194 research outputs found

    A useful tool to identify recessions in the euro area

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    This paper investigates the identification and dating of the European business cycle, using different methods. We concentrate on methods and statistical series that provide timely and accurate information about the contemporaneous state of the economy in order to provide the reader with a useful tool that allows him or her to analyze current business conditions and make predictions about the future state of the economy. In this spirit, we find that the European Commission industrial confidence indicator (ICI) is useful in providing that information.business cycle, confidence indicators, markov switching, turning points, recession, tool to identify recessions in the euro area, Bengoechea, P�rez Quir�s,

    The vulture restaurant

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    No Abstract. Vulture News Vol. 56 () 2007: pp.99-10

    Interest Rate Determination in the Interbank Market

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the determinants of equilibrium in the market for daily funds. We use the EONIA panel database which includes daily information on the lending rates applied by contributing commercial banks. The data clearly shows an increase in both the time series volatility and the cross section dispersion of rates towards the end of the reserve maintenance period. These increases are highly correlated. With respect to quantities, we find that the volume of trade as well as the use of the standing facilities are also larger at the end of the maintenance period. Our theoretical model shows how the operational framework of monetary policy causes a reduction in the elasticity of the supply of funds by banks throughout the reserve maintenance period. This reduction in the elasticity together with market segmentation and heterogeneity are able to generate distributions for the interest rates and quantities traded with the same properties as in the data.Overnight interest rate; Monetary policy instruments; Eonia panel

    Locus coeruleus complex of the family Delphinidae

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    The locus coeruleus (LC) is the largest catecholaminergic nucleus and extensively projects to widespread areas of the brain and spinal cord. The LC is the largest source of noradrenaline in the brain. To date, the only examined Delphinidae species for the LC has been a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). In our experimental series including different Delphinidae species, the LC was composed of five subdivisions: A6d, A6v, A7, A5, and A4. The examined animals had the A4 subdivision, which had not been previously described in the only Delphinidae in which this nucleus was investigated. Moreover, the neurons had a large amount of neuromelanin in the interior of their perikarya, making this nucleus highly similar to that of humans and non-human primates. This report also presents the first description of neuromelanin in the cetaceans' LC complex, as well as in the cetaceans' brain

    Missense mutations in the Fas gene resulting in autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome: a molecular and immunological analysis

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    Programmed cell death (or apoptosis) is a physiological process essential to the normal development and homeostatic maintenance of the immune system. The Fas/Apo-1 receptor plays a crucial role in the regulation of apoptosis, as demonstrated by lymphoproliferation in MRL-lpr/lpr mice and by the recently described autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS) in humans, both of which are due to mutations in the Fas gene. We describe a novel family with ALPS in which three affected siblings carry two distinct missense mutations on both the Fas gene alleles and show lack of Fas-induced apoptosis. The children share common clinical features including splenomegaly and lymphadenopathy, but only one developed severe autoimmune manifestations. In all three siblings, we demonstrated the presence of anergic CD3+CD4-CD8- (double negative, [DN]) T cells; moreover, a chronic lymphocyte activation was found, as demonstrated by the presence of high levels of HLA-DR expression on peripheral CD3+ cells and by the presence of high levels of serum activation markers such as soluble interleukin-2 receptor (slL-2R) and soluble CD30 (sCD30)

    Scalable SCPPM Decoder

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    A decoder was developed that decodes a serial concatenated pulse position modulation (SCPPM) encoded information sequence. The decoder takes as input a sequence of four bit log-likelihood ratios (LLR) for each PPM slot in a codeword via a XAUI 10-Gb/s quad optical fiber interface. If the decoder is unavailable, it passes the LLRs on to the next decoder via a XAUI 10-Gb/s quad optical fiber interface. Otherwise, it decodes the sequence and outputs information bits through a 1-GB/s Ethernet UDP/IP (User Datagram Protocol/Internet Protocol) interface. The throughput for a single decoder unit is 150-Mb/s at an average of four decoding iterations; by connecting a number of decoder units in series, a decoding rate equal to that of the aggregate rate is achieved. The unit is controlled through a 1-GB/s Ethernet UDP/IP interface. This ground station decoder was developed to demonstrate a deep space optical communication link capability, and is unique in the scalable design to achieve real-time SCPP decoding at the aggregate data rate

    Distribuci\uf3n de Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) en la planta del guayabo ( Psidium guajava L.) en La Coruba, municipio Mara, estado Zulia, Venezuela

