1,645 research outputs found

    Desarrollo financiero y economía agraria de exportación en el Perú, 1884-1950

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    Editada en la Universidad Carlos IIIAl analizar las fluctuaciones cíclicas del desarrollo financiero peruano y su relación con la economía durante una fase principalmente agroexportadora, se intenta contribuir al debate sobre el sector de exportación y su contribución al desarrollo económico latinoamericano. La evidencia indica que las instituciones y grupos financieros domésticos contribuyeron a una relativa diversificación de la economía y ofrecieron un grado de competencia a intereses financieros foráneos. Es más, el reemplazo del modelo exportador por uno de sustitución de importaciones trajo consigo mayor concentración financiera y políticas financieras adversas al desarrollo financiero.The analysis of the cyclical fluctuations in Peruvian financial development, and their relationship with the mainly agroexport economy, seeks to contribute to the discussion of the developmental role of Latin American export models. The major findings indicate that domestic financial institutions and elite groups contributed to a relative economic diversification and offered a degree of competition to foreign financial interests. Moreover, the decline of the agroexport model led to a hardly autonomous import-substitution model that resulted in increased financial concentration and policies adverse to financial development.Publicad

    High Fidelity Adiabatic Quantum Computation via Dynamical Decoupling

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    We introduce high-order dynamical decoupling strategies for open system adiabatic quantum computation. Our numerical results demonstrate that a judicious choice of high-order dynamical decoupling method, in conjunction with an encoding which allows computation to proceed alongside decoupling, can dramatically enhance the fidelity of adiabatic quantum computation in spite of decoherence.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Corrupción, burocracia colonial y veteranos separatistas en Cuba, 1868-1910

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    Administrative corruption in Cuba during the nineteenth century was a serious problem addressed both by Spanish authorities and the critics of the colonial system in Cuba. In the long run the fiscal, financial, institutional, and ideological costs of corruption undermined Spanish colonial control in Cuba. While the state and Cuban taxpayers had to pay for the increased costs of corruption, corrupt public officials and private contractors and financiers benefited. This study uses both archival manuscript administrative sources and published sources to assess the impact of corruption and its institutional bases during the final phase of Spanish colonialism in Cuba and the early period of post-colonial transition.La corrupción administrativa en Cuba durante el siglo XIX constituyó un problema reconocido como muy grave tanto por las autoridades españolas como por los críticos del sistema colonial cubano. Los costos fiscales, institucionales, e ideológicos de la corrupción contribuían a la erosión del dominio español en Cuba. A causa de la corrupción el Estado percibía menos ingresos y los contribuyentes cubanos se veían forzados a llevar a cuestas una creciente deuda pública. Los funcionarios corruptos y los contratistas y financistas privilegiados por el rígido sistema colonial, por el contrario, percibían los beneficios informales a que se creían acreedores por defender el dominio territorial español en Cuba. Utilizando fuentes administrativas manuscritas de archivos cubanos y españoles, así como fuentes públicas impresas, este trabajo evalúa el impacto de la corrupción y sus particulares bases institucionales en la fase final del colonialismo español en la isla y la transición post-colonial temprana

    Predicting adverse outcomes following catheter ablation treatment for atrial fibrillation

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    Objective: To develop prognostic survival models for predicting adverse outcomes after catheter ablation treatment for non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF). Methods: We used a linked dataset including hospital administrative data, prescription medicine claims, emergency department presentations, and death registrations of patients in New South Wales, Australia. The cohort included patients who received catheter ablation for AF. Traditional and deep survival models were trained to predict major bleeding events and a composite of heart failure, stroke, cardiac arrest, and death. Results: Out of a total of 3285 patients in the cohort, 177 (5.3%) experienced the composite outcomeheart failure, stroke, cardiac arrest, deathand 167 (5.1%) experienced major bleeding events after catheter ablation treatment. Models predicting the composite outcome had high risk discrimination accuracy, with the best model having a concordance index > 0.79 at the evaluated time horizons. Models for predicting major bleeding events had poor risk discrimination performance, with all models having a concordance index < 0.66. The most impactful features for the models predicting higher risk were comorbidities indicative of poor health, older age, and therapies commonly used in sicker patients to treat heart failure and AF. Conclusions: Diagnosis and medication history did not contain sufficient information for precise risk prediction of experiencing major bleeding events. The models for predicting the composite outcome have the potential to enable clinicians to identify and manage high-risk patients following catheter ablation proactively. Future research is needed to validate the usefulness of these models in clinical practice.Comment: Under journal revie

