72 research outputs found

    Lämminvesivaraajan koko yhdistetyssä maa- ja aurinkolämpö -järjestelmässä

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    Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin aurinkolämmitysjärjestelmän liitettävyyttä omakotitalon olemassa olevaan maalämpöjärjestelmään. Työssä tarkasteltiin lisävaraajan tarvetta sekä sen tarpeellisuuteen vaikuttavia asioita. Tässä työssä aurinkolämpöjärjestelmällä pyrittiin kattamaan koko kesäaikainen lämmitysenergiantarve, joka koostui kokonaan käyttöveden lämmityksestä. Tässä opinnäytetyössä haettiin maalämpöjärjestelmän oman varaajan koolle sopiva aurinkokeräinpinta-ala ja toisaalta etsittiin sopiva aurinkovaraajan koko valitulle neljän keräinelementin paketille. Työn alussa selvennettiin työssä käytetyt termit ja keskeiset käsitteet. Empiriaosassa käsiteltiin aurinko- ja maalämmön hyödyntämistä lämmityksessä sekä lämmitystehon tarpeeseen vaikuttavia asioita. Tässä osassa selvennettiin keskivertoasukkaan veden ja lämmönkäyttötottumuksia sekä talousveden laatuun lainsäädännön asettamia vaatimuksia. Keskiverto omakotitalon energiankäyttöä simuloitiin IDA ICE -ohjelmistolla. Aurinkolämpö- ja maalämpöjärjestelmillä tuotetun laskennallisen tuoton energian kustannussäästöjä verrattiin toisiinsa. Työn keskeisenä tuloksena löydettiin maalämpöjärjestelmään integroidulle 340 litran varaajalle sopivaksi keräinpinta-alaksi 3,92 m2. Valitulle neljän keräimen esimerkkipaketille, yhteisalaltaan 10,45 m2, saatiin varaajan tilavuudeksi 2750 litraa, kun ylilämpöä ei kyetty hukkaamaan mihinkään. Tuloksissa ei huomioitu aurinkolämmitysjärjestelmän investointikustannuksia, vaan tuloksia verrattiin suoraan kulutettuun energiaan.The purpose of this thesis was to research the combining of the solar heat system with the existing ground heat system in a detached house. The purpose was to consider the needs of an extra heat tank and the factors influencing it necessity. The entire demand of heating energy for the summer, comprising solely of warming up the tap water, was intended to be covered by the solar heating system. On one hand, the aim was to determine the required surface for the solar heat collector to match the size of the integrated heat tank in the ground heat system, and on the other, the size of the solar heat tank to match the chosen surface of the solar heat collectors. In the beginning of the thesis the abbreviations used and the main concepts were clarified. The empirical part discussed the solar heat and ground heat utilization in heating and factors affecting the need for different heating outputs. This part of the study also clarified the average water and heating usage and the requirements on the drinking water imposed by the law. The energy use of an average detached house was simulated with IDA ICE -software. The costs savings of the calculated output from the energy of the solar heat and ground heat systems were compared with each other. As a result of this study the surface of 3,91 m2 was found suitable for the collectors matching the integrated 340 litres hot tank in the ground heat system. As another result of this study, the suitable size for the heat tank to match the chosen collector surface of 10,5 m2 was discovered to be 2750 litres, provided that overheat could not be wasted. The capital costs of the solar heat system were not considered, but the results were compared directly with the used energy

    A simulation exercise for incorporating long-term path dependencies in urgent decision-making

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    Urban policymakers of the 2020s must act within various types of wicked socio-ecological disruptions. Under deep uncertainty and time pressure, they must make decisions which will define the scope of possible actions in the future. Our aim was to develop a research instrument that would enable researchers and practitioners to learn about such policymaking. We designed and ran a half-day simulation exercise, the Policy Operations Room (POR). The participants were the top politicians and a group of senior experts from the City of Helsinki, Finland. The design of the exercise was based on a review of simulation and gaming research literature. The exercise managed to integrate - albeit imperfectly - the utilitarian and emancipatory dimensions in futures studies: it gave the participants the utilitarian possibility to practice decision-making and the emancipatory possibility to critically reflect on decision-making in wicked, science-based scenarios. It also gave the researchers a chance to witness urgent decision-making in action. Issues deserving further attention include the inclusion of social-political complexity in the scenarios and practitioner involvement in the design process of the exercise. All in all, the POR constitutes a unique way of integrating science-based assessment of future path dependencies into science-policy research and interaction.Peer reviewe

    Nudging service providers and assessing service trade-offs to reduce the social inefficiencies of payments for ecosystem services schemes

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    Socially inefficient payment for ecosystem services (PES) schemes result when adverse shifts in the provisioning of other ecosystem services (ES) or overpayment to service providers occur. To address these inefficiencies, a holistic evaluation of trade-offs between services should be conducted in parallel with determining land owners' service provisioning preferences. Recent evidence also suggests that nudging stakeholders' preferences could be a useful policy design tool to address global change challenges. Forest owners' landscape management preferences were nudged to determine the impact on the social efficiency of PES schemes for biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation in Finland. ES indicators for biodiversity conservation, carbon storage, and the albedo effect were included with traditional provisioning services (i.e. timber) and bioenergy to assess the consequent intra-service trade-offs. Synergies in provisioning of regulating services were identified, but were found to be more efficient when the management objective is for biodiversity conservation rather than climate change regulation. Nudging led to marginal gains in service provisioning above the baseline management and above neutral owner preferences, and increased aggregate service provisioning. This demonstrates the importance of considering intra-service trade-offs and that nudging could be an important tool for designing efficient PES schemes. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Deficient H2A.Z deposition is associated with genesis of uterine leiomyoma

