2,031 research outputs found

    El intercambio económico con la República Popular China. Las competencias gerenciales base

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    La actual coyuntura político económica de Colombia que, en busca de inversión extranjera, ha encontrado en Asia y específicamente en China, un potencial aliado estratégico como motor para el desarrollo del programa macro económico del actual gobierno nacional, a mediano plazo. Las relaciones bilaterales a nivel comercial y político entre Colombia y China van en franco aumento. Nunca antes existieron en Colombia empresas de origen chino formalmente establecidas al nivel que se encuentran actualmente. Debido a este auge de interacción binacional, las relaciones interculturales se convierten en tema de necesario conocimiento para la comunicación interpersonal, y por supuesto, para el éxito de proyectos conjuntos. A nivel de empresa privada, los proyectos exitosos económicamente son un factor motivacional para el crecimiento de las inversiones extranjeras en Colombia, pero hay un obstáculo a salvar para obtener resultados positivos de manera constante. Este obstáculo, es sin duda, la diferencia cultural entre oriente (China) y Occidente (Colombia)

    Where Have the Litigants Gone?

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    The recognition of coral species based on underwater texture images pose a significant difficulty for machine learning algorithms, due to the three following challenges embedded in the nature of this data: 1) datasets do not include information about the global structure of the coral; 2) several species of coral have very similar characteristics; and 3) defining the spatial borders between classes is difficult as many corals tend to appear together in groups. For this reason, the classification of coral species has always required an aid from a domain expert. The objective of this paper is to develop an accurate classification model for coral texture images. Current datasets contain a large number of imbalanced classes, while the images are subject to inter-class variation. We have analyzed 1) several Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures, 2) data augmentation techniques and 3) transfer learning. We have achieved the state-of-the art accuracies using different variations of ResNet on the two current coral texture datasets, EILAT and RSMAS.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Presentations at the National Congress of Dental Students, Chile, 2010-2013.

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    The National Congress of Dental Students (Congreso Nacional de Estudiantes de Odontología, CONADEO) is held annually and ranks as the most important instance for diffusing scientific work by dental undergraduates at congress level. The aim of this work is to describe undergraduate students’ involvement in CONADEO during 2010-2013. Methodology: A bibliometric analysis based on the proceedings of CONADEOS published on the website of the National Scientific Dental Students Association from 2010 to 2013 was conducted. These variables were considered: year, host university, city, title, number of authors, number of organizations, authors’ affiliation, area of study, category and level. Results: A total of 538 articles from four CONADEOs were analyzed. The largest share was for Universidad de Chile (29.93%) followed by Universidad de la Frontera (17.29%) de Talca (12.27%) and de Valparaiso (11.52%). Regarding area of study, Other (21%), Craniofacial Biology (20.63%), Behavioral, Epidemiology and Health Services (12.64%) and Periodontics (12.64%) were highlighted. In relation to categories, Literature review (48.70%), Research Paper (28.81%) and Case Report (22.49%) were considered. Conclusion: These results indicate that participation in undergraduate scientific production focuses on a few universities, and is not based on creating new knowledge but rather collecting what has been already studied. This research appears as the first of its kind and provides valuable information about the reality of undergraduate research to create incentive plans and motivation.Keywords: CONADEO, Bibliometry, Congress, Students, University.Presentaciones en Congreso Nacional de Estudiantes de Odontología, Chile, 2010-2013.El Congreso Nacional de Estudiantes de Odontología (CONADEO) se posiciona como la mayor instancia de divulgación de trabajos científicos por parte de los alumnos de pregrado a nivel de congresos, la que se repite cada año. El objetivo del presente trabajo es caracterizar la participación de estudiantes de pregrado de universidades chilenas en el CONADEO durante el período 2010-2013. Metodología: Estudio bibliométrico en base a los libros de resúmenes de los CONADEOS del 2010-2013 publicados en la página web de la Asociación Nacional Científica de Estudiantes de Odontología (ANACEO); se consideraron las variables: Año, Sede (Universidad) organizadora, Ciudad, Título, Número de autores, Número de organizaciones, Universidad de origen, Área temática, Categoría y Nivel. Resultados: Se analizaron un total de 538 trabajos en 4 instancias de CONADEO. La mayor participación corresponde a la Universidad de Chile (29,93%) seguida por las Universidades de la Frontera (17.29%), de Talca (12.27%) y de Valparaíso (11.52%); según el área temática destaca Otra (21%), Biología Craneofacial (20.63%), Conductual, Epidemiología y Servicios de Salud (12.64%) y Periodoncia (12.64%). Según categoría aparece Revisión bibliográfica (48.70%), Trabajo de Investigación (28.81%) y Caso clínico (22,49%). Conclusión: Los presentes resultados indican que la participación en la producción científica de pregrado se centra en pocas Universidades, y no representa creación de nuevo conocimiento principalmente sino recopilación de lo ya estudiado. La presente Investigación aparece como la primera en su tipo y entrega información valiosa acerca de la realidad de la investigación en pregrado para crear planes de incentivo y motivación.Palabras clave: CONADEO; Bibliometría, Congreso, Estudiantes, Odontología

