20 research outputs found

    Introduction d'une culture de printemps dans les systèmes de culture des terres irrigables des montagnes du Nord du Vietnam (approche par modèle agroclimatique)

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    L'objectif est d'évaluer sur le plan agro-climatique les options de réalisation d'une culture de printemps dans les hautes vallées du Nord du Vietnam. A partir d'hypothèses sur les contraintes agro-climatiques s'exerçant sur ces options, un modèle de simulation et le dispositif expérimental permettant de le caler et de l'évaluer ont été élaborés. Une expérimentation virtuelle replaçant les cultures de printemps envisagées (riz, riz aérobie , maïs et soja) dans le climat de trois régions contrastées sur ce plan a ensuite été réalisée, le long d'un gradient d'altitude, et sous différentes modalités techniques, notamment de dates de semis. Cette démarche a été appliquée successivement aux deux grands cas de figure rencontrés dans les montagnes : irrigation des parcelles dès le printemps, et conduite en régime pluvial (irrigation praticable seulement pour le cycle estival). Elle a conduit à identifier, pour chacun de ces cas de figure et chacune des régions et cultures étudiées des fenêtres de semis favorables, intervalles de dates de semis pour lesquelles la culture de printemps présente peu de risques. La taille de cette fenêtre constitue ainsi un indicateur synthétique de la contrainte climatique pour une culture donnée dans un lieu donné : plus cette fenêtre est étroite, plus on peut s'attendre à ce qu'il soit délicat pour les producteurs de pratiquer la culture. Les résultats confirment clairement que même lorsque l'eau d'irrigation est abondante, le climat des montagnes du Vietnam ne permet pas partout de pratiquer une culture de printemps. Les risques identifiés sont la destruction par le froid pendant les stades précoces de la croissance végétative, l'allongement du cycle au-delà de la date où le riz irrigué d'été doit être installé selon la pratique actuelle, l'obtention de rendements nettement abaissés du fait de la faiblesse du rayonnement global et des températures pendant la première partie de la saison. Pour ce contexte irrigué, la culture qui échappe le mieux à ces contraintes dans les simulations est le soja, suivie du maïs et du riz conduit en semis en plein champ. Le riz semé en pépinière et repiqué est apparu comme le plus sensible aux contraintes de températures.En conditions pluviales, la culture de printemps est nettement plus délicate tout particulièrement à cause des retards de levée et des stress hydriques pendant la phase de croissance végétative liés aux faibles précipitations de début de saison. Le soja reste la culture pour laquelle la contrainte de durée de cycle est la plus faible, mais son rendement simulé est fortement réduit par les stress hydriques. Le riz aérobie et le maïs sont des options envisageables en conditions strictement pluviales aux altitudes relativement modestes dans tous les climats étudiés. La géographie de l'extension des cultures de printemps au Vietnam est ainsi esquissée. Des perspectives de recherche sont proposées en vue d'accroître cette aire d'extension. Outre ces acquis importants pour l'agriculture locale, cette thèse confirme l'intérêt et l'efficacité d'une approche de modélisation ad hoc pour ce type de question agro-climatique.The goal of this thesis was to assess the agro-climatic feasibility of introducing a supplementary crop during the spring season in the high valleys of the mountainous northern Vietnam. From hypotheses drawn about the way climate constrained such crops, a simulation model and the experimental device required for calibrating and evaluating it were elaborated. A virtual experiment was carried out in order to submit the candidate crops (rice, aerobic rice , maize and soybean) under the contrasted climates of three regions, along the elevation gradient and under several technical management, especially sowing dates. This approach was applied consecutively to the two major cases occurring in these mountains: crop irrigated during the whole spring, and rainfed crop (land irrigable during summer only). This approach led to identify, for each of these two cases and for each of the studied regions and crops, favourable sowing windows, i.e. intervals of sowing dates for which the risks associated to spring crop are low. The size of such windows provides a synthetic indicator of the climatic constraint for a given crop at a given place: the narrower the window, the more difficult it is expected to be for farmers to practice the option.Results clearly confirmed that even if irrigation water is abundant, the climate of the mountains in Vietnam does not allow practicing the spring crop everywhere. The risks that were identified were crop destruction by lethally cold temperature during early vegetative stages, maturity delayed beyond the date at which the irrigated rice of summer must have been sown according to current practice, and obtaining yield neatly decreased due to low global radiation and temperature during the first half of the season. Under irrigated conditions, the simulated crop that best escaped these constraints was soybean, followed by maize and direct seeded rice. Rice sown in nurseries and transplanted showed more sensitive to temperature constraints.Spring crop showed strongly trickier under rainfed conditions, especially due to delays in seedlings emergence and water stresses during vegetative growth, in relation with low rainfall during the early part of the season. Soybean remained the crop with the shortest duration, but its simulated yield was strongly reduced by water stresses. Aerobic rice and maize were possible options under fully rainfed regime at relatively low elevations only, under any of the regional climates studied. Thus, the feasibility area of spring crops was thus sketched. Research perspectives were proposed, aiming at increasing this area. Additionally to these results, targeted at serving local agriculture, this work confirmed the value and effectiveness of an ad hoc modelling approach for agro-climatic studies of this kind.MONTPELLIER-SupAgro La Gaillarde (341722306) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Groundwork-Based Research to Design Application SCC - Building a Sustainable Community for Children in Mountainous Area

