77 research outputs found

    Exhaust emissions of non-road mobile machine : Real-world and laboratory studies with diesel and HVO fuels

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    Exhaust emissions emitted by a non-road mobile machine were studied chasing a tractor in real-world conditions and repeating the same transient tests with a similar engine on an engine dynamometer where additionally, non-road steady state tests were carried out. The engines were equipped with an oxidation catalyst (DOC) and a selective catalytic reduction (SCR)system, and they were fuelled by fossil diesel fuel with ultra-low sulphur content and hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO). By substituting diesel fuel with HVO the on-road emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) reduced 20% and particle number 44%, the emission factors being EFNOx =1.62 +/- 0.04 g/kWh and EFN = (28.2 +/- 7.8) x 10(13) #/kWh. Similar trend was observed for NOx at laboratory although the emissions were somewhat smaller than on-road. In contrast to real-world, in the laboratory experiment the EFN was only 2% smaller with HVO than with diesel, and these emission factors were almost one order of magnitude smaller than observed on-road. The number size distribution and volatility measurements showed that in real-world experiments small nucleation mode particles were formed during uphill and during downhill in engine braking conditions. These were not observed at laboratory. However, nucleation mode particles were observed in the laboratory experiments at high load steady driving conditions. At steady state tests the emissions strongly depended on engine load and engine speed with both fuels. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Investigating the chemical species in submicron particles emitted by city buses

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    Detailed chemical characterization of exhaust particles from 23 individual city buses was performed in Helsinki, Finland. Investigated buses represented different technologies in terms of engines, exhaust after-treatment systems (e.g., diesel particulate filter, selective catalytic reduction, and three-way catalyst) and fuels (diesel, diesel-electric (hybrid), ethanol, and compressed natural gas). Regarding emission standards, the buses operated at EURO III, EURO IV, and EEV (enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle) emission levels. The chemical composition of exhaust particles was determined by using a soot particle aerosol mass spectrometer (SP-AMS). Based on the SP-AMS results, the bus emission particles were dominated by organics and refractory black carbon (rBC). The mass spectra of organics consisted mostly of hydrocarbon fragments (54-86% of total organics), the pattern of hydrocarbon fragments being rather similar regardless of the bus type. Regarding oxygenated organic fragments, ethanol-fueled buses had unique mass-to-charge ratios (m/z) of 45, 73, 87, and 89 (mass fragments of C2H5OC, C3H5O2+, C4H7O2+, and C4H9O2+, respectively) that were not detected for the other bus types at the same level. For rBC, there was a small difference in the ratio of C-4(+) and C-5(+) to C-3(+) for different bus types but also for the individual buses of the same type. In addition to organics and rBC, the presence of trace metals in the bus emission particles was investigated.Peer reviewe

    Variation of Absorption Angstrom Exponent in Aerosols From Different Emission Sources

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    The absorption Angstrom exponent (AAE) describes the spectral dependence of light absorption by aerosols. AAE is typically used to differentiate between different aerosol types for example., black carbon, brown carbon, and dust particles. In this study, the variation of AAE was investigated mainly in fresh aerosol emissions from different fuel and combustion types, including emissions from ships, buses, coal-fired power plants, and residential wood burning. The results were assembled to provide a compendium of AAE values from different emission sources. A dual-spot aethalometer (AE33) was used in all measurements to obtain the light absorption coefficients at seven wavelengths (370-950 nm). AAE(470/950) varied greatly between the different emission sources, ranging from -0.2 +/- 0.7 to 3.0 +/- 0.8. The correlation between the AAE(470/950) and AAE(370-950) results was good (R-2 = 0.95) and the mean bias error between these was 0.02. In the ship engine exhaust emissions, the highest AAE(470/950) values (up to 2.0 +/- 0.1) were observed when high sulfur content heavy fuel oil was used, whereas low sulfur content fuels had the lowest AAE(470/950) (0.9-1.1). In the diesel bus exhaust emissions, AAE(470/950) increased in the order of acceleration (0.8 +/- 0.1), deceleration (1.1 +/- 0.1), and steady driving (1.2 +/- 0.1). In the coal-fired power plant emissions, the variation of AAE(470/950) was substantial (from -0.1 +/- 2.1 to 0.9 +/- 1.6) due to the differences in the fuels and flue gas cleaning conditions. Fresh wood-burning derived aerosols had AAE(470/950) from 1.1 +/- 0.1 (modern masonry heater) to 1.4 +/- 0.1 (pellet boiler), lower than typically associated with wood burning, while the burn cycle phase affected AAE variation.Peer reviewe

    Uma revisão sobre polimerização de olefinas usando catalisadores Ziegler-Natta heterogêneos

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    Kaustisen maankäytön kehityskuva:”Kaustinen — aina valmiina”: kuntasuunnittelun kurssi ja erikoiskurssi 2014

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    Sisällys Helka-Liisa Hentilä: Johdanto Mikko Autio: Vuorovaikutteisen suunnitteluprosessin kuvaus Noora Lahdenperä: Kaustisen taajaman kehitysvaiheet Maisa Nurminen & Tuija Patana: Luonnon, perinteiden ja palveluiden Kaustinen — Kaustisen kehittämiskysely Elina Jaara: Yrittäjien Kaustinen Minna Pistemaa: Kaustisen kaavoitus ja kulttuuriympäristöt Vilmar Vuoristo: Tulevaisuuden suuret muutokset ja pienten maaseututaajamien tulevaisuuden sopeutumisstrategiat Markus Aittola: Maaseututaajamien ja kirkonkylien keskustat muutoksessa Samuli Rekilä: Alueellisen profiloinnin mahdollisuudet pienessä maaseutukunnassa Salla-Maarit Saariniemi: Innovatiiviset kehittämishankkeet pienissä maaseututaajamissa ja kirkonkylissä Milja Tuomivaara: Seudulliset strategiat ja maakuntatason suunnittelu Eevamaria Juuti: Ympäristön vaikutus terveyteen — Maaseututaajama terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin edistäjänä Liite: Strategiateksti ja suunnitelmaplanssi

    Kälviän maankäytön kehityskuva:”asu lähellä, näe kauas”: kuntasuunnittelun kurssi ja erikoiskurssi 2013

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    Sisällys Helka-Liisa Hentilä: Johdanto Tiina Pyhäluoto: Kurssin kuvaus Tiia Possakka: Kälviän kehityshistoriallinen analyysi Laura Felin: Kaavoituksella määritellään tulevaisuuden kehityssuunnat - Kälviän kaavoitushistoria Kirsi Översti: Taajamakuvallisen kartoituksen käytännöt Katariina Huikari: Taajamakuvallisen kartoituksen menetelmät Henry Tossava: Kälviän taajamakuva Henrikki Moisander: Kälviän kirkonkylä ja alueidenkäytön ohjaaminen kuntatasolla Risto Honkonen: Kälviän kirkonkylä ja alueidenkäytön strateginen ohjaaminen Keski-Pohjanmaan maakunnassa Karri Hakala ja Ilona Heikkinen: Kälviän asukaskysely: ”Pieni ja kotoisa kylä lähellä kaupunkia” Liite: Strategiateksti ja suunnit elmaplanssi