    Construction and evolution of equilibrium configurations of the Schr\"odinger-Poisson system in the Madelung frame

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    We present the construction of ground state equilibrium configurations of the Schr\"odinger-Poisson (SP) system in the Madelung frame and evolve such configuration using finite volume methods. We compare the behavior of these configurations when evolved within the SP and Madelung frames, in terms of conservation of mass and energy. We also discuss the issues of the equations in the Madelung frame and others inherent to the numerical methods used to solve them.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. Invited contributio

    Intention to use new mobile payment systems: a comparative analysis of SMS and NFC payments

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    The rapid growth of mobile technology among the world’s population has led many companies to attempt to exploit mobile devices as an additional tool in the business of sales. In this sense, the main objective of our study resides in comparing the factors that determine the acceptance by consumers of the SMS (Short Message Service) and NFC (Near Field Communication) mobile payment systems as examples of means of future payment. The model used in our research applies the classic variables of the Technology Acceptance Model, as well as that of Perceived Security, a model deriving from the review of the major relevant recent literature. The results achieved in this study demonstrate that there are differences in the factors that determine the acceptance in each of the systems, as well as the level of the Intention to Use. Finally, we highlight the main implications for management and cite some strategies to reinforce this new business in the context of new technical developments

    To buy green or not to buy: environmental concerned companies and individuals' rewarding behaviour

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    The present research aim to examine individuals´ purchasing behavioural intention related with corporations who are environmental concerned. Two Structural Equations Models are proposed and tested independently for the behavioral intention or rewarding and punishing companies by buying or not their products. Results highlight the importance of increasing perceived consumer effectiveness of their energy saving actions, as well as involvement to enhance the risk perceived of global climate change and pro-environmental related behaviors. Furthermore, behavioral intention seems to be determined by past reported behaviour and consumers´ risk perception.Incentivos a proyectos de investigación de excelencia de las universidades y organismos de investigación de Andalucía: proyectos de promoción general del conocimiento PGC.SEJ.6768.Incentivos para la formación de personal docente e investigador predoctoral en áreas de conocimiento deficitarias, concedido a la doctoranda por la Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía en la convocatoria 2010

    A robust approach for deep neural networks in presence of label noise: relabelling and filtering instances during training

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    Deep learning has outperformed other machine learning algorithms in a variety of tasks, and as a result, it is widely used. However, like other machine learning algorithms, deep learning, and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in particular, perform worse when the data sets present label noise. Therefore, it is important to develop algorithms that help the training of deep networks and their generalization to noise-free test sets. In this paper, we propose a robust training strategy against label noise, called RAFNI, that can be used with any CNN. This algorithm filters and relabels instances of the training set based on the predictions and their probabilities made by the backbone neural network during the training process. That way, this algorithm improves the generalization ability of the CNN on its own. RAFNI consists of three mechanisms: two mechanisms that filter instances and one mechanism that relabels instances. In addition, it does not suppose that the noise rate is known nor does it need to be estimated. We evaluated our algorithm using different data sets of several sizes and characteristics. We also compared it with state-of-the-art models using the CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 benchmarks under different types and rates of label noise and found that RAFNI achieves better results in most cases.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Evaluación del Servicio de Ayuda a Domicilio en Alcorcón: diagnóstico para la mejora de la calidad del servicio

