11 research outputs found

    NBA in service of environmental protection

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    How can the role of sports be interpreted in the field of environmental protection and how can we see the role of environmental protection in the light of sports? Similarly to other aspects of life, it is necessary to make some changes in sports in order to ensure its sustainability. Although sports mean sustainable human activities, services connected to it (e.g. use of water, energy demand, tourism, transport, etc.) are unsustainable and need remarkable steps to make the environment greener. The aim of this study is on the one hand to introduce the intersections of sports and environmental protection, on the other hand to present the sustainability provisions of NBA from among the American professional leagues and also to show the green aspirations of the American Airlines Arena and the Staples Centre, which are two environmentally conscious arenas. In the course of presenting the provisions of the NBA and the arenas I applied comparative analysis based on secondary data source, and examined reports, audits and case studies found on the internet

    Sporting goods manufacturers' responsible behaviour in special regard to environmental protection

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    The condition of companies' long term viability and competitiveness is to realize that they have an indisputable and untransferable responsibility for their environment and for the society. In the last three decades the acceptance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) improved a lot, especially in the developed world. Organizations are facing pressure from governments, international agreements, society and various stakeholders, to improve their behaviour towards the natural environment. Companies try to reveal social and environmental connections proactively in order to the solution will be built in their good practise. The aim of this study is the conceptual clarification of corporate social responsibility, next the analysis of two top sporting goods manufacturers' (Adidas Group and Puma) CSR activity in special regard to their environmentally conscious behaviour with the help of data gained from their websites, reports, case studie

    Sporting goods manufacturers' responsible behaviour in special regard to environmental protection

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    The condition of companies' long term viability and competitiveness is to realize that they have an indisputable and untransferable responsibility for their environment and for the society. In the last three decades the acceptance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) improved a lot, especially in the developed world. Organizations are facing pressure from governments, international agreements, society and various stakeholders, to improve their behaviour towards the natural environment. Companies try to reveal social and environmental connections proactively in order to the solution will be built in their good practise. The aim of this study is the conceptual clarification of corporate social responsibility, next the analysis of two top sporting goods manufacturers' (Adidas Group and Puma) CSR activity in special regard to their environmentally conscious behaviour with the help of data gained from their websites, reports, case studie


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    Az internet megjelenésével és széles körű elterjedésével a turisztikai szolgáltatók ajánlataikkal felkerültek a világhálóra, mely azt eredményezte, hogy a turizmus platformja növekvő gyorsasággal a világháló lett. Napjainkban az okostelefonok és a mobilhálózatok fejlődése révén a szolgáltatóknak lehetőségük nyílt arra, hogy még közelebb kerüljenek a potenciális turistákhoz okoseszközeiken keresztül. A turisták, ezen technológiák révén egyre tájékozottabbá és kifinomultabbá váltak, melynek köszönhetően utazásaik során egyre több információs és kommunikációs technológiai eszközt használnak (okostelefon, táblagép, okoseszközök stb). Jelen cikkben egyrészről az elmúlt években megjelenő innovatív mobilszolgáltatások –rövid hatótávú kommunikációs szabványgyűjtemény, kiterjesztett valóság – alkalmazásának lehetőségeit gyűjtöttük össze gyakorlati példákon keresztül a turizmus ágazatban, másfelől arra kerestük a választ, hogy hazánkban az internethasználó felnőtt lakosság körében milyen szerepet játszanak a mobileszközök a szabadidő célú utazás során. --------- Given the widespread use of internet, the tourism service providers with their promotions appeared on the web which indicated that the internet became the most rapidly increasing platform of tourism. Nowadays due to development of smartphones and mobile networks tourism service providers have an opportunity to get even closer to the potential customers through their smart devices. Tourists, by using these technologies, become more informed and sophisticated which indicated the wider use of information and communication technologies tools (smartphone, tablet, smart devices ect.) during their travel. In this paper, on the one hand we collected the application possibilities of recently appeared mobile services (near field communication - NFC, augmented reality - AR) in tourism through different practical examples. On the other hand, we wanted to explore the role of the use of mobile devices during leisure travels among the adult internet users in Hungary

    Doing sport is good – Responsible for popularization of sport

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    Responsible leaders of more and more companies build legal, ethic, moral, environmental and social aspects in their goals and values beyond profit maximization. The number of companies whose activities in terms of social responsibility (CSR) has clear connections with promoting and putting forward sports shows an increasing tendency. The aim of this study is the conceptual clarification of corporate social responsibility, and emphasize the CSR’s significance in sport management, next the analysis of 3 top food and beverage companies’ (Coca-Cola, Nestle, Danone) CSR activity in special regard to sport management in Hungary and abroad


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    Az elmúlt három évtizedben a vállalatok társadalmi felelősségvállalással (CSR) való azonosulása számottevően fejlődött, a vállalati stratégiában betöltött szerepe felértékelődött. Felelős gondolkodású vezetők felismerték, hogy mivel a vállalat egy társadalmi és ökológiai környezetben működő komplex rendszer, ezért célrendszerébe a profitmotívum mellé az erkölcsi alapon nyugvó, kiegészítő célokat is integrálni kell, mint például a természeti környezettel való törődés, az alkalmazottak és a társadalom egészségére való figyelés. Vitathatatlan, hogy a felelős vállalati koncepcióhoz szorosan illeszkedik az egészségvédelem és a sport, utóbbi népszerűsítése, sportolási lehetőségek biztosítása, támogatása, mely intézkedések egyre népszerűbbek napjainkban, és a cégek igyekeznek ezekről széles körben tájékoztatni az érintetteket. Jelen tanulmány kettős célt fogalmaz meg: egyrészt arra törekszik, hogy bemutassa a CSR-koncepció előtérbe kerülését a sportmenedzsment területén, valamint a Coca-Cola Company és a Nestlé Magyarország cégcsoportoknál alkalmazott sportközpontú CSR-intézkedéseket. Másrészt ismerteti a Debreceni Egyetem sportszervező szakos hallgatóinak tájékozottságát, véleményét a vizsgált területtel kapcsolatban. ------------------------- In the last three decades the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has improved and its role in corporate strategy has increased. Liable minded executives realized that because enterprises are complex systems working in social and ecological environment, it is important to integrate supplementary goals based on ethics (such as caring with nature, caring with the health of employees and the whole society) next to the profit. It is undisputed that health protection and sport, the publicity of sport, ensuring sporting facilities closely fit to the responsible corporate conception and these arrangements are becoming more and more popular nowadays and the enterprises try to widely inform concerned people. This study determines two goals: on one hand it aspires to demonstrate how the CSR conception came to front on the field of sport management and the sport centered arrangements used by Coca Cola Company and Nestlé Hungary. On the other hand it describes the awareness and opinion of students of University of Debrecen specialized to sport management related to the analyzed area