73 research outputs found

    Potentialermittlung von Energiespeichern zur Stützung des elektrischen Verteilnetzbetriebes

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    In der vorliegenden Untersuchung werden Einsatzpotentiale von Energiespeichern der Klasse 30 MW im Verteilnetz näher betrachtet. Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist das Aufzeigen von Grenzen sowohl für den Speicher als auch für das elektrische Netz, wobei marktorientierte und netzorientierte Speicherkonzepte berücksichtigt und miteinander verglichen werden. Für die Untersuchung wurde ein 110 kV-Verteilnetzbereich modelliert. Nach der Modellierung unterschiedlicher Speichereinsatzmöglichkeiten und der Implementierung dieser in das modellierte Netz konnten die verschiedenen Speichermodelle hinsichtlich ihrer Einsatzzeiten und Auswirkungen auf das elektrische Netz miteinander verglichen werden

    GPS-assisted monitoring of Diabrotica and other pests and diseases using smartphones

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    GPS-unterstütztes Monitoring von Diabrotica und anderen Pflanzenschädlingen und -krankheiten mit Hilfe von Smartphone

    Energy dissipation in tapping-mode scanning force microscopy with low quality factors

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    The phase angle of the cantilever oscillation in tapping mode scanning force microscopy can be related to the energy dissipated per oscillation period through an analytical model that assumes a sinusoidal movement of the cantilever [J. Tamayo and R. García, Appl. Phys. Lett. 73, 2926 (1998); J. P. Cleveland, B. Anczykowski, E. Schmid, and V. Elings, Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 2613 (1998)]. In this work, numerical calculations of the oscillation of cantilevers with quality factors lower than 10 show a significant contribution of higher harmonics (∼5%–20%). This contribution can lead to a significant error in the energy dissipated deduced by using the model cited above. Thus, an extended relationship between the phase shift and the energy dissipated is presented, that takes into account the higher harmonics of the oscillation. These results determine the conditions for the measurement of energy dissipation in a liquid.The author thanks Professor Mervyn Miles, Dr. Terry McMaster, Dr. Andy Baker, and Dr. Ash Cherodian for their helpful suggestions.Peer reviewe

    Entwicklung eines stufenübergreifenden Qualitätssicherungssystems für die ökologische Ernährungswirtschaft unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kommunikations- und Organisationsstrukturen

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    Im Rahmen des Projektes wurden Konzepte zur Lösung drängender Probleme im Bereich Qualitätssicherung in der Ökologischen Lebensmittelwirtschaft erarbeitet. Dazu wurden Strukturen geschaffen, die es erlaubten die Fachleute der Branche in die Problemanalyse und Lösungserarbeitung einzubeziehen. Durch die intensive Einbindung der Akteure konnte gewährleistet werden, dass die erarbeiteten Konzepte von hoher Relevanz für die Branche und direkt umsetzbar sind. Neben der Erarbeitung von Konzepten war deren Abstimmung mit Branchenvertretern und der Wissenstransfer der Ergebnisse ein Schwerpunkt des Projektes. Die Analyse der Kommunikations- und Organisationsstrukturen der Branche gab Hinweise darauf, welche Akteure von besonderer Relevanz sind, welche Kommunikationsmittel genutzt werden und wo Lücken in den Organisationsstrukturen bestehen. Das Projekt hat im Bereich Kontaminationen von Öko-Lebensmitteln mit Pflanzenschutzmittelrückständen Konzepte erarbeitet, die eine Reduktion der Einträge in Erzeugung und Verarbeitung ermöglichen. Die rechtliche Situation bei Haftungsfragen wurde in leicht verständlicher Form aufgearbeitet. Mit der Kommentierung des Anhang III Nr. 9 der EU-Öko-Verordnung wurden Vorschläge zur effizienten Verbesserung der Kontrollen vorgelegt und Grundlagen geschaffen, um die Auslegung des Gesetzes in EU und Bundesländern zu harmonisieren. Im Bereich Gentechnik wurde ein Konzept zur Verbraucherinformation erarbeitet, welches von den Akteuren der Branche umgesetzt wurde. Erarbeitet wurden weiterhin konkrete Vorschläge für die Weiterentwicklung der gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen im Gentechnikbereich, um die Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft in ihrem Bestand zu sichern. Von der angestrebten „Koexistenz“ gehen erhebliche Gefahren für diesen Wirtschaftsbereich aus. Die Erstellung einer „Handlungsempfehlung zur Umsetzung von Maßnahmen der Warenrückverfolgbarkeit und Herkunftssicherung in Unternehmen der Ökologischen Lebensmittelwirtschaft“ ist Hauptergebnis in einem weiteren Bereich des Projekts. Mit dem erarbeiteten Krisenmanagementplan steht der Branche künftig ein Instrument zur Verfügung, den kommunikativen Teil einer Krise koordiniert zu bewältigen