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    Children’s clothing is a prime example of fast fashion, as their continuous growth requires frequent purchases. This not only impacts the environment but also puts financial strain on parents. Concurrently, many highland children lack essential material and educational resources, contributing to poverty in the region. To address these challenges, local authorities urgently require a sustainable solution that supports children, communities, and localities, fostering comprehensive development. The project development criteria are evaluated based on the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs). Data was collected through an online survey of 50 married individuals, 162 non-married individuals, and interviews with those who have organized events for children in the highlands. Additionally, insights were obtained from three children from disadvantaged areas. The results indicate that all target groups show a keen interest in social activities for children. Parents facing difficulties accessing charities, and the lack of effective collaboration between charities and local authorities, hinders sustainable development efforts. Keywords: children, SDG, social sustainabilty, communit

    Village Baseline Study – Site Analysis Report Ma village-Yen Binh district, Vietnam

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    Ma village, Vinh Kien commune, Yen Binh district, Yen Bai province has been selected to be one of Climate Smart Villages (CSVs) under the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) in Southeast Asia. The village baseline survey (VBS) of Ma village, was therefore conducted as part of the baseline effort. This VBS aimed to provide baseline information at the village level about some basic indicators of natural resource utilization, organizational landscapes, and information networks for weather and agricultural information, which can be compared across sites and monitored over time. The study was conducted using the method developed and provided by CCAFS. The study’s findings show that Ma Village is rich and diverse in natural resources. There are three main resources of vital importance for the local people livelihoods, namely farmland, forest and water resources. However, improper exploitation and management have caused negative impacts on these resources. As mentioned by farmers, in the past, farmland of the village used to be very fertile, but has now become severely degraded due to overexploitation and improper management. Regarding forest resources: before 1980s, natural forests existed in large areas and consisted of valuable timber and wild animals. Today, much of the forest area has been converted to production forests or to food crop production land. Water resources, including lakes, rivers and streams have been severely polluted with pollutants from processing cassava, wood and also from animal husbandry and crop production. Degradation of water, farmland and forest resources are causing increasing challenges to agricultural production and also to other human activities. Results of farmer group discussions also demonstrate that there are 34 organizations operating in the village. Most of them are governmental. Very few are private or non-governmental organizations. The number of organizations involving in food security accounts for nearly 50%, the figure for those involving food crisis is 41.6% and in natural resources management is 25%. Those organizations working in food security and food crisis focus mainly on providing support (financial, seed and agricultural inputs) to local farmers to implement some production activities. Insufficient attention and input spent for sustainable development by these 34 organizations, especially those working in the area of natural resources management, could be one of the main reasons for the degradation and erosion of natural resources. There was no activity supporting Ma Village to develop production systems which can respond well to climate change. The study findings however show that local people are very flexible and creative, especially in exploitation of information. Among media channels, television is the most popular. Nevertheless, organizations, in particular, extension networks, Farmers’ Union, local authorities, etc., also have an important role in information dissemination. Exploitation of information from the internet and mobile phones has also been given attention, but mostly by young people only

    CSA: Thực hành nông nghiệp thông minh với khí hậu ở Việt Nam

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    During the last five years, Vietnam has been one of the countries most affected by climate change. Severe typhoons, flooding, cold spells, salinity intrusion, and drought have affected agriculture production across the country, from upland to lowland regions. Fortunately for Vietnam, continuous work in developing climate-smart agriculture has been occurring in research organizations and among innovative farmers and entrepreneurs. Application of various CSA practices and technologies to adapt to the impact of climate change in agriculture production have been expanding. However, there is a need to accelerate the scaling process of these practices and technologies in order to ensure growth of agriculture production and food security, increase income of farmers, make farming climate resilient, and contribute to global climate change mitigation. This book aims to provide basic information to researchers, managers, and technicians and extentionists at different levels on what CSA practices and technologies can be up scaled in different locations in Vietnam

    Introduction of a spring crop in the irrigable land of the Northern highlands of Vietnam : an approach using agroclimatic modelling.

