelsk utanfor klasserommet, noko som gjer det enklare Ä identifisera omrÄder der det er eit behov for meir forsking.Erfaringsbasert masteroppgÄve i undervisning med fordjupning i engelskENGMAU650VID-MAUEN

    Mechanical assessment of a steel dissipating system for RC buildings retrofitting with CLT panels

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    Lack of seismic capacity is a common problem for older low-rise, reinforced concrete frame structures. To tackle this problem, a new friction energy dissipating system meant for retrofitting, is proposed. The system consists of externally mounted CLT-elements connected with steel profiles to the beams of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings. Each of the steel profiles consists of two separate plates, linked through a friction connection consisting of preloaded bolts sliding in elongated holes. As the project is in its early stages, the author has been tasked with determining the capacity of three proposed profile designs, as well as creating improved profile designs. To do this, a combination of hand calculations and FEM modeling in AnsysŸ Academic Research Workbench, Release 19.2 has been performed. To determine the slip force of the friction connection, a separate simulation was devised to test the equations derived for the hand calculations. From this test, the results showed strong correlation with the equation derived from the hand calculations, and suggested two effective friction surfaces per preloaded bolt for the single lap jointed friction connection. For the profile simulations, the supports were modeled as two elements consisting of the steel plate and a combined element, consisting of the CLT/concrete and the connectors. The external profile loading was derived from an approach based on the moment distribution of the CLT element resulting from the applied seismic shear forces. In total, six different profiles were examined in this thesis. The base profile applied a simple design, where the plate connected to the front of the CLT-element and bent around the element towards the RC-beam. From the modeling, it was determined that all these designs with front mounted CLT-steel connections would induce large eccentricities, resulting in unfavorable moment stresses acting in the plates and connections. For the rear mounted CLT-steel connection profile designs, it was observed that these eccentric moments were greatly reduced. As a result, a new profile design, attempting to reduce the system eccentricity was tested. With exception of the friction connection, this new design greatly improved the profile stresses. In addition, a new proposal for the concrete connection was designed for the profile, increasing the center distances and diameter of the concrete anchors. This resulted in greatly improved concrete capacity. The rear mounted design required a new mounting procedure, as the original approach intended to mount the profiles before installing the CLT-elements. As a result, a new simplified mounting procedure, as well as a new profile adjustment concept was proposed for the rear mounted CLT-steel profile. For the friction connections, large stress concentrations were observed around the preloaded bolts for all the profiles. It was determined that an elastic-plastic analysis would be required for these connections, as EN 1993-1-8:2005 utilized a plastic capacity calculation for bolt connections. Lastly, the characteristic slip load of the friction dissipating system was compared to an estimated optimal slip load for a representable structure. The results indicated that the system as calculated, would be capable of providing optimal slip load for lower seismic regions, but would likely need an increased slip capacity for higher seismic regions.Manglende seismisk kapasitet er et vanlig problem for eldre blokker med rammekonstruksjoner av betong. I denne oppgaven, analyseres en ny type friksjonsdemper. Systemet bestÄr av utvendig monterte krysslaminerte elementer, festet til det eksisterende bygget med stÄlprofiler. Hver av disse profilene bestÄr av to separate stÄlplater, forbundet med forspente skruer, utformet for Ä skli i avlange under seismiske hendelser. Ettersom prosjektet er i oppstartsfasen, har forfatteren fÄtt i oppgave Ä estimere kapasiteten til tre forhÄndsbestemte profil design. Basert pÄ disse resultatene, skal forfatteren foreslÄ nye profil design. For Ä gjennomfÞre disse oppgavene, har forfatteren benyttet en kombinasjon av hÄnd beregninger og FEM analyser ved hjelp av AnsysŸ Academic Research Workbench, Release 19.2. For Ä bestemme nÞdvendig forspenning av skruene i friksonsforbindelsen til de forskjellige profilene, ble det utviklet en separat FEM-modell. Fra disse simuleringene ble det funnet en sterk korrelasjon mellom nÞdvendig forspenning utledet for hÄndberegningen og simuleringene. I tillegg, indikerte simuleringene to effektive friksjons flater for den enkelt skjÞtede forbindelsen. For modelleringen av de forskjellige profilene, ble opplagerforbindelsene modellert som to elementer, bestÄende av profilens stÄlplate og ett kombinert element bestÄende av CLT/betong elementene og de tilhÞrende forbinderne. De eksterne kreftene som virket pÄ de forskjellige opplagerne til profilene, ble estimert fra moment fordelingen som resulterte fra CLT-elementene pÄvirket av seismiske skjÊrkrefter. Totalt, ble seks forskjellige profiler testet i denne oppgaven. De originale profilene, hadde et design hvor stÄl platen var festet pÄ forsiden av CLT-elementene, og deretter ble bÞyd mot betong bjelken. Fra simuleringen av disse profilene, ble det observer store spenninger i platene og forbindelsene, som resulterte fra de horisontale eksentrisitetene mellom betong og CLT opplagerne.submittedVersionM-B