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    One in four women suffers from uterine leiomyomas (ULs)-benign tumours of the uterine wall, also known as uterine fibroids-at some point in premenopausal life. ULs can cause excessive bleeding, pain and infertility(1), and are a common cause of hysterectomy(2). They emerge through at least three distinct genetic drivers: mutations in MED12 or FH, or genomic rearrangement of HMGA2(3). Here we created genome-wide datasets, using DNA, RNA, assay for transposase-accessible chromatin (ATAC), chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and HiC chromatin immunoprecipitation (HiChIP) sequencing of primary tissues to profoundly understand the genesis of UL. We identified somatic mutations in genes encoding six members of the SRCAP histone-loading complex(4), and found that germline mutations in the SRCAP members YEATS4 and ZNHIT1 predispose women to UL. Tumours bearing these mutations showed defective deposition of the histone variant H2A.Z. In ULs, H2A.Z occupancy correlated positively with chromatin accessibility and gene expression, and negatively with DNA methylation, but these correlations were weak in tumours bearing SRCAP complex mutations. In these tumours, open chromatin emerged at transcription start sites where H2A.Z was lost, which was associated with upregulation of genes. Furthermore, YEATS4 defects were associated with abnormal upregulation of bivalent embryonic stem cell genes, as previously shown in mice(5). Our work describes a potential mechanism of tumorigenesis-epigenetic instability caused by deficient H2A.Z deposition-and suggests that ULs arise through an aberrant differentiation program driven by deranged chromatin, emanating from a small number of mutually exclusive driver mutations.Peer reviewe

    Tavallisimmat väkivaltatilanteet hoitotyössä : käsikirjoitukset Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun simulaatio-opintoihin

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    Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin kehittämistyönä, opinnäytetyössä luotiin käsikirjoitukset simulaatio-opintoihin Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun käyttöön. Tavoitteena oli käsikirjoitusten avulla kehittää niin simulaatio-oppimista kuin tulevien hoitajien valmiuksia kohdata väkivaltatilanteita hoitotyössä. 1990-luvun lopulla otettiin Englannissa käyttöön nollatoleranssi väkivaltaan terveydenhuollossa. Tästä kymmenen vuotta myöhemmin Kuopion yliopistollinen sairaala otti nollatoleranssin käyttöön. Tämä itsessään kertoo, kuinka vasta viime aikoina Suomessa ollaan havahduttu hoitajien kohtaaman väkivallan määrään. Asiaa on paljon tutkittu niin Suomessa kuin ulkomailla ja tulokset osoittavat sairaaloiden päivystyksien sekä psykiatrisen puolen olevan riskialteimmat väkivallan suhteen. Fyysinen väkivalta esiintyy etenkin lyömisenä, raapimisena sekä potkimisena. Henkisen väkivallan muotoina korostuu haukkuminen, uhkailu ja toisen arvon alentaminen. Vuonna 2008 KYS:llä tehdyssä kyselytutkimuksessa 2074 vastaajasta noin 34 % oli kohdannut työssään fyysistä väkivaltaa, 54 % kertoi kohdanneensa henkistä väkivaltaa. Vastaavasti 2010 tehdyssä tutkimuksessa ensihoitajista 74 % oli kohdannut fyysistä väkivaltaa työssään. Simulaatioiden käsikirjoitukset tehtiin tutkimusten pohjalta nostamaan esille tavallisimpia väkivaltatilanteita sairaalan eri osastoilta sekä hoitotyöstä. Käsikirjoitusten tärkeimmäksi alueeksi nousi aggressiivisen potilaan kohtaamisen sekä ajatusten herättämisen hoitajan omasta roolista aggressiivisen potilaan kohtaamisessa sekä väkivaltatilanteiden ehkäisyssä.The purpose of this development project was to create scripts for simulation excercises at Savonia university of applied sciences. The aim of this thesis was to improve simulation learning and the readiness of nursing students in violent situations. The aim is also to help the nursing students to know how to react in violent situations. At the end of the 1990s United Kingdom started zero-tolerance of violence policy in health care. Ten years later the same policy was introduced at Kuopio university hospital. This by itself explains just how recently Finland has awaken to realise how much violence nurses must face in health care. It is a topic that has been widely researched in Finland and abroad. The results show that most of the violent events take place in emergency room and in psychiatric care. Physical violence from patient to nurse are usually hitting, scratching or kicking. Forms of psychological violence are usually calling names, threatening and demeaning others’ dignity. A study made in 2008 at Kuopio university hospital showed that 34 % of 2074 responders had faced physical violence at work, 54 % had faced psychological violence. A study made in 2010 for the paramedics told that 74 % had faced physical violence at work. The scripts for the simulations were based in various studies to highlight the most common scenes of violence on different wards of hospitals and in nursing. In the scripts, we wanted to accent debriefing and we wanted that the scripts will make the pupils think about the role of a nurse when facing aggressive patients and how to prevent violent scenes