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    L'objectif est d'évaluer sur le plan agro-climatique les options de réalisation d'une culture de printemps dans les hautes vallées du Nord du Vietnam. A partir d'hypothèses sur les contraintes agro-climatiques s'exerçant sur ces options, un modèle de simulation et le dispositif expérimental permettant de le caler et de l'évaluer ont été élaborés. Une expérimentation virtuelle replaçant les cultures de printemps envisagées (riz, riz « aérobie », maïs et soja) dans le climat de trois régions contrastées sur ce plan a ensuite été réalisée, le long d'un gradient d'altitude, et sous différentes modalités techniques, notamment de dates de semis. Cette démarche a été appliquée successivement aux deux grands cas de figure rencontrés dans les montagnes : irrigation des parcelles dès le printemps, et conduite en régime pluvial (irrigation praticable seulement pour le cycle estival). Elle a conduit à identifier, pour chacun de ces cas de figure et chacune des régions et cultures étudiées des fenêtres de semis favorables, intervalles de dates de semis pour lesquelles la culture de printemps présente peu de risques. La taille de cette fenêtre constitue ainsi un indicateur synthétique de la contrainte climatique pour une culture donnée dans un lieu donné : plus cette fenêtre est étroite, plus on peut s'attendre à ce qu'il soit délicat pour les producteurs de pratiquer la culture. Les résultats confirment clairement que même lorsque l'eau d'irrigation est abondante, le climat des montagnes du Vietnam ne permet pas partout de pratiquer une culture de printemps. Les risques identifiés sont la destruction par le froid pendant les stades précoces de la croissance végétative, l'allongement du cycle au-delà de la date où le riz irrigué d'été doit être installé selon la pratique actuelle, l'obtention de rendements nettement abaissés du fait de la faiblesse du rayonnement global et des températures pendant la première partie de la saison. Pour ce contexte irrigué, la culture qui échappe le mieux à ces contraintes dans les simulations est le soja, suivie du maïs et du riz conduit en semis en plein champ. Le riz semé en pépinière et repiqué est apparu comme le plus sensible aux contraintes de températures.En conditions pluviales, la culture de printemps est nettement plus délicate tout particulièrement à cause des retards de levée et des stress hydriques pendant la phase de croissance végétative liés aux faibles précipitations de début de saison. Le soja reste la culture pour laquelle la contrainte de durée de cycle est la plus faible, mais son rendement simulé est fortement réduit par les stress hydriques. Le riz « aérobie » et le maïs sont des options envisageables en conditions strictement pluviales aux altitudes relativement modestes dans tous les climats étudiés. La géographie de l'extension des cultures de printemps au Vietnam est ainsi esquissée. Des perspectives de recherche sont proposées en vue d'accroître cette aire d'extension. Outre ces acquis importants pour l'agriculture locale, cette thèse confirme l'intérêt et l'efficacité d'une approche de modélisation ad hoc pour ce type de question agro-climatique.The goal of this thesis was to assess the agro-climatic feasibility of introducing a supplementary crop during the spring season in the high valleys of the mountainous northern Vietnam. From hypotheses drawn about the way climate constrained such crops, a simulation model and the experimental device required for calibrating and evaluating it were elaborated. A virtual experiment was carried out in order to submit the candidate crops (rice, “aerobic rice”, maize and soybean) under the contrasted climates of three regions, along the elevation gradient and under several technical management, especially sowing dates. This approach was applied consecutively to the two major cases occurring in these mountains: crop irrigated during the whole spring, and rainfed crop (land irrigable during summer only). This approach led to identify, for each of these two cases and for each of the studied regions and crops, favourable sowing windows, i.e. intervals of sowing dates for which the risks associated to spring crop are low. The size of such windows provides a synthetic indicator of the climatic constraint for a given crop at a given place: the narrower the window, the more difficult it is expected to be for farmers to practice the option.Results clearly confirmed that even if irrigation water is abundant, the climate of the mountains in Vietnam does not allow practicing the spring crop everywhere. The risks that were identified were crop destruction by lethally cold temperature during early vegetative stages, maturity delayed beyond the date at which the irrigated rice of summer must have been sown according to current practice, and obtaining yield neatly decreased due to low global radiation and temperature during the first half of the season. Under irrigated conditions, the simulated crop that best escaped these constraints was soybean, followed by maize and direct seeded rice. Rice sown in nurseries and transplanted showed more sensitive to temperature constraints.Spring crop showed strongly trickier under rainfed conditions, especially due to delays in seedlings emergence and water stresses during vegetative growth, in relation with low rainfall during the early part of the season. Soybean remained the crop with the shortest duration, but its simulated yield was strongly reduced by water stresses. “Aerobic rice” and maize were possible options under fully rainfed regime at relatively low elevations only, under any of the regional climates studied. Thus, the feasibility area of spring crops was thus sketched. Research perspectives were proposed, aiming at increasing this area. Additionally to these results, targeted at serving local agriculture, this work confirmed the value and effectiveness of an ad hoc modelling approach for agro-climatic studies of this kind