    Exploring the relationship between extramural English, self-efficacy, gender, and learning outcomes: A mixed-methods study in a Norwegian upper-secondary school

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    This article reports on a mixed-methods study regarding the extent to which the extramural English (EE), external attributions, self-efficacy (concerning EFL reading, speaking, writing, and listening skills), and gender of 42 students, learning English as a foreign language (EFL) in a Norwegian upper-secondary school, predicted their EFL learning outcomes. Data on participants’ EE (receptive and productive), external attributions, and self-efficacy were collected through a questionnaire and language diaries, while their learning outcomes were measured through a language proficiency test, mock exam, in-depth project, and receptive and productive vocabulary tests. The data revealed several interesting findings, including participants’ receptive EE statistically significantly and negatively predicting their productive vocabulary test scores, whereas their writing self-efficacy and attributions to specifically literature, TV, and film statistically significantly and positively predicted them. Moreover, neither receptive nor productive EE was found to mediate the relationship between self-efficacy, external attributions, and learning outcomes.publishedVersio

    National disaster risk assessments in Europe. How comparable are they and why?

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    In the late 2000s, a process started that was designed to approximate the national disaster risk assessments in the European Union. Member states are currently obliged to prepare their assessments every three years. The European Commission will summarize the results, which should not only lead to a better overview of common risks but also direct future joint activities and investments. To date, two rounds of this new practice have been implemented and summarised. The present study investigates how and why this largely informal integrative practice was born, how it is facilitated, and how successful it has been vis-Ă -vis the expectations, especially achieving a relative comparability of the national risk assessments

    The Relation Between Leverage, Beta, and Stock Returns An Empirical Study

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    This thesis aims to shed some light on, and hopefully add to the economic puzzle that is the relationship between leverage, return, and systematic risk. The theory surrounding this particular topic, suggests that there should be a positive relationship between them. The research, however, gives contradictory results, leading to it being quite controversial. When applying a cross-sectional approach to our CRSP and CRSP/Compustat merged dataset, we find that leverage partly hold information on changes in equity returns, both positively and negatively related from Fama-MacBeth (1973) regression analysis, which supports both Hamada (1972) as well as Fama and French (1992). However, our empirical results suggest the leverage effect to have the strongest explanatory power when adjusting for beta and size effects. Thus, our thesis supports Modigliani and Miller (1958) and Hamada (1972), proving increased market leverage to hold information on increased returns. Contradictive to those results, we provide in accordance with Fama and French (1992), evidence of book leverage being negatively related to stock returns. Furthermore, our results provide strong evidence supporting the CAPM provided by Sharpe (1964), with a short-horizon beta to hold strong explanatory power in increased equity returns. However, when adjusting for a beta estimated over a longer period, these effects tend to disappear. Also, our results provide evidence of leverage not being positively, nor siginificantly related to beta.nhhma

    Complex PTSD:what is the clinical utility of the diagnosis?

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    Background: The diagnosis of complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) was included in the 11th revised edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). CPTSD shares trauma-specific symptoms with its sibling disorder PTSD but is additionally characterized by disturbances of the individual’s self-organization (DSO). The clinical utility of the CPTSD diagnosis has yet to be thoroughly investigated. Objective: The current study aimed to examine the clinical utility of the CPTSD diagnosis, considering the upcoming implementation of ICD-11 in clinical practice. Method: International field studies, construct- and validity analyses leading up to the inclusion in ICD-11 are reviewed, and the diagnostic measures; International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ) and International Trauma Interview (ITI) are presented. Also, the relationship between CPTSD and borderline personality disorder (BPD) is elaborated in an independent analysis, to clarify their differences in clinical relevance to treatment. Treatment implications for CPTSD are discussed with reference to existing guidelines and clinical needs. Results: The validation of ITQ and ITI contributes to the cementation of CPTSD in further clinical practice, providing qualified assessment of the construct, with intended informative value for both clinical communication and facilitation of treatment. CPTSD is found distinguishable from both PTSD and BPD in empirical studies, while the possibility of comorbid BPD/PTSD cases being better described as CPTSD is acknowledged. Practitioners need to employ well-established methods developed for PTSD, while considering additional DSO-symptoms in treatment of CPTSD. Conclusions: The inclusion of CPTSD in ICD-11 may potentially facilitate access to more tailored treatment interventions, as well as contribute to increased research focus on disorders specifically associated with stress. The clinical utility value of this additional diagnosis is expected to reveal itself further after ICD-11 is implemented in clinical practice in 2022 and onwards. Yet, CPTSD’s diagnostic inclusion gives future optimism to assessing and treating complex posttraumatic stress symptoms