    Light inhibits spore germination through phytochrome in Aspergillus nidulans

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    Abstract Aspergillus nidulans responds to light in several aspects. The balance between sexual and asexual development as well as the amount of secondary metabolites produced is controlled by light. Here, we show that germination is largely delayed by blue (450 nm), red (700 nm), and far-red light (740 nm). The largest effect was observed with far-red light. Whereas 60 % of the conidia produced a germ tube after 20 h in the dark, less than 5 % of the conidia germinated under far-red light conditions. Because swelling of conidia was not affected, light appears to act at the stage of germ-tube formation. In the absence of nutrients, far-red light even inhibited swelling of conidia, whereas in the dark, conidia did swell and germinated after prolonged incubation. The blue-light signaling components, LreA (WC-1) and LreB (WC-2), and also the cryptochrome/photolyase CryA were not required for germination inhibition. However, in the phytochrome mutant, DfphA, the germination delay was released, but germination was delayed in the dark in comparison to wild type. This suggests a novel function of phytochrome as far-red light sensor and as activator of polarized growth in the dark

    Micro-rheological properties of lung homogenates correlate with infection severity in a mouse model of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection

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    Lung infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa pose a serious threat to patients suffering from, among others, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or bronchiectasis, often leading to life-threatening complications. The establishment of a chronic infection is substantially related to communication between bacteria via quorum-sensing networks. In this study, we aimed to assess the role of quorum-sensing signaling molecules of the Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) and to investigate the viscoelastic properties of lung tissue homogenates of PA-infected mice in a prolonged acute murine infection model. Therefore, a murine infection model was successfully established via intra-tracheal infection with alginate-supplemented Pseudomonas aeruginosa NH57388A. Rheological properties of lung homogenates were analyzed with multiple particle tracking (MPT) and quorum-sensing molecules were quantified with LC–MS/MS. Statistical analysis of bacterial load and quorum-sensing molecules showed a strong correlation between these biomarkers in infected lungs. This was accompanied by noticeable changes in the consistency of lung homogenates with increasing infection severity. Furthermore, viscoelastic properties of the lung homogenates strongly correlated with bacterial load and quorum sensing molecules. Considering the strong correlation between the viscoelasticity of lung homogenates and the aforementioned biomarkers, the viscoelastic properties of infected lungs might serve as reliable new biomarker for the evaluation of the severity of P. aeruginosa infections in murine models

    Systemic application of bone-targeting peptidoglycan hydrolases as a novel treatment approach for staphylococcal bone infection

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    The rising prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in S. aureus has rendered treatment of staphylococcal infections increasingly difficult, making the discovery of alternative treatment options a high priority. Peptidoglycan hydrolases, a diverse group of bacteriolytic enzymes, show high promise as such alternatives due to their rapid and specific lysis of bacterial cells, independent of antibiotic resistance profiles. However, using these enzymes for the systemic treatment of local infections, such as osteomyelitis foci, needs improvement, as the therapeutic distributes throughout the whole host, resulting in low concentrations at the actual infection site. In addition, the occurrence of intracellularly persisting bacteria can lead to relapsing infections. Here, we describe an approach using tissue-targeting to increase the local concentration of therapeutic enzymes in the infected bone. The enzymes were modified with a short targeting moiety that mediated accumulation of the therapeutic in osteoblasts and additionally enables targeting of intracellularly surviving bacteria

    Towards an International Consensus on the Prevention, Treatment, and Management of High-Risk Substance Use and Overdose among Youth

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    Background and Objectives: Now more than ever, there is an obvious need to reduce the overall burden of disease and risk of premature mortality that are associated with mental health and substance use disorders among young people. However, the current state of research and evidence-based clinical care for high-risk substance use among youth is fragmented and scarce. The objective of the study is to establish consensus for the prevention, treatment, and management of high-risk substance use and overdose among youth (10 to 24 years old). Materials and Methods: A modified Delphi technique was used based on the combination of scientific evidence and clinical experience of a group of 31 experts representing 10 countries. A semi-structured questionnaire with five domains (clinical risks, target populations, intervention goals, intervention strategies, and settings/expertise) was shared with the panelists. Based on their responses, statements were developed, which were subsequently revised and finalized through three iterations of feedback. Results: Among the five major domains, 60 statements reached consensus. Importantly, experts agreed that screening in primary care and other clinical settings is recommended for all youth, and that the objectives of treating youth with high-risk substance use are to reduce harm and mortality while promoting resilience and healthy development. For all substance use disorders, evidence-based interventions should be available and should be used according to the needs and preferences of the patient. Involuntary admission was the only topic that did not reach consensus, mainly due to its ethical implications and resulting lack of comparable evidence. Conclusions: High-risk substance use and overdoses among youth have become a major challenge. The system’s response has been insufficient and needs substantial change. Internationally devised consensus statements provide a first step in system improvement and reform

    Benefits from using mixed precision computations in the ELPA-AEO and ESSEX-II eigensolver projects

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    We first briefly report on the status and recent achievements of the ELPA-AEO (Eigenvalue Solvers for Petaflop Applications - Algorithmic Extensions and Optimizations) and ESSEX II (Equipping Sparse Solvers for Exascale) projects. In both collaboratory efforts, scientists from the application areas, mathematicians, and computer scientists work together to develop and make available efficient highly parallel methods for the solution of eigenvalue problems. Then we focus on a topic addressed in both projects, the use of mixed precision computations to enhance efficiency. We give a more detailed description of our approaches for benefiting from either lower or higher precision in three selected contexts and of the results thus obtained