26 research outputs found

    Predictors of Routine Medical Care Use among Mexican Immigrants/Mexican-Americans Varying in Legal Status

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    Background: Immigration has been the focus of intense political debate, with a recurrent theme being the use of public services, including healthcare. Although Latinos are the largest and fastest growing ethnic group in the United States (U.S.), evidence suggests they underutilize healthcare, with Mexican Immigrants and Mexican Americans (MI-MA) living on the U.S.-Mexico border exhibiting the greatest disparities. Objective: This study explored the association of predisposing, enabling and need characteristics, including legal status, with the use of routine medical care (RMC) among 387 MI-MA living on the California-Mexico border. Methods: This cross-sectional study used data collected in 2009 for the San Diego Prevention Research Center (SDPRC) community survey; data analyses were completed in Summer 2012. This study involved multistage sampling and recruitment of Latino adults in 200 census blocks near the California-Mexico border to complete an interview and height and weight measurements. Sequential logistic regressions assessed the relative contribution of predisposing, enabling and need factors to the use of RMC. Results: Predisposing and enabling factors (gender, undocumented status, cost) distinguished between respondents with recent (<1 year) versus limited (≥ 5 years including never) use of RMC, whereas enabling and need factors (insurance, dispositional trust, presence of a chronic illness) adequately differentiated between those with recent versus delayed (≥1 year, but <5 years) use. Undocumented status distinguished between those with delayed versus limited use of RMC. Conclusions: Consideration of different factors, including financial difficulties and legal status, is necessary for promoting use of RMC among MI-MA living in this border region.Contexte : L'immigration est au cœur de débats politiques intenses, dont l'un des thèmes récurrents est l'utilisation des services publics, et notamment des soins de santé. Bien que les Latinos constituent le groupe ethnique le plus important et connaissant la croissance la plus rapide des Etats-Unis, les données semblent indiquer qu'ils sous-utilisent les services de santé, les immigrés mexicains et les Américano-Mexicains (IM-AM) vivant à la frontière américano-mexicaine affichant les plus fortes disparités. Objectif : Cette étude a exploré les liens entre les facteurs prédisposants, favorables et de nécessité, dont le statut juridique, et l'utilisation des soins médicaux courants (SMC) chez 387 IM-AM vivant à la frontière entre la Californie et le Mexique. Méthodes : Cette étude transversale s'est fondée sur les données recueillies en 2009 dans le cadre de l'enquête communautaire du San Diego Prevention Research Center (SDPRC), dont l'analyse s'est achevée à l'été 2012. Cette étude prévoyait un échantillonnage à plusieurs degrés et le recrutement d'adultes latinos dans 200 îlots de recensement situés à proximité de la frontière entre la Californie et le Mexique, afin de les interroger et de relever des mesures de taille et de poids. Des modèles de régression logistique séquentielle ont permis d’évaluer la contribution relative des facteurs prédisposants, favorables et de nécessité à l'utilisation des SMC.  Résultats : Les facteurs prédisposants et favorables (sexe, statut non documenté, coût) faisaient la différence entre les répondants ayant récemment (<1 an) ou peu (≥ 5 ans ou jamais) eu recours aux SMC, tandis que les facteurs favorables et de nécessité (assurance, prédisposition à faire confiance, présence de maladie chronique) distinguaient convenablement ceux qui avaient récemment eu recours aux SMC de ceux qui y avaient eu recours tardivement (≥1 an, mais <5 ans). Le statut non documenté faisait la différence entre ceux qui avaient tardivement ou peu eu recours aux SMC. Conclusions : La prise en compte des différents facteurs, y compris des difficultés financières et du statut légal, est nécessaire pour encourager l'utilisation des SMC chez les IM-AM vivant dans cette région frontalière.Antecedentes: La inmigración es objeto de un intenso debate político en el que uno de los temas recurrentes es el uso de los servicios públicos, entre ellos la atención sanitaria. Aunque los latinos constituyen el grupo étnico más numeroso y de más rápido crecimiento en Estados Unidos, las pruebas indican que no utilizan lo suficiente las instituciones de asistencia sanitaria. Son los inmigrantes mexicanos y los estadounidenses de origen mexicano que viven en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México los que mayores disparidades muestran al respecto.  Objetivo: Este estudio analizó la asociación existente entre las características de los predisponentes, facilitadores y factores de necesidad, como el estado legal, y el uso de la asistencia médica rutinaria entre 387 estadounidenses de origen mexicano residentes en la frontera de California con México. Métodos: Este estudio transversal utilizó los datos recopilados en 2009 para un estudio comunitario del Centro de Investigación para la Prevención en San Diego (SDPRC), y el análisis de los datos se llevó a cabo en verano de 2012. Se realizaron muestreos en diferentes fases y se reclutaron adultos latinos en bloques censales de 200 cerca de la frontera mexicana con California para completar una entrevista y realizar mediciones de peso y altura. Las regresiones logísticas secuenciales evaluaron la contribución relativa de los predisponentes, facilitadotes y factores de necesidad al uso de la atención médica rutinaria.  Resultados: Los predisponentes y facilitadores (género, situación ilegal o “sin papeles”, coste) variaron entre los participantes entre un uso reciente (<1 año) o limitado (≥ 5 años, o nunca) de la atención médica rutinaria, mientras que los facilitadotes y factores de necesidad (seguro, confianza, presencia de enfermedad crónica) se diferenciaron de forma adecuada entre un uso reciente o retardado (≥1 año, pero <5 años). El estado de indocumentado se diferenció igualmente entre un uso retardado o limitado de la asistencia médica rutinaria. Conclusiones: Es necesario tener en cuenta factores diversos, como las dificultades económicas y la situación jurídica, para promover el uso de la asistencia médica rutinaria entre los estadounidenses de origen mexicano que residen en esta región fronteriza