    Consumer Adoption of AI-Powered Chatbots: Developing a Customized Adoption Model

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    Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence have transformed the business landscape, with AI-powered chatbots playing a crucial role in enhancing customer service and automating tasks. As current literature seems to predominantly focus on the use of AI-powered chatbots in organizational contexts, this study aims to fill this gap by creating an understanding of the factors driving AI-powered chatbot adoption from a consumer perspective. To achieve this, we utilize the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the Technology Adoption Model (TAM), the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2), and Diffusion of Innovations (DOI), as traditional technology adoption models. Along with the constructs from these traditional models, we add the AI-specific antecedents: Anthropomorphism, Trust, Privacy Risk and Personalization, which were found through conducting a literature review of AI- and chatbot adoption. This integration allowed us to develop a customized adoption model that provides an understanding of chatbot adoption from a consumer perspective. The study collects data through a questionnaire-based survey (n=126). Through several multiple regression analyses, significant drivers across all the models are revealed. Subjective Norm and Behavioral Control (TPB), Usefulness (TAM), Habit (UTAUT2) and Trialability (DOI) were all found to have a significant positive effect on the Intention to Use AI-powered chatbots. The Customized Model, created through stepwise estimation, includes Usefulness (TAM), Trialability (DOI), Habit (UTAUT2), and Anthropomorphism (Model Extensions). These four factors collectively explain 46.6% of the variance in consumers' Intention to Use AI-powered chatbots. In terms of explaining the adoption of AI-powered chatbots, the Customized Model outperforms traditional models by explaining the most variance while utilizing the fewest variables. This enhanced fit may make it a more effective tool for understanding how consumers adopt AI-powered chatbot technology. The study contributes to businesses’ understanding of the constructs influencing chatbot adoption and implementing effective strategies to enhance customer experiences.nhhma

    Ostomy patients' experience with postoperative nursing

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    Terapeuters forklaringer pÄ mislykket terapeutisk innsats

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    Jeg arbeider i dag som leder ved Finnmarkskollektivet. I den forbindelse har jeg blitt nysgjerrig pÄ hva som skjer med terapeuten nÄr man mislykkes i terapi. Problemstillingen min i dette prosjektet ble «PÄ hvilken mÄte forklarer terapeuten sin opplevelse nÄr mÄlet for behandling ikke blir nÄdd?» Fire informanter er intervjuet, med ulik yrkesbakgrunn, men felles for dem alle er den brede erfaringen fra rusfeltet. Analyse metoden som jeg valgte er interpretative «Phenomenological analysis» (IPA). Analysemetoden er en ung og raskt voksende tilnÊrming til kvalitativ studier. IPA er en kvalitativ forskningsmetode som er opptatt av Ä undersÞke hvordan personer lager mening ut av viktige livserfaringer. For innhenting av data ble det brukt semi-strukturert intervju. Forskningsprosjektet er en kvalitativ studie. ForskningsspÞrsmÄlene som jeg har valgt er : Hva opplever terapeuten som viktig i relasjonen med pasienten? Hvordan/pÄ hvilken mÄte opplever terapeuten at negative fÞlelser pÄvirker den terapeutiske relasjonen? Hvordan opplever terapeuten vanskelige/stagnerte relasjoner? Det gÄr frem av undersÞkelsen at positive og negative relasjoner har innvirkning pÄ hvordan terapeuters private fÞlelser pÄvirker synet pÄ klienten nÄr de ikke lykkes i behandlingen. Bevisstheten rundt terapeutens egne reaksjoner og hvordan disse pÄvirker relasjonen til klientene som er i behandling. Jeg vil si at dette er en grunnleggende forutsetning for Ä kunne gi best mulig hjelp. Videre forskning kan vÊre Ä se pÄ klientens opplevelse i forhold til terapeutens opplevelse