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    P\uc9REZ B, SEGNINI S. 2004. Spatial variations of composition and diversity of Ephemeroptera genera in a high Andean tropical stream. Entomotropica 20(1): 49-57. The composition of the benthic macroinvertebrates in stream habitats is in\ufb02uenced mainly by the quality of the substrate and the current. The ri\ufb04es are stable lotic habitats, with heterogeneous substrates and detritus accumulation that should maintain abundant and diverse communities. However, in mountain streams diversity doesn't seem to differ among given habitats, by the predominance of the gravels, boulders and cobbles of varied size. With the purpose of proving these hypotheses, composition and the diversity of the nymphs of the Orden Ephemeroptera in rapids and pools of the stream La Pic\uf3n, Merida State, located 2 274 m above sea level into Sierra Nevada NP were analyzed comparatively. During one year, with a biweekly frequency, three samples of the benthos for each habitat were collected using Surber Net. Jointly with the sampling of the fauna, the current was measured and samples of \ufb01ne organic matter were collected. Current and \ufb01ne organic matter differed signi\ufb01cantly between habitats (Mann-Whitney P 64 0.01). According to PCA, for the Orden Ephemeroptera, the composition differed between ri\ufb04es and pools, prevailing in the \ufb01rst: Baetodes, Leptohyphes, Prebaetodes, Thraulodes and Andesiops, and in the second Haplohyphes, Farrodes, Trichorythodes, and Americabaetis. The largest may\ufb02y density was observed in the ri\ufb04es (Mann-Whitney p 64 0.05). Diversity based on numbers of Hill didn't evidence differences between both habitats (Mann-Whitney: p>0.05). As for the whole macroinvertebrates community the TWINSPAN revealed particular associations among taxa, for each habitat and for each sampling date.P\uc9REZ B, SEGNINI S. 2005. Variaci\uf3n espacial de la composici\uf3n y diversidad de g\ue9neros de Ephemeroptera (Insecta) en un r\uedo tropical altiandino. Entomotropica 20(1): 49-57. La composici\uf3n de los macroinvertebrados bent\uf3nicos en h\ue1bitats de r\uedo, est\ue1 in\ufb02uenciada principalmente por la calidad del sustrato y la velocidad de la corriente. Los r\ue1pidos son h\ue1bitats l\uf3ticos estables, con sustratos heterog\ue9neos y acumulaci\uf3n de detritus, que deben albergar comunidades m\ue1s abundantes y diversas. Sin embargo en los r\uedos de monta\uf1a la diversidad no parece diferir entre h\ue1bitats dada la predominancia de los sustratos rocosos de variado tama\uf1o. Con el \ufb01n de probar estas hip\uf3tesis se analiz\uf3 comparativamente, la composici\uf3n y la diversidad de las ninfas del orden Ephemeroptera en r\ue1pidos y remansos del R\uedo La Pic\uf3n, Estado M\ue9rida, ubicado a 2 274 msnm en el PN Sierra Nevada. Durante un a\uf1o, con una frecuencia quincenal se recolectaron, mediante una red de Surber, tres muestras del bentos por cada h\ue1bitat. Conjuntamente se midi\uf3 la velocidad de la corriente y se tomaron muestras de materia org\ue1nica \ufb01na. Estas dos variables fueron signi\ufb01cativamente diferentes a nivel de los habitats (Mann-Whitney P 64 0,01). En cuanto a los efemer\uf3pteros, en el An\ue1lisis de Componentes Principales se evidenci\uf3 que la composici\uf3n de g\ue9neros di\ufb01ri\uf3 entre r\ue1pidos y remansos, predominado en los primeros los g\ue9neros Baetodes, Leptohyphes, Prebaetodes, Thraulodes y Andesiops, y en los segundos Haplohyphes, Farrodes, Trichorythodes y Americabaetis. En los r\ue1pidos se observ\uf3 la mayor densidad de efemer\uf3pteros (Mann-Whitney p 64 0,05). La diversidad basada en n\ufameros de Hill no evidenci\uf3 diferencias entre ambos h\ue1bitats (Mann-Whitney: p 65 0,05). En cuanto a toda la comunidad de macroinvertebrados el TWINSPAN revel\uf3 asociaciones particulares entre taxa, para cada h\ue1bitat y para cada \ue9poca de muestreo

    Plan de negocio para desarrollar una agencia de publicidad BTL con enfoque de marketing emocional

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    Actualmente el mercado B2B considera que las agencias que brindan servicios de activaciones BTL no ofrecen nada nuevo, es decir, que les falta creatividad y las consideran tradicionales, tambi?n consideran que el mercado es cada vez es m?s competitivo y dif?cil de diferenciar por lo que la carrera de ganar clientes debe tener un enfoque innovador. Del mismo modo, los usuarios, consideran que las agencias BTL solo ofrecen un servicio operativo y no de consulta, es decir, las agencias hacen lo que les pide la empresa y, hoy en d?a, las empresas esperan propuestas que los ayuden a lograr sus objetivos. En este orden ideas, se pudo determinar que existe un vac?o en el mercado BTL, el cual, este plan de negocio pretende llenar a trav?s de una propuesta de activaciones BTL con enfoque innovador que es el de marketing emocional, que, como concepto busca llegar al coraz?n del cliente a trav?s de acciones que despierten sus sentidos y los enganchen con las marcas. La investigaci?n permiti? encontrar que las empresas consideran que el marketing emocional y sus herramientas son disruptivas e innovadoras, adem?s de ver estas t?cnicas como el mejor medio para conectar con sus clientes

    3D magnetic configuration of ferrimagnetic multilayers with competing interactions visualized by soft X ray vector tomography

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    Full control of magnetic properties in exchange coupled systems requires a good understanding of 3D magnetic configuration with lateral and in depth resolution. Here we show results from a soft X ray tomographic reconstruction which allow determining, solely from the experimental data, a detailed description of the vector magnetic configuration of a ferrimagnetic Gd12Co88 Nd17Co83 Gd24Co76 trilayer with engineered competing anisotropy, exchange and magneto static interactions at different depths. The trilayer displays chevron patterns with a distorted closure structure. Near the top Gd24Co76 layer, local exchange springs with out of plane magnetization reversal, quasi domains with ripple like patterns and magnetic vortices and antivortices across the thickness are observed. The detailed analysis of the magnetic tomogram shows that the effective strength of the exchange spring at the NdCo GdCo interface can be finely tuned by GdxCo1 x composition and anisotropy determined by sample fabrication and in plane stripe orientation adjustable , demonstrating the suitability of 3D magnetic visualization techniques in magnetic engineering researc
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