    The Medical Oncology resident mentor: situation and workload

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    Oncologia mèdica; Mentor resident; Càrrega de treballOncología médica; Mentor residente; Carga de trabajoMedical oncology; Resident mentor; WorkloadPurpose: The Spanish Society for Medical Oncology (SEOM, for its acronym in Spanish) and the National Commission for the Specialty of Medical Oncology seek to highlight the important workload and unrecognized dedication entailed in working as a Medical Oncology (MO) resident mentor, as well as its relevance for the quality of teaching units and the future of the specialty. Materials and methods: The current situation and opinion regarding the activity of MO resident mentors was analyzed by reviewing the standing national and autonomic community regulations and via an online survey targeting mentors, residents, and physicians who are not MO mentors. The project was supervised by a specially designated group that agreed on a proposal containing recommendations for improvement. Results: Of the MO mentors, 90% stated that they did not have enough time to perform their mentoring duties. An estimated 172 h/year on average was dedicated to mentoring, which represents 10.1% of the total time. MO mentors dedicate an average of 6.9 h/month to these duties outside their workday. Forty-five percent of the mentors feel that their role is scantly recognized, if at all. Conclusions: The study reveals the substantial dedication and growing complexity of MO resident mentoring. A series of recommendations are issued to improve the conditions in which it is carried out, including the design of systems that adapt to the professional activity in those departments that have time set aside for mentoring tasks.This study was funded as an unrestricted grant by Servier. Servier did not have any intervention in the discussion and outcomes of this report