    Introduction of a spring crop in the irrigable land of the Northern highlands of Vietnam : an approach using agroclimatic modelling.

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    L'objectif est d'évaluer sur le plan agro-climatique les options de réalisation d'une culture de printemps dans les hautes vallées du Nord du Vietnam. A partir d'hypothèses sur les contraintes agro-climatiques s'exerçant sur ces options, un modèle de simulation et le dispositif expérimental permettant de le caler et de l'évaluer ont été élaborés. Une expérimentation virtuelle replaçant les cultures de printemps envisagées (riz, riz « aérobie », maïs et soja) dans le climat de trois régions contrastées sur ce plan a ensuite été réalisée, le long d'un gradient d'altitude, et sous différentes modalités techniques, notamment de dates de semis. Cette démarche a été appliquée successivement aux deux grands cas de figure rencontrés dans les montagnes : irrigation des parcelles dès le printemps, et conduite en régime pluvial (irrigation praticable seulement pour le cycle estival). Elle a conduit à identifier, pour chacun de ces cas de figure et chacune des régions et cultures étudiées des fenêtres de semis favorables, intervalles de dates de semis pour lesquelles la culture de printemps présente peu de risques. La taille de cette fenêtre constitue ainsi un indicateur synthétique de la contrainte climatique pour une culture donnée dans un lieu donné : plus cette fenêtre est étroite, plus on peut s'attendre à ce qu'il soit délicat pour les producteurs de pratiquer la culture. Les résultats confirment clairement que même lorsque l'eau d'irrigation est abondante, le climat des montagnes du Vietnam ne permet pas partout de pratiquer une culture de printemps. Les risques identifiés sont la destruction par le froid pendant les stades précoces de la croissance végétative, l'allongement du cycle au-delà de la date où le riz irrigué d'été doit être installé selon la pratique actuelle, l'obtention de rendements nettement abaissés du fait de la faiblesse du rayonnement global et des températures pendant la première partie de la saison. Pour ce contexte irrigué, la culture qui échappe le mieux à ces contraintes dans les simulations est le soja, suivie du maïs et du riz conduit en semis en plein champ. Le riz semé en pépinière et repiqué est apparu comme le plus sensible aux contraintes de températures.En conditions pluviales, la culture de printemps est nettement plus délicate tout particulièrement à cause des retards de levée et des stress hydriques pendant la phase de croissance végétative liés aux faibles précipitations de début de saison. Le soja reste la culture pour laquelle la contrainte de durée de cycle est la plus faible, mais son rendement simulé est fortement réduit par les stress hydriques. Le riz « aérobie » et le maïs sont des options envisageables en conditions strictement pluviales aux altitudes relativement modestes dans tous les climats étudiés. La géographie de l'extension des cultures de printemps au Vietnam est ainsi esquissée. Des perspectives de recherche sont proposées en vue d'accroître cette aire d'extension. Outre ces acquis importants pour l'agriculture locale, cette thèse confirme l'intérêt et l'efficacité d'une approche de modélisation ad hoc pour ce type de question agro-climatique.The goal of this thesis was to assess the agro-climatic feasibility of introducing a supplementary crop during the spring season in the high valleys of the mountainous northern Vietnam. From hypotheses drawn about the way climate constrained such crops, a simulation model and the experimental device required for calibrating and evaluating it were elaborated. A virtual experiment was carried out in order to submit the candidate crops (rice, “aerobic rice”, maize and soybean) under the contrasted climates of three regions, along the elevation gradient and under several technical management, especially sowing dates. This approach was applied consecutively to the two major cases occurring in these mountains: crop irrigated during the whole spring, and rainfed crop (land irrigable during summer only). This approach led to identify, for each of these two cases and for each of the studied regions and crops, favourable sowing windows, i.e. intervals of sowing dates for which the risks associated to spring crop are low. The size of such windows provides a synthetic indicator of the climatic constraint for a given crop at a given place: the narrower the window, the more difficult it is expected to be for farmers to practice the option.Results clearly confirmed that even if irrigation water is abundant, the climate of the mountains in Vietnam does not allow practicing the spring crop everywhere. The risks that were identified were crop destruction by lethally cold temperature during early vegetative stages, maturity delayed beyond the date at which the irrigated rice of summer must have been sown according to current practice, and obtaining yield neatly decreased due to low global radiation and temperature during the first half of the season. Under irrigated conditions, the simulated crop that best escaped these constraints was soybean, followed by maize and direct seeded rice. Rice sown in nurseries and transplanted showed more sensitive to temperature constraints.Spring crop showed strongly trickier under rainfed conditions, especially due to delays in seedlings emergence and water stresses during vegetative growth, in relation with low rainfall during the early part of the season. Soybean remained the crop with the shortest duration, but its simulated yield was strongly reduced by water stresses. “Aerobic rice” and maize were possible options under fully rainfed regime at relatively low elevations only, under any of the regional climates studied. Thus, the feasibility area of spring crops was thus sketched. Research perspectives were proposed, aiming at increasing this area. Additionally to these results, targeted at serving local agriculture, this work confirmed the value and effectiveness of an ad hoc modelling approach for agro-climatic studies of this kind