    Impact of time-correlated noise on zero-noise extrapolation

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    Zero-noise extrapolation is a quantum error mitigation technique that has typically been studied under the ideal approximation that the noise acting on a quantum device is not time correlated. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility and performance of zero-noise extrapolation in the presence of time-correlated noise. We show that, in contrast to white noise, time-correlated noise is harder to mitigate via zero-noise extrapolation because it is difficult to scale the noise level without also modifying its spectral distribution. This limitation is particularly strong if "local"gate-level methods are applied for noise scaling. However, we find that "global"noise-scaling methods, e.g., global unitary folding, can be sufficiently reliable even in the presence of time-correlated noise

    Measurements of Nitric Oxide During a Stratospheric Warming

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    The altitude distribution of NO was measured between 12 and 33 km near 54°N during the stratospheric warming of February, 1979. The NO mixing ratios were considerably smaller compared to summer conditions, especially below 23 km. The measurements are used to estimate the distribution of NO2 for comparison with ground‐based column measurements and to show that during the warming NOx is at least a factor of two lower than is observed in summer at this latitude. This reduction in NOx is shown to be consistent with a larger fraction of odd‐nitrogen existing as N2O5

    Meaning of life questionnaire (MLQ) in peruvian undergraduate students: study of its psychometric properties from the perspective of classical test theory (CTT)

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    "Background: The study of the meaning of life is essential since it plays a protective role in the mental health of university students. However, no studies have shown the adequate psychometric functioning of the MLQ in Latin American university students. For this reason, this research aims to evaluate the internal structure using CTT models, obtain evidence of validity based on the relationship with other variables, perform factorial invariance according to gender, and estimate the reliability of the MLQ. Methods: A sample of 581 Peruvian undergraduate students of both sexes (29.5% men and 70.5% women) between the ages of 18 and 35 (M=22.6; SD=3.3) was collected. Along with the MLQ, other instruments were applied to measure satisfaction with life (SWLS), subjective well-being (WBI), and depression (PHQ-9). Results: In the present study was evidenced that the model of two related factors of nine items presents better adjustment indices (RMSEA=.075; SRMR=.059; CFI=.97; TLI=.96) compared to other models. Also, it was shown that the factorial structure of the MLQ is strictly invariant for the group of men and women. It was also shown that the presence of meaning was positively related to satisfaction with life (.63) and well-being (.60) and negatively to depres‑ sion (− .56). In contrast, the search for meaning was not signifcantly related to life satisfaction (− .05) and well-being (− .07); but yes, to depression (.19). Conclusion: It is concluded that the MLQ from the perspective of CTT has shown adequate evidence of reliability and validity. Therefore, it could be used in future studies and evaluation and intervention processes. In addition, the study provides the frst evidence of the psychometric functioning of the scale in university students from Latin America.

    Combining Metabolic Engineering and Electrocatalysis: Application to the Production of Polyamides from Sugar

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    Biorefineries aim to convert biomass to a spectrum of products ranging from biofuels to specialty chemicals. To achieve economically sustainable conversion it is crucial to streamline the catalytic and downstream processing steps. Here we report a route that integrates bio- and chemical catalysis to convert glucose into bio-based unsaturated nylon 6,6. An engineered strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with the highest reported muconic acid titer of 559.5 mg L-1 in yeast, was used as the initial biocatalyst to convert glucose into muconic acid. Without any separation, muconic acid was further electrocatalytically hydrogenated to 3-hexenedioic acid with 94% yield, despite the presence of all the biogenic impurities. Bio-based unsaturated nylon 6,6 (unsaturated polyamide 6,6) was finally obtained by polymerization of 3-hexenedioic acid with hexamethylenediamine, demonstrating the integrated design of bio-based polyamides from glucose