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    ResumenLa finalidad del artículo es mostrar los conceptos básicos del tratamiento de explosión súbita de vapor o steam explosión, utilizado para fraccionar la estructura del material lignocelulósico mediante la acción hidrolítica del vapor a presión y altas temperaturas, con el fin de mejorar la digestibilidad enzimática de la celulosa. Los parámetros que afectan la efectividad del método de explosión súbita de vapor son: tamaño de las partículas, contenido de humedad, temperatura, presión, tiempo de procesamiento y el efecto combinado de la temperatura y el tiempo. Para lograr la comparación y optimización del proceso de explosión súbita de vapor se han desarrollado los índices de severidad ( ), severidad combinada (SC) y densidad de potencia de la explosión (DPE).Palabra(s) Clave: Reactor, presión, alta temperatura, índice de severidad. AbstractThe purpose of the article is to show the basic concepts of the steam explosion treatment, used to fractionate the structure of lignocellulosic material through the hydrolytic action of steam explosion under pressure and high temperatures, in order to improve the enzymatic digestibility of the cellulose. The parameters that affect the effectiveness of the method of steam explosion are: particle size, moisture content, temperature, pressure, processing time and the combined effect of temperature and time. To achieve the comparison and optimization of the process of steam explosion have developed the indices of severity ( ), combined severity (SC) and explosion power density (EPD).Keywords: Reactor, pressure, high temperature, severity index

    Current professional standing of young medical oncologists in Spain : a nationwide survey by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology + MIR section

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    There is a lack of knowledge about the career paths and employment situation of young medical oncologists. The aim of our study was to evaluate the current professional standing of these professionals in Spain. The Spanish Society of Medical Oncology + MIR section conducted a national online survey in May 2021 of young medical oncology consultants (< 6 years of expertise) and final year medical oncology residents. A total of 162 responses were eligible for analysis and included participants from 16 autonomous communities; 64% were women, 80% were consultants, and 20% were residents. More than half of the participants performed routine healthcare activity and only 7% research activity. Almost three quarters (73%) were subspecialized in a main area of interest and almost half of these chose this area because it was the only option available after residency. Half of the respondents (51%) considered working abroad and 81% believed the professional standing in Spain was worse than in other countries. After finishing their residency, only 22 were offered a job at their training hospital. Just 16% of participants had a permanent employment contract and 87% were concerned (score of ≥ 5 on a scale of 1-10) about their job stability. In addition, one quarter of the participants in our study showed an interest in increasing their research activity. The choice of subspecialty in medical oncology may depend on job opportunities after residency rather than personal interest. The abundance of temporary contracts may have influenced the job stability concerns observed. Future mentoring strategies should engage in building a long-term career path for young medical oncologists. The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12094-022-02989-3

    Prostate response to prolactin in sexually active male rats

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    BACKGROUND: The prostate is a key gland in the sexual physiology of male mammals. Its sensitivity to steroid hormones is widely known, but its response to prolactin is still poorly known. Previous studies have shown a correlation between sexual behaviour, prolactin release and prostate physiology. Thus, here we used the sexual behaviour of male rats as a model for studying this correlation. Hence, we developed experimental paradigms to determine the influence of prolactin on sexual behaviour and prostate organization of male rats. METHODS: In addition to sexual behaviour recordings, we developed the ELISA procedure to quantify the serum level of prolactin, and the hematoxilin-eosin technique for analysis of the histological organization of the prostate. Also, different experimental manipulations were carried out; they included pituitary grafts, and haloperidol and ovine prolactin treatments. Data were analyzed with a One way ANOVA followed by post hoc Dunnet test if required. RESULTS: Data showed that male prolactin has a basal level with two peaks at the light-dark-light transitions. Consecutive ejaculations increased serum prolactin after the first ejaculation, which reached the highest level after the second, and started to decrease after the third ejaculation. These normal levels of prolactin did not induce any change at the prostate tissue. However, treatments for constant elevations of serum prolactin decreased sexual potency and increased the weight of the gland, the alveoli area and the epithelial cell height. Treatments for transient elevation of serum prolactin did not affect the sexual behaviour of males, but triggered these significant effects mainly at the ventral prostate. CONCLUSION: The prostate is a sexual gland that responds to prolactin. Mating-induced prolactin release is required during sexual encounters to activate the epithelial cells in the gland. Here we saw a precise mechanism controlling the release of prolactin during ejaculations that avoid the detrimental effects produced by constant levels. However, we showed that minor elevations of prolactin which do not affect the sexual behaviour of males, produced significant changes at the prostate epithelium that could account for triggering the development of hyperplasia or cancer. Thus, it is suggested that minute elevations of serum prolactin in healthy subjects are at the etiology of prostate abnormal growth

