926 research outputs found

    The “tattoo” speckle pattern: fabrication and application

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    Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is widely used in experimental mechanics for full field measurement of displacements and strains. The application of this technique, normally requires the preparation of specimens with a random speckle pattern, via spray painting, stamping, manual patterning, etc. The applicability of most techniques to create random patterns is still limited. For instance, traditional methods such as airbrush painting are not suitable when time available to produce the speckle pattern is limited. The development and application of a novel technique to address this problem is presented in this paper. The developed technique makes use of commercially available temporary tattoo paper, adhesives, and paint. The presented technique showed to be quick, repeatable, consistent, and stable even under impact loads and large deformations. Additionally, they offer the possibility to optimise and customise the speckle pattern

    Molecular identification of Sporothrix species in a hyperendemicarea in Peru

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    To date, there have been no molecular typing studies to identify the Sporothrix species circulating inAbancay, a hyperendemic area of sporotrichosis in Peru. To identify six clinical isolates of the Sporothrixschenckii complex from Abancay, Peru, we used PCR-sequencing of the calmodulin gene, and a phylo-genetic analysis was conducted with these and additional sequences from GenBank. All clinical isolateswere identified as S. schenckii (sensu stricto). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the six clinical isolatesfrom Abancay, Peru clustered in a clade along with sequences from Costa Rica, Iran, South Africa, and fourother sequences from Peru. These findings reveal the presence of S. schenckii (sensu stricto) in Abancay,Peru.Campus Lima Centr

    El virus de la diarrea viral en bovinos criollos de la Provincia de Melgar, Puno

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    The prevalence of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection in 347 evaluated was criollo cattle of both sexes and older than 6 months of age in small herds of the province of Melgar, Puno. Serum samples were tested for antibodies against BVDV using the viral neutralization test. The 48.7 ± 0.1% (166/347) of the samples had antibodies against BVDV. Animals carrying on the virus, virus were not detected. Antibodies were detected in all sampled herds and the prevalence varied from 15.7 to 94.1%. Antibodies titers varied from 2 to \u3e256, showing that BVDV infection is widespread in the local cattle population, suggesting the presence of factors promoting the viral distribution such livestock fairs and lack of control for animal movements within the region

    Clamp bending machine and annealed wire cutter for reinforced concrete columns

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    This study developed a reinforced steel rod bending machine for rods with diameters of up to 8 mm and annealed wire cutter for up to 5 kg for replacing manual intervention required to bend rods in reinforced concrete columns. This study aims to reduce the physical effort that could lead to occupational diseases, such as tenosynovitis, bursitis, muscle disorders. Clamp manufacturing possesses great risk for workers, who are exposed to injuries while using different cutting devices, such as grinders and electric saws. They also face potential problems such as muscular fatigue due to the nonergonomic and repetitive work positions. The proposed machine features a mechanical dragging and bending systems and manual shears. Additionally, the proposed machine has been designed theoretically and its effectiveness has been assessed through simulations conducted using the SolidWorks CAD software. A bending machine prototype for producing clamps is developed and its machine productivity is measured. Using this machine, approximately 300 clamps can be bent per hour without possessing any risk to the worker

    Archaeological research, Qolqas sector of the Raqchi archaeological park, Canchis-Cusco

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    El presente artículo es el resultado preliminar del año uno, de ejecución con referencia al expediente técnico integral aprobado de las trece unidades de excavación del sector Qolqas del Parque Arqueológico de Raqchi del Distrito de San Pedro, Provincia de Canchis, Departamento Cusco. Las cuales se enfocan en el asociado del material cultural evidenciado y la conservación y puesta en valor del sector Qolqas. Se tiene como objetivo planteado analizar la función de los recintos circulares denominados Qolqas y establecer la secuencia ocupacional del sector, dichos objetivos serán desarrollados a través de la investigación arqueológica en el proceso de la investigación arqueológica.This article is the preliminary result of year one, of execution with reference to the approved technical file, of the thirteen excavation units of the Qolqas sector of the Archaeological Park of Raqchi of the District of San Pedro, Province of Canchis, Cusco Department. Which focus on the associate of the cultural material evidenced and the conservation and valorization of the Qolqas sector. Its objective is to analyze the function of circular enclosures called Qolqas and establish the occupational sequence of the sector, these objectives will be developed through archaeological research in the process of archaeological research

