11 research outputs found
Behov av datorbaserad Ätkomst till Svenska KraftnÀts information om anlÀggningar : MBA-thesis in e-business
Svenska KraftnĂ€ts (SvK) uppdrag Ă€r att förvalta och driva stamnĂ€tet för el i Sverige. AnlĂ€ggningsbestĂ„ndet bestĂ„r av ca 16 500 km 400 kV och 220 kV ledningar, ca 170 st stationer samt ca 6 000 km telekommunikationsnĂ€t. De Ă€ldsta stamnĂ€tsanlĂ€ggningarna byggdes under 1930-talet. Merparten av anlĂ€ggningarna Ă€r byggda lĂ„ngt innan datorstöd anvĂ€ndes vid dokumentationen, dĂ€rför Ă€r det mestadels fysiska original i arkivet. Digitala original har levererats med nya anlĂ€ggningar sedan mitten av 1990-talet. I dagslĂ€get motsvarar de digitala originalen uppskattningsvis 10-20 % av totala antalet dokument. UnderhĂ„ll av SvK:s anlĂ€ggningar utförs pĂ„ entreprenad. Ăven projektering, konstruktion och byggnation sköts via entreprenad. Detta innebĂ€r största delen av dokumentationen produceras och anvĂ€nds utanför SvK. För att dokumentera stamnĂ€tets anlĂ€ggningar anvĂ€nds frĂ€mst det fysiska arkivet samt tvĂ„ datorbaserade system, ett underhĂ„llssystem med anlĂ€ggningsregister, förrĂ„d och dokumenthantering och ett karthanteringssystem. Dessutom förekommer ett antal fristĂ„ende applikationer som innehĂ„ller smĂ€rre informationsmĂ€ngder. Idag har underhĂ„llsentreprenörerna tillgĂ„ng till viss dokumentation via underhĂ„llssystemet. Resten av dokumentationen mĂ„ste bestĂ€llas och levereras manuellt till entreprenörer och konsulter. MĂ„let för denna studie Ă€r att undersöka och redovisa behov av Ă„tkomst till SvK:s information om anlĂ€ggningar och vilken information som det rĂ„der störst behov av att bereda Ă„tkomst till. För studien har Jacobsens undersökningsprocess i Ă„tta faser tillĂ€mpats. Den kvantitativa metoden med deduktiv ansats har anvĂ€nts. Arbetet har inte resulterat i nĂ„gra nya teorier eftersom syftet har varit att beskriva och i nĂ„gon mĂ„n förklara rĂ„dande förhĂ„llanden. Undersökningens respondenter finns spridda över hela landet, dĂ€rför har en postenkĂ€t som distribuerats via e-post valts. Respondenterna har begrĂ€nsats till att omfatta personer som under lĂ€ngre tid arbetat som konsult eller entreprenör Ă„t SvK eller personer som Ă€r anstĂ€llda inom SvK:s anlĂ€ggningsverksamhet. En stor del av den anlĂ€ggningsinformation som anvĂ€nds idag Ă€r redan digitaliserad och Ă„tkomlig via dator. För grupperna textdokument och övrig information finns ca 80% av informationen i digital form. För grupperna tekniska data, underhĂ„llsinformation samt bilder och fotografier Ă€r ca 75% av informationen digital. För grupperna geografiska data och kartor finns 65% av informationen i digital form medan siffran för gruppen ritningar Ă€r 42%. De informationsgrupper dĂ€r behovet till digital Ă„tkomst Ă€r störst Ă€r; âą Driftscheman (textdokument och ritningar) âą Situationsplaner (textdokument och ritningar) âą Instruktioner (textdokument och ritningar) âą Beskrivningar (textdokument och ritningar) âą Funktionsdokumentation (textdokument och ritningar) âą VĂ€gkarta (geografiska data och kartor) âą Karta över norden och Sverige (geografiska data och kartor)The comission of Svenska KraftnĂ€t (SvK) is to manage and run the Swedish national grid. The assets consists of about 16 500 km 400 kV and 220 kV lines, about 170 substatios and about 6 000 km telecommunication net. The oldest parts of the grid is constructed around 1930. Most of the assets are constructed long before computers begun to be used to document the assets. Of that reason most of the documentation of the assets are still analogous. Digital documentation han been delivered since the mid 1990âs. Today the digital documentation is about 10-20 % of the total documentation. All the maintenance of the assets is done by contractors. Even planning, design and construction work is done by contractors. That means that most of the documentation of the assets are produced and used outside the SvK rganisation. The documentation of the assets are stored in the archive and in two IT-systems, one asset management system with modules for assets, storages and documents and one geographic information system (GIS). In addition several small applications/registers exists to keep track of uncommon assets. Today the maintenance contractors can reach some documentation in the asset management system. All the rest of the documentation has to be ordered from the archive, and then copied and posted to the orderer. The target for this study is to examine and present the need of digital access for the SvK assets and for which information the need is paramount. The study has applied the Jacobsen investigation process in eight phases. The quantitative method with deductive approach has been used. The purpose of the study han been to describe and explain the prevailing situation. The respondents of the study are scattered across the country, therefore a postal poll distributed via e-mail has been used. Respondents have been limited to people that for a longer period has worked as consultants or contractors to SvK or persons employed by the SvK asset management division. A large part of the asset information used today are already digitized and accessible via computer. For the group text documents and other information are about 80% of the information in digital form. For the groups technical data, maintenance information and images and photos are about 75% in digital form. For the groups geographical data and maps, 65% of the information is in digital form while the figure for the group drawings is 42%. The information groups where the need for digital access is highest is; âą Operating schedules (text documents and drawings) âą Substation Overview Plans (text documents and drawings) âą Instructions (text documents and drawings) âą Descriptions (text documents and drawings) âą Documentation of functions (text documents and drawings) âą Road map (geographical data and maps) âą Map of the Nordic countries and Sweden (geographic data and maps
Kodmigrering av reaktiva programmeringskomponenter, frÄn JavaScript till C++
The demands we put on the mobile applications we use continues to grow. They should be useful, elegantly designed, secure and effective. If an app does not meet those demands, it is likely that the user will replace it with another one. This thesis work was performed at Visiarc, which is a small company that is specialized at development of mobile- and web applications. They are looking for new ways of improving the performance of their apps. This study investigates whether a performance enhancement can be achieved through migrating the reactive programming components, which are being used to update the graphical user interface of their apps, from JavaScript where they currently are residing in Visiarc's system, to C++. The study explains how the new C++ system for managing reactive programming components was constructed. Two performance tests were created to compare the performance of the C++ system to the existing JavaScript system. The test results showed that further improvements to the native system are required in order to surpass the performance of the JavaScript system. What these improvements are and how to achieve them is briefly discussed