    Asynchronous Discourse Analysis in the Quality of Expected Learning

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    Universities are gradually implementing virtual learning processes. However, research still remains limited in examining the internal processes that occur in learning in virtual environments. This article presents an investigation that seeks to describe the relationship between the quality of interaction in asynchronous discussion forums in training experiences in e-learning, and the quality of learning offered and achieved. The main objective was to determine how interactions in online environments add quality to the learning of students. For this, a descriptive investigation was done that combines qualitative and quantitative phase, analyzing more than 10,000 messages in 171 participants from four postgraduate courses developed in the form of e-learning. Asynchronous communication was analyzed through a category system that analyzes the social, cognitive and didactic discourse online. Among the research findings, there highlights a positive relationship between quality and quantity of speech of the participants and the quality of learning achieved and reflected in the different levels of assessment. We can conclude that the need to analyze, not only the written discourse in asynchronous communication, but also to establish relations with both cognitive and social learning of students. Moreover, we conclude the necessity to train teachers to deal with the processes of online communication


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    La concepción actual del adolescente, ha venido transformándose desde hace algunas décadas, apoyándose en las teorizaciones que Eric Erikson realizó durante los años sesentas y que en la actualidad viene a converger en una nueva forma de entender al adolescente. Autores como J.E. Marcia, y A.S. Waterman, entre otros, se han avocado al desarrollo del adolescente como objeto de su estudio. La “crisis” que se creía debía pasarse en la adolescencia viene a ser en la actualidad una forma de manifestación que genera cambios en la personalidad del sujeto hasta llevarlo de una dependencia a una independencia de sí mismo que como individuo quiere y busca ser.

    Relación de los componentes de la inteligencia emocional con el desempeño profesional de los docentes de Educación Inicial en el periodo 2018-2019.

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    El presente estudio tuvo como propósito analizar las posibles relaciones entre los componentes de la inteligencia emocional y el desempeño profesional de los docentes del nivel de Educación Inicial en el periodo 2018-2019, siguiendo las bases teóricas de Mayer, Salovey, Caruso (1990) y Valdez (2009). La metodología utilizada correspondió a un estudio de casos múltiples desde el paradigma fenomenológico. La población estuvo constituida por 3 docentes de un Centro de Atención Infantil (CAI) de la Secretaria de Educación Pública de Hidalgo (SEPH), la muestra intencional no probabilística se seleccionó mediante la inclusión de tres sujetos voluntarios. Para la investigación se utilizaron los instrumentos de inteligencia emocional Trait-Meta Mood Scale (TMMS 24), Mayer Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) y la técnica de la entrevista semiestructurada para el desempeño profesional

    Aula de innovación educativa

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    Resumen tomado de la publicación. - El artículo pertenece a una sección de la revista dedicada a: El autodiagnóstico pedagógicoSe describe la primera experiencia de implementación del sistema Escalae en un centro educativo de Chile. Esta puesta en funcionamiento contempla elementos innovadores relacionados con la forma en la que se desarrolló el sistema, además de describir su consecuente y necesaria integración en un modelo de aseguramiento de la gestión de la calidad, desarrollado y certificado en dicho colegio durante los últimos años de servicio educativo.MurciaConsejería de Educación, Formación y Empleo. Servicio de Publicaciones y Estadística; Avda. de la Fama, 15 - 1ª Planta; 30006 Murcia; Tel. +34968279685; Fax +34968279835; [email protected]