238 research outputs found

    Bounds on the Higgs Mass in the Standard Model and Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    We present bounds on the Higgs mass in the Standard Model and in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model using the effective potential with next-to-leading logarithms resummed by the renormalization group equations, and physical (pole) masses for the top quark and Higgs boson. In the Standard Model we obtain lower bounds from stability requirements: they depend on the top mass and the cutoff scale. In the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model we obtain upper bounds which depend on the top mass and the scale of supersymmetry breaking. A Higgs mass measurement could discriminate, depending on the top mass, between the two models. Higgs discovery at LEP-200 can put an upper bound on the scale of new physics.Comment: Based on talk given at "Physics from Planck scale to electroweak scale", Warsaw, Poland 21-24 September 1994, 13 pages, latex, 5 postscript figures included in the text by PSFIG.STY appended uuencoded compresse

    De trocar sale trocante: creatividad léxica y diccionarios académicos

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    [Resumen] En este artículo se analiza la consideración de la morfología derivativa en el marco de los presupuestos lexicográficos del DRAE, que fluctúan entre las contingencias que subyacen a las propias Reglas de Formación de Palabras (RFP) y los testimonios que avalan el empleo real de los distintos vocablos. A través de la historia de trocante, no obstante, se pone de manifiesto como en algunas ocasiones el grado de predicción que consienten las RFP y algunos calamitosos avatares, entre los que se incluye la mala lectura de otros repertorios lexicográficos, han propiciado la inclusión en el Diccionario académico de algunos fantasmas léxicos, cuya supervivencia se ha visto apoyada, precisamente, en su aparente normalidad morfológica

    On the M-theory description of gaugino condensation

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    We present an additional test of the recent proposal for describing supersymmetry breaking due to gaugino condensation in the strong coupling regime, by a Scherk-Schwarz mechanism on the eleventh dimension of M-theory. An analysis of supersymmetric transformations in the infinite-radius limit reveals the presence of a discontinuity in the spinorial parameter, which coincides with the result found in the presence of gaugino condensation. The condensate is then identified with the quantized parameter entering the modification of the Scherk-Schwarz boundary conditions. This mechanism provides an alternative perturbative explanation of the gauge hierarchy that determines the scale of low-energy supersymmetry breaking in terms of the unification gauge coupling

    Supersymmetry breaking in M-theory and gaugino condensation

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    We argue that supersymmetry breaking by gaugino condensation in the strongly coupled heterotic string can be described by an analogue of Scherk-Schwarz compactification on the eleventh dimension in M-theory. The M-theory scale is identified with the gauge coupling unification mass, whereas the radius of the eleventh dimension ρ\rho is at an intermediate scale ρ11012\rho^{-1}\sim 10^{12} GeV. At the lowest order, supersymmetry is broken only in the gravitational and moduli sector at a scale m3/2ρ1m_{3/2}\sim\rho^{-1}, while it is mediated by gravitational interactions to the observable world. Computation of the mass splittings yields in general a hierarchy of soft masses at the TeV scale (ρ2/Mp)(\sim\rho^{-2}/M_p) with matter scalars much heavier than gaugino