    Sowing windows for a spring crop introduced in rice cultivation areas affected by low temperature and radiation

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    International audienceIn mountainous areas of Continental South East Asia, double cropping in the irrigable valleys and terraces is often promoted as a way to increase farmers' income while alleviating the pressure of agriculture on fragile slopes. However, cold temperature and low global radiation may constrain this strategy. Lethally cold events may occur, and increases in crop cycle length may jeopardize the correct timing of the main rice crop, taking place in summer. The model PYE (potential yield estimator) simulating the impact of temperature and radiation on the development and yield of annual crops was adapted to account for the range of temperature occurring in the area under study. It was calibrated against experimental data for the three crops that are most often considered as spring crops in the irrigable land of the northern mountains of Vietnam: rice, soybean and maize. Then a virtual experiment was designed in order to simulate various scenarios combining crop species and sowing date with climatic data accounting for variability of climate across years, location and elevation. Completed with a sensitivity analysis, it allowed to define favourable 'sowing windows' for non-water limited environments, based on the three following criteria: high average yield, low incidence over years of lethally cold events and low incidence over years of delays in the maturity of the spring crop. The length of this sowing window varied greatly across the scenarios tested. The widest was obtained for the case of soybean whatever the location and elevation, which makes it the less risky of the tested options. The approach followed proved effective to identify favourable and unfavourable environments in order to help better targeting the policy in support to the introduction of a spring crop in the mountains of Vietnam

    Sustainable tea production through agroecological management practices in Vietnam: a review

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    International audienceTea is one of the most important crops in Vietnam, as both an export and domestic commodity. In Vietnam, tea farming has been dominated by conventional management practices for decades. The continuity of this approach has led to a number of issues. These range from serious soil degradation, low economic efficiency, poor tea quality and environmental contamination. Recently, there has been a growing conversion from conventional tea farming to agroecological tea management practices. To date, limited studies have been conducted to determine the viability of this conversion in Vietnam, particularly regarding technical aspects. Focusing on aspects of soil health, tea productivity and quality, here we highlight the benefits and challenges of conventional tea production system and provide a comprehensive evaluation of potential advantages agroecological tea management practices could have for Vietnam. The outcomes of this review are an informative resource for tea producers, tea production management authorities and other relevant organizations; enabling more informed decisions regarding the management methods, policies and programs to promote agroecological tea management in Vietnam and other tea producing nations