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    La irrupción de la cultura de la Gestión de Calidad en las Administraciones Públicas instaura una nueva mentalidad alejada de cualquier conformismo en cuanto a lo que puede ser exigido a lo público. La evaluación como práctica irrenunciable incardinada a la planificación y gestión operativa se vincula hoy a los principios democráticos de responsabilidad, transparencia, y participación. La universalización de los Servicios Sociales, la diversificación y urgencia de las problemáticas tratadas, elevan el nivel de exigencia en torno a las prestaciones y la atención social. El Servicio de Ayuda a Domicilio es, para cualquier municipio, probablemente el recurso social más relevante tanto por la problemática abordada como por la envergadura presupuestaria que moviliza. En este artículo se hace una exposición de la experiencia del Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón en la evaluación de este servicio domiciliario en el contexto de mejora continua articulado desde su puesta en marcha.The rapid development of the culture of Quality Management in Public Administration will reestablish a new way of thinking distant from what currently exists about what can be demanded of public services. Evaluation as an undeniably integrated practice within planning and operating management is now linked with the democratic principles of responsibility, transparency and participation. The demand for social services and attention rises as Social Services become universal and diversify and the issues they address become more urgent. For any municipality, Home Health Assistance Service is probably the most relevant social resource because of the issues it addresses as well as the budgetary impact it has. This article presents the experience of the City Government of Alcorcon in the evaluation of this in-home service within the context of continuous improvement since its inception

    A Validated HPLC Method for the Determination of Vanillyl Butyl Ether in Cosmetic Preparations

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    A specific HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography) method has been developed and validated for the determination of vanillyl butyl ether in cosmetic products. The extraction procedure with an isopropanol water 1:1 mixture is described. The method uses a RP-C-18 column with isocratic elution and an ultraviolet (UV) detector. The mobile phase consists of a mixture of acetonitrile and buffer (Na2HPO4 20 mM in water) (30:70 v/v) with a variable flow rate. The method was validated with respect to accuracy, precision (repeatability and reproducibility), specificity and linearity. The procedure described here is simple, selective and reliable for routine quality control analysis and stability tests of commercially available cosmetic products.Francisco Ríos acknowledges the support fromthe Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness within the postdoctoral grant “Ayudas para contratos Torres Quevedo” (PTQ-15-07879)

    Delimiting coastal zones for integrated management: The case of the island and the sea of Chiloé (Chile)

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    A delimitation of coastal areas based on an integrated approach has not yet been proposed in Chile. In response, the objective of this research is to propose a definition of coastal zones on a subregional scale, specifically in the archipelagic environment of the island and the sea of Chiloé, a highly unique geographic area where most globally observable coastal dilemmas converge. The methodology used, which is based on the Integrated Coastal Zone Management's (ICZM) principles, consisted of the analysis of multiple criteria grouped into five typologies: ecological, socioeconomic, cultural, political-administrative, and arbitrary. It is therefore the first delimitation of these characteristics proposed not just for the far south of Chile, but for the entire country. The coastal area that was delimited and mapped exceeds the conventional borders of the provincial district of Chiloé. The totality of islands and the inland sea has been included, in addition to other continental and open sea areas. The results have been divided into the four aspects of the field to achieve a more detailed justification of the suggested criteria. This example could serve as the study object for a future ICZM Program in Chiloé, an instrument that has not been developed to date. In addition, considering the territorial complexity that characterizes the archipelagic environment studied, the methodological proposal could be repeated in other coastal areas in the country. © 2023 The Author