    Mapping and addressing COVID-19 regional inequalities using real-time spending data

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    Using real-time data John Gathergood, Fabian Gunzinger, Benedict Guttman-Kenney, Edika Quispe-Torreblanca, and Neil Stewart show the UK recovery in consumer spending in the second half of 2020 was geographically uneven, heavily weighted to the home counties around outer London and the South. These patterns were exacerbated during November 2020 when a second national lockdown was imposed. To prevent such COVID-19-driven regional inequalities from becoming persistent we propose the government introduces temporary, regionally-targeted interventions (e.g. business tax relief, travel vouchers, local government transfers) in 2021

    Risky decision making : testing for violations of transitivity predicted by an editing mechanism

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    Transitivity is the assumption that if a person prefers A to B and B to C, then that person should prefer A to C. This article explores a paradigm in which Birnbaum, Patton and Lott (1999) thought people might be systematically intransitive. Many undergraduates choose C = (96,.85;96, .85; 90, .05; 12,.10)overA=(12, .10) over A = (96, .9; 14,.05;14, .05; 12, .05), violating dominance. Perhaps people would detect dominance in simpler choices, such as A versus B = (96,.9;96, .9; 12, .10) and B versus C, and yet continue to violate it in the choice between A and C, which would violate transitivity. In this study we apply a true and error model to test intransitive preferences predicted by a partially effective editing mechanism. The results replicated previous findings quite well; however, the true and error model indicated that very few, if any, participants exhibited true intransitive preferences. In addition, violations of stochastic dominance showed a strong and systematic decrease in prevalence over time and viola

    Agreement between the laboratory- and non-laboratory-based WHO cardiovascular risk charts: a cross-sectional analysis of a national health survey in Peru

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    Objective: To determine the agreement between the cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk predictions computed with the WHO non-laboratory-based model and laboratory-based model in a nationally representative sample of Peruvian adults. Design: Cross-sectional analysis of a national health survey. Methods: Absolute CVD risk was computed with the 2019 WHO laboratory-based and non-laboratory-based models. The risk predictions from both models were compared with Bland-Altman plots, Lin’s concordance coefficient correlation (LCCC), and kappa statistics, stratified by sex, age, body mass index categories, smoking and diabetes status. Results: 663 people aged 30–59 years were included in the analysis. Overall, there were no substantial differences between the mean CVD risk computed with the laboratory-based model 2.0% (95% CI 1.8% to 2.2%) and the non-laboratory-based model 2.0% (95% CI 1.8% to 2.1%). In the Bland-Altman plots, the limits of agreement were the widest among people with diabetes (−0.21; 4.37) compared with people without diabetes (−1.17; 0.95). The lowest agreement as per the LCCC was also seen in people with diabetes (0.74 (95% CI 0.63 to 0.82)), the same was observed with the kappa statistic (kappa=0.36). In general, agreement between the scores was appropriate in terms of clinical significance. Conclusions: The absolute cardiovascular predicted risk was similar between the laboratory-based and non-laboratory-based 2019 WHO cardiovascular risk models. Pending validation from longitudinal studies, the non-laboratory-based model (instead of the laboratory-based) could be used when assessing CVD risk in Peruvian population

    Bariatric surgery: a practical pictorial guide for the diagnosis of common and rare complications with upper gastrointestinal imaging series

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    The aim of this educational poster is to illustrate the role of upper gastrointestinal series (UGS) in detecting the most common and some more rare complications in patients who underwent bariatric surgery procedures as \u2022 laparoscopic adjustable gastric band (LAGB) placement, \u2022 laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), \u2022 Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB). Our centre (Radiology Unit - Department of Medicine - University Hospital of Padova, Italy) excels in the follow-up of patients who underwent bariatic surgery interventions (in the Week Surgery Unit of the same Hospital). For this reason, our database is rich in images of early and late complications, directly from our clinical practice. In this poster we are going to present, describe and comment the findings to the benefit of all radiologists, not just for those whose field of study is the gastro-intestinal radiology, adding some useful tips for conducting a good examination with high diagnostic relevance