138 research outputs found

    La información cofrade desde El Correo de Andalucía

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    The verbal creativity in the bilingual learner and his influence in the performance in the linguistics subjects

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    El principal objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar la creatividad verbal y el rendimiento académico en las áreas de carácter verbal y/o lingüístico en el alumnado que cursa estudios bilingües en Educación Primaria. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación se ha evaluado a dos grupos educativos del mismo curso académico: por un lado, a alumnos de un sistema bilingüe, y por otro, a alumnos de enseñanza tradicional. Tras observar los resultados obtenidos, llegamos a la conclusión de que la implantación del sistema de enseñanza bilingüe tiene claras influencias positivas en el desarrollo cognitivo y académico del alumnado, siendo los alumnos bilingües los que presentan mejores puntuaciones en los predictores de la creatividad verbal -como son la fluidez y la originalidad-, así como mejores puntuaciones frente a los alumnos de enseñanza tradicional en asignaturas verbales como son el Conocimiento del Medio y la Lengua Castellana.The main objective of this research is to study the verbal creativity and academic achievement in the areas of verbal character and / or language in the bilingual pupils enrolled in primary education studies comparing entity if these bilingual students with no bilingual students coursing studies . To conduct this research has evaluated two educational groups of the same academic year, first students with a bilingual system and other traditional teaching students. Noting the objective results, we conclude that the introduction of bilingual education system has clear positive influences on cognitive and academic development of students, being bilingual students who have better scores on verbal creativity -predictors such as fluidity and originality-, as well as high scores against traditional teaching students in verbal subjects such as knowledge of the environment and the Spanish language.peerReviewe

    Measuring crime through victimization: Some methodological lessons from the ICVS

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    The objective of this study is to demonstrate that there are design errors in the International Crime Victims Survey (ICVS) that lead to biases in the estimates of victimization rates. This will be verified, firstly, by comparing the crime rate derived from the ICVS microdata with that based on the reference population and, secondly, examining the consequences of two ICVS methodological decisions: the use of individual weights and the re-weighting procedure in accordance with household size. These sample design failures, which generate distorted crime rankings, call for the need to make corrections both in the subsequent waves of the ICVS and in the final design of a future European survey

    El principio Nemo Pro Parte Testatus Pro Parte Intestatus Decedere Potest: estudio sobre el origen, evolución y trascendencia en el ordenamiento jurídico actual

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    El principio Nemo Pro Parte Testatus Pro Parte Intestatus Decedere Potest, o simplemente Nemo Pro Parte, es un principio que establece la incompatibilidad entre la sucesión testada e intestada. Su origen histórico constituye todavía un objeto de discusión por la romanística y aunque fue abolido por el derecho histórico castellano, pervive en el Derecho catalán por razones de carácter histórico.La distinta evolución del Derecho en España, produjo que el derecho castellano se desarrollase con la confluencia de los principios sucesorios germánicos y romanos y así queda plasmado en el actual Código Civil español. Sin embargo, la persistencia del principio en Cataluña generó críticas a la inexistente evolución del principio. Críticas que hoy siguen presentes.The principle Nemo Pro Parte Testatus Pro Parte IntestatusDecedere Potest, or just Nemo Pro Parte, is a principle that establishesthe incompatibility between testate and intestate succession. Thehistorical origin is still a subject of discussion for the civil law studiesand although it was abolished by the castilian historical right, survivesin the catalan law for historical reasons.The different evolution of the law in Spain produced for the castilianlaw will evolve with the confluence of the germanic and romanprinciples. It is reflected in the actual Spanish Civil Code. However,the persistence of the principle in Catalonia drew criticism about thenon-existent evolution of the principle. Criticisms are still present

    Análisis y comparativa : arquitectura popular inglesa y arquitectura popular del arco mediterráneo de España

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    [ES] Trabajo Fin de Grado que analiza la arquitectura popular inglesa durante los siglos XII al XIX; a continuación, se analiza la arquitectura de arco mediterráneo de España. Por último, se hace una comparativa entre ambas arquitecturas. Las conclusiones indican que son bastantes las similitudes entre ellas y las diferencias vienen marcadas por la renta, la Iglesia y las diferentes legislaciones de cada zona que han influido en que tengan una evolución dispar.[EN] This Bachelor's Thesis studies the English vernacular architecture and its evolution from the twelfth to the nineteenth Century. Subsequently, the vernacular architecture of the Mediterrean area of Spain is analysed. Finally, both types of vernacular architecture are compared. The conclusions indicate that there are many similarities between them and the differences are due to the income, the Church and the different laws in each area that have brought a distant evolution.Trull Ródenas, A. (2014). Análisis y comparativa : arquitectura popular inglesa y arquitectura popular del arco mediterráneo de España. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/60628.Archivo delegad

    Combinatorial expression of Lef1, Lhx2, Lhx5, Lhx9, Lmo3, Lmo4, and Prox1 helps to identify comparable subdivisions in the developing hippocampal formation of mouse and chicken

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    We carried out a study of the expression patterns of seven developmental regulatory genes (Lef1, Lhx2, Lhx9, Lhx5, Lmo3, Lmo4, and Prox1), in combination with topological position, to identify the medial pallial derivatives, define its major subdivisions, and compare them between mouse and chicken. In both species, the medial pallium is defined as a pallial sector adjacent to the cortical hem and roof plate/choroid tela, showing moderate to strong ventricular zone expression of Lef1, Lhx2, and Lhx9, but not Lhx5. Based on this, the hippocampal formation (indusium griseum, dentate gyrus, Ammon's horn fields, and subiculum), the medial entorhinal cortex, and part of the amygdalo-hippocampal transition area of mouse appeared to derive from the medial pallium. In the chicken, based on the same position and gene expression profile, we propose that the hippocampus (including the V-shaped area), the parahippocampal area (including its caudolateral part), the entorhinal cortex, and the amygdalo-hippocampal transition area are medial pallial derivatives. Moreover, the combinatorial expression of Lef1, Prox1, Lmo4, and Lmo3 allowed the identification of dentate gyrus/CA3-like, CA1/subicular-like, and medial entorhinal-like comparable sectors in mouse and chicken, and point to the existence of mostly conserved molecular networks involved in hippocampal complex development. Notably, while the mouse medial entorhinal cortex derives from the medial pallium (similarly to the hippocampal formation, both being involved in spatial navigation and spatial memory), the lateral entorhinal cortex (involved in processing non-spatial, contextual information) appears to derive from a distinct dorsolateral caudal pallial sector.Supported by a grant to Loreta Medina from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (MINECO) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER): grant no. BFU2012-33029

    The development of emotional intelligence in people with intellectual disabilities: a bibliographic review

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    Las personas con discapacidad intelectual presentan diferentes necesidades educativas especiales relacionadas con el desarrollo socioafecto y emocional que limitan su desarrollo personal. Con este artículo aportamos a través de diferentes fuentes bibliográficas los principales beneficios que tiene la puesta en práctica de diferentes estrategias y programas de habilidades emocionales para dicho colectivo, con el objetivo de incrementar su adaptación al medio social y en definitiva desarrollar habilidades adaptativas como la expresión, percepción y autorregulación emocional.People with intellectual disabilities have different special educational needs related to socio-affective development, as well as associated with emotional development that limit their personal development. With this article we contribute through different bibliographic sources the main benefits of the implementation of different strategies and programs of emotional abilities for this group, with the aim of increasing their adaptation to the social environment and ultimately develop adaptive skills such as expression, Perception and emotional self-regulation